





03:03 github-repo #52706: redmine_theme_farend_bleuclair
  • タグTheme にセット
Admin Redmine
02:58 github-repo #52415: redmine-theme-gitmike
  • タグTheme にセット
Admin Redmine
02:58 github-repo #52414: flatly_light_redmine
  • タグTheme にセット
Admin Redmine
02:58 github-repo #52396: redmine-theme-minimalflat2
  • タグTheme にセット
Admin Redmine
02:58 github-repo #52387: redmine-theme
  • タグTheme にセット
Admin Redmine
02:57 github-repo #52403: PurpleMine2
  • タグTheme にセット
Admin Redmine
02:56 github-repo #52409: python-redmine
  • タグPython にセット
Admin Redmine
02:55 github-repo #52338: docker-redmine
  • タグDocker にセット
Admin Redmine
02:54 github-repo #52341: redmine
  • タグredmine-core にセット
Admin Redmine


10:34 github-repo #61285 (New): redmine
try to customise redmine according to own requirement Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61284 (New): docker-redmine-yo
Docker container for Redmine / PostgreSQL Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61283 (New): redmine-dashboard
This redmine plugin allow you to define which information should be displayed on the dashboard page for different use... Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61282 (New): BendyRIT
Location for Bendyworks Redmine script/gems Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61281 (New): redmine_gyazo
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61280 (New): redmine_tbstaxi
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61279 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61278 (New): redmine_budgets
Redmine plugin for manage budget Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61277 (New): bizside-redmine-client
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61276 (New): redmine.rap
Redmine agile UI based on Eclipse RAP Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61275 (New): redmine-rhodecode
tklpatch to add Rhodecode to Redmine appliance Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61274 (New): slackmine
A Ruby script that polls Redmine’s RSS feeds en posts updates to a Slack #channel. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61273 (New): redmineAlpine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61272 (New): redmine_commit_analysis
A plugin for redmine that displays the association between commits and tickets. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61271 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61270 (New): redmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61269 (New): githubForRedmine
redmineTest Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61268 (New): redmine-openshift-quickstart
Redmine project management software for openshift express Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61267 (New): Redmine-universel-importer
import all targeted redmine issues, their journals and their attachements from redmine X tables rows to redmine Y tab... Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61266 (New): dms
DMS is a Redmine plugin used to add list of links (shared doc, google drive, ...) to the issues show view at the bott... Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61265 (New): dev-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61264 (New): puppet-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61263 (New): helloWorldTest
test for git redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61262 (New): eea.docker.redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61261 (New): redmine_easy_gantt
clone of redmine easy_gantt plugin: https://www.easyredmine.com/redmine-gantt-plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61260 (New): redmine_agile
clone of Redmine agile plugin: https://www.redmineup.com/pages/plugins/agile Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61259 (New): redmine
redmine bugs-data visualization Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61258 (New): set_rank_from_estimated_hours_in_issues
redmineのissuesのカスタムフィールド自動設定 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61256 (New): sourcecode
redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61255 (New): redmine_warehouse
Redmine Warehouse plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61254 (New): redmine_resources
Zidox specific integration for Redmine Resources plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61257 (New): docker-redmine-osaka
Redmine Osakaの運営サイトのDocker環境 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61253 (New): redmine_inventory_manager
Inventory Management in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61252 (New): contacts_Redmine_Plugin
Simple contacts plugin for Redmine for test Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61251 (New): redcase
Redcase redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61250 (New): coffee
new redmine_coffee template Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61249 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61248 (New): redmine_code_review
fork of https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_code_review Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61247 (New): bryt_wiki_extension
Redmine Plugin for add raw html thing to Wiki. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61246 (New): pedmine
php version of redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61245 (New): redmine_image_cache
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61244 (New): -redmine-Assignment-
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61243 (New): redmine_ejabberd
redmine的xmpp插件 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61242 (New): redmine1c
Плагин Redmine для интеграции с подсистемой ”Redmine 1C” Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61241 (New): TestRepo
Just to test sync with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61240 (New): RedmineUP-XSS
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61239 (New): redmine-helper
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61238 (New): chiliproject_switch_user
ChiliProject plugin for adding the Redmine feature of API user switching Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61237 (New): redmine_gantt_issues_topmenu
Add links to all issues/gantt in the top navigation menu Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61236 (New): SymfonyRedmine
Symfony Bundle of Redmine - based off Redmine(Ruby) and CandyCane(PHP) Projects Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61235 (New): redshell
Redmine shell Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61234 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61233 (New): RedmineIssueRegister
Redmineへのチケット登録を行うVBScript Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61232 (New): zeng-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61231 (New): redmine_jenkins_build_report
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61230 (New): RedmineMail
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61229 (New): redmine_user_holidays
test repository Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61228 (New): RichTextToMarkup
Small utility to convert rich text to Redmine markup Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61227 (New): redmine_wiki_imagemap
Redmine wiki macro to insert image maps easily. Use a tool to get the <area> definitions. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61226 (New): redmine-net-api-log4net
This package is an extension to redmine-net-api. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61225 (New): redmine-net-api-github.io
This is the official redmine-net-api GitHub page Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61224 (New): Redmine-Adjustments
Redmine Adjustments Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61223 (New): redmine
This is our ManageMe project Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61222 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61221 (New): main_backlog_redmine_plugin
The most powerful and simple redmine plugin for backlog management Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61220 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61219 (New): Redmine_Project
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61218 (New): responsive_redmine_tables
Responsive transformations of Redmine tables Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61217 (New): redmine_send_to_contacts
Redmine plugin that sends issues as emails to contacts Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61216 (New): redmine_ajax_helper
Plugin that adds some useful Ajax to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61215 (New): redmine-bootstrapping
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61214 (New): redmine_news_slack
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61213 (New): docker-redmine-plugin-devel
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61212 (New): redmine_git_revision_info
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61211 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61210 (New): flyspray2redmine
Migration scripts for data from Flyspray to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61209 (New): RedminePM
RedminePM Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61208 (New): redmine-issue-gcal
Redmine チケット(issue)の期日と Google Calendar を同期します Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61207 (New): redmine_bbb
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61206 (New): redmine-easy-ticket
Redmine のチケット操作をキーボードだけで楽に更新できるようになります Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61205 (New): redmine-dmsf
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61204 (New): gored
gored は CLI ベースの Redmine 新規チケット作成ツールです。 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61203 (New): openshift-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61202 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61201 (New): nginx-passenger-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61200 (New): IssuesList
GitLabとRedmineの課題連携ツール Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61199 (New): redmine_ics_export
this is a mirror of the svn repo (http://code.google.com/p/redmics) Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61198 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61197 (New): redmine-issue-registerd
Register auto issue of Redmine by receiving e-mail Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61196 (New): redmine
MTGEngineer用 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61195 (New): redirect_redmine_login
This is a chrome extention which redirect login page for redmine plugin redmine_omniauth_google. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61194 (New): RSRedMine
RedMine Based TS workshop Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61193 (New): task_invoicing
Invoices plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61192 (New): newrepozitory
Test repository for redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61191 (New): Time-Tracker-for-Redmine
Time Tracker for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61190 (New): redmine-cyfe-service
Integration of services from redmine and cyfe Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61189 (New): redminemonitor
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61188 (New): TestRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61187 (New): redmine_ynh_core
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61186 (New): salade-de-patates
github <-> wekan <-> redmine GORE bridge because we need to handle our crap Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61185 (New): redmine_ynh
Redmine for YunoHost Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61184 (New): import_issues_in_redmine
Tool migration of tickets for GitHub to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61183 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61182 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61181 (New): redmine01
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61180 (New): RedmineExtender
redmineを拡張します。(for Tampermonkey) Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61179 (New): redmine4.0-httpd-ansible
Redmine 4.0 をドメイン直下で動かす。 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61178 (New): svn_redmine_auth
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61177 (New): openshift_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61176 (New): redmine-sample
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61175 (New): redmine_phonecall
redmine plugin for calling system operator. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61174 (New): doodba-oca-connector-redmine
Dev setup for OCA redmine connector using project template from Tecnativa Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61173 (New): nrgm-docker
Launch Nginx-Redmine-Gitlab and mariadb. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61172 (New): redmine_change_author
Change author plugin for Redmine 2 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61171 (New): redmine-ytec_hacks_public
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61170 (New): redmine-sql_report
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61169 (New): redmine-issue_relation_extensions
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61168 (New): monthly_summary_time
redmine plugin monthly_summary_time Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61167 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61166 (New): Redmine_and_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61165 (New): redmine-to-pivotal
Redmine to Pivotal Tracker integration Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61164 (New): redmine_youngmin
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61163 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61162 (New): scrum
redmine scrum plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61161 (New): Redmine-Weekly-Report-Plugin
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61160 (New): IssueReporter
UnityからRedmineへチケットを投稿する機能開発 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61159 (New): redmine_ticket_create_except_charge
チケット作成者がプロジェクトのメンバーでない場合は、担当者の指定をできないようにする Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61158 (New): redmine_repository_with_last_update
リポジトリ画面にて「年齢」として表示されていた最終更新からの経過時間の部分を、 最終更新日時(最終コミット日時)を表示する Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61157 (New): redmine_reminder_no_assigned
作成後、指定時間経過しても担当未割当チケットへのリマインダ Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61156 (New): redmine_reminder_neglect
最終更新後、指定日数経過したチケットへのリマインダ Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61155 (New): aretan.jp
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61154 (New): redlab
cli tool for redmine and gitlab Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61153 (New): redmine_vagrant
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61152 (New): redmine-coffee
redmine-coffee themes Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61151 (New): redmine-circle
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61150 (New): Minelab
Redmine-Minelab Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61149 (New): redmine_bitbucket
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61148 (New): redmine-api
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61147 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61146 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61145 (New): gissue
Gissue is a software to help you while you’re developing awesome softwares. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61144 (New): redmine-alert-scripts
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61143 (New): redmine_task_manager_for_pc
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61142 (New): ticketgitview
Make a Ticket appears legit into Redmine or Taiga, while being a file within the SCM Git as to be able to store stori... Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61141 (New): lookout-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61140 (New): redmine_lookup_version
This is redmine plugin, show look up version, refer repository application. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61139 (New): redmine_count_workdays
This is redmine plugin, show count work days and over hours. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61138 (New): Ansible-devenv-ubuntu
A Redmine, GitLab and Jenkins installer with Ansible Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61137 (New): hello_redmine
You meet redmine. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61136 (New): redminebot
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61135 (New): redmine-desktop-client
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-desktop-client Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61134 (New): chrome-ext-wikitable
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61133 (New): redmine_helper_server
chrome提交bug插件后台 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61132 (New): yiimine
RedMine analog RedMine.org Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61131 (New): redmine_helper
Chrome提交bug插件 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61130 (New): redmine_svnauthz
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61129 (New): redmine_issue_update_history
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61128 (New): redmine_after_save
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61127 (New): redmine106
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61126 (New): redmine-on-heroku
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61125 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61124 (New): redmine_view_pdf_in_browser
View PDF in browser instead of prompt for download Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61123 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61122 (New): pivot_redmine_test
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61121 (New): redmine2gitlab
Issue importer from Redmine to GitLab Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61120 (New): redmine-timer
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61119 (New): RedmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61118 (New): Nersi
A Redmine fork. With implemented Daarmaan. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61117 (New): a1-redmine-theme
Mirror of the RedmineCRM A1 Theme Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61116 (New): redmine2_2_SDLC_framework
redmine-with-framework Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61115 (New): redmine2leankit
Redmine to Leankit synchronizer tool Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61114 (New): redmine-deploy
redmine deploy on CentOS Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61113 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61112 (New): deploy-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61111 (New): redmine_tfs_macros
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61110 (New): migrate_trac2redmine
This script is patch of the redmine migration script. You should overwrite to lib/tasks/migrate_from_trac.rake. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61109 (New): hello_world
example of redmine plugin development with heroku review apps Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61108 (New): redmine-data-theme
Docker Data Volume for Redmine’s Theme Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61107 (New): docker-project-opal
Project Opal(Visual appearance modernization project for Redmine)’s Docker Compose Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61106 (New): redmine-telegram-bot
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61105 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61104 (New): SendMailforRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61103 (New): redmine-resource-calendar
Resource calendar component by react.js using Redmine REST API. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61102 (New): RedmineDocumentMaker
Redmineのドキュメント生成プラグイン Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61101 (New): redmine
Goalbadger’s redmine repository Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61100 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61099 (New): redmine_tracker_numbering
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61098 (New): ansibleplaybook_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61097 (New): ansibleplaybook_enc_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61096 (New): redmine_omniauth_generic
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61095 (New): redmine_patch
Redmineのガントチャートパッチファイル Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61094 (New): redmine-spam-users
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61093 (New): project_filtering
Redmine plugin to add project filtering on projects index page. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61092 (New): redmine-history-uml
Redmineの歴史をPlantUMLのシーケンス図もどきで記入してみました Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61091 (New): rtv
Redmine ticket viewer Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61090 (New): hubot-redmine-ops
A hubot script that does the things Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61089 (New): RedClient
RedMine client in Qt Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61088 (New): sorted_filters
Redmine plugin: Sort the issue filters Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61087 (New): GNBEssentials
Chrome extension, automating and enhancing some of the tools like redmine, bitbucket used in my daily job Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61086 (New): side_tree
Redmine Plugin: Place a collapsible tree into sidebar Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61085 (New): prj_tree
Redmine Plugin: Replace the project tree with a collapsible tree for project main page Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61084 (New): custom_columns
Redmine Plugin: Custom issue columns by projects Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61083 (New): redmine-3.3.2-2
original edtion from my own computer Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61082 (New): bitnami_redmine_xufei
test-1 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61081 (New): sysdev-redmine-3.2.2
Redmine学習用のリポジトリ Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61080 (New): redmine_report_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61079 (New): redmine_import_time_entry
1by1 module copy from repository github.com/oca/connector-redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61078 (New): connector_redmine
1by1 module copy from repository github.com/oca/connector-redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61077 (New): RedmineCrawler
通过python-redmine接口,从Redmine平台查询项目bug Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61076 (New): redmine-patches
Fixes for Redmine v3.4.2 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61075 (New): redmine-sample-hooks
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61074 (New): redmine_dashboard
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61073 (New): Restmine
Open Source Java Binding for the Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61072 (New): sonar.redmine-plugin
netapp.sonar.redmine-plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61071 (New): redmine-net-api
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-net-api Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61070 (New): redmineplugin
personal chrome plugin Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61069 (New): shiny-robot
Push errors from log files to redmine as issues Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61068 (New): redmine_export
bash script to download all wikis from a redmine. Done via curl. Result is in .txt (textile by default). Thus conver... Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61067 (New): redmine1
team: redmine test 1 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61066 (New): redmine-csv-issues
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61065 (New): xlr-redmine-plugin
XL Release plugin to work with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61064 (New): redmine_project_style
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61063 (New): redmine_slack
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61062 (New): redmine_site_announcements
Simpel site-wide announcements for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61061 (New): xcosmos.redmine.plugins.install
install redmine plugins I wants Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61060 (New): redmine_issue_assignee_select
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61059 (New): red-track
Chrome extension for track and log time for redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61058 (New): red-check
Redmine check for logged time Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61057 (New): development-enviroment-building
vagrant + vritualbox + cenos + apache + tomcat + gitbucket + jenkins + redmine + artifactory の gavrant box を作る Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61056 (New): redmineLogTimeImporter
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61055 (New): RedmineClientTimemanager
git-project Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61054 (New): redmine_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61053 (New): highlights_plugin
A plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61052 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61051 (New): My_Redmine-Java-API_XML
it based on 1.9.0 Version XML Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61050 (New): zhilu_redmine
知路公司使用的项目管理系统 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61049 (New): gitlab-issue-exporter
export gitlab-issue to redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61048 (New): ProjectImportRedmine
此项目是因解决project文件导入困难问题而生 Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61047 (New): nrrac
Redmine Rest API client in node.js Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61045 (New): redminecrm-a1-theme
Redmine theme based on roninapp look and feel provided by RedmineCRM Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61044 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61046 (New): redmine_email_filter
Redmine plugin for filtering email ticket creation. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61043 (New): redmine_multi_calendar2
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61042 (New): esb-connector-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61041 (New): redmine-test
redmine-test Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61040 (New): redmine-study
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61039 (New): RedmineProjectCreator
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61038 (New): redmine_wunderlist
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61037 (New): RedmineProject
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61036 (New): RedmineProjectCreater
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61035 (New): redmine_worktile
worktile integration plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61034 (New): www_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61033 (New): redmine_client
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61032 (New): redmine-childhood
Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61031 (New): SvnReposForRedmine
Docker image for advanced integration with svn repository and redmine Admin Redmine
10:34 github-repo #61030 (New): timelord
Redmine plugin for exposing issue response and closure times in a REST api. Good for dashboards. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61029 (New): redmine-extends
Change UX of you Redmine. Customize you page with Redmine API. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61028 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61027 (New): slackRedminePlugin
make new redmine issue from slack command Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61026 (New): bitnami-redmine-enhance
Script for enhancing bitnami redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61025 (New): TogglFill
Tool for synchronizing time from Toggl and Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61024 (New): redminetestrepo
Testing out Redmine’s git capability Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61023 (New): larwirecell
Mirror of larwirecell from FNAL Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61022 (New): vagrant_redmine
trivial example of spinning up a server for redmine and installing Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61021 (New): redmine-helper
redmine helper js plugin. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61020 (New): redmine_replace_chinese_quote
Redmine plugin to replace Chinese quote marks Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61019 (New): redmine_quick_edit
Redmine quick_edit plugin for redmine 4.0+. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61018 (New): redmine_docker
Redmine via docker Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61017 (New): timelog-utils
Simple Python scripts to import time logs from csv to Redmine. Allows making some spent-time analytics Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61016 (New): my-redmine
Tiny scripts to setup Redmine for personal purposes using Docker Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61015 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61014 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61013 (New): redminelib
Library for scraping Redmine instances Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61012 (New): lean-redmine-old
A simplified interface for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61011 (New): mt
maketask redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61010 (New): tab-separated-to-redmine-tables
Converts Tab Separated result sets (e.g. from Sequel Pro) to tables that can be pasted into Redmine issues / comments Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61009 (New): redmine_4
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61008 (New): redmine-helper
Dashboard with additional features which extends theRedmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61007 (New): redmine
My personal redmine repo Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61006 (New): redmineissueext
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmineissueext Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61005 (New): redmine_scm
git-svn clone of http://svn.s-andy.com/scm-creator with additions by me Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61004 (New): mira-idea
Redmine Assistant plugin for IDEA Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61003 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61002 (New): redmine-intellij-plugin
Status: In Progress Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61001 (New): redmine_sso
Allow redmine users to login into a drupal system via OAuth. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #61000 (New): redmine_group_watchers
Redmine Plugin: Add watchers via group Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60999 (New): redmine-scheduler
Plugin to schedule a project in redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60998 (New): redmine-toggl
Toggl plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60997 (New): custom-help-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60996 (New): xipoint_redmine
xipoint_redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60995 (New): ansible-redmine
A playbook to install redmine on a Debian production server Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60994 (New): redmine_cms
Redmine CMS plugin adds functionality to Redmine and allows you to build simple websites using templates, menus and s... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60993 (New): ansible-redmine
support Ubunut18.x Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60992 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60991 (New): redmine-wimm-theme
Redmine Theme based on Martini Theme Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60990 (New): alfred-redmine-workflow
A really basic Redmine workflow for Alfred Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60989 (New): redmine-docker
Docker instance for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60988 (New): payrolls
Payrolls plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60987 (New): zsh-zaw-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60986 (New): nodejs-mail-to-redmine
Just an alternative way to get tickets in redmine from mails. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60985 (New): zentao-redmine-userauth
给禅道做了一个基本的用户认证接口,兼容redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60984 (New): redmining
Redmine Issue Visualization using Node.js & Weaveworld Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60983 (New): node-redmine-to-taiga-migrator
migrate from redmine to taiga with nodejs Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60982 (New): xsk_redmine
xsk redmine docker Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60981 (New): graphviz
Graphviz Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60980 (New): redmine-diff-prettifier
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60979 (New): RedmineAdditionalLinksPlugin
Simple plugin for adding custom links to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60978 (New): redmine-bundle
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60977 (New): ansible-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60976 (New): redmine_s3
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60975 (New): redmine_omniauth_google_34
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60974 (New): redmine_holidays_calendar
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60973 (New): redmine_download_history
Plugin for save download history for each attachment Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60972 (New): redmine_checklists_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60971 (New): redmine_agile_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60970 (New): Bitnami-Redmine3.2.0-Plugins
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60969 (New): nebula-redmine-backup
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60968 (New): RedmineTool
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60967 (New): docker-redmine-logbacks
Redmine with logbacks plugin for scrum development. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60966 (New): redmine_shib_auth
Shibboleth authentication for redmine 2.4;x Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60965 (New): cbn.dev-server
Create a development server containing gitlab, alfresco, jenkins, redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60964 (New): redmine-3.3
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60963 (New): redmine
redmine用dockerfile Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60962 (New): SampleRedminePlugin
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60961 (New): redmine_plugins
redmine_plugins Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60960 (New): dipumine
redmine dipumine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60959 (New): webapp-redmine_download
Redirects to GitHub’s tarball by prefix-searching Redmine release tags Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60958 (New): redmine-cnb
A cloud native buildpack for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60957 (New): redmine_auto_updating_relative_times
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60956 (New): heroku-redmine-trunk-updater
A Redmine plugin for https://github.com/vzvu3k6k/heroku-redmine-trunk Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60955 (New): demo-redmine_db_reset_with_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60954 (New): heroku-redmine-trunk
Redmine trunk on Heroku (daily update) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60953 (New): XamarinForms.Redmine
Redmine client sample Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60952 (New): toggl-redmine
Log Toggl entries to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60951 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Unofficial mirror for http://redminecrm.com/projects/checklist/products Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60950 (New): taskhunt
task hunter for redmine of twinslab Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60949 (New): redmine
redmine api Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60948 (New): redmine_mx_notifications
This is a plugin for push notifications Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60947 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60946 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60945 (New): export_redmin
export redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60944 (New): redmine_in_docker
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60943 (New): respositoryGIt
respository for redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60942 (New): redmine_phonecall
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60941 (New): redmine-flow
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60940 (New): docker_ansible-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60939 (New): redmine_email_integration
This plugin saves reply email as a ticket’s notes. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60938 (New): Redmine
Testing Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60937 (New): redmine-plugin-workload-dnoise
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60936 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60935 (New): redmine-plugin-timesheet
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60934 (New): redmine-plugin-wiki-sidebar-toc
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60933 (New): redmine-plugin-version-burndown-charts
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60932 (New): redmine-plugin-whining
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60931 (New): redmine-plugin-redmics
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60930 (New): redmine-plugin-release-notes
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60929 (New): redmine-plugin-question
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60928 (New): redmine-plugin-rate
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60927 (New): redmine-plugin-my-page-queries
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60926 (New): redmine-plugin-project-filtering
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60925 (New): redmine-plugin-issue-due-date
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60924 (New): redmine-plugin-extra-query-operators
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60923 (New): redmine-plugin-bbb
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60922 (New): redmine-plugin-cmi
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60921 (New): redmine-plugin-better-gantt-chart
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60920 (New): Redmine-Issuses
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60919 (New): backup-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60918 (New): Integracao-Sydle-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60917 (New): redmine-timesheeter
Timesheeting tool showing time entries from Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60916 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60915 (New): test-react-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60914 (New): RedmineProject
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60913 (New): redmine_login_redirector
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60912 (New): redmine-docker
Redmine in docker with receiving imap emails with rufus-scheduler Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60911 (New): redmine_test
Redmine Test Work Holovko Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60910 (New): redmine_pretty_view
CSS+JS for CSS browser plugins to change Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60909 (New): redmine-api-client
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60908 (New): redmine_wigi
Redmin plugin trac-wiki with git backend Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60907 (New): redmine-work
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60906 (New): farend-redmine-tools
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/farend-redmine-tools Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60905 (New): svn_rm_rep
subversion and redmine report Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60904 (New): redmine_notify_all_fields
Notify values of all core fields in notification mail Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60903 (New): redmine-centos-ansible
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60902 (New): redmine_trac_wiki
Trac Wiki provider for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60901 (New): Vagrant-Redmine
Vagrant for Redmine or EasyRedmine (Debian 9 Stretch, mysql, nginx ,unicorn) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60900 (New): Redmine2FlexiBee
Z odpracovaných hodin v Redmine generuje fakturu ve FlexiBee Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60899 (New): redmine-mail2ticket
Debian package to get mail and make an issue from it Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60898 (New): redmine_flexibee
Plungin providing synchronization between Redmine and FlexiBee Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60897 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60896 (New): redmine111
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60895 (New): redmine_external_email
Send custom email to external user from redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60894 (New): redmine_extended_permissions
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60893 (New): redmine_export_tracker
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60892 (New): redmine_auto_generate_project_exec_job
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60891 (New): redmine_exec_job
Exec async job when issue change status Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60890 (New): redmine_auto_generate_issue_exec_job
Redmine plugin to generate issue automatically Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60889 (New): redmine_auto_assign_exec_job
Redmine plugin to assign issues to users or groups automatically Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60888 (New): redmine_auto_change_status_exec_job
Redmine plugin to change status automatically Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60887 (New): redmine_auto_add_watcher_exec_job
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60886 (New): redmine-pixel
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60885 (New): redmine-virtualmaster
a plugin to redmine to query json issus with time entries Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60884 (New): redmine_notify
Send a message to Chatwork when my gmail labeled by specified string receive a mail. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60883 (New): redminev
My Chrome extension for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60882 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60881 (New): rsync_folder_backup
Bash script to backup redmine and Gerrit folders Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60880 (New): redmine-2-3-2
Repositório com ambiente pronto e configurado do redmine (com plugins) para deploy no Heroku. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60879 (New): roadmap
Modify roadmap page of Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60878 (New): demo_redmine_management
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60877 (New): redmine_commands_on_status_change
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60876 (New): redmine_ldap_sync_ou_to_group
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60875 (New): Redmine_secure_data
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60874 (New): save_your_eyes_theme
basic theming for Redmine with desaturated colors Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60873 (New): ual-payments
Issue tracking in https://redmine.library.arizona.edu/projects/payments Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60872 (New): hrm_plugin
This is a humar resources managing plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60871 (New): Redmine-Clone
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60870 (New): docker-redmine
A Dockerfile repo for creating a redmine container Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60869 (New): redmine_api_expose_custom_fields
Exposes real values of custom fields in API response Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60868 (New): Redmineme_iredmineYou
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60867 (New): redmine_chat
redmine chat Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60866 (New): redmine
Redmine docker image Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60865 (New): cruj_cruj_cruj
Crud Generator for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60864 (New): install_redmine_ansible
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60863 (New): RN-redmine-ohrm
Basic React Native project for learning purpose (Android Only), Working with custom Redmine API and orangeHRM API Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60862 (New): redmine-week-hours
Docker container para aplicação web que retorna a hora acumulada do usuário durante a semana Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60861 (New): redmine-project-author
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60860 (New): tests-for-redmine
Simple tests for demo.redmine.org site Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60859 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60858 (New): redmine-gost-export
LaTeX-based redmine plugin for preparation GOST documentation Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60857 (New): toggl-to-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60856 (New): redmine_custom_menu
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60855 (New): RWLab51
Widget lab (http://redmine.weezlabs.com:8100/redmine/boards/8/topics/51) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60854 (New): RWLab48
Lab 48 (http://redmine.weezlabs.com:8100/redmine/boards/8/topics/48) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60853 (New): RWLab127
RWLab 127 (http://redmine.weezlabs.com:8100/redmine/boards/8/topics/127) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60852 (New): RMRA
Repo of Redmine REST API (тестовое задание eCreative) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60851 (New): redmine_impersonate
Impersonate other users as administrator. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60850 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60849 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60848 (New): puppet-redmine
UNMAINTAINED - Setup Redmine via puppet Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60847 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60846 (New): redmine_auto_in_work
Set ”In Progress” when done more then 0 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60845 (New): Dordebble
App the iphone para llevar un registro de comodoros usando redmine como servidor de tareas Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60844 (New): redmine_backlog_rails2.x_version
redmine_backlog plugin for rails 2.3.x version Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60843 (New): redmine-indicators
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60842 (New): redmine-datas
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60841 (New): redsample
Build sample management using redmine api Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60840 (New): ruby_test
Repository for redmine testing examples Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60839 (New): redmine-adsync
AD liettotāju sākotnējais import redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60838 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60837 (New): RedmineApi
Redmine Api connect Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60836 (New): ng-redmine
Building angular layer over redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60835 (New): redmine-test-client
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60834 (New): ConfigureRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60833 (New): Redmine-Test
This is a test project for redmine git commit integration Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60832 (New): redmine_plugin_saving_users_fields_for_issues
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60831 (New): redmine_plugin_saving_users_fields_for_export_users
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60830 (New): redminemaps
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60829 (New): redmine_plugin_projects_report
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60828 (New): gerrit-hook
A gerrit hook to change related issue status in redmine with time tracking and status management Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60827 (New): Jenkins-Git-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60826 (New): redmine_stories
Redmine User Stories Plugin Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60825 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60824 (New): code
redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60823 (New): RedMine-Migration-Test
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60822 (New): redmine-munin
A munin plugin to monitor redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60821 (New): redmine-gateone
GateOne Plugin For Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60820 (New): test_redmine
repository for testing redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60819 (New): redmine_cwa_usf_theme
Theme based on A1 using 2013 USF look and feel Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60818 (New): redmine-base
UpgradeYa’s Redmine base Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60817 (New): redmine
UpgradeYa’s Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60816 (New): templates
Various templates for Docker and docker-compose. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60815 (New): Sync
Command line application to sync tasks between Redmine and Team foundation service Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60814 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60813 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60812 (New): redmine-html-mail-handler
Redmine mail_handler to accept HTML email including inline images. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60811 (New): redmine-alminium
Vagrant file & Chef Cookbook for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60810 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60809 (New): AG-1
AG-1 Theme for Redmine - AG-1 Theme for Redmine. Compatible with: FF, Safari, Chrome, IE7+, Redmine 1.2.x 1.3.x, 1.4.... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60808 (New): redmine-test
redmine for company Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60807 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60806 (New): redmine
Extend repoman script in redmine, for add repositories from console Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60805 (New): python-redmine-tools
Tools for redmine wiki and ticket automatization. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60804 (New): redmine_vip
Manage some users as VIP. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60803 (New): redmine_sla
This plugins allows to automatically set a due date to an issue according a defined SLA. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60802 (New): redmine-timesheet
A plugin to show and filter timelogs across all projects in Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60801 (New): redmine_quickcall
Make a quick call for another user Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60800 (New): redmine_finance
Warning: WIP Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60799 (New): redmine-bitbar-plugin
This is a script to BitBar Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60798 (New): redmine_for_damedia
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60797 (New): ansible-redmine
Redmine-server script for ansible. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60796 (New): auredminetor
Audit Redmine users, find and punish that one, who use default or weak passwords. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60795 (New): redmine_messenger
redmine_messenger clone Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60794 (New): redmineplugin
storage testing for redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60793 (New): gke-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60792 (New): scraping-redmine-dmsf
For private. scrap redmine DMSF and create file tree Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60791 (New): redmine-sla-notifyer
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60790 (New): redmine-issue-alarm
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60789 (New): redmine_wiki_extra_macros
Redmine plugin extending macros Wiki Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60788 (New): redmine-duedate-notify
Send notification for redmine issue due date Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60787 (New): redmine_user_slack
This plugin posts updates to issues in your Redmine to a Slack user. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60786 (New): redmine_default_duedate
Change undefined duedate in issue to default value Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60785 (New): redmine_uninett_disco
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60784 (New): Redmine
Redmineを操作するスクリプト Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60783 (New): uh-its-ci-redmine-mail_handler
Changes to redmine mail_hander.rb Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60782 (New): CooperationAWS
RedmineのチケットとAWSの連携を試みます。 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60781 (New): redmine-timeentries-script
Google script to fetch time entries from Redmine and Show in the Google Spreadsheet Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60780 (New): redmine-controller
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60779 (New): redmine-timeentries-import
This is python script runs in a cron job to import redmine time entries Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60778 (New): bst-sysadmin
Scripts for maintaining services and setup on the bst.cbio.uct.ac.za server. Also contain some scripts to pull info f... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60777 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60776 (New): docker-redmine-mysql
docker-redmine-mysql Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60775 (New): redmine_nu_mobile_viewer-1
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60774 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60773 (New): oppdrag-faktura
A standalone Elasticsearch application for harvesting invoices from Redmine CRM through HTTP and index them into Elas... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60772 (New): Redmine_Timetracker
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60771 (New): plugin-task-update-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60770 (New): RedMiner
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60769 (New): dashboard-for-multiple-redmine
複数のRedmineインスタンスのためのダッシュボード Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60768 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60767 (New): redmine-war
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60766 (New): redmine_macros_textile
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60765 (New): t3o_redmine
TYPO3 extension that can show the members of a given project from forge.typo3.org Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60764 (New): rm_typo3_forge
Redmine customizations for TYPO3 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60763 (New): redmine-api
This is a simple Java API for redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60762 (New): redmine_hudson
A clone of 2.1.2 from https://bitbucket.org/nobiinu_and/redmine_hudson Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60761 (New): nnt
Redmine pg Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60760 (New): App-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60759 (New): ra-data-redmine
Experimental read-admin data provider and samples connecting to redmine API Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60758 (New): uCANca_rm
(draft) An uCANca implementation as Redmine plugin developed with Hobo Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60757 (New): redmine-plugin-test-action
This action is to test for Redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60756 (New): test_redmine_hook
Redmineとの連携 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60755 (New): redmine_chilli_pdf
chili-pdf-for-redmine-v2 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60754 (New): redmine_better_journal
(in development) The goal is to improve represantaion of issue journal Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60753 (New): redmine_basecamp
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60752 (New): redmine_glip
Redmine plugin to communicate with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60751 (New): redmine-vagrant
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60750 (New): redmine-git-fetcher
git fetcher (to cron) in redmine git directory Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60749 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60748 (New): testRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60747 (New): issue_tags
Redmine plugin: Add missing tags for issues Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60746 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60745 (New): ldc_theme_special
Redmine Anpassungen Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60744 (New): https-redmine.hs-heilbronn.de-subversion-seb-gvs-2015-ss-bi
https://redmine.hs-heilbronn.de/subversion/seb-gvs-2015-ss-bi Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60743 (New): notifier
Redmine plugin which sends new issues to a callback URL. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60742 (New): redmine-migrator
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60741 (New): testredmine
Test git relate to redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60740 (New): redmine_plugins
Various Redmine plugins, done as part of RSOC Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60739 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60738 (New): redmine_test
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60737 (New): GMO_TuanChien_HowToUseRedmine
How To Use Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60736 (New): docker-nginx-redmine-owncloud
You want to deploy some web services for your company. Including : Redmine : a ticketting system Owncloud fo... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60735 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60734 (New): redmine_template
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60733 (New): Sample-report-output-using-Redmine-API
Sample report output using Redmine API - RedmineAPIを使った帳票出力サンプル Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60732 (New): redmine
redmine operation tools Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60731 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60730 (New): redmine400
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60729 (New): mydevenv
CentOS 6.5 に Git と Redmine をインストールするサンプル。 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60728 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60727 (New): mass-import-tasks-in-redmine-for-project-madurai-ebooks
mass import tasks in redmine for project madurai ebooks Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60726 (New): redmine410
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60725 (New): redmine405
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60724 (New): redmine403
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60723 (New): redmine402
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60722 (New): redmine401
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60721 (New): redmine400
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60720 (New): redmine347
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60719 (New): redmine346b
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60718 (New): redmine346
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60717 (New): redmine343
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60716 (New): redmine_hide_menus
provide an easy way to hide some content of default redmine menus Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60715 (New): redmine_zabbix
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60714 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60713 (New): redmine_github_test
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60712 (New): redmineup_tags
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60711 (New): Excel2Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60710 (New): redmine_api
redmine api script - node.js Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60709 (New): puppet-redmine
Puppet module for redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60708 (New): redmine_backlog
Backlog Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60707 (New): gitlab-and-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60706 (New): python-redmine-importer
A client tool help user auto import tasks from excel file to redmine system Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60705 (New): workflow_viz
Redmine plugin to display workflow graphs Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60704 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60703 (New): redmine_utils
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60702 (New): redmine_clients
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60701 (New): sticky_projects
Redmine plugin to stay on parent project when viewing sub-project issues Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60700 (New): Redmine-Plugins
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60699 (New): kayako-sso-redmine
Sample SSO implementation in Ruby for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60698 (New): redmine-time_entry_reports
The plugin enables you to setup automatic email reports on time entries. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60697 (New): wrapper-redmine
Test for redmine wrapper Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60696 (New): ansible-playbook-redmine
Ansible playbook to install redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60695 (New): toggl2redmine
Sample cli app for migrating time entries from toggl to redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60694 (New): redmine_hall
Send Redmine event notifications to Hall Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60693 (New): redmine_group_watchers
Add groups as watchers on Redmine issues Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60692 (New): redmine_deblog
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60691 (New): Redmine_Installer
A simple redmine installer in bash Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60690 (New): redmine-to-github-importer
One-shot importer to get data from Redmine to Github Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60689 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60688 (New): redmine_html5_fields
Redmine plugin to add custom field types for html5 input types (date, number, url, email, ...) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60687 (New): issue_transfer
Retrieve the issues from Redmine and register it in Elasticsearch. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60686 (New): redmine-troubleshooting
Redmine plugin for troubleshooting Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60685 (New): redmine-sample
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60684 (New): redmine_deployer
Deploy the redmine 2.2 in Cappistrano Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60683 (New): docker-redmine-sample
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60682 (New): docker-redmine-gitlab
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60681 (New): redmine-mobile-app
Redmine android app for basic functions Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60680 (New): a-total-responsive-1
A fork of a-responsive-1 theme for redmine with custom changes Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60679 (New): Redmineplugin
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60678 (New): redmine
redmine based on alpine linux Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60677 (New): _redmine_test
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60676 (New): docker-redmine
dockerized redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60675 (New): redmine_numbering
Redmine plugin to assign unique number Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60674 (New): ansible-centos7_redmine
Ansible playbook to create redmine, unicorn and nginx on CentOS 7 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60673 (New): redmine
Trabalho de Padrões de Projetos - Plataforma Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60672 (New): redmine_ttsoft_locales
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60671 (New): todo_redmine
Simple CLI to use redmine issues as TODO list Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60670 (New): redmine-api
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60669 (New): bitbucket-redmine-issue
Transfer BitBucket issues to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60668 (New): tundle
Tundle is simply another attempt to build a nice issue ticket system. It tends to match with business needs identifie... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60667 (New): docker_redmine_develop
Redmine develop environment constructed with using Docker Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60666 (New): vagrant-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60665 (New): redmine-users
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60664 (New): redmine
Redmine Project Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60663 (New): redmine-replace-desc
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60662 (New): redmine-comment-from-outlook-msg
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60661 (New): redmine_req_external_service
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60660 (New): redmine-chart-on-toppage
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60659 (New): redmine_copy_project_inherited
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60658 (New): mine_shaft
Scrape & transform content from areas of a Redmine project which do not yet provide a REST API (ex: the wiki) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60657 (New): redmine_auto_category_bot
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60656 (New): redmine_project_specific_custom_project_field
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60655 (New): redmine_greentech
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60654 (New): redmine-log-licker
Make sense of Redmine log files Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60653 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60652 (New): My_redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60651 (New): redmine-wiki-export
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60650 (New): xlsx2redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60649 (New): redmine-lambda-chatwork
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60648 (New): redmine
Redmine Plugins Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60647 (New): redmine_chatwork
Chatwork notification plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60646 (New): redmine-scripts
A bunch of administrative scripts for #Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60645 (New): redmine_ttdlx_enabled
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60644 (New): redmine-timetracker
Timetracker for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60643 (New): redmine_audit_assistant
Redmine plugin to assist consultants to perform (code) audits. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60642 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60641 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60640 (New): terraform-aws-test
Test on how to use terraform to create a complete redmine deployment to AWS Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60639 (New): redmine_cacoo_macro
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60638 (New): redmine_github_test
github連携プラグインの確認 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60637 (New): redmine-demo
Redmine連携のデモ用 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60636 (New): redmine-story-helper
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60635 (New): redlab
RedLab migrates issue data from Redmine into GitLab, written in Java. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60634 (New): redmine-wsd
Redmine wiki page macros for www.websequencediagrams.com Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60633 (New): redmine_username_logging
This plugin add Redmine-User header to http response Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60632 (New): redmineSemminor2017
my impression and memo in conference about redmine 2017 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60631 (New): practice_redmine
Redmine習熟用 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60630 (New): redmine_plugin_example
redmineプラグイン作成の学習 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60629 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60628 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60627 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60626 (New): redmine_search_fess
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60625 (New): redmine_reaction_notes
This redmine plugin provides reaction feature like Slack for notes. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60624 (New): redmine-purplemine2
A stack of Redmine (with the PurpleMine2 theme) and Postgres. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60623 (New): redmine_custom_viewer
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60622 (New): playbook.role.redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60621 (New): docker-redmine-backlog
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60620 (New): plugin-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60619 (New): Redmine-Api
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60618 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60617 (New): redmine-no-proxy
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60616 (New): redmine-notification
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60615 (New): simple-scrum
A scrum plugin for Redmine project management system. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60614 (New): qgis-issues-test
Test repo for seeing if redmine issue migration works Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60613 (New): redmine-proxy
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60612 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60611 (New): summary_info_for_projects
plugin for redmine, shows summary information for projects page Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60610 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60609 (New): ansible-redmine
ansible deployment of Redmine v2.5.1 issue tracker with Backlogs v1.0.6 plugin on Ubuntu 14.04 Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60608 (New): redmines1
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60607 (New): redmine-franz-recipe
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60606 (New): redmine_docker_migration
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60605 (New): bitbucket_issues_to_redmine_csv
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60604 (New): deploy-redmine-on-aws
will be cloned into vagrant box by https://github.com/thunderrabbit/bootstrap-redmine-deploy Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60603 (New): redmine_polls
Redmine plugin tutorial: Polls Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60602 (New): redmon
Redmine client Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60601 (New): redmine_issue_feedback
Automatic change issue from feedback to on progress status Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60600 (New): redmine_gitlab
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60599 (New): redmine_last_modifier
A redmine plugin that adds an extra query column on a ticket with the last modifier Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60598 (New): openshift-redmine
Clone of https://gitlab.xarif.de/thomass/openshift-redmine.git Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60597 (New): theme_circle_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60596 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60595 (New): redmine-theme-gitmike
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60594 (New): redmine_custom_reports
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60593 (New): redmine_contacts
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60592 (New): redmine_checklists
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60591 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60590 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60589 (New): redmine-project-connector
Redmine Connector for the Project Connector Library Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60588 (New): ayl-redmine-extension
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60587 (New): redmine-net-api
Redmine API .NET Library Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60586 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60585 (New): redmine_kpt
Collaborate KPT method at Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60584 (New): redmine-agile
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60583 (New): redmine_ntt
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60582 (New): redmine-gitolite
Gitolite Redmine Integration Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60581 (New): Redmine-to-XMind
Simple script to represent Redmine project as XMind diagram Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60580 (New): redmine-scripts
Perl scripts to auto-create svn and gitolite repositories Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60579 (New): RedMine-2
a mod Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60578 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60577 (New): netpeak_redmine_usability
Netpeak Redmine Usability Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60576 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60575 (New): restminer
Redmine Rest Client API and Command Line client (wannabe) Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60574 (New): extended_fields
Fork of extended fields plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60573 (New): redminer
personal redmine client Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60572 (New): redmine_wikifileattach
Redmine Wikifileattach plugin Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60571 (New): redmine_autoprogress
Redmine plugin that sets done ratio based on passed time Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60570 (New): redmine_release_fields
Redmine plugin to expose multi-select Found-in and Fixed-in fields Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60569 (New): Booke_REDMINE_TEST
Pruebas del sistema de REMine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60568 (New): redmine
redmine fork Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60567 (New): TechToolsWebDashboard
Web Dashboard that integrates with redmine, and nagios Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60566 (New): techtools2
A frontend for redmine that provides a simple interface for small it shops along with additional features Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60565 (New): Deleteing-Redmine-Projects
Tool for deleteing Redmine Projects which have not been updated for a period of time. Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60564 (New): ProMaT
Enhance the redmine project management tool Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60563 (New): Redmine-extended
2nd year Group project Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60562 (New): redmine
redmine config by nam Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60561 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60560 (New): redmine-sidebar-hide
Adds simple hide button for sidebar of Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60559 (New): redmine_issue_defaults
Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60558 (New): redmine_issues_merge
redmine plugin to merge issues Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60557 (New): redmine_issue_closed_date
Redmine plugin to add closed date field to issue that is set without user interaction. Field is added is also added ... Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60556 (New): NeoArchaicRedmineTheme
NeoArchaic Green theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60555 (New): redmine_html_to_wiki_mail_handler
Converts html email received by mail_handler to wiki formatted text Admin Redmine
10:33 github-repo #60554 (New): metricbox
Box com tela touch para exibição de métricas ágeis extraídas do Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60553 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60552 (New): redmine_plugin_sample
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60551 (New): redmine_issue_view_count
Redmine plugin to count number of issue views Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60550 (New): docker-redmine-build-trigger-aws-lambda
docker image build trigger for redmine with aws lambda Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60549 (New): nagaokatest
test for redmine updated to ver 3.4.5 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60548 (New): docker-redmine
docker image for redmine follows latest trunk update Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60547 (New): redmine_plugin_test
A Docker image to run Redmine plugin test suites. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60546 (New): redminecrm
http://redminecrm.com/pages/redminecrm-theme Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60545 (New): redmine3.4-centos7
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60544 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60543 (New): Jenkins_Redmine-Excel
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60542 (New): redmine-docker-compose
Docker compose config with minimal email settings. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60541 (New): Redmine
Diese Repository mit Redmine initialisieren Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60540 (New): redmine3.0.1
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60539 (New): redmine-ruby
A Redmine Client in Ruby Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60538 (New): Redminetest
Redminetest Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60537 (New): redmineigen
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60536 (New): redmine-repository-anchor
Adds an anchor to issue branch in Redmine repository Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60535 (New): VeryRedMine
Games with RedMine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60534 (New): gocd-redmine-artifact-plugin
Artifact implementation for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60533 (New): redmine-issue-tracker-py
Simple issue tracker for Redmine with text message notifications - Python version Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60532 (New): redmine-issue-tracker
Simple issue tracker for Redmine with text message notifications Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60531 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
Plugin redmine_favorite_projects create to TEO project Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60530 (New): redmine_cmis_browser
Plugin para visualizar y descargar el contenido de Alfresco Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60529 (New): redmine_cmis_attachments
Plugin para utilizar repositorio CMIS de Alfresco Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60528 (New): Django-Support
Backend for TEONITE Angular Support - an application to submit bug/features from your app/service to YouTrack/Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60527 (New): hubot-redmine-notifier
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60526 (New): redmine_people
http://redminecrm.com/projects/people/pages/1 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60525 (New): redmineNotify
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60524 (New): RedPickaxe
Mobile client for redmine project manager Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60523 (New): RedminePlugin
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60522 (New): redmine-stealth-plugin
redmine-stealth-plugin has been renamed redmine_stealth Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60521 (New): redmine_tidy
Close Redmine tickets that have not been updated for some time. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60520 (New): redmine_plugin_tools
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60519 (New): redmine_document_request
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60518 (New): redmine_powerful_watchers
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60517 (New): demo_project_in_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60516 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60515 (New): redprine
Automatically update Redmine issues based on open pull requests Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60514 (New): redmine-agile
It is time that a true agile process was created for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60513 (New): redmine-circle-theme
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60512 (New): FileLink
Redmine plugin to display links to documenation in certain projects. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60511 (New): redmine_admin_scripts
Useful scripts fo redmine administration Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60510 (New): redmine-slackbot
ZEIT Now Serverless Redmine slackbot to reminder log time Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60509 (New): auto-build
redmine+jenkins auto build python scripts Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60508 (New): redmine-agile
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60507 (New): redmine_context_menu_watchers
Context menu watchers Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60506 (New): redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60505 (New): redmine-plugin-dev
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60504 (New): chrome-redmine-backlogs
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60503 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Fork of https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_wiki_extensions Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60502 (New): bloodyice
Redmine Frontend Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60501 (New): redmine_show_spenttime_in_descendants_tree
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60500 (New): redmine_mergerequest_custom_field
Plugin for redmine for merge request custom field Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60499 (New): redmine-on-boarding
This project is consuming redmin API using php. This can help to make your induction process efficient. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60498 (New): pivotal-redmine-api
One way interaction from pivotal to redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60497 (New): gerencia-redmine
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/gerencia-redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60496 (New): GerenciaRedmine
Projeto criado para apresentação no Seminário de Planejamento e Gerência de Projetos, da turma do 5º Período de TADS. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60495 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60494 (New): redmine-utils
Perl scripts for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60493 (New): redmine_share
Redmine plugin which adds a simple sharing feature. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60492 (New): redmine_another_avatar
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60491 (New): redmine_request_change_deadline
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60490 (New): ansible-redmine
Ansible playbook for installing Redmine on CentOS/Ubuntu Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60489 (New): redmine-project
Репозиторий сделан для обзора системы Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60487 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60488 (New): redmine_up_dl_manager
A redmine plugin to restrict upload and download of content based on ip policies Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60486 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60485 (New): Plugin-export-Redmine
This plugin means is to automate the export from Redmine to the csv format. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60484 (New): redmine_auto_time_tracker
Auto time tracker plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60483 (New): redmine-stamp
redmine-stamp Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60482 (New): obsolete_tanglu-tracker
DISCONTINUED_PROJECT// The Redmine instance we used at Tanglu Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60481 (New): RedProject
Working on a new Redmine UI ... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60480 (New): redmine_migrate_from_github
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60479 (New): redmine_weather
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60478 (New): redmine_driver
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60477 (New): BugTrackerToRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60476 (New): redmine_client
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60475 (New): github2redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60474 (New): migrate_redmine_to_gitlab
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60473 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60472 (New): plugin_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60471 (New): Redmine-add-on
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60470 (New): test_sync_fsm
Test redmine github sync Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60469 (New): RedmineClient
redmineをいい感じにさわる Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60468 (New): docker-compose-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60467 (New): docker_redmine
Docker Containers [Nginx-Redmine-MySQL] Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60466 (New): lean_canvas_for_redmine_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60465 (New): redmine_macros
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60464 (New): redmine_omniauth_shib
Redmine Omniauth with shibboleth plugin. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60463 (New): redmine_work_time_201802
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60462 (New): redmine_theme
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60461 (New): redmine-https-portal-compose
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60460 (New): migrate_redmin2x_scripts
It is bash script for migrate redmine from 2.x to 2.x. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60459 (New): redmine_customer
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60458 (New): hit_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60457 (New): docker_redmine-2.6.3
redmine 2.6.3 Dockerfile Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60456 (New): redmine_log_original_author
Redmine plugin to record the original author of an issue Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60455 (New): redmine_closed_list
Redmineでステータスが完了のチケットを表示するだけのプラグインです。 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60454 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60453 (New): redmine-csv-to-excel
Download CSV and export to Excel Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60452 (New): redmine_passwd_checkers
checking the password expiration Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60451 (New): captr
chrome extension that captures screenshots and creates tickets in redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60450 (New): redmine_github_style_fenced_code_block
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60449 (New): redmine-doctool
This is document tool as requirement specification managed on REDMINE. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60448 (New): redmine_api_controller
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60447 (New): redmine_tablemanager
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60446 (New): redmine-a-common-libs-deb
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60445 (New): redmine_approve_list
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60444 (New): redmine_ckeditor_hotkey
Simple plugin to submit CKEditor on CTRL+Enter Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60443 (New): pi-redmine-mysql
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60442 (New): taku-task
cloning from the redmine repo and deploy to Heroku Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60441 (New): RmBoard
Redmine agile board Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60440 (New): redmine_ingeneo
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60439 (New): PlanItPokerRedmine
PlaneItPoker chrome extension Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60438 (New): mylyn_redmine_plugin
Mylyn_Connector_Plugin Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60437 (New): repo_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60436 (New): redmine_login_by_email
Redmine plugin - allow login to redmine with email instead of username Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60435 (New): tickets-redmine
Alta masiva de tickets redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60434 (New): redmine_gittest
github test repo Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60433 (New): redmine-services
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60432 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60431 (New): docker-cent6-bitnami-redmine3.22
Build docker image using bitnami-redmine3.2.0 on centos6 Target Language is Japanese(If you’d like to chanege the lan... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60430 (New): Redmine_SampleData
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60429 (New): docker-cent6-bitnami-redmine3.2
build docker image using bitnami-redmine3.2 on centos6 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60428 (New): docker-cent6-bitnami-redmine3.1
build docker image using bitnami-redmine3.1 on centos6 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60427 (New): http_requests
working with Guzzle6 and RedMine API Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60426 (New): odoo_timesheets_from_redmine
Application that synchronizes Redmine spent time records with Odoo 11 Timesheets application Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60425 (New): univackup
Because redmine died Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60424 (New): redmine_favourite_projects_redmine_fixtures
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60423 (New): redmine_issue_workflow_buttons
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60422 (New): redmine_theme_changer
This is a fork of the plugin written by Haru Iida - https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_theme_changer Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60421 (New): redmine1
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60420 (New): redmine-statistics
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-statistics Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60419 (New): xlsx_export
Redmine plugin to demonstrate axlsx_rails problem Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60418 (New): redmine_smg
Redmine SMG Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60417 (New): redmine_monitoring_controlling
redmine_monitoring_controlling pluggin Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60416 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60415 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60414 (New): redmine1
This is a clone of an SVN repository at http://svn.redmine.org/redmine/. It had been cloned by http://svn2github.com/... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60413 (New): redmine
This is a clone of an SVN repository at http://redmine.rubyforge.org/svn. It had been cloned by http://svn2github.com... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60412 (New): redmine-gcp-example
A sample project hosting redmine on the Google Cloud Platform. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60411 (New): redmine-api-node-example
Redmine REST APIを使ってNodeでissueを作ったりするサンプル Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60410 (New): redmine.docker
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60409 (New): redmine-page2images
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60408 (New): RedmineCapture
Redmine Capture Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60407 (New): Redmine_Capture
Capture Plugin\ Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60406 (New): redmine_utility
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60405 (New): RedmineLayoutFixer
A user script that optimizes the layout of Redmine issue pages. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60404 (New): chef-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60403 (New): RedmineIconizer
A user script, that replaces identifier HTML elements on Redmine installations with icons, and additionally applies C... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60402 (New): redmineAPI
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60401 (New): redminetest
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60400 (New): redmine-git-fetcher
git fetcher (to cron) in redmine git directory Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60399 (New): redmine_qreview
是Redmine的Code Review插件的增强插件。可以实现跨版本的diff文件列表,然后再diff单个文件。增加diff的context行数选择 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60398 (New): sample-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60397 (New): Docker-Redmine
Docker container setup Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60396 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60395 (New): redminerestsdk
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60394 (New): Voice2Redmine
With google speech recognizer - creating issue in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60393 (New): redmine-ansible-playbook
AnsibleでRedmineをインストールするプレイブック Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60392 (New): redmine_sphinx
This is a plugin for Redmine that support bulidig Sphinx documents Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60391 (New): redmine_recent_project_accesses
This plugin shows projects in the order of accessing Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60390 (New): redmine_overall_activity_menu
A Redmine plugin to add a menu to overall activity page Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60389 (New): redmine_disallow_all_robots
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60388 (New): redmine_dashbozu_notifier
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60387 (New): redmine_airbrake_notifier
a Redmine plugin to notify to Airbrake Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60386 (New): flashlight-redmine-plugin
Redmine plugin for Flashlight Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60385 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60384 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60383 (New): redmine_mermaid
mermaid.js plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60382 (New): redmine_viz_js
viz.js plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60381 (New): redmine_fast_assign
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60380 (New): RedminePlugin
A small plugin to add a few useful tools to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60379 (New): redmine_checklists
Port of old RCRM/redmine_checklists plugin that suddenly disappeared -_- Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60378 (New): EsterenRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60377 (New): docker-redmine
Run Redmine in Docker Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60376 (New): Redmine_Reports
TestReports for Redmine with LinkedServer Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60375 (New): CorMine
Redmine WebService for .NET 2.0 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60374 (New): test-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60373 (New): BlueMine
Redmine clone that operates on the same DB schema. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60372 (New): manage_wiki_view_page_permission
This is a redmine plugin for managing page permissions Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60371 (New): manage_page_permission
This is a redmine plugin for managing page permissions Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60370 (New): Redmine-install-SUSE-Linux-
redmine install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60369 (New): Redmine-Customers
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60368 (New): php-redmine-csv-timeentries
Bulk load yout CSV formatted timesheets on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60367 (New): redmine-scm-integration
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60366 (New): rmtest
redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60365 (New): redmine_custom_workflows
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60364 (New): redmine_api_auth_fix
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60363 (New): redmine2gescom
Redmine2Gescom Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60362 (New): Redmine2Trello
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60361 (New): Redmine-TimeTracker
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60360 (New): redmine
redmine的统计小工具 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60359 (New): redmine-java-api-nodep
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60358 (New): redmine-plugin-travis
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60357 (New): redmine_zendesk_ticket_updater
Updates zendesk tickets with redmine changes Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60356 (New): redmine_advanced_notice
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60355 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60354 (New): redmine_timesheet_importer
A Redmine plugin to allow the import of CSV formatted timesheets for admins Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60353 (New): redmine_graphs
A redmine plugin for creating and managing dynamic graphs Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60352 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60351 (New): redmine_elastic_apm
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60350 (New): redmine_plugin_views_revisions
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60349 (New): redmine_exception_handler
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60348 (New): redmine_custom_workflows
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60347 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60346 (New): redmineproject
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60345 (New): change_time_entry_user
Redmine plugin for changing a user when logging spent time on an issue Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60344 (New): redmine_iat
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60343 (New): redmine-plugin-dashboard
A docker container to enable redmine-dashboard plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60342 (New): github-issue-creater
GitHubのIssueを一括で作成するスクリプト Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60341 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60340 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60339 (New): RedmineApp
NewDesign Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60338 (New): redmine_daily_ticket_generator
Redmine ticket generator using REST API. auto generate daily, weekly, monthly work. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60337 (New): redmine-api
python-redmine を使用してRedmineのAPIをたたく Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60336 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60335 (New): redmine
test of using github with redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60334 (New): spreadsheet.redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60333 (New): pysync_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60332 (New): RedmineDev
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60331 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60330 (New): rat
Redmine admin tool Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60329 (New): redmine
Extensions for redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60328 (New): redminetool
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60327 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60326 (New): redmine
pluginn Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60325 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60324 (New): RedmineSample
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60323 (New): redmine_mentions
resolved plugin for Redmine version 4.0+ Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60322 (New): redmine_issues_to_github
Transfers redmine issues to github. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60321 (New): redmine_circle_theme
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60320 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60319 (New): Redmine-Demo
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60318 (New): redmine_tools
Tools for redmine usage. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60317 (New): a_spottmedia_redmine_customisations
Hacks and fixes for our specific redmine setup, some tricks may be useful to others. We will try to resolve as core ... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60316 (New): redmine_simple_support
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60315 (New): redmine_power_subtasks
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60314 (New): norse-redmine
Norse customized redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60313 (New): redmine_norse
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60312 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60311 (New): redmine-cookbook
An OpsCode Chef cookbook for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60310 (New): redmine_coffee_theme
Mirror of Redmine Coffee theme code source. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60309 (New): TogglToRedmine
Put works duration registerd with Toggl into Redmine tickets via CSV Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60308 (New): test-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60307 (New): redmine_dc
redmine docker-compose Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60306 (New): redmine-to-github
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60305 (New): crome_ext_redmine_hide_history
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60304 (New): redmine_gestao_mp
Plugin Redmine para Gestão de Projetos do Ministério do Planejamento Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60303 (New): test_job
sample redmine plugin for a job Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60302 (New): rabid-redmine-theme
A Redmine theme used by Rabid Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60301 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60300 (New): color-redmine-priorities
Extension para colorear las prioridades de Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60299 (New): redmine
Práctica Las Redmine ISAE Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60298 (New): https---github.com-masamitsu-murase-redmine_add_subversion_links
addedgitrabute Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60297 (New): ckanext-redmine-autoissues
CKAN plugin to automatically create redmine issues when new dataset appears Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60296 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60295 (New): docker-redmine-evernotecustom
sameersbn/docker-redmineのメール通知のタイトルにEvernoteのノートブックを指定する機能を追加 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60294 (New): redmine-bup
A small tool to backup Redmine Instances Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60293 (New): custom_menu
Redmine plugin for custom menu Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60292 (New): issue_tracking_indicators
This project generates the indicators of a project from Redmine or JIRA. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60291 (New): redmine_log_hours_restrictions
A time entries’ restriction plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60290 (New): redmine_admin_monitor
forked from yossiedri/Redmine-Admin-Monitor-Plugin, re-structure folder Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60289 (New): convergence
customized theme for redmine 2.5 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60288 (New): ingeneo-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60287 (New): redmine_smile_three_sortings
Redmine plugin that adds a second and third possible sort, and a remove sort link Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60286 (New): trello-redminer
Extensión de google chrome para cargar horas de redmine desde una tarjeta de trello Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60285 (New): redmine_highlighter_pygments
Rely on Pygments instead of CodeRay for syntax highlighting Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60284 (New): redmine_code_review
Fork from https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_code_review Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60283 (New): redmine_issue_subject_sort_clause
Redmine plugin for correct sorting issues by subject, when it starts with a number Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60282 (New): redmine-story-id
Git hook for automating the process of appending Redmine story ids in git commit messages. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60281 (New): install_redmine_to_centos7
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60280 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60279 (New): redmine-treeky
A custom Redmine plugin that merges favorite projects and tree display. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60278 (New): openshift-redmine-3.1.2-quickstart-extra
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60277 (New): redmine_smile_base
A basic plugin to provide tools and hooks to Smile redmine plugins Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60276 (New): redmine-cli
Yet Another Redmine Cli - YARC Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60275 (New): Redmine-CustomReports
Offer the possibility to create custom reports including all defined fields, including custom ones, and generate grap... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60274 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60273 (New): redminegit
redmine curso Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60272 (New): DEPRECATED-android-NowRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60271 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60270 (New): redmine_extra_fields
The password cutom field for redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60269 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60268 (New): redmine_budget_and_reporting
simple budget planing and project reporting Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60267 (New): redmine-copy-project-non-admin
Redmine - Permitir que usuários não administradores copiem determinados projetos Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60266 (New): redmine
Redmine to customize Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60265 (New): redmine-revision-redirect
Plugin for Redmine to redirect revisions to external git repository. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60264 (New): redmine_issue_notes_auto_collapse
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60263 (New): redminePluginShow
show how to develop a plugin for all purpose in redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60262 (New): python-redmine-distgit
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60261 (New): WoonEnZorgCustomThemeRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60260 (New): redmine_code_review_restapi
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60259 (New): php-redmine-console
Access Redmine without Redmine API. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60258 (New): redmine-theme-darkside
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60257 (New): franz-recipe-soluto
Franz Recipe for Soluto Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60256 (New): redmine_smart_scrum
Burndown chart plugin Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60255 (New): rdmding
redmine的bug提醒到钉钉机器人 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60254 (New): redmine_documents_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60253 (New): redmine-lazy-package
It is a redmine plugin and theme collection, all of them are very useful. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60252 (New): kultig-redmine-plugin
This plugin makes your Redmine 146% much KULTIG than it was before! Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60251 (New): redmine-weekly-status-updates
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60250 (New): redmine_docker
用于搭建redmine环境的docker组合配置。 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60249 (New): redmine_local_scm_config
redmine_local_scm_config Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60248 (New): redmine_project
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60247 (New): redmine
Saltstack setup to deploy redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60246 (New): redmine-enh-drag-n-drop-custom-field
A enhancement Redmine plugin that allows drag and drop of the table rows in the custom field administrator’s setting Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60245 (New): RedmineEvernoteCustom
Redmineのメール通知機能でEvernoteのノート登録用メールアドレスに投げる際にノートブック指定 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60244 (New): RedmineJavaFX
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60243 (New): Git-Redmine
Documentation de la mise en place de Git avec Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60242 (New): redmine_information
[WIP] I’m not the author of this plugin, git-svn from OSDN Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60241 (New): sdaminfo_redmine
Sdaminfo redmine stack Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60240 (New): redmin-mylyncon
This project is an Eclipse Mylyn Repository plug-in for the Redmine bug tracking / project management application. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60239 (New): redmine_smile_auto_user_activation
A Redmine Plugin to Auto-Activate Users Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60238 (New): chrome-autofill-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60237 (New): redmine-custom-styles
styles for redmine agile board Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60236 (New): redmine_plugin_views_revisions
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60235 (New): RedmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60234 (New): redmine.service
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60233 (New): redmine
Redmine base repository for building plugins at 8D Technologies Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60232 (New): minedig
Redmine api interface of ruby. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60231 (New): redmine_close_button
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60230 (New): redmine-copy
Dead simple copy of redmine issues between redmine installations Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60229 (New): redmine-personalized-welcome
Adds ability to display current user’s full name from editable text regions for admins Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60228 (New): ansible-redmine-playbook
Playbook to create test Redmine service on AWS cloud Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60227 (New): redmineTimeManager
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60226 (New): redmine3.0.1docker
redmine3.0.1 docker image Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60225 (New): full_user_inf_to_csv
redmine plugin add user custom fields to .csv report Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60224 (New): PullRequestToRedmine
Browser Extension, waits for a closed Pullrequest at Github and sends the description to the related redmine ticket. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60223 (New): scenic2
Fork for scenic2 (https://code.sat.qc.ca/redmine/scenic2.git) Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60222 (New): toms_manager_redmine
collect open ticket from redmine , and post slack Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60221 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60220 (New): itamae_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60219 (New): Redmine-Projects
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60218 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60217 (New): ulaiber-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60216 (New): autoassignator
Redmine autoassignator Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60215 (New): redmine_timesheet_ui
Simple Node.JS UI to fill my timesheet in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60214 (New): redmine-autofiller
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60213 (New): redmine
install redmine with puppet on vagrant Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60212 (New): redmine-logbook
Plugin for Redmine that gives an overview of spent-time as logbook Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60211 (New): RedmineIssues
Alfred 2 workflow for simple and easy access for Redmine Issues and open issue in browser Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60210 (New): redmine_octane_demo
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60209 (New): redmineClientTest.github.io
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60208 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60207 (New): RedmineAPITest
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60206 (New): redmine-deb
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60205 (New): redmine_plugin_test01
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60204 (New): voice2redmine
some old stuff Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60203 (New): redmine-backup
Do simple backup from your Turnkey Linux Redmine Appliance http://www.turnkeylinux.org/redmine Keywords: HOWTO BACKU... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60202 (New): redmine_helpdesk
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60201 (New): redmine-on-heroku
Install Redmine 3.2 on Heroku Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60200 (New): RMConnect
Connect to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60199 (New): ansible-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60198 (New): redmine_costs
Redmine Plugin to work at costs. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60197 (New): redmine-tab
https://github.com/jamtur01/redmine_tab.git Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60196 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60195 (New): redmine_highlightjs
A syntax highlighting plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60194 (New): redmine
redmine and sql and nginx Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60193 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Clone of https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_wiki_extensions Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60192 (New): redmine
Layout e plugins utilizados no Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60191 (New): LBRscript
script for ”Local Bitnami Redmine” Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60190 (New): redmine_watcher_extension
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60189 (New): RedmineDashboardComparator
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60188 (New): redmine-docker
Based off of the bitnami docker image, and some extra niceties. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60187 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60186 (New): expires
Simple Redmine plugin for expiring user accounts Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60185 (New): fluig-tarefa-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60184 (New): Redmine_Playbook
Contains Installation Process of Redmine on Ubuntu Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60183 (New): redmine-agent
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60182 (New): redmine_confluence_viewer
redmine plugin for confluence viewer Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60181 (New): redmine_free_gantt
Another redmine gantt plugin Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60180 (New): python-redmine
Python scripts using redmine API Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60179 (New): ansible_redmine_centos
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60178 (New): redmine-practice
integration practice Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60177 (New): redmine_filter_tweak_member_of_group_with_group
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60176 (New): laiber_redmine
深圳优来吧内部管理系统 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60175 (New): sensu-sic-handler
Handler for Sensu Go. Supports output to Slack, XMPP, Mail via Redmine project memberships Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60174 (New): redmine_lotto
Redmine Lotto plugin Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60173 (New): Redmine
Redmine 설치 및 관리 Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60172 (New): redmine_code_review
redmine_code_review Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60171 (New): redmine-client
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60170 (New): redmine_unittest_dockerfiles
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60169 (New): redminebot
A Soroush (sapp.ir) robot code for redmine in Delphi Object Pascal Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60168 (New): redmine_new
redmine_new Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60167 (New): redmine-nippo
redmineの前日分の活動を纏めてSlackに送信 / send yesterday’s Redmine activity to Slack. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60166 (New): redmine_snooze
Доработка redmine_contacts Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60165 (New): acts_as_journalized
Redmine plug-in for model Journal Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60164 (New): ipftools-redmine-mysql
IPA/SECによる、主にプロジェクト・マネージャを対象とした、ソフトウェア開発プロジェクトの定量的プロジェクト管理を支援する「定量的プロジェクト管理ツール」をMySQLで動作することを目的としたもの。 Copyright (c) 2... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60163 (New): franz-plugin-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60162 (New): redmine_init_script
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60161 (New): redmine_easy_issue_copy
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60160 (New): docker-redmine-using-nginx-proxy
From my website... Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60159 (New): redmine-slacker
Post to Slack from redmine’s atom feed Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60158 (New): github_redmine_chrome_extention
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60157 (New): redmine_jira_exporter
A Redmine plugin for exporting issues to JIRA Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60156 (New): redmine-customized
Redmine is an open source bug tracking system. This one is customized version of Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60155 (New): docker-redmine-plugins.themes
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60154 (New): undeleted_branches_list
Fetch undeleted branches list from Github/Github Enterprise, and associate with Redmine tickets. Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60153 (New): redmine
Docker image of redmine with plantuml support Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60152 (New): electron-test
standalone redmine clients powered by Electron Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60151 (New): my-redmines
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60150 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60149 (New): redmine_app
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60148 (New): wiki_comments
Plugin for Redmine to add comments under every wiki page Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60147 (New): Redmine-V2.5
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60146 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60145 (New): russian
test redmine github Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60144 (New): jira-redmine-rest-integration
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60143 (New): redmine-plugin-sample
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60142 (New): local_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60141 (New): TestRedmineIntegration
Es solo una prueba de conceto Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60140 (New): RedmineDataset
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60139 (New): redmine4
redmine for linux Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60138 (New): ci_test
test redmine plugin test integration Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60137 (New): restAPI-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:32 github-repo #60136 (New): redmine_issues
Redmine issue registrator Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60135 (New): wp-redmine-triage
scrape csv triage sheet and push to redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60134 (New): redmine_project
redmine_project Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60133 (New): RedmineSettings
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60132 (New): redmine_hrm_foreign_citizens
Плагин для Redmine, который позволяет отслеживать актуальность документов (и не налетать на штрафы ФМС РФ) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60131 (New): datamine
A set of tools for extracting data from Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60130 (New): sonarCloseRedmine
simple java code Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60129 (New): golang-redmine-api-
created a api to connect with redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60128 (New): test_redmine_github_hook
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60127 (New): hooh
Redmine clone (Phoenix) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60126 (New): redmine-versionstats
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60125 (New): redmine_custom_field_style
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60124 (New): redmine-sharjeel
Redmine is an open source bug tracking system. This one is customized version of Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60123 (New): redmine-zh-tw
Redmine zh-TW Translation Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60122 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60121 (New): redmine-on-server
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60120 (New): redminelink
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60119 (New): journalized_for
Plug-in for Redmine. It journalize has_one and has_many association Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60118 (New): redmine_simple_bookmarks
Plugin for simple bookmarking of any redmine page Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60117 (New): access_by_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60116 (New): EasyRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60115 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60114 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60113 (New): redmine_for_gm
Redmine for General Manager Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60112 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60111 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60110 (New): mini_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60109 (New): 3rd_december_redmine
3rd_december_redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60108 (New): redmine_bangwo8_ticket_updater
帮我吧 工单系统 与redmine对接 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60107 (New): sonar-redmine-rest-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60106 (New): redmine_latest_users
redmine_latest_users plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60105 (New): Redmine-Challenge
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60104 (New): redmine_custom_workflow_scripts
There is a useful scripts which was created by redmine custom_workflow plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60103 (New): plugin_for_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60102 (New): redmine-utils
small tools used at hackerspace bamberg Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60101 (New): redmine_attendance_estimote
Redmine attendance plug-in using estimote device Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60100 (New): redmine_add_issues_to_top_menu
This is a simple Redmine plugin which add issues to top menu. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60099 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60098 (New): rm-manager
Desktop client for redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60097 (New): toggl_to_redmine
Python Script to convert Toggl time entries to Redmine time entries Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60096 (New): redmine-docker
redmineをdockerで環境構築. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60095 (New): redmine_pretty_print
[Redmine Plugin] redmine_pretty_print Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60094 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60093 (New): redmineNotify
redmine에 티켓이 발행되면 담당자에게 알림을 처리함. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60092 (New): sgp-redmine-theme
SGP theme for projects (redmine) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60091 (New): pm-dashboard
Dashboard for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60090 (New): chrome_redmine_activitymail
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60089 (New): tortoise-redmine
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tortoise-redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60088 (New): RedmineApi
.net standard 2.0 library for Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60087 (New): MooseX-Types-AppRedmine
Moose Types for attributes in the App::Redmine project Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60086 (New): QinRedmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60085 (New): App-Redmine
Versatile client for the Redmine PMS Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60084 (New): gsw.comcloud.docker
Dockerizador de servicios Openfire, Owncloud, Redmine y Zimbra autenticados mediante Jasig CAS Server Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60083 (New): redmine-js-customizer
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60082 (New): jenkins-redmine-auth
Jenkins plugin to use the redmine database for authentication Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60081 (New): timer
A simple timer app (designed for redmine). Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60080 (New): RedmineProjectExplorer
Redmine Project Explorer Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60079 (New): redmine_daily_status
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60078 (New): redmine_api
Use Redmine Rest API in Ruby Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60077 (New): redmine-mobile
A better Webinterface with focus on mobile and touch devices for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60076 (New): scm-redmine-plugin
Integrates Redmine to SCM-Manager Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60075 (New): redmine-cosanpa
Redmine customizado para a COSANPA Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60074 (New): redmine_test
Teste de repositório REDMINE Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60073 (New): redmine
Practica lab remine ISAE Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60072 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60071 (New): redmine_dnoise_workload
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60070 (New): redmine_count_queries
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60069 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60068 (New): company
A redmine plugin to setup company properties Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60067 (New): QA_Redmine
Plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60066 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60065 (New): redmine
Customizations of the Redmine project Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60064 (New): caato_redmine
Synchronization tool from Caato Time Tracker to Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60063 (New): redmine-helper
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60062 (New): Redmine-Dump
Bash script to dump your Redmine db (psql) and files - http://www.redmine.org/ Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60061 (New): redmine_global_roadmap
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60060 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60059 (New): redmine_original
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60058 (New): redmine_pg_backup
Backup script for redmine over postgresql Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60057 (New): redmine-issue
Gem that allows to do redmine workflow in idfly.ru company Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60056 (New): autodeploy
Simple ”git pull” deploy script with redmine update repository and slack notification Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60055 (New): redmine_jp_address
Redmine用の日本向けのアドレス帳です. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60054 (New): ubuntu_redmine_server
Automatically redmine server setup including apache2 and mysql-server Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60053 (New): chiliproject_activity_module
Redmine/ChiliProject Plugin which adds activity to the list of project modules Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60052 (New): xlr-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60051 (New): redmine_test
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60050 (New): mdd_agile_redmine_demo_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60049 (New): redmine1c
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60048 (New): ods2redmine-converter
Importing tables from OpenOffice Calc to Redmine Table Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60047 (New): greg-challenge-rails
Redmine with capistrano and unicorn for deployment Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60046 (New): redmine_global_issues
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60045 (New): redmine-openshift-pg
Redmine project management software for OpenShift for postgresql Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60044 (New): RedmineGit
Redmine with git integration Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60043 (New): redmine_textilizable_custom_fields
Redmine Textizable Custom Fields plugin by Anton Argirov Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60042 (New): redmine-timeentry-extensions
Plugin for Redmain that adds functionality related to timeentries. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60041 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60040 (New): node-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60039 (New): redmineintuzion
Management Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60038 (New): redminepop
Redmine for pop Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60037 (New): redmine_purchase_plugin
This is a issue purchase plugin for redmine. (customized for snjrc) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60036 (New): redmine
test redmine plugins Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60035 (New): redmine_urls_fixer
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60034 (New): ansible_gitbucket_jenkins_redmine
Enviroment gitbucket and jenkins and redmine server using ansible in vagrant centos6.5 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60033 (New): RedmineView
Add a custom view to redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60032 (New): redmine-charts-ng2
Angular2 version of https://github.com/Sacret/redmine-charts Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60031 (New): Redmine-Issue-Status-with-API-Call
Redmine Issue Status with API Call Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60030 (New): Redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60029 (New): redmine
redmine test for project document versioning Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60028 (New): docker_redmine_mysql
Allow runing redmine with mysql on a seperated containers Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60027 (New): BridgIX
Redmine : reports UI Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60026 (New): redmine_hulk_plugin
redmine hulk plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60025 (New): redmine_contacts
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60024 (New): redmine_ssh
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60023 (New): docker-sentry
Dockerized sentry with redmine and google-auth Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60022 (New): wiking
Wiki Next Generation plugin extends Redmine Wiki syntax. From http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/wiking Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60021 (New): redmine_zenedit
Saves drafts for issues and issue notes, which helps to finish them later and protect you from unwanted loss of the d... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60020 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60019 (New): pytest-redmine
A Redmine plugin for pytest Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60018 (New): plugins_4.0
redmine plugins 4.0 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60017 (New): healthy-food-access
Repository for analysis and code for the Healthy Food Access data project. https://redmine.sandiegodata.org/projects/... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60016 (New): redmine
redmine 3.3.0 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60015 (New): Redmine-inline-edit
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60014 (New): redmine_debugAssist
This is a redmine plugin to parse the log attached/pasted to detect the faults according various rules. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60013 (New): redmine3
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60012 (New): salt-formula-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60011 (New): redmine-persian-translation
Core Redmine and some of it’s commonly used plugins translation to persian project. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60010 (New): setting
redmineとMySQLの設定をするDockerfile Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60009 (New): total
ubutu(ルートイメージ)を持ってきてから、redmine+MySQLのセットアップをして起動するまでのDockerfile+α Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60008 (New): redmine_subproject_tree
redmine_subproject_tree Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60007 (New): redmine-recipes
Redmine install script Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60006 (New): redmine_openid_connect
Fork from https://bitbucket.org/triplem74/redmine_openid_connect.git to have groups in access token automatically syn... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60005 (New): Redmine-Monitoring-and-Controlling-Plugin
Customized charts for redmine projects Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60004 (New): redmine_kms
Remine chupacabra as a Kanban Metrics Tracking System Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60003 (New): redmine-backports-reassign-time-spent-on-subtasks-when-delete
This plugin does backports the fix on Redmine 3.2.4 and older. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60002 (New): connector-redmine-1
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60001 (New): AutoTimeEntries
Application for registration of random and automatic hours in the Redmine. Based on https://github.com/taskadapter/re... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #60000 (New): fastlane-plugin-redmine_upload
A fastlane plugin to upload file contents to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59999 (New): uso-redmine
静的なHTMLのRedmineです。動きません。 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59998 (New): redmine_gitlab_omniauth
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59997 (New): amechan
simplified redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59996 (New): redmine_task_report
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59995 (New): redmine_azure_ad
Redmine authentication with Azure AD Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59994 (New): redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59993 (New): redmine
redmineをDLするだけのDockerfile Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59992 (New): redmine_issue_comment
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59991 (New): RedmiNews
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59990 (New): redmine_issue_simplifier
This Chrome extension makes history list simpler in issue views of Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59989 (New): redmine-
server configuration Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59988 (New): redmine_like_task
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59987 (New): create-issue-via-email
Create/update redmine issue and forum via email Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59986 (New): redmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59985 (New): Redmine-API
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59984 (New): RedmineTestDrj
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59983 (New): redmine-github-test
test repository for checking redmine-github integration Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59982 (New): redmine-issue_status_update
redmine issue status with API call Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59981 (New): ITLabs-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59980 (New): HookTest
A redmine sample plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59979 (New): productforredmine
redmineを動かすために必要なプロダクトを入れ込む Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59978 (New): flava-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59977 (New): issue-google-docs
Plugin for Redmine. Creates a new Google document while creating a new issue in Redmine and puts share link for the d... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59976 (New): redmine_hudson
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59975 (New): ShakeCrash-iOS
ShakeCrash is great way to involve you testers in deep in-app reporting. It’s idea was taken from Google Maps, just s... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59974 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59973 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59972 (New): redmine_airbrake
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59971 (New): standin
Allows Redmine-users to choose another user as Stand-in. Stand-ins will receive notifications for new or edited issues. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59970 (New): Redmin
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59969 (New): redmine2-custom
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59968 (New): redmine_slack
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59967 (New): RelatorioOsRedmineQuestor
Plugin para o redmine utilizado pela Questos Sistemas(http://questor.com.br/) para a impressao dos relatórios de OSs Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59966 (New): redmine-test
Test migration of redmine issues Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59965 (New): git-hooks-for-redmine
GIT hooks for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59964 (New): redmine_plugin_template
template for creating redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59963 (New): redmineimport
test Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59962 (New): redmine_interaction
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59961 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59960 (New): redmine_contacts
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59959 (New): redmine_local_avatars
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59958 (New): redmine_course_tracker
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59957 (New): RedmineClient
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59956 (New): myhubot
nodejs Redmine Restful Client Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59955 (New): redmine-issue-notification
Redmine Issue Notification Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59954 (New): redmine-issue-analysis
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59953 (New): redmine-update2
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59952 (New): redmine
my redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59951 (New): redmine_online_meetings
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59950 (New): redmine_news
The fix for News module on Redmine (as plugin) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59949 (New): redmine-bot
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59948 (New): redmine-development
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59947 (New): ranking
ranking for redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59946 (New): redmine_meeting_rooms
Redmine plugin for reserve meeting rooms Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59945 (New): redmine_colleagues
The list of colleagues (with extra info) as redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59944 (New): Redmine-INFO
Redmine da informatica Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59943 (New): redmine_contacts_invoices
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59942 (New): redmine-update
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59941 (New): redminepy
Python module for the Remine API. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59940 (New): redmine-am2-ansible
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59939 (New): redmine-centos-ansible
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59938 (New): redmine-uploads
Redmine Uploads Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59937 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59936 (New): go-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59935 (New): redmine_agile
Free Redmine Agile Plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59934 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59933 (New): csv_redmine_plugin
plugin para exportar horas de timesheet a partir do redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59932 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59931 (New): backlog_cleaner
A script that cleans a backlog csv with the task closed at redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59930 (New): clipboard_image_paste
for Redmine 4.0.x Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59929 (New): RedMine-2.3.3
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59928 (New): redmine_sercretary
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59927 (New): ansible_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59926 (New): redmine_google_contacts_sync
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59925 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59924 (New): redmine_copy_projects
Plugin add easy way for coping projects members Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59923 (New): time_entry_cf_binder
Redmine plugin makes Spent time custom fields configurable on project - tracker Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59922 (New): redmine_contract_request
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59921 (New): redmine_search_projects
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59920 (New): redmineQML
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59919 (New): redmine_assigned_to_permission
Plugin add permission for assigned_to-field Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59918 (New): redmine_products
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59917 (New): redmine-plugins
Useful plugins for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59916 (New): redmine-test
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59915 (New): redmine_prepare
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59914 (New): redstone
redmine client for ipad Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59913 (New): https---
blah blah blah Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59912 (New): redmine_plugins
Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59911 (New): redmine_hook
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59910 (New): git-
initial commit to repo Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59909 (New): redmine_report
plugin for redmine to generate reports Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59908 (New): redmine_git_update
Scripts de actualización de repositorios de git Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59907 (New): redmine_backup
Script de backup para el gestor de proyectos redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59906 (New): redmine-fork
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59905 (New): redmine_mig
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59904 (New): TesterQA-PROEM
Testing manual:documentación. Metodologias agiles.Kanban.Scrum.Ambientes de testing QC/QA. Software para testing de a... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59903 (New): dokuwiki-ticket
Allows to link to a ticket system (eg. redmine) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59902 (New): redmine_stats
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59901 (New): redmine
redmine utilities Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59900 (New): Redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59899 (New): redmine_charts
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59898 (New): Redmine-3.3.4-by-Ansible
Installing Redmine-3.3.4 by Ansible Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59897 (New): redmine_pdci
Plugin do redmine do pdci Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59896 (New): redmine_dailystatus
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59895 (New): redmine-exception-handler
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59894 (New): redmine-gitlab-nextjs
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59893 (New): redmine-owner
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59892 (New): next-playground
Next playground with API from: redmine, gitlab, timedoctor Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59891 (New): REDMINE
Redmine - Project Managment Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59890 (New): redmine-lite-cli
Command line tool for common tasks in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59889 (New): redmine_finance
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59888 (New): redmine_project_author
This is plugin for Redmine adds Author into project Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59887 (New): redmine-3.2.0
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59886 (New): redmine-easygantt
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59885 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59884 (New): RedmineTimer
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59883 (New): RedmineTimer_old
Initial upload Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59882 (New): -Redmine-CRM-plugin-
Redmine CRM plugin for your business to satisfy customer Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59881 (New): redmine-application
Ansible playbook that installs and run application redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59880 (New): redmine-time-log
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59879 (New): redgit
redmine git integration Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59878 (New):
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59877 (New): Redmine_v2
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59876 (New): graant
Track time with hledger, upload to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59875 (New): Automacao_Demo_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59874 (New): redmine_gliffy
A plugin for including Gliffy Diagrams Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59873 (New): RM_Api
Little api application for redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59872 (New): aws_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59871 (New): aussie
Aussie Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59870 (New): casync
Redmine plugin intended to synchronize Redmine with CA HelpDesk product Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59869 (New): redmine_contacts_invoices
http://redminecrm.com/projects/invoices/pages/1 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59868 (New): redmine_proof_poll
Redmine plugin proof (pool sample) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59867 (New): redmine-
in this repository I commit the redmine progect with my addons.. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59866 (New): redmine_project_select2
Apply Select2 in the Redmine project selection. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59865 (New): redmineSPA
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59864 (New): restmine
link git with redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59863 (New): redmine-theme-rettzv
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59862 (New): bitbar-multiple-redmine-issues
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59861 (New): taskdevil
redmine interface Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59860 (New): redmine_file_custom_field
Fork of https://github.com/visagio/redmine_file_custom_field Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59859 (New): Server-Stats-plugin
Very simple plugin for Redmine to show stats about the server that is running Redmine (Server load, free ram, free sp... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59858 (New): redmine-plugin
All details of the purchase issues at on place Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59857 (New): redmine-client
ActiveResource Client for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59856 (New): Easy-Expenses-plugin
Very simple plugin for Redmine to manage expenses on a per-project basis. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59855 (New): salt-redmine
Salt recipe for installing redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59854 (New): RedmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59853 (New): redmine-sharp
A C Sharp Library to interact with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59852 (New): nginx-alpine-wp-and-proxy
Nginx Docker on Alpine for WordPress PHP-FPM and a proxy server for other services like Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59851 (New): redmine_gtd
Формирование список задач на день простым перетягиванием Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59850 (New): redmine-fedora
A simple script to install Redmine on Fedora Server Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59849 (New): redmine-scripts
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59848 (New): RedmineTestTask
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59847 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59846 (New): redmine
Api redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59845 (New): alfred-fast-fuzzy-redmine-projects
Fuzzy search your Redmine project names very fast Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59844 (New): RedmineReleaseNotes
Redmine Release Notes Generator Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59843 (New): ansible1
Redmine application-playbook Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59842 (New): Atividade13
Elabore 4 casos de teste usando PO, selenium e Junit para o redmine (demo.redmine.org). Envie a continuação da taref... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59841 (New): redmine-subtask-tablesorter
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59840 (New): my_redmine_backlogs
redmine_backlogs plugin Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59839 (New): rdm
A (WIP) command-line client for managing redmine issues Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59838 (New): RubyOnRails
Developing Upon learning Ruby to go on to learn Ruby on Rails. Next stage after this is writing a plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59837 (New): redmine-scripts
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59836 (New): KPI-redmine
Remine based project oriented KPI calculation module Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59835 (New): changelog_notes
Redmine plugin for generating a Changelog PDF with your personal notes on issues from a particular product version. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59834 (New): redmine-unpriv
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59833 (New): e2e-mocha-webdriver
Demo Redmine With Mocha and Webdriver Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59832 (New): redmine-cli
A simple CLI for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59831 (New): Redmine_offline
Created with CodeSandbox Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59830 (New): Redmine
test Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59829 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59828 (New): h-redmine
About Project Manager View based on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59827 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59826 (New): Lab2
Second Laboratory of the EA975 course. Used for learning gitHub and Redmine basics. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59825 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59824 (New): Redscrum-UI
A user interface for querying redmine and generating scrum burndown charts. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59823 (New): linksmart
This is just a private fork of the official [linksmart git repository](https://linksmart.eu/redmine/projects/linksmar... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59822 (New): redmine-upgrade
Shell script to upgrade redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59821 (New): redmine-docs-to-drive
export DMSF and Documents attachments from redmine to Google Drive Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59820 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59819 (New): redmine-buttons
Add a ’Close’ and ’Resolve’ button for redmine (Greasemonkey script) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59818 (New): redmineprojectmanagement
Copy of redmine repo Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59817 (New): RedminePM
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59816 (New): anrisoftware-com-redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59815 (New): TestRedmine
This is a test for School Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59814 (New): redmine_default_watchers
Redmine plugin allowing users to manage a default watchers list. These watchers are checked by default when creating ... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59813 (New): redmine-extended_fields
Clone of http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/extended-fields Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59812 (New): redmine-webhook-qqbot
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59811 (New): redmine-wiki-macros
Redmine plugin adding wiki macros : PlantUML and MoCoDo Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59810 (New): redmine-cli
goでredmineのあれこれを操作する Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59809 (New): GCal2Redmine
Google Calendar events to Redmine time entries: A plugin for Redmine, synchronizing Google Calendar events into the p... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59808 (New): redmine_tory
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59807 (New): redmine
RSM Redmine fork from https://github.com/edavis10/redmine, modifications focusing on Amazon Elasticbeanstalk support,... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59806 (New): redmine-print-issue
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59805 (New): netdot-redmine-test
Testing redmine issues migration Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59804 (New): lab5_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59803 (New): redmine_timereports
Global time report plugin for redmine. Allows to view report without each project permissions. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59802 (New): ek-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59801 (New): RedMine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59800 (New): zi
Zi is simple analog of Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59799 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59798 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59797 (New): custom_field_report
チケットのカスタムフィールドを集計するためのRedmineプラグイン Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59796 (New): redmine-api
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59795 (New): Docker-Redmine
Redmine container for Doorway Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59794 (New): redmine-cheater-time-log
That cheat allow you to report fixed amount of hours for multiple days in one click. That tool was developed for ongo... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59793 (New): redmine_theme
Tema base para o Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59792 (New): redminedb
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59791 (New): ansible_for_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59790 (New): redmap
access to your redmine data Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59789 (New): redmine_copy_projects
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59788 (New): RedmineBR.github.io
Redmine Brasil Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59787 (New): RedmineManager
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59786 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59785 (New): redmine-3.0.0
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59784 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59783 (New): RedminePM_Plugins
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59782 (New): redminemini2.github.io
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59781 (New): redminehub
Redmine Hub is the new marketplace for Redmine premium products (plugins, themes...) and services (consultancy, devel... Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59780 (New): redmine_enquete
Plugin de enquete para o Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59779 (New): fab_deploy_redmine
Fabric script to deploy redmine on CentOS/RHEL 6 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59778 (New): testerNotify
Polls a Redmine API and notifies via slack and email about tickets in Testing status Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59777 (New): suivi-temps
Joujou avec API Redmine / Toggl et BaconJS Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59776 (New): offline-app
redmine test for plugins Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59775 (New): redmine_members_block
hide the members block Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59774 (New): RedminePM_Themes
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59773 (New): azendoo-redmine
Data migration from Azendoo to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59772 (New): redmine-3.2.2
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59771 (New): openshift-redmine
OpenShift quickstart for Redmine and some plugins (gitolite, external macros and lemonldap auth module) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59770 (New): loggit
App for bulk insert of time entries in Redmine project manager. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59769 (New): redmine_dashboard_visagio
dashboard visagio Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59768 (New): redmine-bosh-release
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59767 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Redmine plugin for checklist in issues. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59766 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59765 (New): stylish-redmine-basecamp
The customized Basecamp theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59764 (New): redmine_tory_theme
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59763 (New): go-redmine-time-entry
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59762 (New): export-issues-github-to-redmine
This tool exports the issues from github to redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59761 (New): cookbook-redmine
Chef cookbook for Redmine setup. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59760 (New): Redminer2
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59759 (New): php_redmine_cli
PHP Redmine Client (CLI) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59758 (New): redblink-redmine
the redblink redmine repo Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59757 (New): redmine-dashboard
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59756 (New): redminemini.github.io
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59755 (New): nginx-redmine-mariadb
Ubuntu 18.04 + nginx + redmine+ mariadb (with a self-signed SSL Certificate) Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59754 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59753 (New): redwine
.NET Redmine client Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59752 (New): RedTickets
Inofficial Universal Windows Redmine Client Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59751 (New): redmine_gitlab_project_generater
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59750 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59749 (New): Redmine-Manut.-Evol.-Software
Trabalho sobre Redmine - Manutenção e Evolução de Software Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59748 (New): test_redmine
redmine timesheet approval Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59747 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59746 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59745 (New): redmine_oauth_engine
Dataporten OAuth plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59744 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59743 (New): enhance-my-redmine
JS to make living in our Redmine a bit easier Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59742 (New): redmine_book
A utility script writed with python to commit time entry on Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59741 (New): redmine_my_calendar
Redmine plugin for mypage calendar Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59740 (New): ssm-qinyue-redMine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59739 (New): danredmine
DAN Redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59738 (New): docker-redmine
docker-redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59737 (New): RedmineExtension
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59736 (New): redmine_assignee_filter
filter assignee by input text Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59735 (New): redmine-marcel
Redmine plugin to manage vacations on redmine Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59734 (New): Redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59733 (New): RedmineBot
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59732 (New): rdm_repo
Redmine Repository Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59731 (New): RedmineTimeTracker
Simple standalone Redmine Time Tracker Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59730 (New): redmineapplitech
manager person Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59729 (New): Bridge-Preservation-Redmine1
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59728 (New): mdu-redmine-macros
Redmine custom macros to support MDU operations Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59727 (New): helm-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59726 (New): redmine-2.3.0
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59725 (New): redmine_reminder
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59724 (New): yield
Project management web application based on Redmine 2.6.0 Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59723 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59722 (New): redsh
A small php-driven command line interface for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59721 (New): Redmine2Youtrack_Integration
Example on how to migrate data from redmine to youtrack Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59720 (New): redmine_dev
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59719 (New): ansible-redmine
Playbook for deploy Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59718 (New): ref_issue
get issue value of redmine into wiki Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59717 (New): redminems
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59716 (New): TrelloRedmineReporting
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59715 (New): redmine_voice-speech-comments
Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59714 (New): redmine-protocol
Spring Boot project. Reads tickets from Redmine in Textile syntax and uses iText to create a PDF. Admin Redmine
10:31 github-repo #59713 (New): EcranRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59712 (New): Redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59711 (New): tampermonkey-redmine-agile
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59710 (New): scalable-redmine
Redmine pimped out for scalability in a Kubernetes deployment Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59709 (New): redmine_tracker_description
save and show description for tracker Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59708 (New): manually_order_issue
A plugin for redmine, makes issues orderable for users Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59707 (New): redmine-2.3.0-for-test_redmine
Sample redmine application to serve as API Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59706 (New): redmine_demo
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59705 (New): i386-redmine
32bit Redmine docker image Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59704 (New): redmine-client-osgi
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59703 (New): redmine_polls
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59702 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59701 (New): psymine
Ruby Gem interface for the Redmine Api Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59700 (New): redmine-tool
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59699 (New): textile_to_html
Redmine plugin that converts textile notes to html notes inside the redmine database. Useful for implementing redmine... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59698 (New): 2Redmine
2Redmine is a Script to Import Bugs/Tickets from a tool into Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59697 (New): redmine-task
An automation task given during an interview process Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59696 (New): google_calendar_activity
The Redmine plugin that synchronises activity with Google Calendar Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59695 (New): redmine_plugin_gantt_sort_subject
This plugin is for sorting Gantt Chart for Redmine by the subject. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59694 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59693 (New): test_redmine_old
Redmine API access using another project Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59692 (New): bridge-preservation-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59691 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59690 (New): redmine_motivator
Fetches data from Redmine and does basic calculations to motivate you! :-) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59689 (New): _redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59688 (New): git-github.com-gmiklaszewski-redmine_carousel
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59687 (New): redmine_reporting
Provide simple reporting for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59686 (New): hamster-to-redmine
Export time from hamster to redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59685 (New): platformsh-example-redmine
Platform.sh example for Redmine which is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rai... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59684 (New): redmine-test-repo
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59683 (New): redmine3.1_backlogs_custom
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59682 (New): RedmineChecker2
Redmine data checker using redmine REST API with email notification Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59681 (New): senyours-redmine
Source Code of SenYours Project Management Software Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59680 (New): redmine
Open source project management application Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59679 (New): redmine_updates_notifier_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59678 (New): RedmineCRM
Redmine with CRM plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59677 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59676 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59675 (New): redmine-rmd-report
Relatório Rmarkdown com dados extraídos do Redmine utilizado pelo IFB para gestão do planejamento (SGI) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59674 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59673 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59672 (New): redmine2bigquery
Simple script to export redmine data to bigquery (in order to perform analitics) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59671 (New): https-github.com-BlueXML-redmine_queries_management
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59670 (New): Redmine-SSM-COE
Redmine para Seguimiento de montaje COE Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59669 (New): RMonEL7
CFn-based automation to deploy EL7-hosted RedMine onto AWS Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59668 (New): redmine_contrib
scripts adding some functionality to redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59667 (New): redmine_account_text
A redmine plugin which puts a random text to the account page. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59666 (New): mavisafir-redmine-backup
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59665 (New): lane1CRM
lane1 redmine with CRM plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59664 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59663 (New): redmine-api-client
Api client for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59662 (New): redmine2kanban
Reads new issues in redmine and adds them to Kanbanery Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59661 (New): autopilot-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59660 (New): Ruby-Redmine-Plugins
This repository contains the plugins written for redmine in Ruby on Rails Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59659 (New): Redmine-Test-Management
Redmine plugin to synchronize its issues with PractiTest (two way integration) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59658 (New): redmine_plugin_html_blocks
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59657 (New): redmine-rest-android
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59656 (New): protec-redmine-chef-repo
chef repo for the protec redmine project Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59655 (New): estudando-redmine
Conhecendo o gerenciador de projetos Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59654 (New): redmine_drafts
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59653 (New): redmine-unicorn
ansible playbook for redmine+unicorn Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59652 (New): RedminePluginProject
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59651 (New): redmine-plugin-demo
A Demo Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59650 (New): redmine-panel-ifb
Dashboard shiny (R) com dados extraídos do redmine utilizado pelo IFB para gestão do planejamento (SGI) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59649 (New): redmine-sso-auth
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59648 (New): redminewatch
track updates your tasks in redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59647 (New): grizzly
Migrate all stuff form Pivotal Tracker to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59646 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59645 (New): RedmineClient
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59644 (New): project_statistics
Redmine Project Statistics Module Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59643 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59642 (New): redmine-irc
Redmine to IRC bot Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59641 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Planio fork of https://github.com/akiko-pusu/redmine_issue_templates Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59640 (New): redmine-google-oauth2
Google OAuth2 based User signin / signup Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59639 (New): climine
Redmine Command Line Client Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59638 (New): redmine-issue-creator
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59637 (New): ork-flavored-redmine-issue
Detect status changes in redmine issue tracker, trigger sounds. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59636 (New): redmine-notification
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59635 (New): git-clone-https-github.com-Ilogeek-redmine_issue_dynamic_edit
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59634 (New): RedmineTheme
Theme for Redmine in the corporate design of the Pirate Party Switzerland Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59633 (New): redmine_plantuml_integration
Adding plantuml diagrams to your redmine. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59632 (New): sp_redmine_proto
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59631 (New): version-control-systems
Literature survey for selecting vcs for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59630 (New): Redmine-Performance-Testting
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59629 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59628 (New): redminetest
test Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59627 (New): redmine-rss
customizable RSS feed for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59626 (New): https---github.com-gmiklaszewski-redmine_carousel
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59625 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59624 (New): redmine_bx
redmine_bx is a plugin for Redmine. This will reduce excel files in your projects. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59623 (New): timesheet
helpe-me intall timesheet for redmine version 2.3.2 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59622 (New): sonarqube-redmine-issues-importer
Import SonarQube issues to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59621 (New): redmine_backlog_importer
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59620 (New): redmine_extended_project_member_box
Extensions for the project members box on the project overview page Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59619 (New): Redmine-Contacts-Syncer
.NET program that syncs the customer contact information on Redmine’s MySQL database with a PostgreSQL database Writt... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59618 (New): python-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59617 (New): redmine_bot
redmine -> semantic mediawiki Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59616 (New): install_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59615 (New): redmine_task_board
Redmine PlugIn which shows issues in the style of a scrum TaskBoard Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59614 (New): panamax-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59613 (New): redmine_switch_issue_status
automatically switch status of the issue from a starting status to another status when updating the description or ad... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59612 (New): redmine-cpxetime
Set a default time estimated on redmine depending the CPXE field value Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59611 (New): pyactiveresource
pyactiveresource hacked for Python 3 and strange Redmine API problems... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59610 (New): Redmine-GitHub_on_GCP
Installing Readmine (http://www.redmine.org/) that integrated with Git/GitHub hosts on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59609 (New): redmine345
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59608 (New): redmine_yare
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59607 (New): RISCOpedia
redmine integration Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59606 (New): pirate_highrise
Pirate Redmine theme based on Highrise theme Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59605 (New): redmine_project_reply_to
set a own ’reply_to’ field for every project Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59604 (New): redmine-pirateid
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59603 (New): test_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59602 (New): redmine-dmsf
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-dmsf Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59601 (New): Redmine-Ticket-Creator
Simple script to create a new helpdesk ticket in Redmine using RedmineUP’s HelpDesk plugin and custom JS plugin . Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59600 (New): redmine-event-sync
Syncing events from Redmine to other systems (ELSAEvent) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59599 (New): redmine_piratenwiki
Macro to add an iframe displaying a wiki page Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59598 (New): redmine_auto_due_date
when creating a ticket set the due date, if empty, to (today + X days). when the assignee updates a ticket and if th... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59597 (New): redmine_bravo
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59596 (New): redmine_intergration
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59595 (New): redmine_custom_email_template
override email views Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59594 (New): redmine_emails
redmine_emails_plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59593 (New): redmine_bot_python
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59592 (New): redmine-patches-bayern-it
Mods für das Redmine der Piratenpartei Bayern Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59591 (New): redmine_skip_description
add a link to ’issue details’ section to jump to the ’related issue’ section Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59590 (New): redmine_author_filter
it allows issues’ filtering using all authors of the project’s issues, not only the members of the project (http://ww... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59589 (New): redmine_senryu
Sample plugin of Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59588 (New): redmine_add_watcher_notifier
sends email notification to user when he is added as issue’s watcher Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59587 (New): Redmine-AutoWatch
Redmine plugin for automatic ticket watchers configuration Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59586 (New): unicorn-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59585 (New): redmine_html_mail_handler
accept HTML email (requires ckeditor plugin) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59584 (New): redmine_dontpanic
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59583 (New): redmine_disable_journal_notifications
a user who updates a ticket can disable email notifications Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59582 (New): redmine_pirate_helpdesk
Redmine Plugin for a simple pirate helpdesk syste Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59581 (New): redmine_contacts
Pirate Fork of the Redmine CRM plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59580 (New): redmine-docker-image
Redmine with a dockerfile to run it. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59579 (New): redmine-notifications
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59578 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59577 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59576 (New): CRM_Project
A web application of a CRM type, used for project management. It provides a portion of functionalities, that are offe... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59575 (New): redmine_utf8mb4_encoding_conversion
encoding conversion of the mysql db to utf8mb4 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59574 (New): redmine_mx
Manage table definitions on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59573 (New): redmine
Test use redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59572 (New): CRM-Project_old
Aplikacja typu CRM służąca do zarządzania projektami. Udostępnia wycinek funkcjonalności, jakie oferują dedykow... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59571 (New): redmine-gitolite
Integrates gitolite into redmine. Allow ssh-key, permission management on a per project basis. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59570 (New): redmine_html_mail_handler_notifier
send a email to the user if he submitted invalid issue or invalid comment via email Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59569 (New): redmine_html_search
enable HTML code on Search page Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59568 (New): docker_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59567 (New): redmine_default_assign
assign to the tickets the default user of the category (both in creation and in update) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59566 (New): redmine_gitadmin
redmine plugin for git integration Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59565 (New): redmine_bazaaradmin
redmine plugin for bazaar repo management Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59564 (New): jquery-redmine-links
Set two buttons on any HTML page that point to Redmine tracker Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59563 (New): redmine-pixo-theme
An adaptation of the Redmine Circle Theme from RedmineCRM (http://redminecrm.com/pages/circle-theme). Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59562 (New): RedmineClient
Redmine client for windows phone 8 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59561 (New): redmine
self maintained redmine fork from svn Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59560 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59559 (New): redmine_git_test
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59558 (New): tg_bot
Telegram bot for preparing tasks for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59557 (New): redmine-charts-images
Display meaningful Redmine charts Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59556 (New): dashboard-redmine
Dashboard HTML CSS JS al estilo de Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59555 (New): redmine-aktsk
Akatsuki redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59554 (New): turnthecrank.redmine-vagrant
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/turnthecrank.redmine-vagrant Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59553 (New): p2-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59552 (New): auth2fs_medialog
redmine google OTP plugins plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59551 (New): redmine_to_unfuddle
Quick script to take a CSV-formatted dump of RedMine tickets and upload them to Unfuddle Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59550 (New): redmine-api
Redmine Java API Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59549 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59548 (New): IKEA-Redmine
Redmine Central Repository Sample Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59547 (New): relatoriomensal-rm
Gerador de relatório automatizado utilizando API do Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59546 (New): redmine-plugins
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59545 (New): rice_reports
Redmine rice plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59544 (New): redmine_http_header_authentication
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59543 (New): stickie_flow_theme
A Theme for Redmine to work with Stickie~Flow Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59542 (New): git2mine
A python application aimed to make easier the tedious task of logging time for Redmine tasks by extracting informatio... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59541 (New): mipt_redmine_bot
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59540 (New): redmachine
Vagrant machine that provisions a Redmine install. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59539 (New): redmine_test
redmine_test Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59538 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59537 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59536 (New): satisfaction-of-mine
Analyze time entries in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59535 (New): OSRV_TEST
for test redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59534 (New): Osci
Notification system (Linux) It will be used to manage programmers by manger. Manager integrated with redmine to calcu... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59533 (New): vagrant-redmine
A vagrant box with a mysql, apache, and redmine provisioners Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59532 (New): agile_plugin_patch
Patch for aggregation of story points to parent tasks in Redmine Agile Plugin. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59531 (New): GipPeer-Plugin
Redmine plugin for peer reviewing Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59530 (New): openshift-redmine-3.1.1
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59529 (New): html-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59528 (New): redmineTest
Redmine Test (Werney) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59527 (New): show_commit_tags
show commit tags in git repo view of redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59526 (New): RedminePlugin-AutoReminder
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59525 (New): redmine
Projeto TCC Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59524 (New): redmine-custom-menu
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59523 (New): multi-tenant-redmine
Redmine with multi tenancy database example Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59522 (New): RedminePlugin-Duedatereminder
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59521 (New): redmine_tracker_category
Redmine Plugin to Categorize Tracker on External Demand and Internal Task Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59520 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59519 (New): redmine-workground
redmineの開発動作環境 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59518 (New): redmine-container
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59517 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59516 (New): redmine-help-link
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59515 (New): redmine_achiever
Redmine achiever plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59514 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59513 (New): redmine-java-api
Redmine XML API implemented in Java. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59512 (New): redmine-python-parsers
Some parsers for redmine.org and your custom redmine servers Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59511 (New): redmine-client
redmine cliente Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59510 (New): CRM
This is a project which include a part of functionality what offered dedicated solutions of this type like Jira or R... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59509 (New): redmine_auto_date
Redmine plugin for automatically placing time into task (open/close tasks) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59508 (New): html-redmine-tests
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59507 (New): redmine_tools
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59506 (New): RedmineSprintManager
Sprint Manager plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59505 (New): freckle2redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59504 (New): scalamine
A Scala Redmine command-line client. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59503 (New): redmine-2.4.3
development based on redmine2.4.3 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59502 (New): Refactored-Engine-Redmine
Redmine Central Repository Sample Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59501 (New): redmine.issue.creator
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59500 (New): phaRedmineAPI
Redmine API for Yii Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59499 (New): redminezip
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59498 (New): redmine.tanphat.com
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59497 (New): RedminePlugin-Newissuealerts
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59496 (New): redmine_tree_view
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59495 (New): redmine_ejabberd_notifications
XMPP Notifications Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59494 (New): redmine2weekly-
获取Redmine一周的issue并生成周报发送至指定邮箱 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59493 (New): redmine_quadrupleclick_codeblock
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59492 (New): redmine-to-slack
Redmine issue feed to slack channel Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59491 (New): RedmineNaiveTimeLog
A proof of concept time logging Windows app for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59490 (New): bugsense-jira-proxy
use redmine with bugsense \o/ Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59489 (New): RedmineGit
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59488 (New): RedQuarry
Redmine Front-end in React-Native Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59487 (New): cookingwithgit
The files to go with a Git+Redmine training: https://redmine.palantir.net/projects/cooking-with-git Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59486 (New): Redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59485 (New): redmine-scrum
Redmine with Redmine Backlogs plugin & Flatly light redmine theme Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59484 (New): redmine_enhanced_view
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59483 (New): redmine1L_rails
Test for rails app to be hosted on Nginx and automated using Systemd Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59482 (New): easy_gantt
easy_gantt for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59481 (New): create_test
[Redmine plugin] Create a test issue Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59480 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59479 (New): redmine_stock
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59478 (New): redmine_study
Redmineお試し環境 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59477 (New): redmine-webhook
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59476 (New): docker_gitlab_redmine_jenkins
this repository is built by docker, gitlab and redmine and jenkins. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59475 (New): redmine
A simple Redmine CLI Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59474 (New): java-redmine
ejemplos de acceso a redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59473 (New): tools-redmine-analysis
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59472 (New): redmine_logdown_preview
Enable ctrl-d for full page preview, ctrl-e back to editing like logdown Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59471 (New): stepik_redmine_integration
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59470 (New): PF.Redmine.Bot
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59469 (New): redmineAgile
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59468 (New): redmine_textarea_tab
Allow tab key to insert \t in textarea Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59467 (New): redmine_cap
This is a plugin allow Redmine to start cap tasks Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59466 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59465 (New): redmine-tocat
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59464 (New): redmine_crm_templates_grabber
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59463 (New): redmine_bulk_edit
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59462 (New): redmine-import-test
nothing of interest here Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59461 (New): redmine_zenedit
http://redminecrm.com/projects/zenedit/pages/1 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59460 (New): redmine-alpine
redmine for alpine docker image Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59459 (New): HideResolvedTasksRedmineScript
Hide all tasks that you’ve checked as Resolved from your work time page of Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59458 (New): redmine_ah_theme
Redmine theme using twitter bootstrap and a.h color theme Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59457 (New): redmine_notifier
Simple command line tool to watch a Redmine Activity feed at push notifications to the OS X Notification Center Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59456 (New): redmine_file_bucket
Redmine redmine_file_bucket plugin repository Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59455 (New): special_redmine_customizer_ext
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59454 (New): aws-redmine
deployment of redmine service through ansible on aws Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59453 (New): tracktime
An application that allows you to entry time in the Redmine through a bot. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59452 (New): coda-redmine
Academy homework Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59451 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59450 (New): LinuxTestServer_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59449 (New): redmine_api
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59448 (New): bitnamiredmine
this repository is for install redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59447 (New): RedMineAPI
Repositorio para integrar con REDMINE Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59446 (New): redmine_work_wechat
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59445 (New): migrate_from_phpbt_to_redmine
Migrate phpBugTracker database to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59444 (New): TADS-141516-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59443 (New): redmine_issue_monitoring
Plugin for Redmine which provides graphs analyzing issues. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59442 (New): redmine-webhook-plugin
Redmine Plugin Webhook Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59441 (New): Repository_plugins
This repository involves all customize plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59440 (New): nproject
Redmine based project management tool Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59439 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59438 (New): redmine_queryable_spent_time
This plugin allows to run search queries by Spent Time column. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59437 (New): IF-Redmine
IF Specific Version of the Redmine Project Management App Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59436 (New): SmartRedmine
Este proyecto propone crear una capa por encima de Redmine, que use la API de Redmine para generar una UX más sencill... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59435 (New): redmine-create-git-repository
Little python script to automate creation of git repository in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59434 (New): docker-redmine
Docker compose with Redmine/PhpMyAdmin/Mysql Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59433 (New): redmine
搭建redmin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59432 (New): redmine-backlog-tags
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59431 (New): redbill
Billing App for redmine and others Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59430 (New): redmine_spent_time_column
Redmine plugin to add a sortable ”Time Spent” column on issue searches Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59429 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59428 (New): _query
redmine OR query for redmine 3.2 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59427 (New): redmine_issue_test_registry
Redmine Plugin to create a Test Registry based on Issues Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59426 (New): redmine-issue-generator
Generate random issues using redmine API Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59425 (New): Calculette_IMIE
Calculette Tp Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59424 (New): redmine_issues_macros
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59423 (New): redmine
A simple client for my personal needs for the Redmine bug tracker. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59422 (New): new_tasks
This is a plugin for redmine. He show count new task to favicon Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59421 (New): redmine3.4
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59420 (New): redmine_emergya_issue_adjustement
Redmine plugin to add custom configurations to issue treatment Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59419 (New): redmine-remind2slack-lambda
Redmine の その日が締め切りのチケットをSlackで通知するやつ Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59418 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59417 (New): cerebro-redmine
Cerebro plugin to search for your issues in your Redmine project management web application setup Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59416 (New): redmine_mysql_broker_ruby
this app is modify heroku-buildpack-ruby to fit with redmine2+,if you want to konw how to use it ,please have a see t... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59415 (New): redmine-centos7
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59414 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59413 (New): zoupam
Joujou avec API Redmine / Toggl et ELM Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59412 (New): redmine_gantt_view_overwrite
Overwrite width of subject in gantt view Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59411 (New): docker-redmine-timesheet
Redmine with Timesheet plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59410 (New): Redmine-Duplicate
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59409 (New): redmine-docs
The unofficial Redmine documentation Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59408 (New): redmine-project-sections
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59407 (New): Redmine_CRM_1_4
Redmine_CRM_1_4 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59406 (New): read_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59405 (New): redmine_reports
A utility for simplifying generating custom Redmine reports Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59404 (New): redmine_issue_detailed_tabs_time
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59403 (New): redmine-ganttproject-com
A project for communication between redmine and ganttproject Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59402 (New): Redmine.Repo
Download redmine’s project repository via web (no control version client need) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59401 (New): redmine_install
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59400 (New): pyred
python wrapper for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59399 (New): redmine_timesheet_plugin
Redmine Timesheet Plugin ported to redmine 2 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59398 (New): redmine-theme
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59397 (New): redmine-check
The redmine install for checkmeout Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59396 (New): redmine-statistics
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-statistics Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59395 (New): golang-study-redmine
https://github.com/mattn/go-redmine を写経する Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59394 (New): redmine_backlogs
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59393 (New): ocpn-redmine-archive
Archived files from redmine.kalian.cz Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59392 (New): toybox-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59391 (New): redmine_nu_mobile_viewer
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59390 (New): ubuntu-alm
virtual machine with ubuntu server lxde redmine svn git jenkins artifactory scm-manager apache maven Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59389 (New): redmine_schedule_board
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59388 (New): redmine_requests
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59387 (New): toggl2redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59386 (New): redminePlugin_modifyCustomFields
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59385 (New): redmine_parent_due_prefer_nil
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59384 (New): Software-design
InfView was a faculty project for subject ’Software design’ initially published at https://student.ftn.uns.ac.rs/redm... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59383 (New): redmine-tool
Access a Redmine server using REST Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59382 (New): sameersbn-docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59381 (New): redmine_timesheet
Time Sheet plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59380 (New): redmine_starter
Start Redmine locally by the command ”redmine”. This is for windows users. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59379 (New): redmine_contacts
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59378 (New): capistrano_deploy_redmine
Capistrano tasks for deploying Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59377 (New): redmine-agrex
Project about redmine-agrex Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59376 (New): redmine_mail_template
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59375 (New): redmine_kpi
Some KPI-Numbers for Redmine. Tailored for the use at Corscience Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59374 (New): vue-redmine
A redmine Monitoring application, built with Vue.js and Java. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59373 (New): redmine_fiber_support
This is a plugin for Redmine for fully support Puma webserver and Sidekiq Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59372 (New): redmine-attask-importer
Import your AtTask data into Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59371 (New): redmineBackup
PowerShellを使って、Redmineのデータをバックアップします。(WindowsOS & PowerShell) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59370 (New): redmine_bak_svn
Backup solution for redmine using subversion Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59369 (New): redmine
home of all things Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59368 (New): role_shift_plugin
Redmine plugin. Lets managing roles (including ”Non members” and ”Anonymous”) at project level. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59367 (New): redmine_project_settings_hook
Redmine plugin that adds hook to project settings tab Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59366 (New): redmine_version_burndown_charts2
バージョンバーンダウンプラグインの改造版です。redmine2.x対応 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59365 (New): redmine_fetch_changesets_post
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59364 (New): redmine-gitolite
Pull group information from redmine and produce acl-compliant gitolite configuration files. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59363 (New): redmine-mattermost-compose
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59362 (New): easy_contacts
contacts plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59361 (New): redmine_history_details_toggle
This plugin add checkbox to show/hide details of history on ticket. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59360 (New): redmine_auto_link_fix
This is a plugin for Redmine that fix AUTO_LINK_RE (http://www.redmine.org/issues/12077) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59359 (New): redmine-heroku
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59358 (New): redminePlugin_modifyUsers
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59357 (New): redminePlugin_exportIssuesByExcel
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59356 (New): nine-redmine-client
Simple Ruby Redmine Client Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59355 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59354 (New): related-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59353 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59352 (New): redmine_better_errors
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59351 (New): customized_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59350 (New): RedmineGitTest
Test d’intégration Git / RedMine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59349 (New): custom_redmine_links
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59348 (New): RedmineRemote
Chrome extension for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59347 (New): my_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59346 (New): psmine
Powershell module for Redmine API Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59345 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59344 (New): redmine-issue-creator
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59343 (New): redmine_timelog_limit
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59342 (New): redminie_plugins
redmineのプラグイン Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59341 (New): redmine_wbs
clone redmine wbs plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59340 (New): RedmineWork
for work Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59339 (New): redmine_niko_cale2
redmine_niko_caleのredmine2.6対応版です Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59338 (New): redmine_fixed_bom_for_csv
Add BOM for UTF-8 for export CSV Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59337 (New): redmine_jquery_migrate
jquery1.9で廃止されたAPIを復元するredmineのプラグインです。 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59336 (New): redmine-issues
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59335 (New): redmine_checklist
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59334 (New): redmine-compose
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59333 (New): example-redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59332 (New): Redmine-informer
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59331 (New): redmine_issue_no_parent_update
子チケットの変更を親チケットに反映させない(開始日/期日/優先度)プラグイン Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59330 (New): redmine-mattermost
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59329 (New): redmine_people
clone and customize redmine_people for our company Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59328 (New): sciyoshi-redmine-slack
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59327 (New): redmine-to-g-sheets
Google Sheets Script for taking a Redmine CSV issue export and displaying it on a Google Sheet. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59326 (New): redmine_text_format_converter
A Redmine plugin to convert text format from Textile to Markdown. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59325 (New): redmine_mermaid
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59324 (New): openshift-alpine-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59323 (New): redmine_tracker_old
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59322 (New): red_hotels
binding google spreadsheet with redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59321 (New): ExternalFileMount
Takes a list of SeqIDs from a Redmine request and moves the coresponding files onto an external drive in the format n... Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59320 (New): custom_stylesheet
Redmine plugin custom stylesheet Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59319 (New): redmine_semipublic
Semipublic - public but hard-to-guess links - issue views for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59318 (New): nb-redmine-plugins
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59317 (New): puppet-rsnapshot
Puppet module for rsnapshot (based on http://redmine.the.re/git/puppet-rsnapshot.git) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59316 (New): redmine_test_case_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59315 (New): RedToggl
Integration between Redmine and Toggl Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59314 (New): redminedaily
Emails today’s redmine stats Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59313 (New): redmine_wiki_showrevision
Redmine plugin: Add wiki macro for revision information. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59312 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59311 (New): redmine_project_access
access rights to projects (not only public-non-public) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59310 (New): wiking
Git clone of Andriy Lesyuk’s Redmine WikiNG (http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/wiking) Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59309 (New): redmine_datepicker_fix
Fix datepicker Today button behaviour Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59308 (New): redmine_tickets_printable
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59307 (New): redmine-usando-api
Usando alguns recursos da API do Redmine, projetos e isseus Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59306 (New): redmine_mail_long_subjects
Redmine long subjects patch for redmine-1.4 mailer Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59305 (New): redmine_plugins
Invoice Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59304 (New): custom_filter_issue
Redmine plugin custom filter Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59303 (New): redmine_task_reminder
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59302 (New): redmine-mobile
Redmine Mobile uses JQery Mobile Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59301 (New): synchRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59300 (New): netbrick-redmine
Redmine puppet module Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59299 (New): redminerTest
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59298 (New): Redmine4.0
Back up Redmine 4.0 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59297 (New): silver
Yet another theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59296 (New): rat
Redmine Administrator’s Tool Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59295 (New): lita-redmine2
Redmine Handlers for Lita Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59294 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59293 (New): redmine
for redmine server Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59292 (New): redmine_toolbar
Redmine plugin for the toolbar Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59291 (New): redmine-engineyard-chef
Chef Recipes for the the Engineyard cluster which runs work.alley.ws Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59290 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59289 (New): redmine-test
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59288 (New): redmine-support_direct_textile_classes_and_ids
Restores the old textile-based Wiki formatting allowing directly using HTML classes and ids Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59287 (New): admintools-bundle
Sed ProAnt Admintools symfony bundle. Creates redmine issues from symfony exceptions. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59286 (New): redmine-timey
Redmine timesheet helper Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59285 (New): redmine_updater
This project is for testing WebApi of Redmine. basiccaly, it is runed by executable jar. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59284 (New): redmine_anonymous_authors
Update of Redmine Anonymous Authors plugin to work with redmine v3+. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59283 (New): redmine-backlogs
Adds a unique backlog number to your Redmine issues on per project basis. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59282 (New): WGSAssembly
Automated process to run the pipeline and post the results back to the user on Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59281 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59280 (New): RedmineBot
Вспомогательный инструмент для работы с задачами Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59279 (New): chuck
slack bot with custom redmine integration Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59278 (New): GenericRedmineAutomator
Generic template to build Redmine Automation processes from. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59277 (New): z-test-issues
Test issue imports from redmine Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59276 (New): redmine_redspell
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59275 (New): redmine-postit-archive
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59274 (New): redmine-issue-slack
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59273 (New): redmine2gitlab
quick and dirty way to move the issues from redmine projects to gitlab Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59272 (New): redmine_plantuml
Redmine plantuml plugin Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59271 (New): redmine_extend_hooks
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59270 (New): redmine-issue-summary
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59269 (New): Mine-Exploder
A Redmine Desktop Client Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59268 (New): redmineup_tags
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59267 (New): redmine_budget
project budget Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59266 (New): redmine_checklists
clone of redmine_checklists Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59265 (New): redmine_slack_notifier
Redmine Issues notify to Slack Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59264 (New): batch
redmine batch Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59263 (New): Redmine-iOS
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59262 (New): NodeRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59261 (New): redmine-2.3
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59260 (New): clickapps-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59259 (New): redmine_default_module
Choose default module for redmine projects Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59258 (New): redmine_attachment_view
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59257 (New): redcurry
redmine curry Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59256 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine with additional plugins Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59255 (New): redmine_reviews
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59254 (New): redmine_centosadmin
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59253 (New): GoToIssue
Simple python based app to access redmine issue quickly Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59252 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59251 (New): docker-redmine
for checking Redmine’s plugin or theme behavior. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59250 (New): PR-MG-601-
https://estoc.weseek.co.jp/redmine/issues/16550 Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59249 (New): docker-ca-redmine
Redmine image for Open DevOps Pipeline Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59248 (New): kosz-redmine-tools
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/kosz-redmine-tools Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59247 (New): redmine-helper
A small tool that handles my monthly hours billing. Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59246 (New): redmine-docs
User documentation for OLC Redmine instance Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59245 (New): redmine_remaining_time
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59244 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59243 (New): chef_redmine_demo
Chef cookbook to deploy Redmine app Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59242 (New): redmine-connect-custom-field
Very simple redmine plugin for our very own specific use case of having links to user profiles at connect.opensuse.org Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59241 (New): perl-Net-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59240 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59239 (New): redmine-bentoish
A bento-like theme for Redmine, based on Gitmike theme by Makoto Kawasaki Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59238 (New): devenv
redmine + gitlab + jenkins Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59237 (New): redmine_custom_workflows
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59236 (New): redmine-kanban
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59235 (New): redmine_reject
Redmine plugin for assigne reject Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59234 (New): GitHub2RedmineImporter
GitHub 2 Redmine Importer Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59233 (New): Redmine-docker-with-LDAP
Admin Redmine
10:30 github-repo #59232 (New): redmine_pdf_export
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59231 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59230 (New): redmineagile
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59229 (New): RedmineAutoLogger
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59228 (New): Orextile
a poor redmine-like wiki engine on top of JQuery Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59227 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59226 (New): redminer
Power up the Redmine. It’s Google Chrome extension. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59225 (New): redmine-api
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59224 (New): redmine-wikiformat-opensuse
WikiFormat openSUSE plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59223 (New): redmine_ui_optimizations
My personal Redmine UI optimizations, written for a customized Redmine installation. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59222 (New): redmine-sandbox
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59221 (New): BugHunter
我觉得redmine太重型了,而且不符合我的需求我就自己用php写一个 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59220 (New): idr-redmine-tracker
Email tracker for IDR submissions using redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59219 (New): redmine-contacts
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59218 (New): frontend_crm_demo
Demo redmine frontend Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59217 (New): yunomine
A plugin for YNH Redmine overrides Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59216 (New): tracker
Redmine issue tracker Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59215 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59214 (New): redmine-worktime
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59213 (New): redmine_jobtime_update
레드마인 작업시간 자동 업데이트 Tool Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59212 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59211 (New): Searchmine
A Chrome plugin for Redmine issues target and member searcher Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59210 (New): redmine_project_sidebar
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59209 (New): redmine-nginx-ansible
installing and runniung application redmine using ansible Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59208 (New): redmine_time_in_days
Change all times in hours instread of hours in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59207 (New): redmine-people
redmine people plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59206 (New): redmine_theme_basecamp
redmine_theme_basecamp Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59205 (New): redmine-due-subtask
Very simple redmine plugin for our very own specific use case of needing a calculated custom field Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59204 (New): redmine-ichain
ichain plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59203 (New): autotests-for-demo.redmine.org
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59202 (New): redmine2jira
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59201 (New): redmine_recent_news
redmine_recent_news Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59200 (New): redmine_default_assignee
legacy redmine_default_assignee Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59199 (New): RedmineSweeper
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59198 (New): redmine_news_archive
redmine_news_archive Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59197 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59196 (New): redmine-copy-parent-issue-id
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59195 (New): RedmineToVSTS
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59194 (New): toggl_redmine
Ruby gem that helps you with importing Toggl’s time entries into Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59193 (New): perl-app-toggl-to-redmine
Log Toggl Time Entries in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59192 (New): Git2Redmine
Allows to record time entries to redmine using git repository as a reference Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59191 (New): redmine-gssui
Link between Redmine and Google Spread Sheet. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59190 (New): charm-redmine
juju charm for redmine and apache Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59189 (New): docker-redmine-unicorn
Redmine with unicorn for docker build Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59188 (New): exceeding_estimate
Уведомление о превышении оценки в redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59187 (New): ruby-redmine-automated-tests
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59186 (New): redmine_wiki_admonition
Macros for simple admonition blocks for Redmine’s wiki Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59185 (New): asv-redmine-chrome-extension
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59184 (New): commercial_projects
Отображение в redmine информации о коммерческих проектах Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59183 (New): ric
redmine issue controller Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59182 (New): momiji
a redmine extension Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59181 (New): chef_redmine
Chef Redmine instllation Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59180 (New): simple_task_manager
Simple redmine-like ajax task manager on Django 1.9 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59179 (New): redmine_remind_me_please
Simple one-time and repeated reminders for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59178 (New): profiler
info from crm to redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59177 (New): redmine_revision_diff_link
Simple plugin to show diff link for revisions on issue page Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59176 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59175 (New): RmClient
Redmine Client Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59174 (New): redmine-deploy
a roundsman/capistrano/vagrant project to configure an empty machine with a working redmine&pre-requisites. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59173 (New): redmine
the redmine we use Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59172 (New): solution_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59171 (New): redmineTaskCreator
Script que auxilia a criação de tasks no Redmine a partir de uma planilha XLS Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59170 (New): redmine_backup
Plugin Redmine Backup Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59169 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59168 (New): 333tasks
Tool for synhronize tasks between Redmine and Google Tasks Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59167 (New): redmine_issue_number_favicon
A plugin for Redmine that displays currently viewed issue’s number in the favicon Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59166 (New): git-redmine-todo-plugin
Never miss any TODO Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59165 (New): redmine2jira
PHP code to take a redmine database and create JSON blobs to upload to Jira Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59164 (New): Redmine-Archive-Plugin
A Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59163 (New): RedmineAutomation
A suite of automated checks for Redmine. (Selenide+Cucumber) Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59162 (New): migcon_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59161 (New): qrm
A Pico (http://picocms.org/) theme for building test suites in Markdown and connecting them to Redmine for issue logging Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59160 (New): pyredmine
Python redmine console grid renderer for specific user and sorted by priority Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59159 (New): hanazawa
redmine like todolist Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59158 (New): timesheet_uploader
redmine timesheet uploader Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59157 (New): redmine_mentions
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59156 (New): vagrant-redmine
Vagrant box with a Redmine install Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59155 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59154 (New): redmine-member-sort
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59153 (New): redmine_sla_spammer
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59152 (New): redmine_mio
Modificaciones Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59151 (New): redmineWarehouse
redmine warehouse test plugin for RedmineCRM Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59150 (New): Capsulizations
Capsulizations Redmine Plugin. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59149 (New): project_header_color
Redmine Plugin: Set header color per user and per project. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59148 (New): migcon_redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59147 (New): redmine_total_estimated_hours
A Redmine Plugin to get the total Estimated Hours of a Project... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59146 (New): redmine_reports
Raw time reports from redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59145 (New): redmine_plugin_views_revisions
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59144 (New): Redmine-Ansible
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59143 (New): redmine_suddendeath
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59142 (New): cmdmine
A simple command-line interface to enough Redmine functionality to easily log work activity Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59141 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59140 (New): redmine.online
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59139 (New): github_relation_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59138 (New): prueba_rdm
prueba_redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59137 (New): bugreporting
bugreporting redmine using selenium grid hub and node Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59136 (New): RedmineIntegrationPlugin
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59135 (New): de.moetz.js.webext.redmineuiplugin
Eine Webextension zur Anpassung der Redmine-Oberfläche. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59134 (New): redmine_update_svn
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59133 (New): rm2gh
Migrates exported redmine ticket xml to github tickets Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59132 (New): searcher
A Redmine plugin for demonstrating Redmine message#44230. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59131 (New): redmine-robot-tests
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59130 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59129 (New): bundler
Install Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59128 (New): RedmineTimetracker
A desktop application that allows to track issue time on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59127 (New): petclinic-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59126 (New): redmine_xmpp_notify
Send Notifications over XMPP/Jabber Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59125 (New): rt2redmine
A set of scripts to export from RT tickets and import into Redmine issues. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59124 (New): redmine-TSIS-DSCC
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59123 (New): test-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59122 (New): redmineagileplugin
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59121 (New): redmine-syncrocity-oauth2
Redmine plugin to connect via SyncroCity platform nodes Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59120 (New): slack-to-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59119 (New): redmine_rm11527
A Redmine plugin for testing Redmine issue #11527. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59118 (New): RedmineReport
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59117 (New): PMS_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59116 (New): redmine-bulk-ticket
Redmine plugin supports bulk ticketing. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59115 (New): redmine-old
Docker Image for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59114 (New): MotsunabeZombieProject
http://redmine.cs.is.saga-u.ac.jp/projects/mzp/wiki Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59113 (New): contracts
A Redmine plugin that allows you to manage contracts and associate time-entries with those contracts. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59112 (New): redmine_project_summary
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59111 (New): RedmineAPI.NET
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59110 (New): redmine_code_review
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59109 (New): bavarian_dawn
Redmine Theme ”Bavarian Dawn” Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59108 (New): redmine_list_simple_customize
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59107 (New): readmine
Redmine project management client Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59106 (New): redmine2slack
This shell script watches redmine atom feed and posts it to a Slack channel Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59105 (New): Redmine.Flat.Design
Simple Flat design for redmine. all changes in css files application.css and context_menu.css Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59104 (New): redminex
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59103 (New): redmine-metrics-plugin
redmine metrics plugin for jenkinsci Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59102 (New): sommelier-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59101 (New): redmine_gmail_reader
Redmine plugin for create and update issues via email using IMAP for access to gmail account. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59100 (New): redmine_telegram_bot
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59099 (New): redmine-timetracker
The project name is rm.helpmetrack. It is built using PySide, so cross platform, time tracker, that uploads the scree... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59098 (New): Redmine-test
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59097 (New): mp_redmine
Redmine theme for https://tracker.moneypark.ch/ Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59096 (New): redmine-jconnector
RedmineJConnector is a Java based Redmine Client (Redmine Java API) to interact with Redmine Server using its Rest API Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59095 (New): redmine_utils
Userscript utils for redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59094 (New): redmine
En este repositorio subiré todo lo relacionado a mis trabajos con redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59093 (New): redmine_shib_plugin
Shibboleth authentication plugin for Redmine 3.x Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59092 (New): CustomRedmineIntegrationPlugin
Custom component for RedmineIntegrationPlugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59091 (New): RedmineMemo
A redmine client as lightweight todo Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59090 (New): redmine-connector
Connect to any Redmine project and bring data of issues into Data Studio. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59089 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59088 (New): redmine_project_status
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59087 (New): redmine_assign_resources
A person’s in charge work load is displayed. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59086 (New): de.moetz.js.webext.redmineprintplugin
Eine Webextension zum Hinzufügen von Print-Buttons zur Redmine-Oberfläche. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59085 (New): redmine-view-customize-scripts
Original: https://github.com/onozaty/redmine-view-customize-scripts Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59084 (New): todo-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59083 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59082 (New): redminereports
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59081 (New): redmine
Practica Aeroespaciales Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59080 (New): redmine.js
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59079 (New): redmine-multiple-values-filter
This plugin allows querying with multiple values for a field. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59078 (New): ansible
Ansible playbook for Redmine and Phabricator Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59077 (New): dockerize-redmine
My simple Docker compose for redmine + postgreSQL Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59076 (New): tooling-server
A vagrant environment for setting up gitlab, redmine on nginx and ubuntu Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59075 (New): easyRedmine
A simple easy redmine API to add tasks, attendances, milestones and etc Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59074 (New): lock_out
Redmine plugin that controls when users can set time entries by locking them out of previous months. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59073 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59072 (New): redmine_webhook
forked and added from suer/redmine_webhook Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59071 (New): redmine_topmenu_tasks
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59070 (New): my-redmine-installation
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59069 (New): TCC-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59068 (New): wtm
redmine work time plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59067 (New): mtasks
Redmine TODO tasks plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59066 (New): redmine-for-lazy-people
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59065 (New): redmine_usersearchfield
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59064 (New): micrometre-infrastructures
Redmine and Jenkins Docker setup Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59063 (New): redmine_api
методы для работы с redmine в c# через библиотеку redmine-api Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59062 (New): Redmine
BASH Installation script for Redmine ticketing system. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59061 (New): redmine_plugin_xml_importer
ajustes no plugin para importar xmls do microsoft project para o Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59060 (New): Redmine-3.0.3
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59059 (New): redmine_contacts_helpdesk_patch
patch so that redminecrm helpdesk plugin doesn’t break reports like pivot, custom reports and monitor and controlling Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59058 (New): shoo
Redmine plugin working with Trello API Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59057 (New): redmine-dashboard
Simple dashboard to show issues from Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59056 (New): redmine_default_my_page_copy
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59055 (New): redmine_activity_report
updated to 3.x, based on actual redmine activity report (vs time logged) and you can select activities Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59054 (New): redmine_custom_field_groups_user
Redmine Custom Field User In Group plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59053 (New): redmine_color_due_date_issues
Redmine plugin to color issues that is due today. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59052 (New): redmine_kramdown_formatter
This plugin supports markdown format by kramdown. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59051 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59050 (New): nginx-redmine-puma
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59049 (New): redmine-utils
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59048 (New): tfg-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59047 (New): Lab_127
http://redmine.weezlabs.com:8100/redmine/boards/8/topics/127 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59046 (New): issue_rating
Redmine issue_rating plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59045 (New): angular-redmine
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️ Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59044 (New): bitnami-redmine-rsync-backup-script
Shell script for rsync backup to remote server. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59043 (New): mail2rmticket
It register a redmine ticket from mail Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59042 (New): squid
Redmine plugin for internal use at the JHU DMC. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59041 (New): typo3_mod
Redmine Plugin für das Typo3 Forge Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59040 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59039 (New): mw_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59038 (New): demo.redmine.org_test
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59037 (New): redmineunyou
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59036 (New): ner-ws
Fork of the SOAP API for Liner - http://nlp.pwr.wroc.pl/redmine/projects/ner-ws Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59035 (New): redmine_importer_hao
trial run version of redmine_importer Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59034 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59033 (New): testPrRedmine
integration with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59032 (New): Lab_50_82
http://redmine.weezlabs.com:8100/redmine/boards/8/topics/50 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59031 (New): minvoice
Redmine invoice plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59030 (New): FalseRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59029 (New): Lab_55
Application which allow user keep list of books, with edit and delete functions http://redmine.weezlabs.com:8100/red... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59028 (New): vagrant-easyredmine-vendor
Vagrant port of EasyRedmine VMWare image of Redmine 3.1.1 on Debian Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59027 (New): vagrant-devmine
Vagrant development platform for EuPathDB’s production copy of Redmine 2.x Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59026 (New): redmine_repository
Port/Update of ”redmine_repository” plugin created by Alex A Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59025 (New): redmine-mobile-time-checker
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59024 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59023 (New): links
Redmine plugin to display extra links across Redmine. Currently adds a global issues link in the top menu. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59022 (New): GM_RedmineIntegration
A GreaseMonkey Script to help with Redmine issue management Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59021 (New): basecamp_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59020 (New): docker-containers
My playground of docker containers & images. Work in progress Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59019 (New): redmine_transaction_informer
Redmine transaction’s attributes sender to foreign URL. Plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59018 (New): redmine-git-univarsal-synchronization
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59017 (New): redmine_service_catalog
This Redmine plugin helps users to route their requests Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59016 (New): redmine-mail-integration
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59015 (New): redmine_has_been_filters
Redmine plugin which provides additional filters and columns to issues search screen Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59014 (New): redmine
Redmine for Portal [2/100] Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59013 (New): redmine_fix_headers_middleware
This private plugin is specific for my work Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59012 (New): redmine_contact_form
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59011 (New): redmine-api-client-php
PHP API Client for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59010 (New): gasRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59009 (New): redmine_situations
Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59008 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59007 (New): redmine_email_address_exporter
A plugin for Redmine - It just add a link on the projects page, so admins can export email addresses per role Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59006 (New): redmine_base_stimulusjs
Simplify the use of the Stimulus JavaScript framework in Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59005 (New): redmine_auto_update_status
This is a plugin for Redmine which helps to automatically update issues statuses Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59004 (New): mail-attachments-as-binary
メール連携でチケットを更新するときに添付ファイルをバイナリを維持して保存するRedmineプラグイン Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59003 (New): redmine-2.5.1-1
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59002 (New): redmine-monitor
Monitor redmine issues, quick view, send notifications when issue updated! Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59001 (New): Redmine-Watcher-TaskTray
It resides in the task tray and checks the update of Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #59000 (New): RedMine
RedMine: Smart Photo Editor (Developed in Javascript & electron) (Photoshop Alternative) Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58999 (New): redmine-dmsf
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-dmsf Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58998 (New): redmine
redmine repository Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58997 (New): docker-gitlab-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58996 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58995 (New): kptup-redmineplugin
Redmine上でKPT(KeepProblemTry)を登録・一覧できます。 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58994 (New): redmine_hginit
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58993 (New): user_signature_redmine
Redmine user signature Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58992 (New): redmine-statistics
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-statistics Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58991 (New): redmine_disable_auth
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58990 (New): redmine
Redmine API for Crystal Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58989 (New): redmine_news_filter_date
redmine_news_filter_date Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58988 (New): redmine_mute_notification
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58987 (New): redmine-net-api
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-net-api Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58986 (New): redmine-userscripts
A collection of useful userscripts for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58985 (New): redmine_google_calendarlist
Redmine plugin for google calendar. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58984 (New): redmine_evm_tool
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58983 (New): redmine_estimate
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58982 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58981 (New): redmine_longer_core_fields
Minimalist Redmine plugin which increase the length of core fields Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58980 (New): codetails_redminerb
Codetails ”redminerb: a REST API CLI” Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58979 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58978 (New): TestCase-LikeRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58977 (New): scraping
an example to scrape html-file on redmine server Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58976 (New): redmine
Redmine Docker Images Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58975 (New): test_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58974 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58973 (New): issue_rating
Redmine plugin adding rating bar for issues Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58972 (New): RedmineUtils
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58971 (New): redmine_tools
Command line utilities for redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58970 (New): mentionChatwork
Redmine用のプラグイン メンションでチャットワークメッセージを送ります Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58969 (New): redmine_custom_login
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58968 (New): redmine_custom_queries_enhancement
This Redmine plugin enhances custom queries. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58967 (New): docker-redmine-postgres
docker-compose to create redmine-postgres Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58966 (New): lets_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58965 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58964 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58963 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Role used to install redmine on CentOS with yum Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58962 (New): redmine_custom_footer
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58961 (New): redminetest
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58960 (New): gradle-redmine-sample
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58959 (New): redmine_zoho_cliq
Redmine Zoho Cliq Plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58958 (New): redmine-plugin-env
Create Orb for Redmine Plugin development Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58957 (New): redmine_descendant_counter
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58956 (New): redmine_public_project
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58955 (New): redmine-net-api
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-net-api Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58954 (New): redmine_projectsettings_hidecustomfields
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58953 (New): redmine_projectsettings_hidetrackers
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58952 (New): redmine_project_show_tolast
Move ”Overview” of the project menu to the end Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58951 (New): redmine_project_menuitem_order
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58950 (New): redmine3
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58949 (New): redmine_cache
Don’t use this plugin! It’s not ready… Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58948 (New): redmine_parent_priority
A redmine plugins that enables parent priority changing. (children will be updated, too) Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58947 (New): redmine-api
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58946 (New): redmine_auto_role
Automatically add asignee to the project Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58945 (New): redmine_preserve_scroll
A plugin to preserve vertical offset while editing tasks (e.g. in issues#index), based on ”scrollsneak.js”. May be us... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58944 (New): redmein
CLI client for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58943 (New): redmine_coassign
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58942 (New): Redmine_app
Redmine app using Docker-compose and then on K8 cluster Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58941 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine image for Docker with several extensions and improvements. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58940 (New): redmine_lightbox2
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58939 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58938 (New): redmine-git-hosting
Redmine 4 container image with Redmine Git Hosting plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58937 (New): redmine_hacks
Various javascript hacks to improve the redmine UI Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58936 (New): redmine-timetracker
Windows application designed to help you track your time using Redmine Issues. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58935 (New): asso-kit
A customized Redmine setup with tons of usefull plugins, 100% translated to french. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58934 (New): Redmine-Time-Log-2
Redmine time log application allows you to track your team members working hours on a specific issue or specific proj... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58933 (New): RedmineFiltroQuincena
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58932 (New): Redmine-Subtasks-Plugin
A plugin for subtasks management on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58931 (New): redmine_dmsf
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58930 (New): redmine_show_email
Show html-only email in full layout. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58929 (New): redmines
dddd Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58928 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58927 (New): redmine_remove_homepage
Plugin to remove the homepage from the topmenu of Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58926 (New): redmine_simplify_mephi
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58925 (New): redmine_roadmap_module
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58924 (New): redmine
aav redmine project Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58923 (New): redmine_requireattachment
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58922 (New): redmine_patronymic
Adds support of ”lastname firstname patronymic” display format Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58921 (New): redmine_forbidden_attachments
Forbid downloading of attachments ”private_*” by role-based rule Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58920 (New): redmine_mailnotification_mephisubjects
(this plugin is useful only for NRNU MEPhI) Тема уведомительного письма в зависимости от особенностей конкретных прое... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58919 (New): jail-redmine
Redmine in FreeBSD jail Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58918 (New): redmine-desktop-client
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-desktop-client Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58917 (New): redmine-drupalmodules
Redmine Plugin to manage the use of drupal modules in your projects Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58916 (New): redmine_issues_jump_to_subproject
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58915 (New): redmine_fixredirects
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58914 (New): redmine
Redmine in FreeBSD jail Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58913 (New): red_docker
A set of interconnected Docker images implemeting a full Redmine suite Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58912 (New): Redmine
Redmine interface build on NodeJS Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58911 (New): redmine_delegate_issue
A plugin to create an issue copy assigned to somebody else as a sub-issue Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58910 (New): redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58909 (New): redmine_createsubproject_button
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58908 (New): git-redmine
Git extras for task management with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58907 (New): redmine_spd_join_project
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58906 (New): redmine_ld_rize
vi-like keyboard navigation for Redmine ITS Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58905 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58904 (New): RedGauges
Redmineのissueのアサインの状況を見える化する Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58903 (New): pirate-redmine-api-reverse-cache
Pirate Redmine Api Reverse Proxy Cache Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58902 (New): redmine-lazy-tracker
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58901 (New): redmine-node
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58900 (New): redmineSouar
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58899 (New): TaskManager
Task manager for redmine. Just for studying c# wpf Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58898 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58897 (New): redmine_spd
Adaptación del redmine (1.4) para SPD Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58896 (New): RedmineBot
Making reports from redmine with telegram bot is simple! Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58895 (New): redmin3
redmine heroku Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58894 (New): redminev3
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58893 (New): redmine-plugins
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58892 (New): redmine_embedded_pdf
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58891 (New): Kanban
Integração de uma aplicação Kanban com o Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58890 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58889 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58888 (New): redmine-friendly-time
Userscript for Redmine to read friendly formatted time in tickets Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58887 (New): pollingRedmine_postMattermost
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58886 (New): pytest-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58885 (New): Redmine-Issue-Checklist-Plugin-Duplicate-Fix
Fix for Issue-Checklist 1.0.3 allows to duplicate checklist items on issue duplicate Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58884 (New): RedmineTimer
Created with CodeSandbox Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58883 (New): redmine-dmsf
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-dmsf Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58882 (New): redmine-plugin-scrum
This is a custom plugin that forked from origin(https://redmine.ociotec.com/projects/redmine-plugin-scrum Ver. 0.13.1). Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58881 (New): excel-redmine-progress
RedmineのチケットCSVから進捗資料を作るシート Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58880 (New): phastaIO-converter
Build Scripts and Test code for PHASTA-IO Converter. See http://redmine.scorec.rpi.edu/projects/phasta Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58879 (New): redmine_backup
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58878 (New): redmine_digest_auth
It is a plugin that provides digest authentication to Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58877 (New): converterIO
File Conversion Tool for PHASTA Files. See http://redmine.scorec.rpi.edu/projects/phasta Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58876 (New): redmine_mailchimp
Sync Redmine users to a Mailchimp list Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58875 (New): for_Scrum_Redmine_plugin
Add locales ”ja.yml”. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58874 (New): OpenTrainingRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58873 (New): redmineTimeEntries_postMattermost
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58872 (New): redmini
Alternative lightweight redmine UI Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58871 (New): redmine_plugin_evm_helper
This plugin adds EVM to exported CSV and displays EVM on each ticket. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58870 (New): redmine-gantt-adjust
Redmine gantt adjust Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58869 (New): redmine_spd_agreement
Plugin de Redmine para mostrar los términos y condiciones de uso de la plataforma SPD Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58868 (New): redmine_studiomobile_tweaks
Several tweaks for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58867 (New): redmine_yandex_metrika
Yandex.Metrika stats for redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58866 (New): redmine-angular
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58865 (New): redmine2devteam
Redmine to Devteam converter Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58864 (New): redmine_faker
Simple task for filling up redmine with fake data Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58863 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58862 (New): redmine-repoindex
Redmine repository index for statistics about code commited Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58861 (New): redmine_spd_stats
Plugin de Redmine para mostrar totalizadores en la plataforma SPD Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58860 (New): mpk_repourl
Adds repository url on the top of Redmine repository view. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58859 (New): redmineRelationCheck
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58858 (New): redmine_forced_notification_to_owner
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58857 (New): redmine-telegram-calendar
Redmine plugin that allows to manage important events with telegram bot Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58856 (New): redmine_singlehome
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58855 (New): redmine_fraternity_members
Custom plugin for AGO Redmine installation. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58854 (New): redmine_decorator
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58853 (New): koltso
Fork of Redmine Blogs plugin with some features from social networks Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58852 (New): python-redmine
A python client to redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58851 (New): redmine_install
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58850 (New): redmine_custom_notification
通知メール用のプロジェクト名称を設定できるプラグイン Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58849 (New): AuthRedmine
Plugin of mediawiki to authenficate user on redmine system with api REST Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58848 (New): redmine_aws_admin
View Instances list on redline. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58847 (New): Redmine
redmine project for testing plugins Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58846 (New): RedMineHook
Développé pour Coopengo, synchronisation de RedMine avec le dépot Git Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58845 (New): redmine_omf_ireel
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58844 (New): RedmineViewer
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58843 (New): redmine-api-module
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58842 (New): redmine-demo-automation
The demo auto-tests for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58841 (New): redmine2gitlab
Migrate Redmine issues to a GitHub project. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58840 (New): report_advanced
Redmine Issue Report Addins Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58839 (New): RedmineReminder
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58838 (New): redmine_changelog_helper
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58837 (New): Testing
This is just a test repo for checking redmine integration. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58836 (New): RedmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58835 (New): redmine_project_contacts
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58834 (New): redmine-chorme
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58833 (New): Redmine_BKP
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58832 (New): redmine_named_priorities_plugin
Makes issues’ CSS classes include their priority’s name. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58831 (New): CRM-para-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58830 (New): Redmine_plugin_owse
Plugin de acompanhamento de metricas Scrum Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58829 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58828 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58827 (New): teste-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58826 (New): gomine
Golang tool to raise issues/change requests in Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58825 (New): redmine-checklists
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58824 (New): snakemine
A Pythonic interface to Redmine’s REST API Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58823 (New): gestion_garantias
Plugin de Redmine para almacenar los datos de los servicios técnicos en cada expediente adjudicado por la Agencia de ... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58822 (New): redmine_work_changes
skeleton plugin to modify core changes Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58821 (New): bitbucket-copy-format
Copy commits and format to redmine format Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58820 (New): centro-solicitudes
Sitio web encargado de interactuar con la REST api del administrador de proyectos Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58819 (New): MyCustomizedRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58818 (New): redmine-teste
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58817 (New): Redmine-CLI
List, Update & Create Redmine functionalities through CLI Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58816 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58815 (New): redmine_batch_registration
Redmine にチケットを一括登録する。 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58814 (New): redmine_plugin
Gerenciador de tarefas via Grafico Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58813 (New): hamster_redmine_sync
Sync time entries to redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58812 (New): redmine-openid-fix
The popular redmine plugin, to be compatible with Redmine 2+ Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58811 (New): RedmineNB
Redmine repository Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58810 (New): redmine-css-theme
just a css file for theming redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58809 (New): test_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58808 (New): redbucket
A Chrome extension which adds links to Redmine on Bitbucket Cloud. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58807 (New): RedmineBotPlayground
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58806 (New): sonar-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58805 (New): wither
Using Cucumber - Check that a Redmine project conforms to a given development process Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58804 (New): EasyRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58803 (New): redmine_owse
Redmine com plugin de metricas Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58802 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58801 (New): RedminePgBashBackupScripts
Redmine Backup Shell Scripts Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58800 (New): rastin_circle
A Customized Theme for Persian language for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58799 (New): p5-Apache2-Authen-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58798 (New): test-p3
clone of test-p3 project on Fermi Redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58797 (New): RedmineHeroku
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58796 (New): tutorial-redmine-plugin
Remine Plugin Tutorial Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58795 (New): redmine_info_tab
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58794 (New): redmine-plugin-venus
Redmine plugin to log changes in member’s roles Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58793 (New): redmine-to-rocketchat-notify
This application look at users spended time in redmine system and then send message to rocket chat if conditions true Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58792 (New): redmine330
vagrant virtualbox installation of redmine v 3.3.0 on ubuntu 16 LTS Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58791 (New): OpenRedmine
Open redmine chrome extension Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58790 (New): Redmine-Issues-For-Franz
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58789 (New): customized_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58788 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58787 (New): Redmine-Wiki-Monitor
Redmine Plugin for monitoring wiki stats Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58786 (New): redmine-cli
A cli programm to manage redmine tickets. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58785 (New): redmine_ipad_drag_test
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58784 (New): redmine-disaster
Recovery of Redmine database scripts Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58783 (New): redmine2org
redmine to org Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58782 (New): redmine
test repo with redmine (Ruby project) Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58781 (New): hello_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58780 (New): redmine_contacts
Demo redmine plugin to add contacts Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58779 (New): redmine_atom_priorities
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58778 (New): Etri_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58777 (New): redmine-outlook-addin
Add-in for Microsoft Outlook that can convert e-mails to Redmine issues. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58776 (New): redmine_parser
main.py Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58775 (New): redmine
this is a project management system Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58774 (New): redmine_iine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58773 (New): maglabuc
redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58772 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58771 (New): redtime
Time tracker utility for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58770 (New): redmine_status_update
Plugin updating Redmine issue status on percentage change Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58769 (New): centos-redmine
Puppet configuration for Redmine on CentOS 6. Forked from https://github.com/johanek/johanek-redmine but optimized fo... Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58768 (New): redmine_hook
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58767 (New): AndroidRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58766 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58765 (New): redmine_nomnoml_macro
Redmine Nomnoml Macro plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58764 (New): redmine_delayed_notifications
That plugin adds possibility to send notifications in background to your redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58763 (New): Bluemine-Android
Redmine手机端 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58762 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58761 (New): studies
insertion d’utilisateur pour redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58760 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58759 (New): redmine_allowframe
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58758 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58757 (New): redmine_bookmarks
Redmine bookmarks plugin based on www.ultragreen.net/projects/redmine-bookmark Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58756 (New): Redmine-Lab5
create repository Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58755 (New): Redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58754 (New): Redmine_Lab5
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58753 (New): docker-redmine-s3
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58752 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58751 (New): redreader
Estudio on fetching tickets assigned to me on Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58750 (New): redmine_google_sheets
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58749 (New): RD
about redmine Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58748 (New): redmine_telegram
Redmine Telegram Plugin Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58747 (New): moc-mine
Theme MOC for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58746 (New): redmine_inventory
Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58745 (New): goQA
ポータブル性のみを求めたQA管理用のWebアプリケーションです。本気な人はRedmineをおすすめします。 Admin Redmine
10:29 github-repo #58744 (New): nginx-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58743 (New): RedmineTelegram
Telegram Bot for sending new issues right to your Telegram Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58742 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58741 (New): itamae-plugin-recipe-redmine
itamae recipe to ease redmine installation Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58740 (New): task_update_watcher
This is a plugin for Redmine, which send POST-request then some field of any issue is updated. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58739 (New): redmine
redmine:3.3-passenger + slack and chatwork notification image Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58738 (New): mobagile
Mobile extension of Redmine project management tool Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58737 (New): redmine_fake_user
This plugin allows administrators to login as another user Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58736 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58735 (New): coffee-theme-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58734 (New): redmine_redirecttab
Redmine tab redirecting somewhere else Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58733 (New): redmine-go
redmine api 操作 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58732 (New): redmine_git_cleanup
Scan GIT changesets and remove orphanned ones Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58731 (New): redmine_clam
Redmine plugin for scanning attachments with clamav Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58730 (New): its-redmine
plugin for gerrit-redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58729 (New): cursoRedmine
projeto aula Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58728 (New): redmine_account_lockable
Redmine plugin for locking of account at failed login. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58727 (New): juno-github
juno-github for redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58726 (New): apselom-redmine
APSELOM-redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58725 (New): creators-expansion
Experimental plugin which aims to bring WebGL features to Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58724 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58723 (New): redmine_a1
Redmine A1 Theme Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58722 (New): Redmine-Php-1
A Clone of Redmine Project Managment In Php Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58721 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58720 (New): redmine-powershell
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58719 (New): grunt-redmine
Wrapper for searching and updating redmine issues Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58718 (New): redmine-stats
Sprint Statistics for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58717 (New): redmine_journal2issue
This plugin adds a link to the journal entries for an issue that allows you to convert the comment to a new issue. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58716 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58715 (New): AnkhRedmineExtension
Forked from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ankhredmineexte/ Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58714 (New): redmine_work_time
Fork of tkusukawa/redmine_work_time Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58713 (New): redmine
customization of project Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58712 (New): GeneSippr_Automator
GeneSippr Automation through slurm/redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58711 (New): redmineWiki
Test project base on react+redux+react-router Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58710 (New): redmine_custom_actions
Takes custom actions into Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58709 (New): ROGA_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58708 (New): redmine-recurring-issues
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58707 (New): RedmineClient
A Redmine client to create common tasks by default. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58706 (New): redmine-eclipse-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58705 (New): redmine-cyfe-service
Redmine REST service to Cyfe dashboard. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58704 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58703 (New): opsworks-redmine
opsworks-redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58702 (New): project_management_app
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. The official git mirr... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58701 (New): redmine-tests-po
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58700 (New): redmine_mautic
Mautic API for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58699 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58698 (New): redmine-ifms-theme
Tema customizado para Redmine com as cores do Instituto Federal Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58697 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58696 (New): docker-redmine
Dockerfile for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58695 (New): SNVPhyl_Automator
Automates SNVPhyl via redmine/slurm Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58694 (New): redminecrm
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58693 (New): collective.recipe.redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58692 (New): jira2redmine
convert jira data to redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58691 (New): redmine_assign_via_commit
Set an issue’s assignee by commit message Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58690 (New): arink-redmine
Redmine Аринк Групп Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58689 (New): xtask-graphql
graphql wrapper for redmine etc. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58688 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58687 (New): redmine-migrator
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58686 (New): redmine
Redmine customizado para a empresa Elfa Medicamentos Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58685 (New): test
repository to test github and redmine integration Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58684 (New): timeentry_importer
Redmine Time Entry Importer plugin Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58683 (New): test_redmine
Project for Redmine investigation and tests Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58682 (New): redmine
Redmine - open source, powerful project tracker for your team - free! Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58681 (New): SequenceMerger
Using Redmine, merges sequences and gets them queued for assemblies Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58680 (New): redmine_search
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58679 (New): redmine
redmine repository Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58678 (New): workflow-mgmt
Node.js Project Management tool with Redmine API compatibility Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58677 (New): redmine_workload
This is a plugin for Redmine, originally developed by Rafael Calleja and Jost Baron. It displays the estimated number... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58676 (New): trac_redmine_importer
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58675 (New): redmine_project_email
Redmine plugin that adds an emission email setting for each project Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58674 (New): CLARK_Automator
Automates CLARK via Redmine/slurm Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58673 (New): redmine.buildout
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58672 (New): trac-redmine-transfer
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58671 (New): redmine_conceptual_attachments
This is Redmine plugin with extension of basic functions of attached files (based on Attachment model) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58670 (New): lmu.redmine.scripts
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58669 (New): pyramid.lmu_internetdienste_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58668 (New): alfred-redmine
alfred workflow for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58667 (New): redmine-subutai-blueprint
blueprint to build redmine on subutai node Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58666 (New): redmine-project-switcher
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58665 (New): redmine_block_user
Redmine plugin to block the account who try x attempts. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58664 (New): ccbanner
Redmine Common Criteria Banner Plugin Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58663 (New): redmine-report-by-week-month
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58662 (New): docker-redmine
Docker Redmine and Puma Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58661 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58660 (New): linnomine
redmine + plugins Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58659 (New): redmine-chinese-theme
A Redmine theme for Chinese User. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58658 (New): redtime.el
Track time for Redmine project with Emacs Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58657 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58656 (New): redmine
iac Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58655 (New): dcmtk_copy
Kopie von http://support.dcmtk.org/redmine/projects/dcmtk/activity Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58654 (New): LancadorDeHorasRedmine-WEB
Lançador de Horas para o Redmine FrontEnd Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58653 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58652 (New): redmine-quick-search
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58651 (New): RedmineParser
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58650 (New): redmin_user_block_plugin
Redmine plugin to block user who try attempt fail login Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58649 (New): redmine-pops-engine
Engine for a custom redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58648 (New): export_redmine
Death manuscript (lua cannot read charset cp932) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58647 (New): L_Redmine
get Redmine issues Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58646 (New): redmine-rest
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58645 (New): redmine-documents-pops
Plugin for documents pops Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58644 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58643 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58642 (New): LibrinfoRedmineComponent
A PHP SDK to query the Redmine SDK Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58641 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58640 (New): redmine-kanban
Kanban module for redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58639 (New): AuthRedmine
MediaWiki plugin for authorization via Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58638 (New): IAC
Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58637 (New): RedMineApp
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58636 (New): redmine_auto_close
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58635 (New): migrador_redmine_kayako
migrador de issues de redmine a kayako Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58634 (New): redmine_evm_plugin_test
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58633 (New): redmine-mylyn-vagrant-boxes
Vagrant boxes for testing different redmine versions with Redmine Mylyn integration Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58632 (New): redmine_messenger
Messenger plugin for Redmine with Slack or Mattermost. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58631 (New): taskhelper
something like redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58630 (New): redmine_improved_searchbox
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58629 (New): liwen
redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58628 (New): redmine-cpr-support
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58627 (New): python_redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58626 (New): redmine
all in one redmine, including MySQL/Ruby/Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58625 (New): Redmine_Plugins
Redmine Plugin Repository Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58624 (New): react-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58623 (New): Redmine-Trello
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58622 (New): redmine_evm_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58621 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58620 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Installs Redmine to be hosted using Apache and Passenger Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58619 (New): RedmineApiBundle
integrates the redmine api into symfony Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58618 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58617 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58616 (New): repo
redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58615 (New): redmine-agile-extender
Extend the default-functionality of redmine agile-plugin Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58614 (New): redmine-deps
Spec files for rpms needed for redmine dependencies Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58613 (New): redmine_backlogs
test Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58612 (New): RedminePlugin
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58611 (New): redmine-invitable
Allow to invite people to your projects Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58610 (New): redmine3
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58609 (New): pops
Redmine, collaborative scientific platform edition (redmine fork with plugins) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58608 (New): export_redmine_data
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58607 (New): redmine_git_hosting
Redmine Gitolite Integration Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58606 (New): chrome-extension-redmine2gitlab
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58605 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58604 (New): chili-to-redmine
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/chili-to-redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58603 (New): vueRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58602 (New): publickey-collector-for-redmine
RedmineのプロフィールからSSH公開鍵を収集します。 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58601 (New): ansible-redmine
Ansible role to install and configre redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58600 (New): redmine-titles
basic script for getting redmine title from a url Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58599 (New): redmine
Chef cookbook for installing/configuring redmine instance Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58598 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58597 (New): redmine
http://www.redmine.org.cn/index.php/index/index.html Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58596 (New): redmine_hide_issues
This is a redmine plugin for displaying the project section with the added feature of being able to show/hide issues ... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58595 (New): redmine_js_chrome_ext
Redmine extension that can make a little report of your tasks you worked on Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58594 (New): subtask_columns_redmine
subtask_colums Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58593 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58592 (New): Redmine-External-Auth-Module
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58591 (New): redmine-layer
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58590 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58589 (New): referencer
Allow inline lookup of Redmine issues for inclusion in git commit messages Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58588 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58587 (New): redmine_diff_mails
A Redmine plugin that adds colored diffs to wiki page change notification emails Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58586 (New): redmine_plugintest
simple redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58585 (New): redmine-demo
redmine-demo Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58584 (New): ledmine
Redmine client for lazy. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58583 (New): git-related
some git or github or redmine related staff Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58582 (New): docker-redmine
A redmine image of docker Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58581 (New): Git-redmine
Project automatic some tasks on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58580 (New): RedmineTool
Redmine操作工具 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58579 (New): redmine_select2_inputs
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58578 (New): redmine_checklists
redmine_checklists light version 3.1.16 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58577 (New): redmine_checklists
http://www.redminecrm.com/projects/checklist Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58576 (New): moc_redmine
Integration of various systems into Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58575 (New): redmine_file_api
Small API to share files from redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58574 (New): test-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58573 (New): redmine_backup_withoutAPI
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58572 (New): statusmine
Statusmine - Issues dashboard for redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58571 (New): docker-redmine
depend bitnami/bitnami-docker-redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58570 (New): redmine-toggle-formatter
Generates better task name for Toggl from Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58569 (New): redmine
redmine test Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58568 (New): redmine_github_converter
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58567 (New): redmine-commander
Desktop launcher for convenient ticket browsing and more Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58566 (New): KunstmaanRedmineTheme
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58565 (New): redmine-keyboard-navigation
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58564 (New): redmine-project-setting-tab
This is a redmine plugin that add support for other plugin to add a setting tab in project setting page Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58563 (New): redmine_issue_survey
This satisfaction survey plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58562 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58561 (New): a1theme
redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58560 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58559 (New): Redmine-Case-Monitoring-Controlling
a fork Redmine-Monitoring-Controlling to fit for case management in CMB Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58558 (New): redmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58557 (New): redmine_team_board
Get a quick overview what each of your team members is working on! Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58556 (New): paginated_documents
This is a plugin for Redmine that adds pagination to documents Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58555 (New): RedmineWinTicketCommitter
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58554 (New): kvalitehusername.github.io
для redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58553 (New): org-redmine.rb
[WIP] Ruby tool to synchronize redmine and org-mode Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58552 (New): docker-redmine
My Docker Containerized Redmine Install Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58551 (New): org-mine
Easily synchronize org-mode documents with redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58550 (New): redmine-plugins
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58549 (New): redmine-volume
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58548 (New): redmine-server
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58547 (New): SCM-Creator
Allows creating Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Github repositories within Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58546 (New): redmine_zip_attachments
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58545 (New): RedmineBot
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58544 (New): gateway-redmine-amocrm
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58543 (New): redlab
Playing around with ruby and gitlab/redmine Rest API Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58542 (New): Redmine-Favicon
Display redmine issue number on favicon Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58541 (New): redmine-cli
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58540 (New): telegram-redmine-bot
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58539 (New): chrome-redmine-human-time
Plugin for Google Chrome for view human time Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58538 (New): redmine_correct_spelling
This is a plug-in to create a glossary of correct spelling in Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58537 (New): test_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58536 (New): custom_theme
Custom Redmine theme Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58535 (New): redmine-docker-compose
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58534 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58533 (New): redmine_files_20160609
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58532 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58531 (New): issue_maker
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58530 (New): replicant-builder
automated building replicant based on http://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/ReplicantSourceCode Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58529 (New): symfonyTutorial_CMS
zadanie szkoleniowy Symfony 2 CMS - Redmine: 19715 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58528 (New): redmine-webclient
experimental project that is using the Vue.js component system and vueify Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58527 (New): redmine_clipper
Redmine based daily-report generator Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58526 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58525 (New): redmine_k_chart
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58524 (New): redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58523 (New): gitlab_tracking_with_issue-id
Redmine gitlab_parsing plugin modified in order to work with ISSUE-ID plugin Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58522 (New): redmineShortcut
Chrome webextension: enter # 12435 to access ticket #12435 at your specified redmine-instance. For the redmine Ticket... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58521 (New): spark-bot-redmine-notifer
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58520 (New): redmine_scm_creator
fork http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/project/redmine/scm-creator Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58519 (New): redmine_checklists
Checklists Plugin creates simple checklists for Redmine issues. It handles the wiki tags and could be saved to the is... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58518 (New): rabbit-slide-kou-redmine-tokyo-12
redmine.tokyo第12回勉強会の「GroongaでRedmineを高速全文検索」の資料 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58517 (New): show_priority_projects
Redmine のサンプルプラグイン(優先順位を示す) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58516 (New): Redmine_cas2
A CAS Plugin for Redmine 2.x Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58515 (New): redmine-plugin-add-project-author
A simple Redmine plugin to add an author from registered users to an existing project Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58514 (New): redmine_bugtracker_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58513 (New): kosz-redmine-tools
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/kosz-redmine-tools Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58512 (New): redmine-app
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58511 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58510 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58509 (New): redmineup_register_form
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58508 (New): redmine_backup
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58507 (New): rabbit-slide-kou-redmine-osaka-17
Redmine大阪 第17回勉強会の「全文検索でRedmineをさらに活用!」の資料 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58506 (New): redmine_e-moskva
Исходный код redmine используемого ЭМ Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58505 (New): polls
This is a test plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58504 (New): redmine_my-wiki
Personal wiki page for redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58503 (New): MavenChangesRedmineReportPlugin
Redmine Report support for the Maven Changes plugin Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58502 (New): android-redmine-launcher
Simple Android Project consuming API Redmine Project Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58501 (New): redmine_backup
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58500 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58499 (New): redmine_qswebticket
redmine Qlik Sense Authentification Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58498 (New): redmine-custom-fields
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58497 (New): redmine_new
working redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58496 (New): test-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58495 (New): redmine_pra
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58494 (New): redmine_viewer
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58493 (New): redmine_test
Test Redmine Github Integration Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58492 (New): 2017-07_launch-redmine
Vagrantfile + docker-compose + Redmine (CentOS 7.3) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58491 (New): redmine-users
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58490 (New): AutomaticMail
A small wpf application that retrieves the features of redmine ( filtered by the version ) and insert them into the ... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58489 (New): show_important_projects
Redmine のサンプルプラグイン Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58488 (New): redmine-issue-tree-fix
Fix for the issue tree bugs. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58487 (New): redmine_googledoc
Merges csv output for time report between google doc and redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58486 (New): material
Redmine theme Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58485 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58484 (New): redmine_record_last_activity
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58483 (New): redmine-patrol
Patrol Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58482 (New): redmineTimer
ios app allowing to enter time (atm) on redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58481 (New): HackMine
Command line client that makes Redmine hackable Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58480 (New): redmine_scripts
Scripts to mine Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58479 (New): redmine_issues_custom_relations
Redmine plugin for flexible relations through custom fields between issues Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58478 (New): redalert
Experimental Redmine UI Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58477 (New): redmine-on-docker
redmine with plugins on docker Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58476 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58475 (New): redmine-client-bundle
Redmine API client bundle for Symfony Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58474 (New): RedmineTool
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58473 (New): gitolite-redmine-scripts
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58472 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58471 (New): redmine-logwork
Redmine logwork simple client Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58470 (New): RedmineService
A C# Windows Service to host an instance of the Redmine web application using Thin on Apache on Windows. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58469 (New): Trac2Redmine
A project about migrating our Trac database to Redmine environment. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58468 (New): redmine
redmine host Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58467 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58466 (New): redmine_test_2
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58465 (New): redmine-styling
Override CSS for Redmine Issue Tracking Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58464 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
This is unofficial fork of https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_wiki_extensions/, it’s fork of version 0.6.5 due t... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58463 (New): redmine_sample
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58462 (New): redmineApp
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58461 (New): redmine1
Redmine Invoice Module Customization Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58460 (New): redmine
KIV/ZCU redmine instance Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58459 (New): appservice-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58458 (New): tortoise-redmine
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tortoise-redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58457 (New): puppet-gitlab_redmine_common
Install common packages for my gitlab and redmine puppet modules Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58456 (New): redmine_github_integration
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58455 (New): RedMinerPi
RedSleeve Linux based Bitcoin miner for the Raspberry Pi Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58454 (New): redmine_github_3
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58453 (New): redmine_tiny_mce
Optional wysiwyg editor for Redmine 2.5 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58452 (New): redmine_issue_subject_generator
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58451 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58450 (New): redmine-war
make redmine-war for test, by maven Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58449 (New): redmine_projects_workflow_extension
Redmine 1.3 project workflow extension plugin for KIV/JET (University West Bohemia) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58448 (New): redmine_issue_timer
This plugin builds in a timer in the ”edit issue” page to determine how long you worked on a issue. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58447 (New): sample-link-redmine
Redmineとの連携用サンプルプロジェクト Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58446 (New): test-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58445 (New): redmine_scripts
Scripts to mine Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58444 (New): redface
redmine gets a make over Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58443 (New): deploy_redmine_saltstack
Deploy a redmine app on systemd using salt-state Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58442 (New): sonar-list-new-issue-plugin-github
Kết hợp jenkins với sonarqube => Lấy ra danh sách các lỗi mới nhất được scan và add subtask lên redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58441 (New): RedmineConnection
Using Redmine Rest API with iOS Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58440 (New): webapp-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58439 (New): redmine-statistics
MEAN app for charts Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58438 (New): GitRedmine
Plugin for integrate Git and Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58437 (New): redmine-evacuation
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58436 (New): corpus-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58435 (New): redmine-demo-github
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58434 (New): redmine_default_project_page
Change default page for each redmine project. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58433 (New): git-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58432 (New): org-redmine-example
An implementation of org-redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58431 (New): redmine_auth_source_avatar
Redmine plugin, fetch avatars from Auth Source, like LDAP. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58430 (New): redmine-test-github
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58429 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58428 (New): deploy-redmine-ansible
Deploy a redmine app on systemd using ansible-playbook Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58427 (New): redmine_coll
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58426 (New): redmine-dmsf
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-dmsf Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58425 (New): redmine-docker
redmine-docker Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58424 (New): plugin-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58423 (New): Redmine-Report
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58422 (New): redmine_test
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58421 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58420 (New): qtc-redmine
Plugin for Qt Creator that provides some integration with Redmine project managment system Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58419 (New): redmine_finance_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58418 (New): redmine_kato
Redmine plugin for Kato (https://kato.im) notifications Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58417 (New): redmine-docker
redmine container Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58416 (New): RedmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58415 (New): redmine_reaction_time
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58414 (New): redmine_popup
This is a plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58413 (New): redmine-timereporter
Redmine Plugin for reporting time logs to a REST backend Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58412 (New): redmine
учеба учебная Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58411 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58410 (New): redmine_reports
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58409 (New): redmine_search_attachments
This is a plugin for Redmine that full-text-search attachments. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58408 (New): docker-redmine-http-repos
Dockerized Redmine HTTP Repository Server Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58407 (New): SimpleRedmineImporer
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58406 (New): docker-test-redmine
Docker image for testing Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58405 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58404 (New): redmine-react
React\Redux app based on RedmineAPI (check for ”redux” branch too) Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58403 (New): redmine-cli
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58402 (New): redmine-4.0.2
Redmine4.0 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58401 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58400 (New): bibtex-renderer
Clone of simple redmine plugin to render BibTeX data in Wiki pages. The plugin reads BibTeX files and supports variou... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58399 (New): redmine_control
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58398 (New): SL-Redmine
Redmine Setup for SoftLayer Provisioning Script Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58397 (New): redmine-sync
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58396 (New): redmine-automation
Python class to execute tasks with Redmine, such as create issues or time entries. Clone from original pyred project... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58395 (New): redmine2chatwork
It’s bot script. Check the Redmine ticket(issues) and post it to Chatwork. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58394 (New): redmine_teamcity
Integrate teamcity with redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58393 (New): redmine_worksnap_time_entries_clear
Очистка таблицы трудозатрат от дублей создающихся при авто синхронизации Worksnap Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58392 (New): TaskTimerWithRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58391 (New): redmine_plugin_learning
just make redmine plugin for learning Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58390 (New): docker-redmine
redmine and MySQL running in a docker container Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58389 (New): redmine-3.3-stable
redmine-3.3-stable Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58388 (New): redmine-client
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58387 (New): redmine_agile
redmine_agile Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58386 (New): ScrumBoardWithLDAPnRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58385 (New): redmine-rpi
Redmine Docker for ARMv7 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58384 (New): redmine
A command line interface for the Redmine REST API. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58382 (New): redmine2omniplan
CSV converter for omniplan with redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58383 (New): redmine_issue_id
This is a git fork of the svn repo: http://subversion.andriylesyuk.com/issue-id (by Andriy Lesyuk)-v0.0.2 Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58381 (New): RedmineNotification
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58380 (New): hdredmine
HD’s redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58379 (New): redmine_subtask_creator
Позволяет при создании задачи создать к ней подзадачи, просто выбрав ответственных. Остальные параметры при этом копи... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58378 (New): redmine_private_comments_ext
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58377 (New): Redmine-v3.2.1
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58376 (New): ysera
redmine mail notification Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58375 (New): redmine-scala-api
convert from redmine-java-api (https://github.com/taskadapter/) to Scala Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58374 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58373 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58372 (New): redmine-ticket-sumth
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58371 (New): redmine-backup
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58370 (New): redmine-koreyaru
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58369 (New): redmineTest2
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58368 (New): redmineTest
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58367 (New): project_section
Redmine project_section Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58366 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58365 (New): redmine_issues_copier
Плагин для Redmine, позволяющий скопировать создаваемую задачу автоматически назначив копии выбранным ответственным и... Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58363 (New): redmineuploader
Tool to upload files to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58362 (New): redmine-net-api
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-net-api Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58364 (New): ansible_redmine
Ansible Playbook for Project Site Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58361 (New): centosadmin_redmine_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58360 (New): redmine-wiki-push-to-slack
When Redmine’s wiki page update, this program pushes to slack it. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58359 (New): kawaz-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58358 (New): docker_of_redmine
redmineを分殺で構築するためのdockerファイルたち Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58357 (New): camel-redmine
Camel component exercise for Redmine with redmine-java-api Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58356 (New): readmine-api-php-interface
This is redmine php interface to insert bulk issues and time log entry Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58355 (New): redget
Simple utility that fetch data from a redmine project given a query id Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58354 (New): chrome-ex_1
redmineのタイトルと詳細にテキストぶっこむマシーン Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58353 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58352 (New): PPR
Planning Product Redmine Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58351 (New): redmine_googledrive
Attachments on Google Drive Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58350 (New): Redmine-Importer
Create tickets on Redmine from csv files. Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58349 (New): redmine_test
Test Automation Project Admin Redmine
10:28 github-repo #58348 (New): redmine-scm
tklpatch to add scm-creator plugin to Redmine appliance and configure it as a repository server Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58347 (New): devops_redminedb
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58346 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58345 (New): redmine-upgrade
Simple script to upgrade from one version to another. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58344 (New): redmine
redmine用 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58343 (New): redmine_merge_issues
NOT READY YET - Adds ability to merge two redmine issues into one Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58342 (New): AutomatedRedmine
Windows Form app to automatically log time entries in Redmine based on a json file. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58341 (New): redmine-timesheet
Timesheet Submitter for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58340 (New): redmine_ping
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58339 (New): docker-redmine
ドッカー(コンポーズ)を使ってレッドマインを瞬作する・したい Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58338 (New): integracion-redmine
Proyecto para probar la integracion entre redmine y git Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58337 (New): SkypeBot
skype bot for remind fill redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58336 (New): z_redmine_locales
Redmine wording customization for Kalkomey Enterprises Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58335 (New): redmine_agile_ke
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58334 (New): redminer
Tool for provisioning DO instances with redmine of proper version Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58333 (New): redmine_hide_email_from_public
A plugin for Redmine to hide email addresses from public (not logged in) users. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58332 (New): docker-redmine
Docker image containing redmine 3.0 installation Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58331 (New): redmine-docker-collection
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58330 (New): redmine-swp-script
Skript für automatisches Anlegen von Benutzern und Projekten für die Fachhochschule Wedel Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58329 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58328 (New): redmine-bootstrap
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58327 (New): redmineGuard
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58326 (New): gg
command line to operate on git, gitlab, redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58325 (New): JustificationFactory-Redmine
Redmine service for Justification Factory Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58324 (New): DEPRECATED--redmine-test
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58323 (New): django-redmine-sprint
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58322 (New): redmine_lianxibushu
练习自动化部署 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58321 (New): vacation_calendar
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58320 (New): node-redmine-client
Redmine API client for node.js Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58319 (New): redmine-docker
Redmine in Docker Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58318 (New): redmine_trac_to_markdown_converter
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58317 (New): redmine
for testing Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58316 (New): redmineDashboard
An Angularjs github dashboard inspired, with backbone Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58315 (New): redmine-attacher
Simple python script for attaching files to a redmine page. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58314 (New): redmine-actions-plugin
Jenkins plugin for build steps to integrate with Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58313 (New): juvasquezgprojects
Proyectos de @juvasquezg en redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58312 (New): devops_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58311 (New): redmine-link-opener
Chrome 拡張 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58310 (New): Redmine-Fields-Plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58309 (New): RedmineUpdateTest
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58308 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
Fork/Merge of redmine_favorite_projects and projects_tree_view Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58307 (New): redminewikiext
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redminewikiext Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58306 (New): redmine2heroku
Este proyecto es un redmine pre-configurado y pensado para desplegar en heroku. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58305 (New): kanban
Eletronic Kanban to Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58304 (New): redmine_storypoints_calc
Calculates the storypoints of subtasks and display them in the column header Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58303 (New): redmine-cli
A command line interface for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58302 (New): Redmine-Resources
Repository of Redmine’s multilingual resources to make them a bit easier for linguists and localization staff to work... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58301 (New): Practica_Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58300 (New): redmine_iconsit
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58299 (New): redmine_synch_time_entries
Redmine plugin to import time entries from remote Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58298 (New): Spent_Time_Adder_for_redmine
Redimeへ1ヶ月分の作業記録を反映する Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58297 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58296 (New): redmine-toggl-importer
Toggl time entries importer for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58295 (New): RedmineUpdateClient
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58294 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58293 (New): redmine_multitask
Aplicación web desarrollada en python (bottle) que permite la creación de varios tareas en Redmine asignada a varios ... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58292 (New): RedmineIns
Instalación Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58291 (New): redmineIssues
Sopel module which responds to Issue numbers with the subject and link Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58290 (New): githookRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58289 (New): getrmwiki
Script to convert a Redmine wiki to a bunch of markdown documents. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58288 (New): redmine_project_autosetting
Redmine plugin to configure autosetting options for project Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58287 (New): mkRedmine
Make a persistent Redmine docker container Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58286 (New): redmine
Mind Diaper Redmine Server Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58285 (New): alfred-pivotal-redmine
An Alfred workflow for popping up quick links to Redmine and Pivotal Tracker. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58284 (New): redmine-packer
Packer Redmine Builder Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58283 (New): redmine-curses
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58282 (New): redmine_issue_workflow_buttons
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58281 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58280 (New): redmine_query_tags
add tags and search options to redmine 3.x Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58279 (New): redmine.com
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58278 (New): redmine_audited
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58277 (New): redmine_pasajes
Redmine plugin to execute a command server side to copy the repository to another server clicking a button. Keeps a c... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58276 (New): redmine_issue_wiki
Redmine Issue specific Wiki Pages. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58275 (New): Redmine-Terms-And-Conditions
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58274 (New): redmine_embedded_html
Redmine plugin to allow embedded html Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58273 (New): redmine
Redmine project Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58272 (New): redtime-cli
Command line interface to redmine for logging time entries. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58271 (New): easy-hour
Redmine time manager Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58270 (New): redmine-dashboard-template
Starter project for Reamine API and customized UI Server Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58269 (New): jondos-dockerswarm
Project for Jondos Docker swarm running Kimai, Nagios, Redmine, and Etherpad Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58268 (New): redmine_emergya_adjustments
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58267 (New): PHP-SQL-ERedmine-API
A simple PHP API for Easy Redmine using SQL queries Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58266 (New): miniredmine
Mini Redmine what else duh Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58265 (New): sync-redmines-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58264 (New): redmine_miner
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58263 (New): jenkins-jobs-redmine
Jenkins Job Builder plugin to configure the Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58262 (New): redmine
Redmine Teste Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58261 (New): repored
Repositório Redmine Teste Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58260 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58259 (New): redmine_import_issue_with_id
This is a redmine plugin to import issue to redmine including id Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58258 (New): redmine_hr
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58257 (New): redmine_facturaplus
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58256 (New): RedmineScanner
A simple program to scan Redmine for all the time entries made in a day and publish a summery report with users and i... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58255 (New): RedmineApi
Php Redmine-Api Objects Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58254 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58253 (New): redmine_accounting_adjustments
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58252 (New): redmine-identifier-restrictor-plugin
Redmine plugin that allows admin to restrict project identifier Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58251 (New): redmine-time-keep
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58250 (New): redmine-repo-traceability
Traceability hurts. Redmine doesn’t. Bringin’ it together. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58249 (New): redmInit
Initialize a redmine installation including database and dump it all to /tmp ready to be used as a skeleton redmine b... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58248 (New): AtividadeReposicao
Testes automatizados utilizando Selenium com Page Objects no site Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58247 (New): TestSeleniumRedmine
Atividades 14,15 e 16 para Tópicos Avançados de Testes Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58246 (New): redmine-nuvo
Redmine server for Nuvo Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58245 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58244 (New): redmine_atas
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58243 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58242 (New): teste-pageobjects-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58241 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58240 (New): redmine-plans
a project plans plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58239 (New): install_redmine_debian8
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58238 (New): redmine_doorkeeper
oauth2协议服务支持(暂不能使用) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58237 (New): redmine_ckeditor
ckeditor编辑器插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58236 (New): http-redmine.icinga-cba.cba.pl-projects-cba-repository
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58235 (New): redmine-cli
Redmine command line client using PHP Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58234 (New): redmine_rainbow
NOT READY YET - Redmine plugin that adds syntax highlighting through rainbow.js Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58233 (New): redmine_banner
通知横幅插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58232 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58231 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58230 (New): SimpleRedmine
First init Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58229 (New): tats-testes-po-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58228 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58227 (New): redmine_hide_link_from_menu
This is a Redmine plugin/monkey-patch to hide a link in Redmine for a specific project. By default, it will hide the ... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58226 (New): redminetheme
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58225 (New): trello-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58224 (New): si-redmine-template
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58223 (New): redmine_progress_report
customise reporting tool for redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58222 (New): redminetest
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58221 (New): redmineAutoFill
redmine 自动填写表单谷歌插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58220 (New): redmine_contacts
联系人列表插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58219 (New): redmine_custom_workflows
自定义工作流插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58218 (New): tymy
Redmine Time Tracker Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58217 (New): KanbanRedmine
Kanban utilizado para a melhor apresentação das informações do sistema de controle de tarefas RedMine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58216 (New): demo-redmine
Demo Redmine com Mocha e Selenium-Webdriver Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58215 (New): weekly_report
redmine weekly report Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58214 (New): redmine_repobrowser
A Redmine plugin to add links to repositories’s files in your Wiki pages, easy ;) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58213 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58212 (New): redmine_ppee
Plugin de redmine con personalizaciones específicas de la compañia en la que trabajo Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58211 (New): pdi-redmine-plugin
Pentaho data integration plugin to output to Redmine issue tracker system Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58210 (New): redmine_rrac
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58209 (New): agriLogAPI
Redmine API for agri schedule and log Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58208 (New): redmine_code_review
代码审核插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58207 (New): redmine-3.3-modified
based on redmine 3.3, with some plugins and some source code modified Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58206 (New): redmine-simple-issue-importer
Simple issue importer for redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58205 (New): redmine
교육용입니다. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58204 (New): redmine_shibboleth_auth
Redmine Shibboleth Auth Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58203 (New): redmine2wunderlist
Synchronize my open issues in Redmine with my tasks in Wunderlist. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58202 (New): track
Time tracking script with redmine integration Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58201 (New): redmineApp
Redmine Appllication Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58200 (New): mavenRedmineApi_Bull_JAVA
JAVA tool for monitoring Atos’ internal projects within the bull division, using in an advanced way the indicators (t... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58199 (New): bitnami-redmine-trial
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58198 (New): docker-redmine
Source for jbbarth/redmine docker image Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58197 (New): git-redlab
Git flow for teams using redmine with gitlab (w/ merge requests) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58196 (New): redmine
Redmine Plugins Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58195 (New): redmine4-for-heroku
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58194 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58193 (New): redmine_local_avatars
redmine_local_avatars fork from https://bugs.launchpad.net/redminelocalavatars/+bug/1010406 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58192 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58191 (New): redmine-demo-test
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58190 (New): redmine-udoxtweaks
Plugin / style / script tweaks for redmine by @udox to fit our workflow Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58189 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58188 (New): redmine-plugin-1
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58187 (New): redmine_wiki_backup
/!\ ALPHA - Simple pages for backuping redmine wikis Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58186 (New): Redmine
Despliegue Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58185 (New): redmine-project-author
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58184 (New): customRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58183 (New): make_google_tasks_from_redmine_send_mail
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58182 (New): testeRedmine
Teste Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58181 (New): appdirs4j
This is a mirror of the main Git repository at USOOG Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58180 (New): redmine-docker
This is a redmine setup using docker compose and Postgres as db. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58179 (New): RedmineiOS
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58178 (New): testeRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58177 (New): redmine_lightbox2
缩略图预览插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58176 (New): Redmine-Force-Time-Logging
Make time logging required for chosen trackers in redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58175 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58174 (New): chiliproject_test_plugin
ChiliProject/Redmine plugin boilerplate for testing with Travis CI Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58173 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58172 (New): persian-redmine-theme
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58171 (New): pms
Redmine PMS Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58170 (New): test-IntegrationRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58169 (New): redmine_issue_templates
问题模版插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58168 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58167 (New): redmine_weary
A gem implementing support for the Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58166 (New): redmine_people
人员管理插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58165 (New): redmine-mock-api
Just a mock API for redmine issues and users Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58164 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58163 (New): redmine_image_clipboard_paste
图像快速粘贴插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58162 (New): Redmine-Issue-Count
A Simple Extension used to count Redmine issue for particular task.( Made for Internal purpose in Zeus) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58161 (New): redmine_theme_changer
个人选择自定义主题 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58160 (New): mined
Rest API client for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58159 (New): redmine
redmine install centos6.7 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58158 (New): redmine_logs
redmine日志文件查看插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58157 (New): redmine_gitlab_webhook
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58156 (New): redmine-plugin-howto
this will tell us how to write a redmine plugin. for people how do not know rails & ruby. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58155 (New): redmine_local_avatars
用户头像上传插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58154 (New): redmine_work_wechat
微信/钉钉通知提醒插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58153 (New): redmine_wiki_page_tree
wiki页面目录树插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58152 (New): docker-redmine-stable
Setup redmine stable config file Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58151 (New): redmine-notify-client
a tiny Javascript-based message broker client using the mqtt protocol Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58150 (New): redmine-ex
Redmine example for Openshift v3 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58149 (New): redmine-notify
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58148 (New): mean-lanagement
script to get some indicators from redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58147 (New): redmine_oauth_provider
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58146 (New): redmineup_tags
标签管理插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58145 (New): redmine_oauth2_provider
redmine提供Oauth2服务插件(暂不能使用) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58144 (New): install_redmine_debian8_without-docker
Installing redmine without docker, in the normal way on Debian8 netinst version, as an XLC or virtualhost. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58143 (New): redmine_omniauth
Omniauth Connection for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58142 (New): redmine_workflow_extensions
Plugin to record the issue close date and filter by it for Redmine 2.1 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58141 (New): redmine-agile-plugin
Redmine Agile Plugin Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58140 (New): redmine-custom
Some customizations and conveniences to Redmine, a project management tool written in Rails Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58139 (New): lab-redmine
Run Redmine with a Database Container Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58138 (New): redmine-py-cli
View information from Redmine in your terminal Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58137 (New): redmine_syn_demo
For redmine sync test Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58136 (New): app-redmine
example redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58135 (New): redmine_preview_pdf
pdf文档预览插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58134 (New): redmine_persist_wfmt
多格式编辑支持插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58133 (New): redmine_redcarpet_wiki_formatter
Provide markdown wiki editing for Redmine 2.1 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58132 (New): redmine_activity_degree
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58131 (New): vscode-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58130 (New): redmine_timer
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58129 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58128 (New): AutoAssignUser
Asigna automáticamente un usuario con rol ”Manager” a un issue sin responsable en Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58127 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
项目收藏插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58126 (New): redmine_issue_tree_tiny
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58125 (New): redmine-2
个人开发 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58124 (New): puppet-rsnapshot-old
forked from http://redmine.the.re/git/puppet-rsnapshot.git Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58123 (New): redmine_mermaid_macro
mermaid流程图插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58122 (New): redmine_preview_office
office文档预览插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58121 (New): redmine_oauth2_login
oauth2登录验证插件 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58120 (New): task-from-mail
Handles incoming mails (IMAP) as new tasks to Redmine project by recognizing sender. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58119 (New): redmine_timelog_extensions
RedMine Plugin with Time Logging Extensions Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58118 (New): redmine-themes
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58117 (New): redmine_change_favicon_color
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58116 (New): redmine-virtuosityOA
Test Repo for VirtuosityOA on Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58115 (New): redmine_gem_demo
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58114 (New): lazymine-mock-server
Mock Redmine Server for Lazymine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58113 (New): RedmineIntegration
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58112 (New): author_adder
Plugin for Redmine.org for adding Authors to projects Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58111 (New): pythonGcaltoRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58110 (New): redmine_appoved
redmine_appoved Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58109 (New): moodle_auth_redmine
Autuentication by Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58108 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58107 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58106 (New): redmine_welcome_show_all_projects
redmine_welcome_show_all_projects Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58105 (New): Redmyne
Redmyne gives you a quick glimpse at your Redmine issues. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58104 (New): redmine_agile_development
Plugin for agile development in redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58103 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58102 (New): redmine
gett Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58101 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58100 (New): redmine_development_docker
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58099 (New): redmine_activity_tools
A plugin for extending the Redmine API to report activity. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58098 (New): greasemonkey-redmine-category_links
Add category links in Redmine issue view Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58097 (New): RedmineTestReporter
Скрипт для формирования протокола тестирования на основе задач из редмайна Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58096 (New): redmine
Управление проектами Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58095 (New): boostmine
Best Redmine Theme with premium design and support. Compatible with many plugins. Boostmine theme. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58094 (New): unicorn_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58093 (New): chrome-redmine-category_links
Add category links in Redmine issue view Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58092 (New): redmine_linux
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58091 (New): RedmineDataMiner
Datamining project for fetching all data from Redmine Ticket system API to an SQL database table. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58090 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58089 (New): redmine_reminder
Reminds subscribed user per mail of expired or expiring issues. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58088 (New): redmine
Customized redmine for company management Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58087 (New): redmine.org
autotest demo.redmine.org Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58086 (New): redmine-python
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58085 (New): redmine
Διαχείριση έργων της ομάδας Open Source Team Minedu Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58084 (New): redmine
lat 專案管理平台 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58083 (New): redmine_spent_time
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58082 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58081 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58080 (New): itbot
A simple Redmine IRC bot written in Common Lisp Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58079 (New): fghijk-redmine-theme-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58078 (New): redmine_code_review
Code review plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58077 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58076 (New): redmine_change_header_color
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58075 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58074 (New): Redmine-Fetch
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58073 (New): rpms-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58072 (New): redmine.vim
Redmine API Client for Vim Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58071 (New): redmine-data-clip
Get current Redmine ticket data and copy them to clipboard. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58070 (New): taskcheck
redmineによるタスクチェック環境 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58069 (New): RedAngualar
Redmine API + Angular JS Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58068 (New): redmine_language
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58067 (New): conferences
A Redmine plugin to maintain conference requests Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58066 (New): redmine_gitlab_hook
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58065 (New): redmine_igpe
Práctica Lab Redmine IGPE Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58064 (New): gitbucket_redmine_sync
(DRAFT) Sync redmine and gitbucket via plugin Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58063 (New): redmine-yaml_db
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58062 (New): redmine_invent_to
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58061 (New): redmine_wage
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58060 (New): redbud
Burndown chart from Redmine version Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58059 (New): redmine-backlogs-dockerfile
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58058 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58057 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58056 (New): Bitbucket-issues-to-redmine
Redmine plugin to import issues from bitbucket to redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58055 (New): redmine_contacts
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58054 (New): redmine-scrum
Scrum Plugin with our Modifications Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58053 (New): redmine-kiosk
App to show counts and aging of Redmine Issues with specified Projects, Trackers, Statuses and Priorities intended fo... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58052 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58051 (New): redmine-checklists
Redmine plugin Checklists with our Translations Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58050 (New): docker-redmine2
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58049 (New): redmine-cron-swupdate
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58048 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58047 (New): docker-redmine-master
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58046 (New): docker-redmica
Docker image for RedMica Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58045 (New): installRedmine
Redmineのシェルインストーラー Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58044 (New): redmine_goods
Goods plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58043 (New): redmine-time-tracker
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58042 (New): redmine_collapse
Unoficial mirror of Remine Collapse plugin Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58041 (New): redmine_demo_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58040 (New): test
redmine 과 github 연동 테스트 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58039 (New): github2redmine
Aplicación para migrar los issues de Github a Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58038 (New): terraform-provider-redmine
Manage projects with Redmine through terraform Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58037 (New): redmine_redirect_after_create
Redmine plugin for custom redirects after ticket creation. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58036 (New): redmineUtilities
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58035 (New): ssg-redmine-helper
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58034 (New): redmine
Redmine project Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58033 (New): redmine-issues
Redmine issues package for Atom Editor Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58032 (New): OpenRedmineBuilds
OpenRedmine Builds Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58031 (New): redmine-bot
Chatbot for Telegram messenger integration with redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58030 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58029 (New): docker-redmine
Contains docker redmine, gitbucket, samba to authentication, adminer Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58028 (New): redmine_easy_instant_messages
This is an unofficial mirror of the plugin https://www.easyredmine.com/redmine-chat Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58027 (New): redmine_default_private_comments
Redmine plugin for creating private comments by default. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58026 (New): redmine_subject_autocomplete
makes the new issue subject field show an autocomplete that lists existing issues to prevent duplicate tickets Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58025 (New): update_issues_watcher
This is a plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58024 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58023 (New): redmine-docker
docker repo Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58022 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58021 (New): redmine-checklists-old
Plugins Checklists with some modifications for Redmine 3.3.x Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58020 (New): redmine-theme-a1
Little tweaks on the a1 theme from http://www.redminecrm.com/pages/a1-theme Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58019 (New): redmine_dynamic_list_plugin
This plugin allows to add values to the list while selecting Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58018 (New): redmine
Private clone redmine repository Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58017 (New): userjs-fix-incaller-redmine
UserJS for improving inCaller’s Redmine usability Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58016 (New): business_contacts
This is a plugin for Redmine which adds a business contacts functionality. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58015 (New): redmine-timer
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58014 (New): docker_redmine
redmine with additional themes and plugins Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58013 (New): spira-redmine-datasync
Data synchronizion plugin between SpiraTeam and Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58012 (New): redmine.docker
Dockerization of support.informea.org Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58011 (New): redminePlasmoid
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58010 (New): redmine_checklists
This is an unofficial mirror of the plugin https://www.redmineup.com/pages/plugins/checklists Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58009 (New): redmine-dockerfile
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58008 (New): redmine-compose
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58007 (New): redmine_extra
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58006 (New): redmine-issue-exec
Redmine Issue が更新されたときに外部コマンドを実行するRedmine Hook プラグイン Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58005 (New): iotbzh-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58004 (New): iotbzh-redmine-menu-links
Redmine plugin to add links into top menu bar Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58003 (New): https-github.com-edavis10-empty-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58002 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58001 (New): redmine_timelog_version_filter
Redmine plugin for listing / filtering / sorting for issue versions in the timelog. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #58000 (New): redmine-apache-ssl
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57999 (New): feedbacks
This is a feedbacks plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57998 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57997 (New): jredmine
redmineをJavaで書き換える Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57996 (New): RedmineAPI
Website that helps interation with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57995 (New): docker-centos6-redmine-ssh
Dockerfile for creating Redmine 2.6.6 stack based on CentOS6 with enabled ssh server Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57994 (New): idgenerator-redmine
ID generator for Redmine manangement Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57993 (New): redmine-cpp
Native library for communication with Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57992 (New): redmine_external_link
Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57991 (New): redmine_global_wiki
Global Wiki for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57990 (New): redmine_collapsable_sidebar
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57989 (New): RedMineApp
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57988 (New): SAFE
Fork of http://plrg.kaist.ac.kr/redmine/projects/jsf/repository. SAFE is a scalable analysis framework for ECMAScript... Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57987 (New): vagrant-chef-docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57986 (New): x-space-theme
the X-space theme for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57985 (New): redmine_salesforce_hooks
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57984 (New): wikiExport
Redmine export converted to markdown Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57983 (New): webinos-specs
Markdown export of webinos specs currently located in the redmine wiki on dev.webinos.org Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57982 (New): redmine_questions
http://redminecrm.com/projects/questions/pages/1 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57981 (New): redmine-scrum
A git repository for https://redmine.ociotec.com/projects/redmine-plugin-scrum — Edit Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57980 (New): redmine-test
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57979 (New): redmine_study
Studying Ruby and Rails Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57978 (New): md2redmine
Markdown to Redmine-wiki Converter Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57977 (New): IMG
暂时redmine存储公共图片 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57976 (New): devices
This is a devices plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57975 (New): clone_redmine_memberships
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57974 (New): log_event_issuer
create a Redmine issue when some conditions are verified inside a logfile Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57973 (New): idea-docs
A redmine wiki export and document publishing tool Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57972 (New): devtool
Desktop app for work with 1C 7.7, git and redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57971 (New): iki-redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57970 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57969 (New): redmine_custom_notification
チケットの特定の項目の値を使ってメール送信するプラグイン (WIP) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57968 (New): portunes-redmine
Portunes Redmine plugin to monitor users enter and exit datetimes. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57967 (New): clone_redmine_project
clone a redmine project and membership Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57966 (New): redmine_meeting_room_calendar
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57965 (New): ScalaRedmineTool
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57964 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57963 (New): redmine-ansible-ja
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57962 (New): redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57961 (New): redmine_importer
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57960 (New): docker_redmine
Creación imagen docker de redmine para el iesgn Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57959 (New): redmine_plugin
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57958 (New): docker-redmine-base
A base image for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57957 (New): test_task_plugin_for_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57956 (New): docker-alpine-redmine
Dockerfile for testing redmine under alpine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57955 (New): redmine_overrun_time_on_task
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57954 (New): redmine_top_pagination
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57953 (New): web_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57952 (New): ansible-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57951 (New): redmine_time_custom_field
Time Custom Field for Redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57950 (New): openshift-redmine
Redmine kit for openshift Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57949 (New): MineRedmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57948 (New): redmine_theme
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57947 (New): bitmine
Bitbucket HOOK POST to Redmine (via posting comment) Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57946 (New): redmine_pygments
Pygments for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57945 (New): redtrack
An electron menu app to log redmine times Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57944 (New): redmine_scrum
Plugin for redmine to use scrum tools. Sprit board, burn down chart, and back log are included. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57943 (New): trello-redmine-sync
Sync redmine issues to trello. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57942 (New): django-issue-tracker
Sample issue tracker application, heavily inspired from redmine Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57941 (New): RedmineBackupBatch
Redmine(Bitnami) Backup Batch , for Windows or Linux. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57940 (New): Importer-for-Redmine-0.9.x
Imports projects(without custom fields), issues(without custom fields) and time entries from a csv file Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57939 (New): redmine_append_users_display_format
This is the Redmine(Project manage system) plug-in which the users display format is appended. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57938 (New): redmine-subversion-ubuntu-ansible-playbook
an Ansible playbook for setup redmine and subversion on Ubuntu 14.04 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57937 (New): vagrant-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57936 (New): redmine_plugin_submodule
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57935 (New): redmine_backlog
Compatible with redmine 3.4.6 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57934 (New): mirage
This is a (pseudo-)fork of the original redmine repo located at: https://redmine.laas.fr/projects/mirage Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57933 (New): continuous_deployment_redmine
Provides redmine Integration with CI Server Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57932 (New): scrum
redmine scrum plugin Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57931 (New): RedmineHousehold
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57930 (New): circle
redmine theme circle Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57929 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions_absolute_dates
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57928 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57927 (New): gitrigger
Redmine plugin to update git repository Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57926 (New): redmine-compose
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57925 (New): redmine_theme
Redmine Theme Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57924 (New): redmine-subversion-centos7-ansible-playbook
(abondoned) an Ansible playbook for setup redmine and subversion on CentOS7 Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57923 (New): redmine
Repo prueba de redmine con mysql - docker-compose Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57922 (New): docker-compose-Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57921 (New): mod_authnz_fcgi-for-redmine
Apache mod_authnz_fcgi for Redmine. Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57920 (New): redmine_theme_submodule
Admin Redmine
10:27 github-repo #57919 (New): redmine-releasenotes
Releasenote generator for redmine Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57918 (New): redmine_repo_sort
Redmine plugin providing sort links in repositories view Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57917 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57916 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57915 (New): Redmine-Backend
Controllers, Services, Neo4J Queries, Routers to Redmine application Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57914 (New): harvestmine
Creating time management mashup between Harvest and Redmine that doesn’t suck. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57913 (New): test
Migration data of redmine to Backlog Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57912 (New): rubocop-redmine_wiki_formatter
A formatter for the RuboCop tool that outputs in Redmine Wiki markup. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57911 (New): redmine_allele_tracking
redmine_allele_tracking Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57910 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57909 (New): redmine_issues_plugin
Simple plugin, just to add ’issues’ link to the top_menu Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57908 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57907 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57906 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57905 (New): redmine_sync_github
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57904 (New): redmine_pdi
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57903 (New): report_dashboard
Redmine plugin for reports dashboard Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57902 (New): redmine_project
Testing_redmine Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57901 (New): redmine_my_page_paginations
Redmine plugin to add pagination links to my page queries Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57900 (New): Database-Utility-for-8x8-and-Redmine-with-logging-and-reporting
Interface with 8x8 Virtual Call Center and Redmine ticketing system with automatic logging and reporting Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57899 (New): gomine
gomine is command line tool for Redmine ticket viewer Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57898 (New): redmine-aggregation-plugin
Jenkins Plugin for redmine tickets aggregation Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57897 (New): redmine_issue_rank
This is a Redmine plugin for renumbering issue ranks automatically. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57896 (New): chrome-extension-redmine-plus
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57895 (New): toggl_timer
toggl for redmine Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57894 (New): redmine_tint_issues
Plugin for Redmine to tint issues by age and due date Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57893 (New): testmine
Redmine plugin for tests suites Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57892 (New): redmine-conf
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57891 (New): sonar-redmine-plugin
Sonar Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57890 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57889 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57888 (New): redmine-dockerfile
Official Redmine + Git + Mercurial Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57887 (New): redmine_topmenu_knowledgebase
A fork of version 2.3.0 of the Redmine KnowledgeBase plugin that attempts to preserve it in the top_menu. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57886 (New): Redmine_LMS_Setup
Vagrant Redmine Dev Environment Setup Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57885 (New): redmine_user_text_box
Redmine plugin to provide a user text box on my page Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57884 (New): redmine
htgt’s redmine Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57883 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57882 (New): ConstructionRedmineServer
ConstructionRedmineServer Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57881 (New): docker_compose_gitlab_redmine_jenkins
docker_compose_gitlab_redmine_jenkins Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57880 (New): redminepj
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57879 (New): RedmineImages
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57878 (New): redmine-cjk
Example of redmine+mariadb for CJK languages on docker-compose. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57877 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57876 (New): docker-fig-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57875 (New): redmine_issues_to_github_issues
Simple ruby script to import redmine issues into github issues. Develop during / for http://jamoma.org workshop 2013 ... Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57874 (New): benkyoukai4app-3.3
友達同士でやっているIT勉強会用のRedmine <Ruby on Rails - Redmine> Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57873 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57872 (New): docker-redmine-base
Redmine Docker Image for Plugin Development Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57871 (New): redmine_my_page_feed
Experimental. Add RSS feed syndication block on my page screen Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57870 (New): redmine_identify_management
An unpretentious plugin to manage lists of identifiers in redmine. Experimental. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57869 (New): redmine-pivotal-chrome-extension
Adding Pivotal Tracker features to Redmine (Chrome extension) Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57868 (New): Redmine-Project-Publicity
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57867 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57866 (New): redmine-bundle-uat
Redmine Bundle UAT - develop patch, plugins and testing public bundle Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57865 (New): redmine_assignment_helper
This plugin provides enhancement for issues assignment. (some JS dialog) Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57864 (New): Redmine-Memberbox-Heidi
Redmine Plugin to Hide Memberbox from Project Overviews Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57863 (New): Redmine-Bulk-Import
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57862 (New): pirateid-redmine
PirateID plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57861 (New): redmine_test
beta cms for radical design Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57860 (New): pipelineUpgradeRedmine
Upgrade Containers Redmine Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57859 (New): redmineHooks
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57858 (New): redmine
Práctica Lab Redmine IGPE Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57857 (New): redmine_help_heidi
Small Redmine Plugin for hiding Help Link from Topmenu Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57856 (New): redmine_issue_favicon
Redmine Plugin to display the count of open personal Issues on Favicon Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57855 (New): alpine-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57854 (New): repotest
Repo for test redmine integration Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57853 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57852 (New): redmine-assign_current_user-plugin
Assign current login user to specified custom field on new Issue ticket. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57851 (New): TestRedmineViewer
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57850 (New): RedmineViewer
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57849 (New): sampleproject4
eclipse連携し redmine連携し Jenkins連携させたMavenなJava Servletサンプル Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57848 (New): bitbar-redmine
✦ bitbar plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57847 (New): Redminer
Quick interaction with Redmine using Android Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57846 (New): redmine-storage
redmine-storage Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57845 (New): ex-redmine
this is an extention of redmine cli that enables you to manage and summarize issues over mutiple redmines(written in go) Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57844 (New): clearsite_redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57843 (New): mochajs-redmine
Admin Redmine
10:26 github-repo #57842 (New): redmine_log_viewer
Plugin for Redmine for viewing log files in administration interface Admin Redmine
10:25 github-repo #57841 (New): redmine_issue_tracking
Tracking Redmine issue status Admin Redmine
10:25 github-repo #57840 (New): redmine_isssue_restapi
redmine viewカスタムプラグインを用いたチケット移動 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57839 (New): Redmine
Docker containers with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57838 (New): wp-redmine-wiki
WordPress Redmine Wiki plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57837 (New): redmine_mailreader
redmain plugin -- mail reader Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57836 (New): redmine_roles
Redmine Project Roles Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57835 (New): mec_events
A plugin to manage events as issues on redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57834 (New): redmine-pidoco
A plugin for integrating pidoco into redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57833 (New): redmine_time_tracker-undef.ch
Gnome Shell extensions to track time spent on redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57832 (New): redmine-trello
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57831 (New): redmine_resources
Resources plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57830 (New): candycane
a port of Redmine to CakePHP from Ruby on Rails Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57829 (New): redmine_quickcall
Make a quick call for another user Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57828 (New): yini-cttb-redmine
Files for my presentation in the 2012 yini cttb competition Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57827 (New): redmine-slcak
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57826 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57825 (New): redmine_new_issues_plugin
Provides a constistent interface to new users by removing the ’New Issues’ tab and replacing it with a New Issues but... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57824 (New): RtoT
RedmineのチケットをTaskWorldにコピーするChrome extension Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57823 (New): clothobserve
Open-source technology behind HeadwayFlow, used to collect and analyse data about person. Written in Python using Fla... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57822 (New): redmine_demo
第11回 RxTstudyで行ったプラグイン作成デモで使用したコードを公開します。 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57821 (New): redmine_db_console
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57820 (New): RedmineDesktopClient
Project Manager client tool for the Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57819 (New): Redmine-Report
RedmineClient for creating report of the issues Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57818 (New): redmine
Redmine for LendInvest Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57817 (New): redmine-theme-harg
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57816 (New): minechand
Redmine-Chan daemon tool Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57815 (New): rwr
Redmine Weekly Report Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57814 (New): redmine_youtube
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57813 (New): redmine-blueprint
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57812 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57811 (New): rails
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57810 (New): shu_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57809 (New): redmine
redmine about heroku Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57808 (New): redmine_ckeditor
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57807 (New): setup-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57806 (New): redmine-test
레드마인연동 테스트 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57805 (New): redmine
redmin test Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57804 (New): redmine2backlog
redmine2backlog Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57803 (New): test-redmine-client
test project to use simple features of redmine api Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57802 (New): Redmine-Worklog-Plugin
Selleo’s Redmine Worklogger Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57801 (New): gdp
Origin: https://gdp.cs.berkeley.edu/redmine/projects/gdp/repository Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57800 (New): contactsRedminePlugin
Controll redmine task Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57799 (New): redmine_contacts
Add to your Redmine app a featured online CRM system. Use CRM plugin to keep track of the contacts and companies, com... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57798 (New): redmine_redirect_home
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57797 (New): redmine_agile
http://redminecrm.com/projects/agile/pages/1 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57796 (New): redmine_costdb
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57795 (New): testrepo
test for redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57794 (New): redmine_scrum2b
The project to customize Redmine with Scrum2B plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57793 (New): redmine
プロジェクト管理の練習 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57792 (New): redminetest
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57791 (New): Redmine
docker files 4 redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57790 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57789 (New): redmini
The minimalistic clone of Redmine, the flexible web-based project management application written using Ruby on Rails ... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57788 (New): Redmine_Android
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57787 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57786 (New): redmine-project-author
Simple plugin for Redmine.org that enables to add project author by selecting from all of the existing users. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57785 (New): cron_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57784 (New): redmine-new
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57783 (New): redmine
My fork of redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57782 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57781 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57780 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57779 (New): redmine-tte-extension
Redmine Today’s Time Entries Extension (Chrome & Firefox) Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57778 (New): redmine-waste-time
Calculates how many time from created until closed issue Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57777 (New): stc_redmine
An open source management system based on redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57776 (New): redmine-test
A test repository for redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57775 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57774 (New): issue_importer_redmine
Import issues from Excel file and create issues in redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57773 (New): RedminePJ
No description Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57772 (New): RedmineForAll
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57771 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57770 (New): redmine2taskjuggler
Export redmine issues into a TaskJuggler project Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57769 (New): redmine-api-bundle
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57768 (New): exemplo-selenium-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57767 (New): Redmine-Guide
User guide for Redmine, created with Guide Automator and Docker Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57766 (New): exemplo-redmine-selenium-pageobjects
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57765 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57764 (New): redmine-mysql
redmine docker-compose with mysql Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57763 (New): redmine_trigger_build
To trigger/push staging, production build Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57762 (New): redmine_daily_status
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57761 (New): redmine_better_include
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57760 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57759 (New): gx-redmine
Typescript wrapper for Axios Redmine Client Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57758 (New): redmine
Test Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57757 (New): redmine-post-link-plugin
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-post-link-plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57756 (New): redmine_login_test
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57755 (New): redmine_dailyload_plugin
Redmine plugin that shows loads of users on each task on each day Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57754 (New): redmine
Chrome extension to bypass/add functionalities to redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57753 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57752 (New): redmine-automatization-bot
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57751 (New): redmine_cybozulive
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57750 (New): redmine_gollum
Full rework of original code/plugin redmine-gollum. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57749 (New): greencom-public
GitHub Fork of the GreenCom open source project. See https://linksmart.eu/redmine/projects/greencom/wiki for more inf... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57748 (New): Redmine_tools_for_outlook
Redmine Tools for Outlook Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57747 (New): redmine-gant
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57746 (New): redminer
redmine client for emacs Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57745 (New): redmine-sprintly
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57744 (New): redmine-backlog-s
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57743 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57742 (New): redmine_oauth2_login
This plugin is used to authenticate Redmine users using OAuth2 provider such as GitHub Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57741 (New): redmine_copy_category
copy category to custom_field Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57740 (New): redmine_document_view_overwrite
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57739 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57738 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57737 (New): redmine_cui
gosyujin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57736 (New): auto_ticket_add
Redmineプラグイン作成の練習 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57735 (New): Snowball
Redmine开源社区插件 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57734 (New): redmine_issue_priority_alert
redmine_issue_priority_alert Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57733 (New): react-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57732 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57731 (New): redmine-dmsf
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-dmsf Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57730 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57729 (New): mantis2redmine
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/mantis2redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57728 (New): docker-redmine-pluggable
Redmine installation(v 2.6.0) running on CentOS 7 with Ruby/Thin, nothing else. To plug into existing MySQL-NginX(Apa... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57727 (New): nodejs_project_management_system
System allowing users to easily manage tasks, schedules and projects. Its aim is to replace Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57726 (New): Redmine-Contact-Route-Plugin
Adds a route to redmine that allows you to send data to the db Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57725 (New): test-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57724 (New): bbredmine
Big Brother Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57723 (New): redmine-zk-advanced-api
Custom API for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57722 (New): redmineAlpine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57721 (New): customized_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57720 (New): redmine_management
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57719 (New): redmine-time-spent
Google Apps Script for generating KPI table based on Redmine spent time data Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57718 (New): redmine-report-support
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57717 (New): redmine-report-support-monthly
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57716 (New): redmine-report-projects-support
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57715 (New): redmine-report-projects
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57714 (New): redmine-report-managers
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57713 (New): redmine-report-dispatchers-monthly
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57712 (New): redmine
Repositorio para redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57711 (New): redmine-report-dispatchers
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57710 (New): redmine-mailing-report-clients
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57709 (New): redmine-kpi
Google Apps Script for generating KPI table based on Redmine data Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57708 (New): redmine-plugin-words-counter
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57707 (New): puppet-redmine
A very simple redmine module for puppet Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57706 (New): oe-redmine-schulung
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57705 (New): redminelite
AngularJS and Lightweight interface for redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57704 (New): interface-catalogue
Redmine plugin that allows you to manage a catalogue of interfaces - currently an idea in design Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57703 (New): redmine-macos
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57702 (New): redmine_plugin01
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57701 (New): harvest2redmine
Command line tool to create tasks and sync time between harvest and redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57700 (New): RedmineUserProviderBundle
Redmine User Provider to be used with Symfony Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57699 (New): redmine_authentification
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57698 (New): aoidos
Export Redmine user stories to an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) report. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57697 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57696 (New): go-redmineapi
A really goofy, simple utility to get data back from the Redmine REST API. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57695 (New): redmine_wiki_macro_ext
Redmine Wiki Macro extensions, such as: {{summary(<page>)}} Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57694 (New): redmine_py
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57693 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57692 (New): redmine_quickedit
Fork from Redmine_quickedit plugin in an effort to make it Redmine 2.3 compatible Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57691 (New): pukiwiki2redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57690 (New): Redmine-Stat
Read-only release history for Redmine-Stat Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57689 (New): WebService-Redmine
Read-only release history for WebService-Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57688 (New): Redmine-API
Read-only release history for Redmine-API Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57687 (New): Net-Redmine
Read-only release history for Net-Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57686 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57685 (New): redmine_tools
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57684 (New): redmine-3.3-stable
repositorio de la customización propia de redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57683 (New): CustomRedMine
Modificaciones de Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57682 (New): redmine-cookbook
Massive Redmine hosting with unicorn and nginx Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57681 (New): redmine-to-github
Fast and cheap Redmine to Github issues migrator Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57680 (New): redmine_plugin_restapi_test
I tried REST API with Redmine plug-in. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57679 (New): Redmine_extra
auto message for redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57678 (New): puppet-module-redmine
Puppet module to manage Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57677 (New): redmine_plugin
redmine_plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57676 (New): redmine_xls_export
Redmine plugin to export issues to XLS file Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57675 (New): redmine_scrum_sprints
Redmine plugin to adapt scrum methods in order to help managing your projects Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57674 (New): redmine_specifiques_GFI
Réintégration des spécifiques GFI Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57673 (New): redmine_ferplugin
Redmine plugin to support IAV PMO enhancements Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57672 (New): logback-redmine-appender
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57671 (New): GFI_Fusion_Migration-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57670 (New): timefy
Redmine plugin for creating time entries from a spreadsheet file, and save a lot of time. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57669 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57668 (New): chrome_redmine
Extensão do google chrome que permite ver, abrir, editar, e fechar tarefas. Também permite adição e edição de tempo d... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57667 (New): redmine-plugin-agile
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57666 (New): plugins_its-redmine
null - (mirror of https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/its-redmine) Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57665 (New): redmine_docker_file
docker-compose file for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57664 (New): control_receiving_emails
redmine plugin for control recieving issues from emails Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57663 (New): redmine_wiki_fast_history
Plugin to improve Redmine history browsing - make is AJAXly Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57662 (New): RedmineEventsFront
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57661 (New): redmineEvents
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57660 (New): redmine_wiki_toc_macros
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57659 (New): redmine_edit_issues_inline
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57658 (New): redmine_activity_advanced_filtering
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57657 (New): docker-redmine
Docker Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57656 (New): helpdesk
Задачи из проекта ”Техническая поддедржка” в Redmine за сегодня и за вчера Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57655 (New): redmine_news_notification
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57654 (New): gitted.redmine.demo
Gitted wrapping of Redmine, the popular project management tool Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57653 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57652 (New): sysconf.gitted.redmine
SYSCONF profile providing a Redmine HTTP service through NginX+spawn-fcgi with Gitted import/export of the MySQL data... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57651 (New): redmine_users_text_search
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57650 (New): redmine-theme
:shirt: Redmine theme in use at https://redmine.gentoo-ev.org/ Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57649 (New): role-redmine
Ansible role for Redmine 3 (Gentoo). Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57648 (New): tt-redmine-test
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57647 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57646 (New): redmine_for_weekly_report
redmine_for_weekly_report is redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57645 (New): evm_roadmaps
evm_roadmaps is redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57644 (New): Red
Test for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57643 (New): redmine-operations
Classes for redmine operations Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57642 (New): cucumber-redmine-demo
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57641 (New): docker-dev-stack
Config to test GitLab, Redmine, Mattermost, Sentry, etc Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57640 (New): redmine-issue-vote
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57639 (New): RedmineMonospaceCode
Redmineの `... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57638 (New): snorlax
Redmine Cheat Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57637 (New): redmine_code_review
fork from v0.4.0 Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57636 (New): redmine_resolved_reminder
Send email to users who have issues in ”resolved” status, to remind them to test and close those issues. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57635 (New): redmine-gitlab-pywebhook
redmine gitlab webhook Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57634 (New): bg_redmine_timer
New redmine timer with polymer Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57633 (New): custom_projects_plugin
Allows Redmine users to see a personalized list of projects, useful if your Redmine instance has a lot of projects. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57632 (New): redmine-bash-utils
Repository of bash scripts for using Redmine from TTY. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57631 (New): http---cluster.softwarepublico.gob.ar-redmine-projects-kimkelen-repository
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57630 (New): rmsupportapp
A rails app to automatize Redmine engineering tasks Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57629 (New): redmine_copy
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57628 (New): rmsupport
Redmine support web for automatizing engineering tasks Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57627 (New): mysql-workbench-plugin-result-to-redmine
Exports current query and it’s results to clipboard in Redmine comments format Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57626 (New): redmine-agile
Redmine Plugins, Themes, etc Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57625 (New): Redmine2.1.2WithMAil
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57624 (New): Redmine.2.1.2WPlugins
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57623 (New): redmine_gam3
Misc. Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57622 (New): RedmineApi
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57621 (New): redmine_in_mn
Төслийн менежмент серверийн Монгол орчуулга Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57620 (New): redmine
Práctica Lab Sist.Aeroespaciales Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57619 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57618 (New): redmineCommentApi
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57617 (New): rails-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57616 (New): redmineproject
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57615 (New): redmine_target_version_status_filter
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57614 (New): redmine_testing_steps
Redmine Testing Steps Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57613 (New): redmine_skillz
Plugin to create and display user tehnical and non technical skills. It can help a large team with multiple ongoing p... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57612 (New): redmine_resources
Redmine Resources plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57611 (New): redmine_autostatus
Redmine plugin - status automation for parent task Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57610 (New): redmine_project_settings
Redmine Project Settings - plugin to add different tabs on the project settings menu Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57609 (New): user_manager
Redmine plugin that allows non admin to create new users Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57608 (New): crisply_timesheet
timesheet integration plugin for redmine with crisply Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57607 (New): redmine
custom redmine setup Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57606 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57605 (New): Redmine
Arquivos do redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57604 (New): Redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57603 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57602 (New): redmine_code_review
copy https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_code_review Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57601 (New): fwla-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57600 (New): redmine2
Redmine built on Ruby 2.3.4 compiled for Redhat Openshift Online version 2. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57599 (New): time_details
Redmine plugin that shows detailed spent time information for an issue. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57598 (New): redmine-releasedate
Track when your features are shipped to production in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57597 (New): redmine_to_spreasheet
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57596 (New): redmine_desktop_client_service
Service API for Redmine desktop client Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57595 (New): gmail-redmine-hangoutschat-bot
gmailをポーリング監視してhangouts chatにpostするgas Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57594 (New): testprojects
git integration redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57593 (New): redmine_on_vagrant-ansible
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57592 (New): lms_plugin
Leave Management system...A redmine rail-based plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57591 (New): redmine_wiki_attachments_jquery
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57590 (New): redmine-api
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57589 (New): elasticsearch-redmine
Elasticsearch docker image for redmine_elasticsearch plugin Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57588 (New): chefRepoRedmine
Redmine用のChefレシピ Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57587 (New): redmine-docker
Redmine on docker Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57586 (New): redmine-client-el
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57585 (New): redmine_show_mailsubject
Redmine show mail subject in issue view Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57584 (New): RedmineViewer
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57583 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Installs RedMine on Ubuntu/Debian/RedHat/CentOS/REHL systems. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57582 (New): redmine
Repositório para documentação de instalação e administração do Redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57581 (New): redmine_remote
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57580 (New): redmine-fsv-docker
Dockerfile für das Redmine der FSV Informatik Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57579 (New): redmine_api
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57578 (New): redmine-bot
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57577 (New): redmine_gantt_date
Redmine Plugin Gantt Date Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57576 (New): redmine-post-link-plugin
DOES NOT WORK YET - (Adaption for Rails 3.2) Redmine plugin for easy issue registration Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57575 (New): redmine_default_subject
Set the subject of newly created issues to ”No Subject Assigned” - helper plugin to create workflows Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57574 (New): redmine_prototype_js
A plugin to add the prototype library to redmine for plugins to use Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57573 (New): authors
Redmine plugin lets you to add authors to your projects. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57572 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57571 (New): taiga-redmine-importer
Imports projects from Redmine (http://www.redmine.org/) to Taiga (https://taiga.io/) Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57570 (New): flow
A project managment plugin for RedMine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57569 (New): jenkins
use the jenkins+gitstack+redmine to test the project Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57568 (New): iocage-plugin-redmine
Redmine Artifact Repo for iocage Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57567 (New): redmine-issue-custom-fields-permissions
Remine plugin. Add read/write permissions for custom fields by role. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57566 (New): redmine-strict-filters
Plugin for redmine. You can choose the role that will see only issues that it created. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57565 (New): redminePreviewF
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57564 (New): redmine-issue-logical-fields
Add new type of custom fields to redmine issues custom fields. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57563 (New): redmine_docs
Documentation for Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Support Server Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57562 (New): redmine_code_review
Clone of https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_code_review Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57561 (New): taskautomation
taskautomation rake tasks for redmine and chili Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57560 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Imported from Bitbucket. Unmantained Fork. For new instalations, better use https://github.com/haru/redmine_wiki_exte... Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57559 (New): redmine_issue_links
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57558 (New): redmine_gemavatar
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57557 (New): Calcul_performance_depuis_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57556 (New): git-redmine-suite
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57555 (New): rviz
plugin redmine add graphviz by viz.js Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57554 (New): RTMaterial
Redmine Theme Material Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57553 (New): redmine_tags
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57552 (New): redmine_rtmaterial
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57551 (New): redmine_repeat
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57550 (New): redmine_nomnoml
add graphic nomnoml in redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57549 (New): redmine_js_sequence
add js-sequence graph in redmine by macro Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57548 (New): redmine_indicator
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57547 (New): redmine_closed_date
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57546 (New): redmine_assign_to_me
plugin redmine change value assign with default value ”me” Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57545 (New): redmine_admonition
add admonition in redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57544 (New): redmine-docker-image
This Docker image runs redmine developer trunk or stable and is updated on regulary base Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57543 (New): redmine-robotization-task
Redmine Robotization Task Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57542 (New): redmine_agenda
Agenda de contactos para redmine Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57541 (New): jredmine
An implement of Redmine using java Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57540 (New): RedmineUI
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57539 (New): redwatch
Redmine ticket watcher Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57538 (New): RedMinecraft
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57537 (New): redline
Redmine CLI interface Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57536 (New): Redmine-theme
Niveau de priorité des tickets Redmine par couleur Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57535 (New): RMN
Redmine Mail Notification Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57534 (New): redmine_fortinet_customizations
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57533 (New): redmine_salesforce_plugin
This plugin fetches opportunity data from SalesForce and displays it in RedMine issues screen Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57532 (New): redmine_reports
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57531 (New): redmine_report_filters
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57530 (New): ansible_docker_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57529 (New): testautomation.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57528 (New): redmine-plugins-ansible-modules.redmine_my_page_queries
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57527 (New): redmine-plugins-ansible-modules.redmine_backlogs
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57526 (New): redmine-plugins-ansible-modules.generic_install
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57525 (New): forge-redmine-plugins.redmine_statistics
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57524 (New): forge-redmine-plugins.redmine_pdf_macro
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57523 (New): ansible-roles.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57522 (New): ansible.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57521 (New): OLCRedmineAutomator
:loop: Program to monitor the OLC Redmine instance for automated bioinformatics job requests Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57520 (New): postciresults2redmine
upon running ci, collected tests results evidences are posted as redmine tickets. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57519 (New): rm_svn_tools
redmine and subversion tools Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57518 (New): tracX
Task completion perfomance analyzer. Integrated with Redmine platform Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57517 (New): fig-redmine
Use fig and docker to create redmine service Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57516 (New): recent-ticket
chrome extension for display recent redmine ticket. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57515 (New): redmine_statusboard
Just a humble Redmine Statusboard, in Flask. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57514 (New): devops
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57513 (New): redmine_license_manager
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57512 (New): redmine_test_suites
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57511 (New): redmine_repository_tooltip
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57510 (New): redmine_team_page
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57509 (New): redmine_project_selector
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57508 (New): redmine_pre_code_block
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57507 (New): redmine_drop_upload
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57506 (New): redmine_irc_notice
Send irc notice when new issues & changesets Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57505 (New): taskboard
Redmine Task- / Kanban- / Scrum-board Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57504 (New): redmine-ci
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57503 (New): redmine4-install
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57502 (New): docker-redmine-2.0.3
POC Redmine+docker Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57501 (New): formatacao_usuarios_redmine_mec
Scripts para formatar e atualizar logins de usuarios do redmine via API Rest Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57500 (New): redmine-alocacao-plugin
Plugin para o Redmine que aloca pares de professores para avaliações do MEC Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57499 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57498 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57497 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57496 (New): redmineanalyzor
Redmine Tickets Analyzor Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57495 (New): cap-rm-deploy
The gem will update completed issues in redmine. Initially tested with phabricator Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57494 (New): redmine_gap_extras
Add various tweaks to Redmine needed for the GAP issue tracker Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57493 (New): dockerfile-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57492 (New): jiminy-cricket-redmine
Gather information about developers habits based in Redmine updates. Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57491 (New): weekly_redmine_issuer
毎週、その一週間でredmineのチケット発行が多い人を表彰したい(忘年会の出し物用) Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57490 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57489 (New): locust-redmine
Simple locust script for testing redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57488 (New): testbuildrocks
A redmine plugin for testbuild.rocks Admin Redmine
09:33 github-repo #57487 (New): Redminello
Task manager Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57486 (New): redmine_improved_searchbox
Converts Redmine’s project searchbox with Chosen combobox. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57485 (New): redmine-importer
Ferramenta para importação de arquivos XML vindos do MS Project ou Gantter para o Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57484 (New): docflows
Documents workflow for Redmine (non-project module) Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57483 (New): redmine_source
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57482 (New): redmine_checkout
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57481 (New): redmine-ansible
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57480 (New): rose-mind
third party for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57479 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine container on sqlite database Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57478 (New): dimitri-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57477 (New): redmine_activity_diagram
Activity diagrams for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57476 (New): RedMine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57475 (New): scm-to-redmine
Modifies redmine bugs by reading the SVN logs Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57474 (New): Appli-Ministere
Appli Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57473 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57472 (New): redmine-grow
redmine-grow Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57471 (New): redmine_py
pull & push data Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57470 (New): redmine-net-api
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-net-api Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57469 (New): redmine_group_by_name
List view groups by name instead of by group_id Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57468 (New): redmine_code_based_custom_workflows
Migrates Anteo’s existing custom workflows into a direct Ruby framework (allows version control) Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57467 (New): python-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57466 (New): redmine-ami-ubuntu-playbook
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57465 (New): redmine_theme_farend_support
ファーエンドテクノロジーのサポートサイト https://my.redmine.jp/farend-support/ 用テーマ Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57464 (New): redmine_farend_support
サポートサイト https://my.redmine.jp/farend-support/ 用のカスタマイズ Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57463 (New): redmine_demo_project
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57462 (New): redmine_basic_auth
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57461 (New): smartsoft-redmine-extension
Chrome extension for Smartsoft redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57460 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57459 (New): redmine-ng
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57458 (New): redmine-ng-api
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57457 (New): redmine-charts
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57456 (New): manage_meetings
Testing plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57455 (New): redmine_backup
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57454 (New): FdRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57453 (New): redmine-babel
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57452 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57451 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57450 (New): cloudRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57449 (New): gerenciador_projetos
09:32 github-repo #57448 (New): 1698_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57447 (New): test-redmine
Just for test! Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57446 (New): redmine-blank-theme
A blank theme for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57445 (New): redmine-scripts
Script to make simple deployment of FabLab beta Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57444 (New): redmine_vale
Redmine da Vale Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57443 (New): redmine2gitlab
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57442 (New): redmine_modeling
redmine_modeling Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57441 (New): redmine-docker
docker redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57440 (New): TaskMeasureDesktopApp
Redmine REST APIをつかったタスク時間計測用デスクトップアプリ Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57439 (New): Redmine-Stat
Geather redmine statistics by projects and trackers via redmine rest api and its internal queries Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57438 (New): Redmine-Auth
Авторизация на основе SQL-БД редмайна Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57437 (New): Redmine-KPI
Perl interface for the Redmine REST API. Best suitable for KPI and statistics purposes Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57436 (New): redmine_sidebar_links
Adds a links to project sidebar Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57435 (New): private_repository
Plugin for Redmine project Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57434 (New): ezScrum_RedmineWebPlugin
將Redmine中的issue新增到ezScrum上做管理 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57433 (New): redmine-tools
Redmine の REST APIを利用してなんかするライブラリ Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57432 (New): wiggy
An embeddable JS/Web widget that uses Frappe Charts to plot Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57431 (New): plugin_for_Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57430 (New): redmine-postTicket-plugin
JenkinsのビルドエラーをRedmineのチケットと同期させるプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57429 (New): downloadRedmineTickets
RedmineのチケットをCSV形式で標準出力に出力するアプリケーション Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57428 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine on Docker Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57427 (New): redmine_closed_substasks_remover
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57426 (New): skeleton-redmine
A skeleton repository for eXolnet’s Redmine plugins. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57425 (New): Easy-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57424 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57423 (New): redmine_wktime
Weekly Timesheet Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57422 (New): redrat
CLI for redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57421 (New): clone-redmine
For download redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57420 (New): redmine_views_orverride
a plugin with customized redmine code page Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57419 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57418 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57417 (New): rm-timer
Timer for redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57416 (New): redmine_sync
Utility to sync and update redmine issues with a csv file Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57415 (New): roundup2redmine
migrate a roundup installation to redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57414 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57413 (New): redmine_default_subtask_tracker
Redmine plugin to set a default tracker for subtasks Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57412 (New): redmine_report
Some Redmine reports for internal use Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57411 (New): safety_mgt_plugin
Redmine Safety Management Plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57410 (New): imeetdashboard
Redmine>plugin>imeetdashboard Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57409 (New): redminetst
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57408 (New): redmine_twofa
Redmine 3.x two-factor authentication Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57407 (New): redmine_view_ppp
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57406 (New): Redcmd
Command Line Tools for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57405 (New): redmine_rfc822_inline
adds support for handling imcoming mail with message/rfc822 inline message parts Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57404 (New): redmine_swan_reports
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57403 (New): redmine_spent_time_comment_required
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57402 (New): redmine_build_version
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57401 (New): redmine_following_task
Redmine ’view customize plugin’ script to help creating following tasks with preset start date, version, parent task ... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57400 (New): jenred-bridge
A Jenkins Redmine Brdige Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57399 (New): Eduman
A nodejs Education manager. Similar to Redmine or Mantis, Eduman is an ”Education tracker or manager” to make it easi... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57398 (New): redmine_with_git
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57397 (New): redmine_nonproject_modules
Provides resources to develop and publish modules which are not projects’ modules nor admin modules. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57396 (New): redmine_tasks_scheduler
Bridge between gem tasks_scheduler and Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57395 (New): redmine_plugins_helper
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57394 (New): redmine_events_manager
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57393 (New): redmine_installer
Installer for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57392 (New): redmine_avm
AVM functions for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57391 (New): eac_redmine_usability
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57390 (New): eac_redmine_base0
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57389 (New): redmine_utils
A redmine plugin: Utillity classes and helpers used by Espeo redmine plugins. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57388 (New): redmine_timelog_tracker
A redmine plugin: adds a timelog tracker below the search field in headerbar, that allows you to quickly add timelog ... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57387 (New): redmine_management
Redmine plugins used for project management Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57386 (New): query_engine
redmine misc queries Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57385 (New): test.class
This is a K8S cluster with wordpress & Redmine app Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57384 (New): redminetest
first test for redmine on openshift origin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57383 (New): selenium-redmine-to-colibri
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57382 (New): redmine-plugins
Redmine Plugin to allow core Redmine functionality to send emails from different addresses depending on the project w... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57381 (New): plantuml_renderer
This is a plugin for Redmine 2.2.0.stable used for rendering uml diagrams written in plantuml text format. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57380 (New): redmine-kanban-core
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57379 (New): redmine-api
access Redmine using its REST API and nodejs Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57378 (New): EasyDone
A redmine plugin that organises workflow Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57377 (New): redmine-mail-receiver
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57376 (New): redmine-modern
Redmine user interface created using Backbone.js. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57375 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57374 (New): QueryRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57373 (New): jupyterhub-redmine-authenticator
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57372 (New): redmine-web4pro-legacy
Redmine with some modifications Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57371 (New): redmine_share_files
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57370 (New): redmine_gim_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57369 (New): redmine_pastebin_intellij
Client for my Redmine Pastebin plugin. Under context menu. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57368 (New): redmine_pastebin
Simple pastebin plugin for Redmine. Support for external API. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57367 (New): okdesk-ucs-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57366 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57365 (New): rj_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57364 (New): osbtest
Test repo for redmine github hook Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57363 (New): enwony_payed_issues_closing
Redmine plugin to close tasks with comments Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57362 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57361 (New): redmine_customize
customize redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57360 (New): RedmineOnWindow
레드마인 수동 설치 시 명령어 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57359 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57358 (New): Test1
Just a test of Git and Redmine Integration Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57357 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57356 (New): redmine3.4-plugins
Build a redmine docker image that contains a set of plugins Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57355 (New): ena-redmine
Tema visual para el Redmine de ENA Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57354 (New): readRedmineWorkTIme
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57353 (New): mruby-redmine_activity
Summarize one day’s activities on Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57352 (New): ansible-final-project
redmine, mysql & nginx Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57351 (New): redmine_activity
Summarize one day’s activities on Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57350 (New): PSRedmineAutoTriage
A pwsh script for automatically triaging Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57349 (New): PSRedmine
An API wrapper for Redmine in PowerShell Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57348 (New): redmine-plugin-auto-increment
Redmine plugin which provides wiki macros that serve as auto incrementing variables. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57347 (New): redmine_response_time
redmine_response_time Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57346 (New): redmine_localizable
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57345 (New): redmine_integracion_mantis
Plugin de Redmine para la integración entre CSMe y Mantis Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57344 (New): redmine_inline_edit_issues
redmine_inline_edit_issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57343 (New): redmine_emergya_agile
Redmine plugin to implement agile methodology for Emergya Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57342 (New): redmine_csme_asignaciones
Control de flujo de asignaciones para CSMe Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57341 (New): redmine_deploy
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57340 (New): redmine_issue_synchronize
Redmine Issue synchronizer from Jira and Teamwork Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57339 (New): mina-redmine
Deploy notifications to redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57338 (New): migrate_from_trac.rake
migrate_from_trac.rake (trac 2 redmine upstream migration script) Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57337 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57336 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57335 (New): redmine_achievements
Achievements system for redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57334 (New): api
Private API for requests on api.elias-haeussler.de Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57333 (New): redmine_reminder_to_slack
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57332 (New): conventional-changelog-angular-redmine
conventional changelog for auto generation of semver releases Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57331 (New): redmine-irg
A plugin for Redmine that provides useful charts on different issue statuses ratios. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57330 (New): redmine_timelog_updates_issue
Redmine Plugin that makes adding/deleting timelog entries always touch issue’s updated_at Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57329 (New): ec-redmine
Field-created integration for Redmine, using their REST API to update the status of existing tickets and add comments... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57328 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57327 (New): redmine-time-tracker
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57326 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57325 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57324 (New): captain_hook
Bring Redmine-Style hook architecture to every Rails Project Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57323 (New): Redmine_pluging
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57322 (New): redmine_semiauto_done_ratio
plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57321 (New): redmine-backup
Local and NFS redmine backups Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57320 (New): gas-redmine-tools
Google Apps Script用のRedmineライブラリ Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57319 (New): RedmineToExcel
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57318 (New): redmine_my_projects_activity
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57317 (New): Redmine-Fixes
Chrome Extension to Modify Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57316 (New): redmine_test
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57315 (New): redmine_select2
WIP Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57314 (New): redmine_checklist
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57313 (New): redmine_whoiswho
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57312 (New): redmine_users_visibility
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57311 (New): redmine_visible_member_email
Redmine plugin which enables displaying user emails next to usernames on project members settings page Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57310 (New): redmine_user_expiration
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57309 (New): redmine_time_entries_filter_by_category
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57308 (New): redmine_time_entry_limit
Limit available time report hours amount for one day. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57307 (New): redmine_search
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57306 (New): redmine_task_manager
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57305 (New): redmine_testers
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57304 (New): redmine_plugins_cdn
do not use this repo, it’s images storage for redmine_default_issues plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57303 (New): redmine_say_thanks
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57302 (New): redmine_remember_logged_date
Redmine plugin which extends time logging functionality Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57301 (New): redmine_project_form_extended
Plugin which extends new project form functionality. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57300 (New): redmine_overwriting_workflows
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57299 (New): redmine_override_my_issues
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57298 (New): redmine_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57297 (New): redmine_new_user_activation
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57296 (New): redmine_imperator
A Redmine API Plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57295 (New): redmine_issue_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57294 (New): redmine_change_to_public
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57293 (New): redmine_bulk_time_entries
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57292 (New): redmine_banner_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57291 (New): redmine_backlogs_extended_sprints
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57290 (New): redmine_accounting
Plugin for displaying project history Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57289 (New): gitlab-theme-for-redmine
Gitlab theme for Redmine as a js to setup userscript in your browser Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57288 (New): Redmine
https://github.com/redmine/redmine.git Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57287 (New): redmine-time-entries-extractor
Used by MoneyDigger to sync time entries from redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57286 (New): redmine_helpdesk
Lightweight helpdesk plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57285 (New): eea.docker.redmine-wikiman
Exports stack/host information to a wiki page in redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57284 (New): eea.docker.redmine-time-entries-extractor
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57283 (New): redmine-teste
testing Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57282 (New): eea.docker.redmine
eea.docker.redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57281 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57280 (New): redmine_poll_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57279 (New): redmine_customization
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57278 (New): jira-redmine-integrationWebhook
Integration project for Jira and RedMine tasks monitoring platforms Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57277 (New): ng-cocomo
Simple angular-cli application to use COCOMO estimation model integrated with redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57276 (New): kibermine
desarrollo de nuevas funcionalidades para kibermine versión personalizada de redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57275 (New): vm_dcredmine
VM com CentOS7 com provisionamento do servidor de gerenciamento de projetos Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57274 (New): redmine_daemons
daemons-rails gem integration with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57273 (New): eclipse_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57272 (New): redminetest
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57271 (New): edina-redmine
Puppet module to configure EDINA’s Redmine instance(s) Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57270 (New): issue_counter
redmine in project issue counter Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57269 (New): redmine-sidekick
An electron app to help users by creating qualified tickets, that can be resolved quick by the dev team... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57268 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine Docker Image Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57267 (New): rmdav
Redmine git repo manipulation with dav Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57266 (New): redmine-ansible
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57265 (New): RedmineSidebarHack
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57264 (New): redoist
Redmine->ToDoist sync script Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57263 (New): redmine-teamwork
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57262 (New): redmine-sync
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57261 (New): redmine.wikibot
Python3 programme which uses the Redmine API and creates or updates a wiki page Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57260 (New): redmine-test
testing redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57259 (New): edw.redmine.theme
edw.redmine.theme Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57258 (New): Redmine-tools
A variety of scripts useful for Redmine administrators Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57257 (New): easy_google_translator
Plugin into Redmine / Easy Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57256 (New): RedmineAssistant
Dating Simulator for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57255 (New): Escc.Redmine.Sql
Custom SQL which can be added to a Redmine (www.redmine.org) database to provide additional functions. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57254 (New): Escc.Redmine.Theme
A theme for Redmine (www.redmine.org) which inherits and builds on the basecamp theme by Peter Theill, Commanigy - ht... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57253 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Git clone of https://bitbucket.org/skyeagle/redmine_wiki_extensions (fork of haru_iida/redmine_wiki_extensions) Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57252 (New): RedmineClipboard
Browser extension to copy the number of a Redmine story and task to your clipboard. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57251 (New): redmine_improvements
wiki templates, plugins Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57250 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57249 (New): redmine_mysql-Hello-Redmine-
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57248 (New): redmine_mysql
redmine_mysql testrunner Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57247 (New): redmine-diff
Diff commits between two branches and give links to redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57246 (New): redmine-test
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57245 (New): Dynatrace-AppMon-Redmine-Action-Plugin
The Redmine Action Plugin integrates dynaTrace in your existing Redmine ticketing system. The plugin creates a new Re... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57244 (New): redmine-client-test
redmine & api server integration test coding Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57243 (New): RedmineDotNet
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57242 (New): redmine-client
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-client Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57241 (New): redmine-explorer_tree
Redmine plugin: ’explorer tree’ - expand and collapse projects with subproject at the overview page (like windows exp... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57240 (New): dvn-svn-import-test2
another import test... https://redmine.hmdc.harvard.edu/issues/1188 svn2git file:///Users/pdurbin/github/dvn/dvn-sf-r... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57239 (New): pm_dashboard
Redmine plugin to provide PMO dashboard capability to a default deployment of redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57238 (New): redmine_tool
APIs tool to manage redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57237 (New): redmine-duy
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57236 (New): redmine_plugin_timesheet_management
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57235 (New): Redmine-Ruby-intern
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57234 (New): redmine_plugin_api
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57233 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57232 (New): redmine
Installation of redmine with mysql from scratch Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57231 (New): dunetpc
Mirror of dunetpc from FNAL Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57230 (New): dune-raw-data
Mirror of dune-raw-data from FNAL Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57229 (New): sam-web-client
SAM web client Python code forked from https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/sam-web-client Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57228 (New): RedmineGanttProject
A datalink between Redmine and GanttProject Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57227 (New): redmine-3.3
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57226 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57225 (New): redmine_working_time_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57224 (New): clojure-studies
A small project to implement the redmine api (redmine version 3.4.4 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57223 (New): redmine_github_hook
Форк одноимённого гема, использую для bitbucket.org Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57222 (New): redmine_githubot
Finds redmine ticket numbers in github pull requests and brings state information into redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57221 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57220 (New): redmine-checker
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57219 (New): plugin-redmine-recursos
Plugin de Redmine que permite ver los recursos, es decir tiempo, actividades y fechas de cada persona. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57218 (New): multiasignacion-redmine
Modificación a Redmine versión 2.6.10.stable que hace posible la multiasignación Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57217 (New): redmine_contacts_new
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57216 (New): redmine_work_time
IN_USE Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57215 (New): redmine
SMG Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57214 (New): redmine-time-tracker
WIP: browser extension to track time on redmine tasks Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57213 (New): redmine_group_gantt
Redmine plugin to add grouping to Gantt diagram Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57212 (New): RedmineClient
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57211 (New): redmine_remedy_view
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57210 (New): redmine_checklists
Fork of redmine_checklists Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57209 (New): redmine_sync_hours
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57208 (New): docker-bitnami-redmine-external
Empty Docker image that maps external redmine folder from bitnami direct copied folder. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57207 (New): redmine-maintenance-tracker
Creates redmine issues from a list of hostnames Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57206 (New): redmine_group_visibility
Add issue group visibility option to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57205 (New): redmine_gantt_order
Redmine plugin that also orders the gantt diagram by users Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57204 (New): redmine_author_group_filter
Issue Filter Plugin for Redmine that allows you to filter by issue author group membership Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57203 (New): redmine-ajel
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57202 (New): fnal-hep_concurrency
Multi-threading utilities based on TBB: https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/hep_concurrency Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57201 (New): redmine-issue-test-idbad
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57200 (New): fnal-canvas_root_io
Facilities providing I/O capabilities using ROOT: https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/canvas_root_io Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57199 (New): redmine-issue-test-core
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57198 (New): tortoise-redmine
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tortoise-redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57197 (New): ruby-redmine-crm
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57196 (New): redmineapi-tools
Some Python tools for working with the Redmine REST API using python-redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57195 (New): Redmine-Activities-Chrome-Extension
Chrome/Chromium extension for quick access and notifications of activities on your Redmine projects. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57194 (New): sample
Sample Repository for Redmine Github plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57193 (New): ansible-role-dc-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57192 (New): ansible-redmine-centos
ansible playbook for redmine on centos6 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57191 (New): calltrack-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57190 (New): redmine-rs
A redmine REST API client in Rust Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57189 (New): heroku-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57188 (New): RedmineIssues
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57187 (New): RedmineIssues
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57186 (New): dockerfile-redmine
Redmine with plugins docker image Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57185 (New): dcape-app-redmine
Redmine application package for dcape Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57184 (New): rg-plugin
Chrome extension for Github and Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57183 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57182 (New): git-redmine-commit
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57181 (New): UniTrackerMobile
Android-App to connect to multiple Bugtracking-Systems! Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57180 (New): redmine-mariadb
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57179 (New): redmine-cloud-conveyor
Clone of redmine-cloud-conveyor plugin hg repo Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57178 (New): redmine-tasks
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57177 (New): redmine-due-date-inspection
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57176 (New): docker-redmine
docker化redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57175 (New): DockerRedminePI
Docker redmine ARM image Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57174 (New): redmine-viewcustomized-utils
Redmine hacks using ”redmine-view-customized” plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57173 (New): redmine
redmine enhance Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57172 (New): Redmine_PageObjects
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57171 (New): concourse-redmine-resource
[Concourse](https://concourse-ci.org/) Resource for Redmine posting Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57170 (New): redmine-plugin-httpheader-auth
The plugin for automatic login with user name set in the HTTP header. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57169 (New): Redmine-VK-integration
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57168 (New): redmine_priorities
Redmine Priorities Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57167 (New): Redmine_Manager
Created with CodeSandbox Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57166 (New): ExportFromRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57165 (New): redmine-plus
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57164 (New): RedmineEmailConnector
A simple application to forward emails from an external email address to an internal-only Redmine server Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57163 (New): passenger-redmine-dockerfile
Dockerfile to build Redmine requirements from a passenger base image. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57162 (New): gtimelog-redmine
Uses the Redmine API to log time spent from GLogTime style files. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57161 (New): redmine_themes
Redmine themes for 2.5 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57160 (New): redmine_achieves
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57159 (New): dmg_redmine
Redmine Repo Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57158 (New): docker-redmine-themes
Dockerfile to build a container image with themes for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57157 (New): telebot
Telegram bot for smart search on redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57156 (New): docker-compose-redmine
Docker Compose file to run Redmine - project management web application. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57155 (New): rmq
Simple(?) Python redmine query program. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57154 (New): redcliff
WIP: REDmine Command Line Interface FFs Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57153 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57152 (New): redmine_spent_time
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57151 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57150 (New): redmine-sprint-collection
A small script to retrieve issues from Redmine and set a target version Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57149 (New): ansible-redmine
Deploy nightly Redmine from github on CentOS Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57148 (New): RenewalRedmine
This is the code to extract data from the RbA Redmine instance. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57147 (New): iocage-plugin-redmine41
freenas redmine41 plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57146 (New): redmine_omniauth_google_apps
Allows login and automatic registration through a Google Apps domain Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57145 (New): categories_as_tags
Redmine plugin which adds filters for each category in side bar and issue details Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57144 (New): ajax_counters
Redmine AjaxCounters plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57143 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57142 (New): redmine-alpine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57141 (New): redmine_editor_pre_backtick
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57140 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57139 (New): redmine_custom_rules
This repo do some custom status rules for our team’s redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57138 (New): Installation-Assistant
iPad app that interfaces with Redmine to display customer data and site plans, view overhead maps, and submit daily f... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57137 (New): customfields-projects-redmine
Redmine project overview based on projects’ custom fields and wiki. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57136 (New): redmine
redmine application Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57135 (New): redmine-diff
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57134 (New): redmine-diff-haskell
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57133 (New): easyVideoTutorial
Videos tutoriais easy Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57132 (New): easyVideoTuorial
Videos tutoriais easy Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57131 (New): DietcodeApp
This app is designed and developed to make the checking and checkout process easy inside the office and also manage t... Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57130 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57129 (New): feathers-redmine
A FeathersJS REDMINE Integration Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57128 (New): redmine_per_project_formatting
Need a clean repo of a specific version due to username/repo parsing Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57127 (New): redmine-docker
a customized docker, additional themes and plugins Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57126 (New): redmineInstall
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57125 (New): redmineProject
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57124 (New): activateDB
Custom rest service to redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57123 (New): redmine-git-repository-import-cron
This script is called by a crontab to ”git pull” all actives GIT repositories setup in Redmine database. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57122 (New): redmine_easy_wbs
Redmine Easy WBS Plugin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57121 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57120 (New): redmine-github-sync
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57119 (New): redmine-cli
Java Redmine console helper to access remotely Redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57118 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
http://redminecrm.com/projects/favoriteprojects/pages/1 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57117 (New): redmine_multi_calendar
Fork of ksfltd/redmine_multi_calendar - DEPRECATED - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57116 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57115 (New): docker-redmine-plugin-dev
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57114 (New): redmine-docker
Here you’ll find all necessary files for deploying dockerized redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57113 (New): redmine_hr
Holiday Tracking for Redmine - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57112 (New): redmine_ical
iCal plugin for redmine - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57111 (New): pkgMake-redmine-agile
Package redmine_agile using rpmMake module Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57110 (New): a2r-go
Asterisk to Redmine TimeEntry bot Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57109 (New): pkgMake-redmine
Package redmine using rpmMake module Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57108 (New): IssueApp
Redmine Issue management by xamarin Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57107 (New): digiselfie-login-redmine
DigiSelfie login plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57106 (New): redmineTasker
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57105 (New): redmine-project
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57104 (New): redmine-overdue
Plugin for redmine to calculate overdue and show it on project page Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57103 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
Redmine 2.x version of this plugin: http://redminecrm.com/projects/favoriteprojects/wiki Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57102 (New): redmine_tutorial
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57101 (New): ansible-redmine
An Ansible playbook for installing Redmine on Ubuntu14.04 Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57100 (New): redmine_spent_time
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57099 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57098 (New): biz.dfch.PS.Redmine.Client
PowerShell module for Redmine Project Management Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57097 (New): dg-redmine
An angularJS wrapper for the Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57096 (New): biz.dfch.CS.Redmine.Client
Client for Redmine project management web application Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57095 (New): puppet-doredmine
Devopera puppet module for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57094 (New): auto-SNVPhyl
Run SNVPhyls automatically and through Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57093 (New): appconfig-redmine
Devopera application configuration for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57092 (New): redmine_people
fork of http://www.redmine.org/plugins/people Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57091 (New): redmine_holidays
Redmine plugin to manage some events Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57090 (New): anrisoftware-com-redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57089 (New): redmine_project_breakdown
A redmine plugin to create a project breakdown interface. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57088 (New): custom-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57087 (New): redmine-time-entries
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57086 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57085 (New): RedmineTimeImporter
Import a time activity spreadsheet into Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57084 (New): go2redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57083 (New): temaredmine
temas para redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57082 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57081 (New): redmine_plugin_require_assignee
Plugin for redmine to make field assigned to required Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57080 (New): redmine4.0.2
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57079 (New): caferedmine
tema para redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57078 (New): redmine_review_tide
Small TideSDK app for reviewing activity in Redmine/ChiliProject Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57077 (New): redmine_on_centos
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57076 (New): Eclipse-Redmine-Connector
Eclipse plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57075 (New): Redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57074 (New): redmine-testing
Various scripts, docs, etc related to testing Redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57073 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57072 (New): redmine-helper
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57071 (New): redmine-sc
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57070 (New): agile_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57069 (New): redmine_polls_plugin
The simpliest polls plugin for Redmine.Allow registered user to vote. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57068 (New): gitred
Git and Redmine integration. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57067 (New): Myrorapp
Redmine project Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57066 (New): test-github-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57065 (New): kslredmine
redmine 2.x Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57064 (New): redmine_tcc
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57063 (New): redscheduler
run jobs based on redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57062 (New): vagrant-redmine
Sample Redmine installation into vagrant managed ubuntu box Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57061 (New): RedmineAndroidApp
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57060 (New): install_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57059 (New): redmine.test
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57058 (New): PrevasRedmine-Latest
Prevas android app for redmine Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57057 (New): redmine_android
Redmine android application using REST Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57056 (New): PrevasRedmine_newRelease
Optimized code with fug fixes Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57055 (New): redmine_regexp_replace
Redmine plugin to replace issue descriptions and journals with regular expression at save. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57054 (New): vagrant-redmine-gitlab
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57053 (New): https---github.com-danmunn-redmine_dmsf
test Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57052 (New): redmine_check_duedate
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57051 (New): redmine-tools
Various python scripts to manage redmine issues with python-redmine api. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57050 (New): redmine-deploy
Deploy any version of Redmine that you want with Ansible, fast and easy. Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57049 (New): redmine_category_for_issue
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57048 (New): personal-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57047 (New): app_redmine_dashboard
Usefull UI for Redmine. Integrated via API REST Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57046 (New): redmine_issue_burndown_chart
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57045 (New): redmine_issues_bulk_create
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57044 (New): redmine_fix_miscellaneous
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57043 (New): advanced_roadmap
Redmine plugin written by Emilio González Montaña which add extra funcionality to roadmap Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57042 (New): React-test
react-redmine-test Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57041 (New): redmine-default
Redmine test issues Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57040 (New): swift-app-redmine
An example application that use redmine rest api to present contents of your manager Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57039 (New): redmineapp
app to working on redmine apps Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57038 (New): prototipos_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57037 (New): chrome-redmine-app
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57036 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57035 (New): RedmineVueling
Admin Redmine
09:32 github-repo #57034 (New): pr
Replacement project management site for Redmine/Django Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57033 (New): redmine_updates_checker
Updates checker for Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57032 (New): toggl-redmine-time-entries
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57031 (New): redmine_tools
Tools used by the DataONE project for interacting with redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57030 (New): ckanext-redmine
Contact/Issues form backed by redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57029 (New): redmine
A vagrant box that will be used for installing Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57028 (New): redmine
A mirror of http://svn.redmine.org/redmine/ Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57027 (New): Redmine_BOT
Simple CLI tool using redmine’s Rest API to create issues and close said issues in one shot. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57026 (New): Azure.Redmine.Integrations
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57025 (New): redmine_login_mention_account_type
Quick and dirty plugin to add a little message to the login page Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57024 (New): redmine_improved_subtasks
Plugin for Redmine which improving how work priorities, start and due date and in the future Estimated Hours within S... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57023 (New): redmine_force_issues_private
Quick and dirty plugin to mark issues private by default in certain projects Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57022 (New): redmine_manview
Redmine-Plugin to view BSD-Manpages Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57021 (New): redmine_with_plugins
bitnami docker redmine with plugins Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57020 (New): RedminePageObject
Trabalho de reposição da disciplina TATS Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57019 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57018 (New): redmineHost
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57017 (New): sakai-to-redmine-wiki-converter
Convert the text from a sakai wiki to a redmine wiki. The images will remain hosted on the sakai wiki so it should be... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57016 (New): redmine-timesheet
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57015 (New): redminer
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57014 (New): redmine_telegram_bot
redmine_telegram_bot Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57013 (New): python_redmine
Some code practices for the python and redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57012 (New): redmine-win
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57011 (New): redmine-prueba3
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57010 (New): redmine-prueba2
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57009 (New): redmine-prueba
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57008 (New): redmine
Project management web application written in Ruby on Rails (school project PV249) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57007 (New): redmine-design
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57006 (New): linksmart-hds-datasource
Clone of the Grafana Data Source for Link Historical Datastore (Original here: https://linksmart.eu/redmine/projects/... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57005 (New): rdm
A fork from Redmine/redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57004 (New): redmine
Implementación de Redmine para la Dirección Nacional de Sistemas de Información de Salud Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57003 (New): https-201406535-redmine.iha.dk-e3prj_grp3-kaffekvaern
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57002 (New): redmine_scrum
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57001 (New): RedmineClone-ROR-
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #57000 (New): qt-redmine
Qt client for the Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56999 (New): redmine_contacts
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56998 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56997 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56996 (New): redmine-tomorrow-dark
A flat dark color scheme based off the base16-tomorrow dark color palette. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56995 (New): bitnami-docker-redmine
Personal Fork for Validating CI Changes Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56994 (New): human_readable_time
Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56993 (New): redmine-plugins
Redmine plugins collection Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56992 (New): redmine_suite
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56991 (New): latest-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56990 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56989 (New): RedmineAuthBot
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56988 (New): RedmineToGooglespreadsheet
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56987 (New): htdocs
redmine二次开发 Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56986 (New): Auto_issue_create
Auto_Redmine_Issue_create Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56985 (New): RedmineTaskList
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56984 (New): Scrumbler_redmine1.4.4.
Scrumbler_redmine1.4.4. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56983 (New): timetracker
experimental project for a time tracker that allows to choose current task from redmine-issues, trello-cards, ... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56982 (New): angular-redmine-overview
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56981 (New): Redmine-Trello
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56980 (New): redmine-stack
Redmine stack for one-click deploy in D2C.io Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56979 (New): redmine_result_field
This plug-in gives you the ability to effortlessly create a result field for your application redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56978 (New): sonar-redmine-realm-plugin
Sonar plugin to authenticate with redmine REST api Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56977 (New): redmine_unbookedTime
Greasemonkey script that adds in the header unbooked amout of time for the day. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56976 (New): redmine-issues-to-github
Reads issues from a redmine API XML and adds them to a github repository. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56975 (New): ansible-redmine
Ansible cookbook for redmine with postgresql, nginx and thin. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56974 (New): VSMine
VS Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56973 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56972 (New): redmine-zh-TW
Redmine 繁體中文語系 Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56971 (New): cakephp-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56970 (New): redmine_timelog_sync
Sync Redmine time entries to a CalDAV server Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56969 (New): redmine-kanban
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56968 (New): jenkins
Jenkins as Docker Image (with Docker inside and Redmine) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56967 (New): RedmineClient
RedmineClient Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56966 (New): read_only_field
Redmine plugin to allow fields to be editable by certain roles Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56965 (New): redmine_issues_with_me
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56964 (New): redmine_property
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56963 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56962 (New): project_section
Derived from http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/project/redmine/project-sections Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56961 (New): redmine_add_frameworks
Ease the process of adding external frameworks. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56960 (New): csmteam_redmine
Redmine CSMTeam Edition Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56959 (New): redmine4cs
Redmine 2.x Plugin for Cryptostocks Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56958 (New): token_voting
Redmine plugin: vote for Redmine issue resolution with crypto token deposits. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56957 (New): pmxbot_redmine
pmxbot plugin for searching redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56956 (New): redmineVagrant
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56955 (New): redmine_crukci_audits
various audit tasks that CRUK-CI Bioinformatics run against our Redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56954 (New): redmine_common
Common code for CRUK-CI Bioinformatics Core Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56953 (New): redstone
A pretty redmine reader Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56952 (New): redmine_typical_entity_example
Plugin for Redmine, based on `redmine_typical_entity` plugin. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56951 (New): heroku-redmine-4.0.4
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56950 (New): redmine_log
Logs every page load Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56949 (New): redmine_typical_entity
Extracted source code from some redmine instances for describing typical entities in Redmine. Examples are bills, acc... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56948 (New): log_test_data
Test data for Redmine Log plugin, based on real data. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56947 (New): journalized
Object versioning (Active Record), based on Redmine.Journal and Redmine.JournalDetails. Inspired by PaperTrail. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56946 (New): elasticsearch_notifier
Redmine plugin to notify issues to an Elasticsearch 6.x cluster Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56945 (New): redmine-coffee-theme
Coffee Theme from http://redminecrm.com. Start Customization from 0.0.4 Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56944 (New): docker-redmine
a default Redmine stack with MySQL Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56943 (New): chef-redmine
Librarian cookbook for use with Vagrant and Chef Solo Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56942 (New): RedminePlugins
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56941 (New): Docker-Compose-Redmine
Docker-compose de la aplicacion Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56940 (New): redmine-progress-view
Redmine進捗率を見やすくする Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56939 (New): redmine_jabberbot
A jabber bot using python-jabberbot to remind users to log their time Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56938 (New): redmine_project_quickselect_improve
Redmine module to improve the project quick select box Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56937 (New): stuff_to_do_plugin
stuff to do redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56936 (New): redart
REDmine ARTifact cli manager Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56935 (New): RedmineTest
Testing Redmine Git intergration Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56934 (New): redmine_amanzi
A simple plugin with a few ideas created for a local redmine repository we use. If any of these ideas gets widely use... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56933 (New): redmine_webhook
This redmine plugin registers Git repositories (e.g. coming from GitLab) in projects Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56932 (New): test_redmine4
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56931 (New): cosmosys_rm_plugin_old
Plugin to prepare Redmine to be the backend for cosmoSys Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56930 (New): redmine-mylyn-eclipse-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56929 (New): cosmosys_req
A requirements management tool implemented using Redmine as backend Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56928 (New): redmine-reporter-rs
A tiny Redmine issue reporter written in Rust language. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56927 (New): cosmosys_req_rm
A plugin to convert a Redmine instance in a Requirements management cosmoSys Req one Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56926 (New): setups.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56925 (New): redmine-webhook-plugin
Redmine Webhook Plugin used for sending Redmine’s events to a callback URL. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56924 (New): redmine-facade
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56923 (New): mirage
https://redmine.laas.fr/projects/mirage/ Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56922 (New): Docker
Docker learning and management with three different applications: Redmine, Jira and Gitlab. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56921 (New): epd-redmine
Control a eink screen with redmines tickets Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56920 (New): cur-gitlab-redmine-mapper
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56919 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56918 (New): redmine_hidden_user_profile
Adds a permission to view user profile. Hides project members box, delinkifies user profile links and disables the us... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56917 (New): redmine_assignable_watchers
redmine plugin that makes issue watchers assignable Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56916 (New): redmine-slack-to-users
Отправка сообщений об изменении конкретной задачи наблюдателям и исполнителю Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56915 (New): redmine-telegram-to-users
Бот для отправки сообщений редмайна через телеграм. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56914 (New): docker-ci-env
Redmine, Gitlab, Jenkins environment for CI Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56913 (New): coldcrescent-infrastructure-redmine
Cold Crescent Redmine Server Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56912 (New): neos-historical-redmine
This is a read-only mirror of all of the issues for the Neos Project (Neos/Flow/Etc) that were in the TYPO3 Forge (fo... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56911 (New): ansible_redmine_git_sync
Sync git repos to local directories, enable cron tasks and test gitlab_hook optionally if installed Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56910 (New): ansible_redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56909 (New): ansible_redmine_backup
Simple backups on remote server for redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56908 (New): ansible_redmine_emails
Configure cron tasks to send and receive emails Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56907 (New): ct-redmine
CT redmine development Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56906 (New): Redmine-Lab5
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56905 (New): ssm
Redmine plugin for synchronization with Screenshot monitor Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56904 (New): redmine_digest_4
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56903 (New): RMClient
Alfred.Workflows: RedMine Tool Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56902 (New): vagrant-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56901 (New): 04_construction_0015_redmine
04_construction_0015_redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56900 (New): 04_construction_0015_redmine
04_construction_0015_redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56899 (New): Redmine-chrome-extension
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56898 (New): redmine_issue_attachments
issue attachment files list Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56897 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56896 (New): redmine-alerts
Notify developers and managers when spent time reached estimate on task in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56895 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56894 (New): stuff-to_do-plugin
Install stuff-to_do plugin in redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56893 (New): Rapidmine
超速でredmine使えるようにしたい Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56892 (New): dasredmine
A self-setup Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56891 (New): RedmineMobile
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56890 (New): redmine_related_issues_assignee
This is a plugin for redmine which adds ”Assigned to” field to the ”Related Issues” table Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56889 (New): siac
SIAC is an application based on the popular project called redmine developed in RoR, with some specific adjustments f... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56888 (New): satisfaccion
A plugin for redmine for calificate issues Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56887 (New): redmine-mm
redmine-mm Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56886 (New): wip-redmine-spore
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56885 (New): redmine
Redmine Dogu for the Cloudogu EcoSystem Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56884 (New): Redmine
Wiki-Seite der WHZ Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56883 (New): redmine
Flexible project management Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56882 (New): supybot-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56881 (New): redmine_configfiles
various configuration files for redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56880 (New): cl-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56879 (New): moodle-auth_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56878 (New): redmine_plugins_CGETI-CNPq
Repositório para desenvolvimento do REDMINE da CGETI/CNPq para gestão do Portifólio de Projetos Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56877 (New): redmine-docker
Redmine docker Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56876 (New): redmine-theme-clear-code
Redmine theme for ClearCode Inc. use Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56875 (New): chat_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56874 (New): tickets_to_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56873 (New): quayio-redmine
quayio redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56872 (New): docker-redmine
docker redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56871 (New): Repo-Redmine
testing GIT repo Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56870 (New): cla-redmine-plugin
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56869 (New): redmine_add_reply
Adds a ’reply’ function to issues Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56868 (New): redmine_project_author
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56867 (New): redmine_showbanner
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56866 (New): redmine-theme
Custom theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56865 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56864 (New): redmine-dc
Docker compose for redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56863 (New): my_farend_fancy
farend_fancy を改造した Redmine 用テーマ Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56862 (New): docker-sameersbn-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56861 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56860 (New): git-http-server-auth-redmine-docker
GIt http server Dockerfile, with integration on Redmine access control Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56859 (New): plugins-redmine_banner
Display banner on home page or project page Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56858 (New): move_redmine_attachments
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56857 (New): redmine_view_customize
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56856 (New): redmine_drupal_auth
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56855 (New): becario
Log redmine hours from a csv file Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56854 (New): redmine_build
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56853 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56852 (New): testeRedmine
Teste de criação do repositório - REDMINE Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56851 (New): RedmineConverter
Converter for Redmine export files into our internal format. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56850 (New): redmineTraceInjector
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56849 (New): redmineInjector
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56848 (New): redminePlanInjector
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56847 (New): ProjectRequest
A simple UI in python, that integrates with Redmine project management system, to allow for business users to submit ... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56846 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56845 (New): Redmine
for open project at redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56844 (New): authredmine
A small python script to authenticate against redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56843 (New): Redmine-To-Github
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56842 (New): redmine
JSON Parser for redmine system Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56841 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56840 (New): redmine-gitlab-plugin
redmine to gitlab communications / syncs Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56839 (New): redmine_leads
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56838 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56837 (New): togglmine
A simple input helping tool for Redmine time entry using Toggl data. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56836 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56835 (New): open-redmine-issue-context-menu
A Chrome extension to open Redmine issue easily. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56834 (New): redmine_how_to_modify_the_subject
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56833 (New): redmine_improved_searchbox2
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56832 (New): redmine_projects_tree
A plugin for Redmine to render the project list as a collapsable tree Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56831 (New): redmine_mit_auth
SSL and Shibboleth authentication for redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56830 (New): redmine-project
redmine安装源码 Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56829 (New): redmine
rails 3.2.13 and ruby 1.9.3 Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56828 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56827 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56826 (New): EIPtoREDMINE
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56825 (New): RedmineConventionTool
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56824 (New): redmine_ftp
plugin for redmine to display folders and files in ftp Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56823 (New): redmine2bugzilla
export bugs from Redmine into Bugzilla Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56822 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56821 (New): redmine-ws
Redmine WS Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56820 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56819 (New): redmine.data
redmine plugin and theme repo Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56818 (New): redmine.db
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56817 (New): redmine_chatty_crow_notifications
Redmine notifications. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56816 (New): Redmine-master
Hier bin ich gerade dabei, die testia-tarantula-redmine-integration in Redmine zu integrieren. Es könnten noch fehler... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56815 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56814 (New): redmine_installation
Redmine - install & setup Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56813 (New): redmine
A tool for automatic allocation of jobs based on Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56812 (New): 00-redmine_plugin_assets_fingerprint
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56811 (New): redmine_start_page
Set a new start page after logging in to redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56810 (New): redmine-client-bundle
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56809 (New): redmine-backlogs
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56808 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56807 (New): redmineissueext
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmineissueext Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56806 (New): redmine-setup
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56805 (New): redminejoeltest
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redminejoeltest Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56804 (New): redmine-issues
redmine-issues-testing-chandru Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56803 (New): redmine-commit
This repo is for fetching the commit link from github & paste that in the specific issue Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56802 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56801 (New): redmine_omniauth_google
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56800 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Redmine issue template plugin Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56799 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56798 (New): redmine_pdf_documents
This plugin creates pdf documents containing selected wiki pages. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56797 (New): Symfony-ticketing
Symfony based ticketing software, similar to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56796 (New): kpi
KPI calculated in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56795 (New): drupalbug
An installation profile for the Drupal CMS that enables people to run an issue tracking system to Drupal.org but with... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56794 (New): redstats
Small project to collect and display measures from a redmine database and other sources Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56793 (New): a1-bootstrap-review
Redmine theme build from a1 theme and review with boostrap Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56792 (New): mredmine
Test redmine repo Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56791 (New): RedmineTicketManager
Redmineチケット管理ツール Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56790 (New): qa-api
integrações com o Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56789 (New): go-git-redmine-suite
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56788 (New): Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-GRS
Git Redmine Plugin for Dist Zilla Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56787 (New): ExtensionRedmineAlert
Chrome extension to alert when a redmine issue is changed. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56786 (New): redchrome
Redmine extension for chrome Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56785 (New): RedmineNotes
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56784 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56783 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56782 (New): excel-to-otherformats
Except excel tabs to other formats. e.g. redmine wiki, html, markdown Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56781 (New): redmine_wiki_solution
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56780 (New): redmine_coffee_theme
based on http://redminecrm.com/pages/coffee-theme Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56779 (New): rdx
Redmine API example Ruby code Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56778 (New): redmine_actual_period
This plugin enables you to view actual working period (which automatically calculated on time entry records). Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56777 (New): redmine-project-mailer-plugin
A Redmine plugin to allow project-specific notification mail settings Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56776 (New): redmine_events_apitech
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56775 (New): redmine_nag_everybody
A Redmine plugin to send reminder emails to issue watchers as well as assignees Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56774 (New): gist
FORK of: GIST is an open-source application to share code. Issue tracking: https://redmine.deblan.org/client/projects... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56773 (New): redminer
RedmineR - нативный клиент для task manager Redmine. Написан с использованием Electron и ReactJS. В настоящее время ... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56772 (New): redmine-alpine-docker
redmine on unicorn on alpine linux on docker Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56771 (New): net.trinfinity.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56770 (New): redmine-cli
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56769 (New): GitlabWebhookExample
Gitlab webhooks для интеграции с Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56768 (New): redmine_backlogs
Versão atualizada do plugin Redmine Backlogs Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56767 (New): Redmine-War-Board
Redmine war board using the built in redmine API, jQuery and datatables.net Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56766 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56765 (New): redmine-spreadsheet
Get issues from Redmine and update google sheets. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56764 (New): redmine-fntprogress
Facilitador de comunicação com o FNT ( Progress) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56763 (New): redmine
Práctica Redmine Lab IGPE Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56762 (New): plugin_redmine_guadaltel
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56761 (New): redmine
Passos de Instalação, configuração e Administração do Redmine 3.3.0 no Oracle Linux 7.3 e + Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56760 (New): redmine-to-slack
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56759 (New): Engenharia01-Carliton
RedMine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56758 (New): redmine_code_review
simple copy and paste of officially redmine_code_review 0.6 and added some features Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56757 (New): KaMine
A Redmine client to better work with Scrum Agile Method. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56756 (New): redmine_alternate_plus
slightly modifications to the default redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56755 (New): moria-theme
default theme for the Redmine spin ”Moria” Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56754 (New): moria_view_pack
modified views for the Redmine spin ”Moria” Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56753 (New): redmine_backup
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56752 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56751 (New): redmine_cantemo_menu_links
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56750 (New): redmine_standard
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56749 (New): redmine_cantemo_select2
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56748 (New): scm-creator
GitHub import of a simple ”Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Github repository creation plugin for Redmine” by A... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56747 (New): redmine_grack
Integrates Grack repository handling in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56746 (New): redmine2vsts
migration tool for redmine issues to devops (vsts) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56745 (New): ScrumMine
Évolution du plugin Scrum pour Redmine pour coller à MES besoins ! Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56744 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56743 (New): Redmine
TESTing Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56742 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56741 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56740 (New): redmine-swagger-definition
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56739 (New): test
for redmine testing Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56738 (New): redmine4-openshift
Experimental Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56737 (New): redmine_xheaders
Redmine plugin for additional x-headers in outgoing mails Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56736 (New): chiliproject_projectlist_details
A Plugin for Redmine/ChiliProject to add details to the project list Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56735 (New): redmine-projects_search
Redmine extension for project search with auto completion Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56734 (New): redmine-auto_assign_user
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56733 (New): nebulaRedmineBackup
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56732 (New): RedmineSlackIntegration
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56731 (New): redmine-digest
Send reports about Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56730 (New): redmine-git
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56729 (New): redmine-business-contacts
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56728 (New): redmine_textile_quick_reference
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56727 (New): redmine_todo_macros
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56726 (New): redmine_my_watched_wiki_pages
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56725 (New): redmine_additional_textile_buttons
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56724 (New): redmine_my_watched_boards
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56723 (New): android-charts-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56722 (New): redminder
Redmine Overdue-Issues Notification Task (aka redminder) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56721 (New): redmine_time_to_decimal
Convert minutes to decimal for Redmine time entries. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56720 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56719 (New): redmine_byword_style
Style the Redmine wiki like Byword Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56718 (New): redmine
Redmine-related stuff Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56717 (New): zeppelin-theme
DEPRECATED: Theme for Redmine (not completed), based on https://www.redmineup.com/pages/themes/circle Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56716 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56715 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56714 (New): remine-monitoring
Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56713 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56712 (New): cursoredmine
treinamento em redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56711 (New): redmine_invites
Plugin for send .ics file with e-mail service of Redmine,if module enabled and issue type is meeting. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56710 (New): redmine-tracker
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56709 (New): time-tracker-script
User script for resolve some bugs with redmine time tracker (https://github.com/fernandokosh/redmine_time_tracker) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56708 (New): redmine-assistant
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56707 (New): rbot-redmine-issues
Listens to IRC and outputs information about issues from Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56706 (New): rbot-redmine-assignments
See ticket assignments in redmine via a rbot plugin Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56705 (New): RedmineBackupTest
Thats a test Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56704 (New): redmine-my-tickets
Adds a main menu link for my tickets and optionally sets home route to that Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56703 (New): ORKA-ILCRoot
Temporary repository until we get FNAL Redmine sorted Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56702 (New): redmine_container
To run Redmine in a Docker container. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56701 (New): request-to-pdf
Redmine export request to pdf Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56700 (New): tickle
Tickle is a bridge that can import time tracking data from Freckle and upload it to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56699 (New): larwirecell
Fork/mirror of larwirecell from FNAL Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56698 (New): puppet-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56697 (New): redmine_customize
Docker redmine customize container Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56696 (New): imee
Create an account, connect to Redmine for a new project management experience Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56695 (New): fastmine
Custom application for Redmine. Connect in Redmine database and create integration with git. Produces custom reports ... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56694 (New): Redmine-AutoWatch
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56693 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56692 (New): CucumberTest_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56691 (New): redmine_basix
Redmine plugin for integration with Basix IP-PBX Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56690 (New): Brainspore.PowerShell.Redmine
Native Powershell Redmine Bindings Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56689 (New): puppet-redmine_dms
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56688 (New): HostedRedmine.com-Test-Project
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56687 (New): redmine_charts
Import from https://bitbucket.org/yuja/redmine_charts Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56686 (New): awe-redmine
Ebuilds for Redmine - a web-based project management and issue tracking tool. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56685 (New): cas-server-support-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56684 (New): redmineExport
Export d’une base redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56683 (New): plugin_people_redmine
The plugin was edited for KAP Tech Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56682 (New): redmine-liferay
Agile Scrum Liferay client for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56681 (New): redmine_manifest
Core redmine manifest to assemble some plugins setup at ones over several repositories Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56680 (New): redmine_cartoons
Shows cartoons on home page. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56679 (New): redmine_password_encrypter
Redmine plugin - Allow storing encrypted passwords in Wiki and Issue pages. Encrypt/Decrypt using Javascript (client ... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56678 (New): landmine
docker redmine setup Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56677 (New): redmine_febee
Feature Branch enabled environment plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56676 (New): redmine_new_commit_keywords
Redmine plugin to extend default commit keywords Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56675 (New): scrum
a copy of https://redmine.ociotec.com/projects/redmine-plugin-scrum Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56674 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56673 (New): redmine_logs
a copy of https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_logs Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56672 (New): redmine_issue_favicon
a copy of https://bitbucket.org/akiko_pusu/redmine_issue_favicon Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56671 (New): agilezen-to-redmine
Export data from AgileZen and import it into Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56670 (New): bitbucket-to-redmine-issues
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56669 (New): wcp-ssi-build
A ”build shim” for the FNAL SSI build framework https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/build-framework Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56668 (New): avareach_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56667 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56666 (New): redmine_xmpp_notifications
redmine XMPP, this is Little fixes of redmine-xmpp/notifications Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56665 (New): redmine-viz
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56664 (New): redmine_ckeditor
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56663 (New): redmine_project_filtering
Redmine plugin for filtering projects in the main list. So far, it only allows for filtering by the roles of the curr... Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56662 (New): redmine_gms
Global Merchandise System Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56661 (New): metro_redmine
Altered version of the Metro Redmine theme distributed by excedalogic. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56660 (New): redmineFirstProject
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56659 (New): bluemine
A cross-platform mobile client application for the Redmine - an open source project management tool. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56658 (New): RedmineDockerConfig
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56657 (New): DockerRedmineLecture
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56656 (New): redmine-calendar-import
A redmine plugin for creating time entries based off of ical resources Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56655 (New): redmine-docker-dockerfile
redmine-docker-dockerfile Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56654 (New): redmine_daily_reports
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56653 (New): TERedmine
Thermal Techs Redmine Server Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56652 (New): unix-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56651 (New): RedmineSDK
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56650 (New): redminereportmaker
Extract data from Redmine and generate an Excel with selected month report Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56649 (New): redmine-java-api
Redmine APIs ad Java Service and classes Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56648 (New): redmine-day-after-tomorrow-dark
fork of redmine-tomorrow-dark stylish script Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56647 (New): redmine-msproject-importer
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56646 (New): RedmineCRM
testing repo for plugin downloads Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56645 (New): redmine_text_blocks
A redmine plugin that adds configurable text blocks for replying to issues Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56644 (New): redmine_supply
Plugin to enable supply management for issues Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56643 (New): redmine_resource_manager
Plugin to enable resource management and apply resources to issues. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56642 (New): redmine_privacy
Plugin to make new issues private by default Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56641 (New): redmine_open311
Plugin implementing the Open311 Georeport v2 standard Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56640 (New): redmine_gtt_export
Plugin to allow (project) admins to export data Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56639 (New): YoutubeAPI
Redmine #640 : API development part 1 (Youtube) Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56638 (New): redmine_admissions
Plugin to support advanced and automatic group and project admission Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56637 (New): redmine-spider
redmine plugin spider Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56636 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Ansible role used to deploy a Redmine instance. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56635 (New): redmine
Redmine Backup & Migration Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56634 (New): redmine_multiple_target_versions
Redmine multiple target versions Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56633 (New): redmine_single_add_issue_page
Redmine Single Add Issue Page Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56632 (New): hophazi
(Homework) SaltStack config for Redmine installation Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56631 (New): redmine_better_imap
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56630 (New): redmine
Redmine multiple target versions branch Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56629 (New): bioperl-live-redmine
Legacy tickets migrated from the OBF Redmine issue tracker: http://redmine.open-bio.org Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56628 (New): redmine_nikoniko_calendar_by_4
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56627 (New): WTaskRotaitor
Task Rotaito for redmine Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56626 (New): redmine_issueChart
Redmine plugin to watch issues’s status over pie-chart and workflow.. Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56625 (New): redminerepositorycontrol
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redminerepositorycontrol Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56624 (New): redminecrm_light_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56623 (New): redmine_workload
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56622 (New): redmine-commet
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56621 (New): redmine_wktime
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56620 (New): redmine_update_status
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56619 (New): redmine_wiki_gchart_formula
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56618 (New): redmine_time_entry_timepicker
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56617 (New): redmine_time
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56616 (New): redmine_tclub_support
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56615 (New): redmine_teambox
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56614 (New): redmine_tags2
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56613 (New): redmine_sub_version
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56612 (New): redmine_search
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56611 (New): redmine_qr_issue
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56610 (New): redmine_project_news
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56609 (New): redmine_project_email
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56608 (New): redmine_progressive_projects_list
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56607 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56606 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56605 (New): redmine_my_page
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56604 (New): redmine_nousguide_calendar
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56603 (New): redmine_my_hours
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56602 (New): redmine_notification
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56601 (New): redmine_multilanguage_issue_description
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56600 (New): redmine_issue_step_edit
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56599 (New): redmine_kpi
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56598 (New): redmine_issues_bulk_creation
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56597 (New): redmine_import_user_to_group
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56596 (New): redmine_inventory
Admin Redmine
09:31 github-repo #56595 (New): redmine_improve_contact
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56594 (New): redmine_group_issue
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56593 (New): redmine_enhanced_projects_list
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56592 (New): redmine_edit_closed_issue_date
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56591 (New): redmine_frenchco_file_test
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56590 (New): redmine_dmsf_patch
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56589 (New): redmine_description_issues_page
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56588 (New): redmine_dropbox_link
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56587 (New): redmine_custom_project
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56586 (New): redmine_crm
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56585 (New): redmine_checklists
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56584 (New): redmine_context_menu_issues
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56583 (New): redmine_context_menu_project
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56582 (New): redmine_close_link_issue_index
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56581 (New): redmine_calculate_announced_estimation
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56580 (New): redmine_ckeditor
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56579 (New): extended_fields
Redmine custom fields suport reference table name Customproject Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56578 (New): redmine-php-api
This is sample code for redmine-php-api Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56577 (New): redmine_application
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56576 (New): Redmine-API
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56575 (New): Redmine-with-node
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56574 (New): redmineex1
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56573 (New): draft_docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56572 (New): redmineex
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56571 (New): RedMine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56570 (New): g-redmine-utils-gui
Utils for managing Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56569 (New): redmine_orderedissues
Provide a drag&drop issue ordering for redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56568 (New): redmine-plugin-g
jenkins使用redmine认证服务进行用户认证。1.1使用数据链接登录2.1使用api验证 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56567 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56566 (New): RedmineQuotesInvoices
Quote/Invoice website hooked to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56565 (New): Redmine-DansGame
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56564 (New): rmtaskmaster
Redmine task information for Slack Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56563 (New): harvest-to-redmine
Tool for exporting time from Harvest to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56562 (New): heroku-redmine
Very basic installation of Redmine that works for deployment on Heroku. Includes config for SendGrid-based email, Ama... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56561 (New): Ethan
Redmine plugin - Filter search by tracker Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56560 (New): redmine_status_changer
Redmine Plugin for auto changing issue status after a period if inactivity Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56559 (New): silex-redmine-api-provider
Silex ServiceProvider for Redmine Api Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56558 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56557 (New): Redmine-issue-auto-update
Auto update Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56556 (New): redmineTest
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56555 (New): r3
redmine reason report Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56554 (New): redmine-theme-connpass-dark
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56553 (New): redmine-theme-connpass
redmine theme looking like a connpass Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56552 (New): redmine_side_contents
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56551 (New): redmine_diff_mail
You can receive mail with diff text if wiki page is changed. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56550 (New): redmine_add_class_to_column
redmine plugin which add class to column Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56549 (New): redmine-plugin-scraper
Just want to pull a list of Redmine Plugins Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56548 (New): redmine-cucumber-feature-tests
Feature Tests I’ve written up that works with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56547 (New): redmine
Bastille Template to create a Redmine Jail Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56546 (New): stage-Dotgee
dotApp + Redmine design (app) Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56545 (New): umit_redmine_migration
Redmine Trac Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56544 (New): redmine_unassignee_plugin
Redmine plugin to unassign task if there were no actions in 2 days Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56543 (New): redmine_checkstyle
Display a checkstyle report (e.g.: PHP_CodeSniffer) as a redmine tab. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56542 (New): lpi-partner-program
LPI Italy Partner Management. Redmine and Chargify connectors included. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56541 (New): redmine_kanban
Porting of an old version of redmine_kanban by Eric Davis to Rails 3.x Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56540 (New): redmine-3.2.2
Redmine 3.2.2 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56539 (New): redmine-ntlm
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56538 (New): redmine_involve_watchers
Add issue visibility level allowing those who contributed to an issue and those watching to see it Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56537 (New): redmine_configurable_scm_ticket_id_prefix
Redmine module to allow admin ability to adjust the scm ticket reference prefix from ”#” to any other string (or stri... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56536 (New): redmine-2.3-openshift-quickstart
OpenShift quickstart with Redmine 2.3.x Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56535 (New): bestRedminePlugins
best redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56534 (New): redmine
redmine常用主题与插件 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56533 (New): infonesy-driver-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56532 (New): redmine
my-redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56531 (New): redminescripts
Python scripts for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56530 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56529 (New): RedmineTestlinkIntegrator
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56528 (New): Test-Project
test project for redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56527 (New): cookbook-redmine
custom redmine cookbook Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56526 (New): redmine_embedded
ValaDoc support, correct tabs, fonts and working Search TextBox!! Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56525 (New): Redmine-Integration
Scripts for Automatic Integration with Gitorious, ValaDoc, Doxygen, RhodeCode Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56524 (New): redmine_delete_project
Adds an ACL to allow non-admin users to delete their projects Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56523 (New): bacancy_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56522 (New): Redmine
My patches for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56521 (New): RedminePlugin
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56520 (New): test_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56519 (New): redmine_spring
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56518 (New): RedmineTimeSync
A redmine time syncer which is designed to support multiple time sheet parsers. First implementation is a parser for ... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56517 (New): redmine-repo
Git for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56516 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56515 (New): html-ctpp2
Unofficial mirror of http://redmine.communico.pro/projects/html-ctpp2 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56514 (New): ctpp2
Mirror of http://redmine.communico.pro//projects/ctpp2 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56513 (New): nauvs
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56512 (New): Trello-to-Redmine
Sync Trello cards to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56511 (New): redmine_bulk_actions
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56510 (New): Redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56509 (New): redmine_scm
Fork of http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/project/redmine/scm-creator project, svn repository: http://svn.s-andy.com/s... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56508 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56507 (New): Redmine-
Redmine installation with Nginx Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56506 (New): redmine_simple_bookmarks
Simple bookmarking in redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56505 (New): RedmineConnector
Read and create Redmine issues in axenox Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56504 (New): redmine_create_issues_for_group
Plugin that allows creating subtask for every member of a group. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56503 (New): redmine_priority_mail_watcher
Redmine priority watcher plugin ; adds watchers automatically to issues if they become P1 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56502 (New): redmine-time-tracker-extension
Chrome extension which allow to you provide simple tracking engine of your time for different projects Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56501 (New): redmine_telegram_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56500 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56499 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56498 (New): slackmine
Query Redmine using Slack slash commands Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56497 (New): redmine-plus
Redmine with additional plugins Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56496 (New): extra_queries
This is an manually updated unofficial mirror of the Extra Queries plugin (http://rmplus.pro/en/redmine/plugins/extra... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56495 (New): Polynomial-algebra
ITLab Redmine — Проектная работа #1 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56494 (New): ruby-redmine-client
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56493 (New): vagrant-docker-redmine
basic redmine docker with redis added for fun Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56492 (New): ruby-redmine2
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56491 (New): ruby-enterprise-redmine-gitosis
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56490 (New): ruby-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56489 (New): ruby-enterprise-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56488 (New): redmine-latex-plugin-git
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56487 (New): redmine-mysql-git
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56486 (New): python-redmine-git
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56485 (New): redmine-gchart-formula-git
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56484 (New): git-redmine
Git Redmine integration tool, written in Python. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56483 (New): eclipse-redmine-mylyn
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56482 (New): hamster-time-tracker-git-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56481 (New): csPlasticSCMExtension
Extension to be used in Plastic SCM . It is allow to connect Plastic SCM with Redmine Issue Tracker. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56480 (New): RedMineTestAutomation
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56479 (New): redmine_glossary
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56478 (New): RedMineAuto
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56477 (New): redmine_cf_autoadd
Redmine plugin to check cf uniqueness and add auto increment functionality Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56476 (New): redmine_favorite_projects
Plugin replaces Redmine projects view with new UI and new features like ajax searching and favorite stars Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56475 (New): RedMine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56474 (New): redmine_mailerlog
this redmine plugin logs all outgoing emails so you can review them later. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56473 (New): app-docker-redmine
Este projeto entrega uma aplicação Redmine atualizada que roda em Docker e possui uma configuração simples para insta... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56472 (New): redmine_finder
Attachments Manager for Redmine. You can review all redmine attached files in project here. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56471 (New): redmine-heroku
custom redmine for deploying heroku. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56470 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56469 (New): leave_management_system
This is redmine plugin helps to manage employees leave account of an employer Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56468 (New): redmine
redmine container Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56467 (New): redtime
A Redmine plugin to collect and visualize statistical data from agile-related projects Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56466 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56465 (New): RedmienServerManager
Manages the Redmine Server Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56464 (New): redmine-gz-a1-theme
a1 theme for goal zero redmine deployment on heroku Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56463 (New): redmine-todo-tasks
Redmine Todo task plugin Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56462 (New): redmine-microservices-demo
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56461 (New): redminer
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56460 (New): redmine-master
redmine application Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56459 (New): redmine_leaves
Enhancement of leaves plugin to prompt for login time Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56458 (New): redmine_custom_theme
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56457 (New): Redmine_DataMining
Data Mining tasks on Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56456 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56455 (New): yummy_octo_wookie
Trying to be a ”general” grid with drag ’n drop for RedMine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56454 (New): redmine-pivotal
Redmine plugin for integrating with Pivotal Tracker Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56453 (New): redmine_environment_integration
Integrate your environment via shell scripts and automize them. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56452 (New): redmine_theme_changer
imported from https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_theme_changer Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56451 (New): redmine_timesheet_extensions
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56450 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56449 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56448 (New): redmine_blocks_layout
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56447 (New): redmine_backlogs
arvados.org fixes for https://github.com/TheMagician1/redmine_backlogs.git Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56446 (New): redmine_arvados
Redmine plugin for dev.arvados.org customizations Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56445 (New): redmine-tools
Redmine tools Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56444 (New): redmine
Práctica lab redmine IGPE Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56443 (New): redmine_plugin_known-bugs-list
Plugin helps to view opened bugs at the moment Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56442 (New): twrm
Teamwox/Redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56441 (New): EngenhariaDeSoftware
Resumo Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56440 (New): engenharia1---Arthur
Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56439 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56438 (New): docker-redmine
Docker image for redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56437 (New): redmine_doc_pu
fixing the doc_pu pluging for running in a rails 3.* / redmine 2.* world. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56436 (New): task_planer
This is redmine plugin for month tasks planing. Usefull for IT departments where you have to to plan month’s tasks a... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56435 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56434 (New): Redmine
Redmine_Mss_HRO Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56433 (New): redmine-taiga
Redmine Plugin which can show Taiga User Stories in redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56432 (New): redmine_cli
different tools which enable to use redmine from a command line Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56431 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56430 (New): tic_tac_toe
I am learning c++ and I am integrating this project into redmine, also as a learning/test Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56429 (New): redmine_iframe
This plugins modify Redmine layout when included in an iframe. It also uses iframe-resizer plugin (https://github.com... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56428 (New): redmine_foundation
Redmine plugin for applying foundation theme to redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56427 (New): node_inbox2redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56426 (New): redmine_easy_custom_fields
redmine easy custom field Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56425 (New): redmine_block_users
A redmine plugin to block users after X unsuccessful login attempts. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56424 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56423 (New): redmine_ruby_code
Redmine plugin for adding Ruby button to textile toolbar so you can wrap text into ... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56422 (New): cmdmine
A simple command-line interface to enough Redmine functionality to easily log work activity Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56421 (New): puppet-redmine-passenger
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56420 (New): sezyum
Redmine için harcanan zaman görüntüleme eklentisi Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56419 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56418 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56417 (New): redmine-statistics
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-statistics Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56416 (New): redmine_version_start_date
Enable setting a start date of the version. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56415 (New): redmine_meeting_room_calendar-1
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56414 (New): redmine_control_date_reminder
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56413 (New): redmine_checklists
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56412 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56411 (New): RedmineAdmin
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56410 (New): redmine_resourceManagement
A redmine plugin to manage human resources. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56409 (New): redmine_plugin_rest_api
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56408 (New): redmine_plugin_polls-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56407 (New): redmine_prueba
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56406 (New): redmine_assign_and_watch
Automaticly add Assigned User to watchers List Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56405 (New): TelegramRedmineBot
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56404 (New): redmine_to_coda
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56403 (New): iss_notifylink
此项目是为ops定制的redmine消息插件,当问题创建或是编辑,就会触发链接数据提交,提交的内容有receivers(接收者),title(标题),message(消息,腾讯通信息格式),receiver_type(接收者类型,ba... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56402 (New): redmine-playbook
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56401 (New): redmine-timecards-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56400 (New): MotionGenerator
http://meshnet.pro/redmine/projects/mobility-modeling/wiki Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56399 (New): RedminePassageNette
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56398 (New): RedminePassage
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56397 (New): faq_plugin
Port of the EzFAQ plugin for redmine to work with the Chiliproject Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56396 (New): perf-appraisal-plugin
Redmine plug-in for doing performance appraisal online Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56395 (New): bot-basicbot-pluggable-module-redmine
irc bot plugin for redmine issue linking Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56394 (New): basecamp-redmine-userstyle
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56393 (New): timetrap-redmine
Sync timetrap entries to redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56392 (New): redmine-plugin-mylyncon
Redmine Mylyn Connector Plugin Debian Packages Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56391 (New): MyRedmine
MyRedmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56390 (New): Ansmine
Simple Redmine Client for Desktop Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56389 (New): VisIt_Redmine_2_Github
Some tools for migration VisIt’s issues from redmine to github issues Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56388 (New): RedDroid
Aplicação para consumo de informações do Redmine através de sua Rest-API Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56387 (New): redmine-extension
redmine-extension Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56386 (New): install-redmine
Script for installing Redmine 4.0.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56385 (New): redmine-circle-theme
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56384 (New): it
Redmine issue transfer (from version to version) Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56383 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56382 (New): redmine2
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56381 (New): RedMine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56380 (New): j2r
JIRA to Redmine worklog importer Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56379 (New): RedmineRE
Redmine RE plugin Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56378 (New): redmine_restore
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56377 (New): redmine_install
Ansible Playbook: install redmine on CentOS7 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56376 (New): redmine_create-backup
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56375 (New): redmine_wiki_macros_collection
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56374 (New): redmine_desktop_client
Another method of time tracking in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56373 (New): redmine_plugin-salad
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56372 (New): redmine_custom-_fields_and_export
redmine_custom _fields_and_export:redmine自定义长文本字段显示及导出pdf排版问题临时解决方案 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56371 (New): redmine-worker-scripts
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56370 (New): Redmine
Redmine Installation with DMSF Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56369 (New): redmine_issue_life_cycles
A redmine plugin that lists project issues, the statuses they have had and durations in these statuses. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56368 (New): redmine_issue_with_vim
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56367 (New): python-redmine-cli
Redmine command line interface Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56366 (New): vs2015_cSharp_RedmineUtilities
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56365 (New): adf-widget-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56364 (New): has-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56363 (New): redmine-client-for-exactpro
Source code for Redmine client, that will be presented on the Exactpro competition. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56362 (New): redmine-backlogs
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56361 (New): redmine_git_released_tag
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56360 (New): redmine_notify_user_custom_field
Allows adding e-mail notification to a user-type custom field. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56359 (New): redmine_filter_issue_id
Adds the ability to filter the issue list by ID and search for multiple issues via the search box in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56358 (New): redmineautomation
Redmine automation Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56357 (New): redmine_deadlines
A simple deadlines planner for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56356 (New): TFG
Trabajo fin de grado, Gamificación de Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56355 (New): redmine-docker
helpers to initialise redmine with docker Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56354 (New): redmine_export
A simple django app to get detailed report on tickets in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56353 (New): default_redmine_backup
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56352 (New): redmine-remaining-time
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56351 (New): redmine-lazy-track
Track long-living Redmine Issues for lazy developers. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56350 (New): symfony-redmine
Symfony Redmine Application Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56349 (New): time_management
Log time to Redmine Issues Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56348 (New): Task-Manager-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56347 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56346 (New): redmine_comments_expansion
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56345 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56344 (New): ImportTaskRedmine
Ferramenta para facilitar o cadastro de um projeto Redmine através da importação do projeto MS Project. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56343 (New): Redmine
Redmine mac Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56342 (New): redmine-2-heroku
Automates Redmine install on Heroku Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56341 (New): jMine
Public repository for jMine - Java RedMine implementation. Only transport of redmine to java. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56340 (New): redmineStatistic
chrome app angular d3 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56339 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56338 (New): redmine_studio_ing
Studio Ing for redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56337 (New): redmineTaskCreator
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56336 (New): redmine_custom
customizations of redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56335 (New): pro_risc
proj_redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56334 (New): redmine_spmc
Redmine plugin for SPMC integration Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56333 (New): redmine_doozer
Redmine plugin that integrates with doozer autobuild system Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56332 (New): myredmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56331 (New): SA_Redmine_Backup
Backup des Redmine-Server von der SA Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56330 (New): RedmineToAgile
Projeto de integração com o redmine para projeto agile. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56329 (New): redmineThemes
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56328 (New): testeCursoRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56327 (New): redmine-ios
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56326 (New): fancy-language
fancy-language is a Redmine plugin for editing all languages in Redmine, without the necessity to restart the rails s... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56325 (New): android-project-manager
A Redmine-like project manager for Android. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56324 (New): redmine_scm
Fork of http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/scm-creator, allows simple creation if scm repositories through red... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56323 (New): redmine-extended-chrome
Chrome extension for adding a timer to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56322 (New): redmine_repository_info
Display repository identifier and branch when viewing changeset info on issue page. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56321 (New): redmine_hide_modules
Allow hiding project modules when creating/editing projects. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56320 (New): redmine_my_time_reports
Allow viewing spent time reports showing only your time entries Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56319 (New): redmine_issue_mailer_hook
Add hooks for the redmine issue mailer for use by other plugins Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56318 (New): redmine_group_management
Create a permission to allow a user to manage group memberships without admin. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56317 (New): redmine_filter_issues_by_parent_task
Allow filtering a Redmine issue list by parent task. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56316 (New): redmine_dont_inherit_subtask_priority
Prevent a redmine issue from inheriting the priority of its subtasks. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56315 (New): redmine_default_activities
Select the default items to show in the acrivities view from the plugin settings. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56314 (New): redmine_basic_redirect
A redmine plugin to redirect top level urls Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56313 (New): redmine_advanced_git_permissions
Allow advanced permissions for managing access to a git repository. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56312 (New): redmine_view_content_back_to_top
This is a plugin for redmine to append ”Back to Top” anchor in views. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56311 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56310 (New): RedmineIssueManager
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56309 (New): redmine-issue-migrator-for-taiga
This is small project which will migrate all issues from redmine to taiga project Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56308 (New): weekly-reports
Quick and dirty report generator for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56307 (New): redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56306 (New): the-scrum-board
a scrum board intended to be integrated into redmine as a plugin Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56305 (New): Vault-Redmine
Модуль Redmine для хранения ключей / паролей в проекте Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56304 (New): extra-redmine
Firefox web-extension who add some cool features Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56303 (New): Redmine2
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56302 (New): redmine_yougoshu
Redmineの用語集をページ下部に表示します。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56301 (New): redmine_touban
朝会の当番などを管理するプラグインです。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56300 (New): redmine_work_sequence
ワークフローの遷移を視覚的にします。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56299 (New): redmine_tips_chips
検索フォームの下に豆知識を表示します。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56298 (New): redmine_pour_plus
チケット更新時のコメントを説明の末尾に追記できます。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56297 (New): redmine_query_feed
サイドバーのカスタムクエリのリンクにAtomのリンクを表示する Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56296 (New): redmine_take_up_issue
チケットをポップアップ表示するRedmineプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56295 (New): redmine
Redmine build for Docker Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56294 (New): redmine_plugin_memo
プラグインのノウハウメモ(保証なし) Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56293 (New): redmine_omikuji
チケット画面のサイドバーに、未完了で担当者の無いチケットのどれかへ自分を担当者として割り当てるリンクを追加します。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56292 (New): redmine_help_replace
ヘルプのリンク先をページごとに差し替えます Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56291 (New): redmine_module_extend
モジュールに説明を付けたり、使わないモジュールを隠したりするRedmineプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56290 (New): redmine_fibonacci_worker
チケットの予定工数欄を選択式に変更します。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56289 (New): redmine_client.js
REST APIを使ってRedmineとは違うUIでチケットを見れないか実験 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56288 (New): redmine_bulk_subject_edit
チケットの一括編集で、チケットの題名の前と後ろに追加する文字列を指定できます。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56287 (New): redmine_arborist
チケットの親子関係が崩れた場合に修正を行えます Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56286 (New): redmine_meat
Redmine plugin for MEAT events Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56285 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56284 (New): REDMINE
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56283 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56282 (New): development-server
This is an ansible playbook to provision servers: web server and Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56281 (New): Redmine-Time-Logger
A small web-tool which allow user to log the same Redmine Time Entry to different days straight. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56280 (New): redmine-openshift
Redmine Openshift Quickstart Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56279 (New): Redmine-Spent-Time-Extended
Sort of javascript code for redmine to extend and ease tracking time spent on issues. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56278 (New): redmine_plugin_contacts
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56277 (New): KREB-R
Ruby repository linked to KREB project. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56276 (New): pfSense-dhcpv6-gui-leases-patch
To provide a fix for https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/7413 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56275 (New): redmine-docker-provider
Redmine docker image based on on alrf/ubuntu-rvm-rails docker image Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56274 (New): redmine-docker-provisioner
Redmine docker image based on on alrf/ubuntu-rvm-rails docker image - provisioner Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56273 (New): redmine_delivery_list
納品一覧表示用プラグイン Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56272 (New): redmine-helper-bot
Redmine project management helper bot Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56271 (New): redmine-helpers
Collection of my bash Redmine helpers Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56270 (New): watersky
Watersky theme for Redmine based on theme from Konstantin Zaitsev Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56269 (New): pyredmine-prev
A python REST-like interface to redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56268 (New): redmine-2.6.3
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56267 (New): Redmine-docker-compose
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56266 (New): redmine-2.2.1
redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56265 (New): Redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56264 (New): redmine_scm
Redmine SCM Creator Plugin’s fork Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56263 (New): shy.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56262 (New): redmine_elasticsearch_rails
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56261 (New): bonus_time
Redmine Bonus Time Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56260 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56259 (New): design-bond
Design new system for binding Redmine with Bitbucket Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56258 (New): redmine_playbook_apache
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56257 (New): Redmine-Plugin
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56256 (New): RedmineExport
This script allows to export information about Redmine projects or issues in XML or JSON format. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56255 (New): toggl-redmine
A connection between Toggl and Arsh redmine for simplifying time submission procedure. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56254 (New): helga-redmine
A Redmine plugin for helga Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56253 (New): CMDC-MTO
Versión temporal de CMDC hasta integrar los cambios para redmine 1.4-2.0 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56252 (New): Redmine-Contacts
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56251 (New): Redmine_batch_backup
just for bitnami redmine database and files backup Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56250 (New): redmine_docker_compose
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56249 (New): docker_redmine
Dockerfile to build a Redmine container image. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56248 (New): gp-redmine-parcial
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56247 (New): RedmineProd
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56246 (New): redmine_socket
Phoenix as web-socket for redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56245 (New): Redmine_Plugin_Post_Request
Makes post request to the server when issue updates Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56244 (New): redmine_sidekiq_mailer
redmine sidekiq mailer Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56243 (New): redmine_quality_assurance
redmine quality assurance Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56242 (New): redmine_metrics_sinatra
redmine_metrics_sinatra Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56241 (New): redmine_monitoring_server
monitoring server Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56240 (New): redmine_phoenix_socket
Using phoenix as websocket server Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56239 (New): redmine_metrics_log_parser
parser log file Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56238 (New): redmine_metrics
redmine metrics Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56237 (New): redmine_forms_integration
Plugin provides behavior same as ”Browser Uploads to S3 using HTML POST Forms” (https://aws.amazon.com/articles/1434) Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56236 (New): redmine_features_for_testers
features for testers Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56235 (New): redmine-chat
Chat plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56234 (New): tst-port-oggeto-redmineExt
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56233 (New): redmine_advanced_roadmap
Advanced Roadmap plugin for Redmine 2+ Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56232 (New): redmine2github
Migrate redmine issues to github Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56231 (New): openshift-redmine-3.4.0.devel-quickstart
Openshift redmine-3.4.0.devel quick start (with SQLite support). Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56230 (New): redmine-zox
redmine project for open shift online. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56229 (New): openshift-redmine-3.3.3-quickstart
openshift-redmine-3.3.3-quickstart, ruby 2.0.0-p645 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux], rails, mysql 5.5 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56228 (New): openshift-redmine-3.3.3
openshift redmine 3.3.3 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56227 (New): openshift-redmine-3.0.1
openshift-redmine-3.0.1 (ruby 2.0.0p645 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux], Rails 4.2.0, mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.52, fo... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56226 (New): redmine_achives
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56225 (New): MVP_RedmineTracker
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56224 (New): devTools
Work with Redmine throught API Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56223 (New): RedmineScrumExt
Aplicativo que estende o uso do Redmine em projetos Scrum Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56222 (New): RiskMNGT-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56221 (New): report_sender
Plugin for redmine v3.4.6 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56220 (New): El-Capitan
Redmine plugin to control worked hours for each user and alert each week. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56219 (New): RedmineIssuesApp
Exactpro contest app Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56218 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56217 (New): redmine-client
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56216 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56215 (New): RedmineTools
apps that help to increase efficiency Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56214 (New): project-manage-redmine
项目管理redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56213 (New): redmine_project_issue_priorities
Add issue priorities to project settings Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56212 (New): redmine_ldap_push
This Redmine plugin propagates users, groups and projects to a LDAP server. Do not confuse with redmine_ldap_sync ! Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56211 (New): redmine-compose
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56210 (New): reglasDesarrollo
Test para la integracion con redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56209 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56208 (New): redmine_impasse-master
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56207 (New): Redmine_Plugins
Guarda todos os plugins do redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56206 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56205 (New): redmine-plugin-timesheet
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56204 (New): redmine_heroku
redmine_heroku Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56203 (New): redmine-kanban-readytodone
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56202 (New): redmine-branch-name-generator
Chrome extension for generating the branch name in redmine ticket page Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56201 (New): changeset_branches
Redmine Plugin. Adds branches for Associated revisions section on Issue page. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56200 (New): kredmine
Thanks!K Orchestra Members Site (Redmine) Event Page Plug-in Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56199 (New): xhab-redmine
Redmine PM system for the X-Hab project Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56198 (New): textile_to_markdown.rake
A rake task to convert redmine textile markup to markdown Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56197 (New): redmine
redmineの練習用 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56196 (New): docker-dev-servers
DockerでRedmine、GitBucket、Jenkins、MySQL環境を作成します。 Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56195 (New): redmine-331
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56194 (New): redmine331-espeid
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56193 (New): redmine2.5.3
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56192 (New): redmine_issue_stamps
[WIP] Plugin for Redmine, which enables to display approval stamps on issue description page. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56191 (New): docker-for-redmine-plugin-test
Dockerfile to setup container for testing redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56190 (New): redmine_books_wiki_link
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56189 (New): chat_notify
redmine plugin application:json api_crient Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56188 (New): redmine_projects_boards
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56187 (New): redmine_wip_board
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56186 (New): ansible_practice_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56185 (New): redmine-3.0.4
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56184 (New): ve-redmine
ve-redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56183 (New): How-to-remote-access-to-phpMyAdmin-on-Bitnami-Redmine-Stack
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56182 (New): redmine_migrations_scripts
Attempt to automate redmine migration Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56181 (New): Api-Spring-Redmine
Api desenvolvida em spring boot para armazenar informações no MongoDB e consumir API - Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56180 (New): redmine_zendesk_ticket_updater
Updates zendesk tickets with redmine changes Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56179 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Based on https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_wiki_extensions Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56178 (New): RedmineReminder
Sends emails to all authors of resolved issues Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56177 (New): RedMine
Evaluación y documentación de RedMine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56176 (New): redmine_monkey_patches
Patches applied to our Redmine installation Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56175 (New): redmine
Redmine Docker Compose Setup Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56174 (New): redmine
work Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56173 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56172 (New): redmine_extensions_gem
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56171 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56170 (New): redmine
Redmine server Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56169 (New): redmine_xmpp_bot
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56168 (New): redmine-launchy-plugin
A Launchy plugin to list issues from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56167 (New): redmine_remote_git
Adds support for remote git repositories to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56166 (New): redmine-robot
Shell script executer redmine robot Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56165 (New): redmine-mondoshawan
Uses redmine api to automatically fill up time entries to complete your working day Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56164 (New): redmine-timesheet
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56163 (New): redmine_importer_from_zh
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56162 (New): redmine-plugin-orb
An orb for Redmine plugin developers Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56161 (New): redmine_secure_login
Secure Login for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56160 (New): ansible_redmine_local
Ansible playbook for redmine (local setup) Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56159 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56158 (New): redmine_agileboard
Usage for Agile project management like a Scrum/Kanban Board Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56157 (New): redmine_etherpadlite_auth
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56156 (New): redmine_easyimport
EasyImport for Redmine makes it easy to import issues into Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56155 (New): toggl-to-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56154 (New): redmine_material_theme
Deface Redmine with Material theme ... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56153 (New): pm
A web project management tool like redmine and based on ruby on rails Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56152 (New): redmine_projects_table
Redmine with table projects ... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56151 (New): redmine_domains
Redmine with domains and their accesses for projects ... Admin Redmine
09:30 github-repo #56150 (New): redmine-printer
A script that turns Redmine story exports into pdf. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56149 (New): redmine-git-passenger-docker
Redmine Docker Image depending on offical Redmine 3.3.9-passenger Image, including redmine git hosting and some addit... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56148 (New): trac-redmine
Migracion de N proyectos de trac a redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56147 (New): crx-redmine-default-status
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56146 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56145 (New): thehub
An angular2 redmine frontend. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56144 (New): redmine-gallary
redmine image gallary.it will auto open big image in question page. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56143 (New): redmineTest
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56142 (New): gentoo_overlay
Ebuilds used in-house for development. Several Redmine plug-ins available. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56141 (New): Redmine-Api
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56140 (New): redmine
某某需要的每周总结 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56139 (New): redmine_maintenance
基于Redmine开发的工作汇总插件 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56138 (New): redmine_upgrade
necessários para atualizar versão do redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56137 (New): redmine_gamification_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56136 (New): redmine_sentry
Redmine plugin which sends errors to Sentry Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56135 (New): redmine
redmine for 3.4 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56134 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56133 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56132 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56131 (New): redminenode
Redmine API - Node Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56130 (New): redmine-client
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56129 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56128 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56127 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56126 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56125 (New): redmine-swagger
The Swagger Specification for Redmine REST API adapted for Microsoft Flow usage Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56124 (New): redmine_fog
Redmine plugin using fog for file uploads Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56123 (New): redmine_teste
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56122 (New): redmine_bugherd
redmine_bugherd Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56121 (New): toggl2redmine
Easily transfer toggle time entries to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56120 (New): redmine-project-author
Plugin for Redmine which allows you to assign Project’s author. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56119 (New): ansible-phab-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56118 (New): redmine-app
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56117 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56116 (New): mobile_issue_table
Redmine plugin to improve issue list view on mobile devices Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56115 (New): redmine_custom_field_import
Imports values from CSV files into Redmine’s custom field values Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56114 (New): redmine2jira
Script for migrating Redmine to Jira Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56113 (New): direct_invoice
Redmine plugin for direct invoicing Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56112 (New): task-list-app
Task List and Pomodoro-ish timer that integrates with GitHub and Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56111 (New): Expenses
Expenses Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56110 (New): ChromeExtension-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56109 (New): openshift-redmine-3.0.1
openshift-redmine-3.0.1 with ruby 1.9.3p484, rails 4.2.0 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56108 (New): acceptto-mfa-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56107 (New): redmine-deliverables
A plugin for Redmine that lets the admin create deliverables and then request these from projects. Projects can uploa... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56106 (New): redmine_nvs
nessa version system Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56105 (New): simple-docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56104 (New): redmine-ansible
Ansible deployment for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56103 (New): redmine3.4-plugins-passenger
Redmine docker image with plugins and Passenger make for use with dcape Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56102 (New): redmine_category_tree
fork redmine plugins bap14/redminne_category_tree with patch from isuue_id plugin (don’t use with RM 3.4.4, install a... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56101 (New): redmine-doc
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56100 (New): red-toggl
Node.js CLI Application to synchronize Toggl time entries with Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56099 (New): Projet-Intelligence-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56098 (New): RedmineClone
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56097 (New): daily_reports
A plugin for Redmine displaying a issue and time logs per user and day. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56096 (New): redmine_terra
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56095 (New): Redmine-Gitlab-Integration
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56094 (New): redmine-due-date-offset
Redmine Plugin calculate duedate Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56093 (New): Redmine-Wiki-Uploader
I built a simple Redmine App/plugin where you can upload multiple files with or without file attachments to your Redm... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56092 (New): easyredmine
install Easy redmine to ubuntu Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56091 (New): react-consumindo-api-redmine
Consumindo api do redmine com react es6 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56090 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56089 (New): Redmine-plugins2
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56088 (New): progressive_projects_list
Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56087 (New): jik_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56086 (New): redmine
test Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56085 (New): Redmine_Python
用Python收集Redmine的BUG数据,并进行统计 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56084 (New): RedmineHelperConcentrator
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56083 (New): docker-sentry-gitlab-redmine
Sentry with plugins Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56082 (New): RedmineJavaCLI
[DEPRECATED] A Redmine CLI written in Java. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56081 (New): s2rc
Sheet to Redmine Converter Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56080 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56079 (New): redmine-jogakuen
Redmine女学園の事件簿!(仮題) [学園モノ/連作短編/連載中] Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56078 (New): redmine-helper
Redmineの運用をnode.jsが手助けします。 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56077 (New): redmine-eml
Redmine issue to Internet Message Format(.eml) Conversion Tool. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56076 (New): redmine-dashboard-backend
Redmine Dashboard (with CoreUI for Angular) のバックエンドプログラムです。 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56075 (New): ng-redmine-admin
Angular で Redmine のフロントエンドアプリケーションを作ってみたいと思います。 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56074 (New): angular-to-redmine-sample
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56073 (New): docker-subversion
Subversion support different authorization, e.g.Redmine and Ladp Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56072 (New): redmine-formula
a saltstack formula for redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56071 (New): redmine-toggl-plugin
Provides integration with Toggl time-tracker: http://www.toggl.com/ Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56070 (New): py-redmine-helper
Set of small scripts to interact with easyRedmine over REST API and MySQL connection Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56069 (New): redminetest
test Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56068 (New): account-generator
python을 이용한 svn, redmine, mssql 계정생성 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56067 (New): redmineTEST
레드마인 깃허브 연동 테스트 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56066 (New): redminebot
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56065 (New): redmine
redmine setup Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56064 (New): redmine_involvement_filter
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56063 (New): redmine_import_csv_patch
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56062 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56061 (New): redmine_default_filter_patch
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56060 (New): desktop-app-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56059 (New): redmine_markdown_br_plugin
Make it possible to BR at Markdown Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56058 (New): redminerepo
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56057 (New): redmine_esp
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56056 (New): test_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56055 (New): pm-server
For project management server Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56054 (New): Redmine_create
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56053 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56052 (New): RedmineLAB
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56051 (New): redmine-master1
demo Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56050 (New): Migrate-Redmine-to-Gitlab
Migrate Redmine to Gitlab Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56049 (New): Redmine
Redmineの移行テスト用 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56048 (New): sublime_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56047 (New): redmine_ckeditor
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56046 (New): redmine-basecrm
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56045 (New): redmind
Command line Redmine tool Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56044 (New): aperitive
Python CLI utility for creation new projects in GitLab/Redmine/Slack/Sentry. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56043 (New): django-redmine-models
Django models for the redmine database. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56042 (New): redmine_image_manager
for manager image in team Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56041 (New): redmine_ext_client
a ruby gem lib for redmine extension Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56040 (New): redmine_big_things
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56039 (New): redmine_testing_gems
A plugin for common testing and code analysis gems Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56038 (New): redmine_restrict_tracker
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56037 (New): redmine_mentions
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56036 (New): redmine_activity_by_issue_status
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56035 (New): custom_issues_relations
Redmine plugin for custom relational between issues Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56034 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56033 (New): redmine_zencocoon_linked_issues
Create linked issues owned by a predefined project with extreme ease. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56032 (New): docker-compose-redmine
Docker compose for Redmine at https://www.redmine.org/ Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56031 (New): redmine_zencocoon_gantt_filters
Add a link in front of issues’ filters with direct access to filtered Gantt Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56030 (New): redmine_context_menu_pdf
Redmine Export Pdf Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56029 (New): redmine-plugin-advanced-reminder
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56028 (New): redmine2zendesk
Zendesk ticket updater for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56027 (New): akayagi
Redmine plugin for mail settings Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56026 (New): redmine_toggl
Redmine plugin to synchronize Toggl time tracking tool entries with Redmine time entries. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56025 (New): redmine-assign-helper
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56024 (New): redmine_project_overview_customize
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56023 (New): redmine_ical_import
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56022 (New): i-complex_AutoCompleterForRedmineTask
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56021 (New): my-portfolio
This is my portfolio site. Project management tool like Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56020 (New): redmine_wiki_inline_unc
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56019 (New): redmine-find_by_sql
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56018 (New): redmine_fox_gravatar
This redmine plugin adds _why’s fox as an option for the default gravatar Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56017 (New): redmine_restapi
working example with redmine rest api using active_resource Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56016 (New): RedmineUserImport
Create Redmine users from csv file using by Redmine REST API. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56015 (New): redmine-todo-client
Redmine Client Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56014 (New): redmine_amp
AMP page Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56013 (New): redmine-mysql
redmine-mysql on docker Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56012 (New): redmine_pivot_table_view
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56011 (New): slack-bot-redmine
自分のissueをslackに流す Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56010 (New): redmine-reporting
A simple gem to use with rails or any ruby project to report exceptions or other messages as issues to the Redmine pr... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56009 (New): redmine-mysql-auth-plugin
Jenkins Redmine MySQL Authentication Plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56008 (New): redmine-user-auth-plugin
Jenkins Redmine User Authentication Plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56007 (New): redmine-backup_task_plugin
Backup and Restore rake task plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56006 (New): basecamp2redmine
Ruby script to extract data from a Basecamp ”backup” XML file and import into Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56005 (New): redmine_daizu_yammy
fork from redmine_daizu (http://daipresents.com/weblog/fujihalab/archives/2009/02/redmine-goal.php) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56004 (New): climine
CLI for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56003 (New): sakura-redmine-docker
データの永続化にさくらのクラウド上のRDB/オブジェクトストレージを用いるRedmine用Dockerイメージ Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56002 (New): redmine-recipes
Setup files for redmine + unicorn + nginx Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56001 (New): redmine_regression_test_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #56000 (New): redmine_plugins
for redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55999 (New): redmine-ops
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55998 (New): autoRedmine
auto Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55997 (New): chrome-redmine-helper
A small chrome extension to help manage Redmine issues. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55996 (New): redmine_new_issue_status
Redmine plugin to set up the default tracker status for new issues. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55995 (New): red_rest
ReStructuredText plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55994 (New): redmine_irccat_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55993 (New): redmine_hacks
Hacks for making redmine work for Razoo Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55992 (New): redmine-road-map
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55991 (New): R3c
Rest Redmine Ruby Client Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55990 (New): redmine_user_issues
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55989 (New): redmine_wwpass_auth
WWPass authentication plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55988 (New): redmine_advanced_watchers_selection
Redmine watchers selection plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55987 (New): redmine-html-macro
Embed HTML blocks into Redmine 3.3 wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55986 (New): redmine_wia
plugin for adding functionalities on redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55985 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55984 (New): redmine
A go package that can be used to access the Redmine API Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55983 (New): redmine_my_tickets
Redmine Plugin to display issue list Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55982 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55981 (New): testing
testing with redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55980 (New): RedmineBackup
Redmineバックアップ用スクリプト Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55979 (New): redmine-wiki-to-confluence
Convert Redmine Wiki to Confluence Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55978 (New): jameica.redmine
Simple Redmine Connector to log work into Redmine issues using a tiny systray menu. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55977 (New): lean-redmine
A lean strategic plan management platform that uses Redmine’s backend through its REST API and an original React UI. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55976 (New): kanbine
Kanban for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55975 (New): qgis-redmine-theme
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55974 (New): redmine
Redmine repository Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55973 (New): redmine_inline_ticket
inline tickets macro for redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55972 (New): mira
Multi Instrument Redmine Assistant Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55971 (New): asap_tickets
asap tickets system using redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55970 (New): redmine-reports-api
Advanced time spent reports for Redmine (api) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55969 (New): Papertrail-to-Redmine
An integration to create issues in Redmine for Papertrail loggings Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55968 (New): redmine-theme-watersky-modified
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55967 (New): redmine_facture
Redmine plugin to support Facture integration Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55966 (New): redmine_inquiry_plugin
Inquiry plugin for redmine 2.0.3 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55965 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55964 (New): redmine-org-feed-proxy
A proxy for https://redmine.org/ to subscribe feeds from Slack Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55963 (New): redmine-heroku-overlay-example
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55962 (New): redmine_login_bypass
A Redmine plugin allowing developers to login without passwords Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55961 (New): redmine_hudson
Unofficial fork from https://bitbucket.org/nobiinu_and/redmine_hudson Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55960 (New): vnccollab.redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55959 (New): RedmineTasksExtension
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55958 (New): release_planner
Weeks planning tool for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55957 (New): redmine-timelog-mailer
Redmine Plugin to e-mail project members when time entries are logged Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55956 (New): redmine-tokyo-slide-20180526
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55955 (New): standup_report
Standup Report Plugin Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55954 (New): redmine_csv_with_journal
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55953 (New): Redmine_helper_cut
Aplikacja rozszerzająca mozliwosci redmine`a (nie cała) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55952 (New): Redmine---Ruby-on-rail
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55951 (New): digger
Implementation Redmine API on Golang (go-redmine-api). Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55950 (New): render_super
Allow render a super view - Tested on Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55949 (New): redmine-ldapdefaultgroups
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55948 (New): redmine_export_tracker_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55947 (New): redmine_editable_select_custom_field
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55946 (New): redmine_custom_field_enumeration_enhancements
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55945 (New): redmine_datetime_custom_field
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55944 (New): redmine_business_rules_management
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55943 (New): redmine_block_duplicate
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55942 (New): portal
Redmine Welcome Enhancements Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55941 (New): redmine-timesheet
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55940 (New): unite-yarm
A Unite.vim plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55939 (New): redmine
JScript for Redmine using the REST API to sync users with Active Directory (LDAP) and edit tasks for auto change (clo... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55938 (New): time-tracker
Sync toggl into NBIS redmine system Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55937 (New): lib_easyredmine_api
Library for Joomla CMS to handle communication with Redmine / EasyRedmine REST API (XML format) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55936 (New): redmine-activiti
Plugin to integrate Redmine with activiti Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55935 (New): Redmine
Redmine Plugins Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55934 (New): redmine_colorize_issues
redmine_colorize_issues Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55933 (New): redmine-heroku
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55932 (New): toggl2rm
Copy timelogs from Toggl to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55931 (New): redmine_backlogs_ci
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55930 (New): redmine_telegram_notifier
Redmine Telegram Notifier Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55929 (New): RedmineToConfluenceMacro
Macro for Confluence to import issues for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55928 (New): redmine-heroku
creating a redmine instance in heroku Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55927 (New): blackblue
A redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55926 (New): cwa
Redmine/CWA: Cluster Web Access Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55925 (New): redmine_version_extra_field_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55924 (New): redmine-sync
Redmine CLI tool for import/export of issues. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55923 (New): redmine_force_issue_assignee_to_category_assignee
This plugin overrides issue’s assignee to category’s assignee if declared. If category has no assignee and issue is a... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55922 (New): redmine_project_extras
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55921 (New): redmine_custom_fields_encoding_fix
http://www.redmine.org/issues/10593 fix Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55920 (New): redmine_repository_default_check
Redmine plugin checks that a project has the default repository Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55919 (New): redmine_changeauthor2
Plugin for author change - Redmine 2.0.x compatible Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55918 (New): Redmine-Trunk
Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55917 (New): redmine_restructuredtext_viewer
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55916 (New): redmine_repo
redmine_repo Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55915 (New): redmine_pdf_export_backports
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55914 (New): redmine_nu_mobile_viewer
This is a mobile interface plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55913 (New): redmine-bookmarks
Redmine Bookmark bloc plugin for My Page Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55912 (New): rm_typo3_forge_theme
Theme for TYPO3 Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55911 (New): solr_redmine
Mirror from git.typo3.org Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55910 (New): site-forgetypo3org
Chef cookbook for http://forge.typo3.org Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55909 (New): redmine_user_incognito
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55908 (New): caretaker_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55907 (New): redmine_custom_overview
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55906 (New): redmine_contractors
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55905 (New): redmine_code
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55904 (New): redmine_books
Redmine plugin for accounting books Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55903 (New): laravel-redmine-api
Laravel 5 wrapper for the Redmine API. https://packagist.org/packages/kbsali/redmine-api Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55902 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55901 (New): redmine-cisco-api
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55900 (New): redmine_patches
Redmineの便利パッチー★ Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55899 (New): redmine_time_card
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55898 (New): redmine_multiple_start_issues
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55897 (New): redmine_membersgmap
plugin for Redmine adds a wiki macro that will generate a Google Map showing member locations based on a custom user ... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55896 (New): redmine_plantuml
This is a plugin for redmine to use PlantUML with Wiki-Macro Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55895 (New): redmine
Redmine Experimental Cookbook Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55894 (New): redmine_extra_links
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55893 (New): redmineTools
Adaptaciones propias a herramientas o plugins de otros para una mejor productividad con mi Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55892 (New): redmine-dokku-heroku
Redmine 4.0.0 for Heroku or Dokku. :) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55891 (New): nodejs-redmine-feedback
A module to integrate redmine as feedback plattform in your nodejs project Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55890 (New): redmine_scm
Simple Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Github repository creation plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55889 (New): Redmine-Patch
Patch of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55888 (New): migrate-redmine-to-jira
Export the Redmine DB to Jelly for import into JIRA Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55887 (New): test
Redmine patch Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55886 (New): redmine_ashiato
ashiato petapeta Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55885 (New): redmine-api
Nodejs client for redmine api Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55884 (New): deploy-toolscloud
Deploy the full ToolsCloud environment in a machine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55883 (New): redmine.js
AngularJS based Redmine REST API client. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55882 (New): redmine-scripts
Scripts I use within my redmine install Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55881 (New): redmine_wiki_projects
List subprojects on wiki page (only one level) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55880 (New): chiliproject-to-redmine
A small guide and script to migrate from Chiliproject to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55879 (New): django-redmineauth
A django authentication backend to allow users to login via a Redmine username and password Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55878 (New): redmine_heroku
Redmine-1.3.3 for heroku Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55877 (New): redmine_work_time_table
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55876 (New): redmine_multi_reviewer
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55875 (New): redmine_cumulo_chart
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55874 (New): redmine_auto_link_by_ticket
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55873 (New): redmine-time-entries
Get list of time-entries from Redmine, and post new entry Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55872 (New): redmine_issue_update_message
This redmine plugin allows to define own additional messages with issue related information. These appear after an is... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55871 (New): redmine4s
Redmine client for Scala Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55870 (New): sync1_redmine
Redmine plugin, synchronazing data between two instances of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55869 (New): red2redsync
Redmine plugin, sync between two instances Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55868 (New): redmine_letschat
This plugin sends message to your Let’s Chat when issues are created. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55867 (New): node-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55866 (New): redmine_csv_with_bom
Redmine plugin: prepend BOM to CSV Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55865 (New): redmine_numbering
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55864 (New): open-redmine
vim plugin which open redmine issue page. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55863 (New): redmine-server-status
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55862 (New): hide_issue_description
Redmine plugin to hide the view of issue description (http://www.redmine.org/plugins/hide_issue_description) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55861 (New): docker-redmine-backlogs
Dockerized redmine with backlogs plugin. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55860 (New): ironmine
A .NET/Mono client for redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55859 (New): redmine-tools
redmine-tools Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55858 (New): i_notify_about_deployment
rake task hook for capistrano to send notifications to redmine about deployments Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55857 (New): redmine-formula
SaltStack formula for managing Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55856 (New): scrum
Plugin to manage Scrum projects with Redmine. The repository is a clone from https://redmine.ociotec.com/projects/red... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55855 (New): redmine-shuttle-chrome-extension
A simple Chrome extension for searching and opening Redmine issues from the URL bar. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55854 (New): redmine-openshift-quickstarts
Redmine 2.4.1 is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cros... Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55853 (New): redmine-enhancer
Browser extension which modifies and enhances Redmine to make it more useful. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55852 (New): RedmineTimer
Manage your time with Redmine and this little quick timer client Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55851 (New): redmine
Redmine configurado Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55850 (New): bootstrap-redmine-deploy
Installs Redmine on Ubuntu 16.04 on AWS using Ansible from a local machine via Vagrant Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55849 (New): redmine_pdf_extensions
RedminePdfExtensions is a plugin that extends remines internal pdf generation with some new features. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55848 (New): redminer
redmine rest api client gem Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55847 (New): redmine_video_macros
(maintained) Redmine wiki macros for embedding video Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55846 (New): RedPebble
Tiny redmine client for your pebble! Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55845 (New): redmine-react-test-task
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55844 (New): default_target_version
Default Target Version plug for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55843 (New): redmine_wikipub
Redmine Wikipub plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55842 (New): redmine_status_mail
Sends a status mail to users with open/stale/ending-soon tickets. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55841 (New): redmine-razhacks-datacollectors
Total hack for Redmine... collecting Razoo specific data snapshots Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55840 (New): Redmine_Hoptoad_Server
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55839 (New): slackmine
Bot written in Go that posts newly created Redmine issues to Slack Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55838 (New): redmine
redminetest Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55837 (New): jiber
Jiber - Toggl, Redmine and Jira Import/Export Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55836 (New): python-redmine
A Redmine API client for python Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55835 (New): teo_project_overview
Replacement for the Redmine project overview adding subproject tree and wiki preview. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55834 (New): redmine_progress_reports
Plugin para la generación de informes OPPM. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55833 (New): hgp_cmis
Redmine plugin to browse and manage files in a CMIS document repository. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55832 (New): Angular-Support
TEONITE Support Frontend - an application to submit bug/features from your app/service to YouTrack/Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55831 (New): redmine_recurring_planning
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55830 (New): redmine_project_attachments
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55829 (New): redmine_openpne_jp_plugin
This Redmine plugin is for redmine.openpne.jp Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55828 (New): opAuthRedminePlugin
This OpenPNE plugin provides authentication by redmine account information Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55827 (New): Redmine-Repository-Control
Adds fine grained repository control to redmine through Apache Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55826 (New): planio-user-js
Greasmonkey/Chrome User Script for Planio/Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55825 (New): redmine-set_assignee_on_commit-plugin
Set specified user as issue’s Assignee via repository commit with ”fixing keywords” Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55824 (New): docker-compose-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55823 (New): redmine_wiki_galleries
Redmine plugin for Lightbox 2.0 image galleries support in wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55822 (New): redmine-util
Tiny scripts for redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55821 (New): redmine_warehouse
RedmineCRM warehouse plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55820 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55819 (New): redmine_tavish_mods
Plugin to hold random redmine mods that don’t deserve their own plugin (yet). Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55818 (New): bm-importer
BM2から出力されるXMLをRedmineのTargetVersionへ登録するプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55817 (New): redmine_disable_account_edit
Redmine Disable Account Edit plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55816 (New): redmine_citrus_interlock_progress
Redmine用のチケットプラグイン。全ての親子チケットの進捗を連動させます Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55815 (New): redmine_citrus_my_page_tools
Redmine 用 マイページプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55814 (New): redmine_version_overdue
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55813 (New): ruby-redmine_api
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55812 (New): redmine_tsv_macro
This is Redmine plug-in. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55811 (New): redmine_related_wiki
This is Redmine plug-in. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55810 (New): redmine_br_macro
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55809 (New): redmine_issues_top_menu
Redmine Issues Top Menu plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55808 (New): redmine_autosubtasks_customfield
Autosubtasks custom field plugin for RedMine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55807 (New): redmine
redmin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55806 (New): docker-cent6-bitnami-redmine330
build up a container with the Bitnami-redmine stack version 330/330-1. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55805 (New): chiliclient
basic commandline client that uses ChiliProject/Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55804 (New): redmine_new_project_button
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55803 (New): rm_customization
SS customization plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55802 (New): miner
Command Line Tool For Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55801 (New): redmine
PHP access library for Redmine. Works via API or DB access. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55800 (New): R
Redmine OS X Application. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55799 (New): TracThemeRedmineA1
A trac adaptation of Redmine theme A1 from Kirill Bezrukov redminecrm.com Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55798 (New): redmine_short_operators_fix
This Plugin fixes the problem, that redmine filters out values starting with c and o Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55797 (New): redmine
A basic redmine web project Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55796 (New): redmine-desktop-app
Desktop application for the redmine using the restful api of the redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55795 (New): bug
An Emacs mode for bug trackers, e.g. Redmine/Github/etc. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55794 (New): redmine-notifier-for-chrome
A Redmine Activity Notifier via WebSocket Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55793 (New): redmine_bitbucketgit_hook
cloned from https://bitbucket.org/3100/redmine_bitbucketgit_hook Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55792 (New): redmine_admin_class
Add ”admin” class to body tag if you are admin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55791 (New): zst-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55790 (New): extended-redmine
userscripts to extend redmin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55789 (New): rm_meta
Redmine ”Meta” plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55788 (New): redmine_links
Redmine plugin to link to server mounted files Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55787 (New): redmine-plugin-redhopper
A docker container to enable redhopper plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55786 (New): redmine-docker-compose
redmine postgres nginx ssl setup by docker-compose Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55785 (New): redmine-better-timeentries
A redmine plugin to display time entries summaries in man hours Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55784 (New): redmine-issues-crawler
Redmine Issues Crawler Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55783 (New): redmine-example-app
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55782 (New): redmine-demo-project
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55781 (New): redmine202
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55780 (New): redmine201
project management tool Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55779 (New): redmine2.x
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55778 (New): Redmine2
latest Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55777 (New): Redmine1x
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55776 (New): redmine141
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55775 (New): redmine_myusage
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55774 (New): redmine_lm
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55773 (New): redmine
des Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55772 (New): redmine_wiki_h2
Plugin to add H2 with wiki page title to the top of all wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55771 (New): scrum-presentation
Slides for scrum / redmine presentation Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55770 (New): ohwr-theme
Personalized Redmine/Chiliproject theme for the Open Hardware Repository (www.ohwr.org) Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55769 (New): redmine-environment-css
This redmine plugin adds the environment name as class to the body of every HTML page Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55768 (New): Cool-LBL-project
Dummy project for testing Redmine’s Github Hook plug-in Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55767 (New): svn-smf-hook
SVN post-commit hook script posting commit info to Simple Machines Forum Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55766 (New): redmine_questions
Mirror of Redmine Q&A plugin code source. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55765 (New): redmine_chat
Deprecated Redmine Chat plugin. Please use https://github.com/southbridgeio/redmine_chat_telegram Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55764 (New): localizable
Localizable is plugin that allows to define customizable locales in any language for your Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55763 (New): redmine_reminder_ticket
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55762 (New): account-book
[ja]CakePHPを使って家計簿ライクな何かを作ろうとしている[/ja] -> http://abook.app.bis5.mydns.jp http://redmine.bis5.mydns.jp/projects/account Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55761 (New): RedmineTTE
Redmine Plugin Total Time Estimate Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55760 (New): redmine_user_image
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55759 (New): docker-build-jredmine
Docker image: debian wheezy, oracle-jdk8, jruby, for redmine.war build. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55758 (New): python-redminews
Redmine API for Python Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55757 (New): redmine_instant_alerts
Redmine Instant Notifications using pusherapp.com Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55756 (New): redmine_document_move
This is a Redmine plugin to allow users to move documents from a project to another. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55755 (New): redmine
基于 snakevil-docker/gitolite 构建地 redmine 自用版本。 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55754 (New): redmine-theme-bbsite
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55753 (New): redmine-theme-rnet
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55752 (New): redmine_support_team
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55751 (New): redmine_smile_list_cf_possible_values_filter
Redmine plugin that adds the hability to filter possible values of Custom Fields of type list. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55750 (New): redmine_create_related_issue
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55749 (New): redmine_unclosed_issues
Redmine ”My Page” plugin to show issues to close bu current user Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55748 (New): redmine_better_custom_fields
A Redmine plugin to give a better REST API for the custom_fields data Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55747 (New): redmine2_localizable
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55746 (New): redmine-web-hook
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55745 (New): redmine-notification
A Rundeck plugin implemented in Groovy - Let your job trigger an issues in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55744 (New): opencast
A tool to generate formal requirements documents from a RedMine issue tracker. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55743 (New): redmine_version_slip_count
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55742 (New): chef-redmine
Install and configure Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55741 (New): redmine_version_in_title
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55740 (New): redmine_layout_tweak_add_all_issues_link
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55739 (New): redmine_filter_tweak_versions_sort
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55738 (New): redmine_estimates
update estimate plugin for Redmine v3.x.x Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55737 (New): redmine_kerberos_authentication
Kerberos Authentication for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55736 (New): jira-redmine-integration
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55735 (New): scarletquarry
Vim plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55734 (New): redmine_goods_request
Redmine plugin for sending request for goods as usual tasks Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55733 (New): redmine-itamae
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55732 (New): redmine_multi_assign
Redmine plugin that allows to assign project and all its subprojects to user at once Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55731 (New): redmine_one_issue_in_process_only
One Issue ”In Process” only Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55730 (New): redmine_kaminari
Kaminari for Redmine’s plugin developers Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55729 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55728 (New): redmine_chosen
chosen plugin for redmine select Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55727 (New): chef-bp-redmine
chef cookbook for beproud redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55726 (New): awesome_manuals
redmine plugin for wiki export Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55725 (New): Redmine-Customer-ticketing
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55724 (New): Redmine-Macro-for-Protovis
one Macro for Protvis on Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55723 (New): redmine-config
A convenient place to store redmine settings without forking the entire project Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55722 (New): docker-redmine-alpine
Docker image of Redmine based on Alpine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55721 (New): redmine_plugin_computed_custom_field_addon
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55720 (New): 1CDevOps
Тестовый репо с Docker & Redmine & Gitea Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55719 (New): redmine_anytable
Redmine plugin for creating issues style tables Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55718 (New): redmine_qbo
A Quickbooks Online Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55717 (New): redmine-git-sync
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55716 (New): redmine-multi-theme
A client side theme selecter for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55715 (New): redmine-basic-auth
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55714 (New): scaleway-redmine
:minidisc: Official Redmine image on Scaleway Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55713 (New): redmine_autolink
Automatic link creation in Redmine: convert BUG-123 to nice link to http://bug_tracker/BUG-123 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55712 (New): multi-redmine
Installs and configure Redmine from it Git repo, needs rbenv environment. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55711 (New): ansible-redmine
Installs and globally configures Redmine in a secure way. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55710 (New): sumac
Push Harvest time entries into Redmine. :sparkles: Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55709 (New): redmine_savas_customizations
A plugin for customizing Redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55708 (New): redmine-task-colors
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55707 (New): redmine-public-wiki-pages
A Redmine plugin allowing individual wiki pages to be marked as publicly accessible. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55705 (New): sassafras-redmine-theme
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55706 (New): redmine_require_issue_due_date_in_future
A Redmine plugin to require setting Issue due dates to a date in the future. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55704 (New): redmine-circle-theme
Our modified copy of the Redmine Circle Theme from RedmineCRM Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55703 (New): greenmachine
Sassafras Billing Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55702 (New): hamster_redmine
Simple standalone script to sync tracked time from Hamster to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55701 (New): Redmine
cnam 102 Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55700 (New): redmine_scm
GitHub mirror of the SCM Creator plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55699 (New): SOPA-Blackout-Redmine
SOPA Blackout plugin for Redmine/ChiliProject Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55698 (New): wiking
GitHub mirror of the WikiNG plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55697 (New): rm2jira
moves redmine tickets to jira Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55696 (New): project_section
GitHub mirror of the Project Sections plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55695 (New): freshmine
Redmine -> Freshbooks integration Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55694 (New): redmine-smart-chart
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55693 (New): redmine-kampus
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55692 (New): redmine-persian
Jalali calendar and Persian fonts in redmine Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55691 (New): redmine_plugin_customer
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55690 (New): redmine_pwauth
Adds the pwauth authentication to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55689 (New): redmine_chart
private project burn down chart and burn up chart create Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55688 (New): redmine_custom_field_categorize
Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55687 (New): RedMine
A Reddit Dataminer to predict which posts are likely to receive Reddit Gold Admin Redmine
09:29 github-repo #55686 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55685 (New): redmine-oxy
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55684 (New): redmine-cross-domain-link-fixer
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55683 (New): redmine_user_contacts
Redmine User Contacts allows you to see a list of contact details (or other custom user attributes) for your Redmine ... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55682 (New): docker-redmine
Dockerfile - Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55681 (New): redmine_trips_journal
Journal of trips for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55680 (New): redmine_staff_request
Staff request for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55679 (New): redmine_some_fixes
Redmine plugin for fixing too long project tittle Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55678 (New): redmine_solved_issues
Block for my/page and rake-task for mail delivery (IssueStatus = ”Solved”) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55677 (New): redmine_repeating_issues
The plugin allows you to do repeating issues (reopen or recreate) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55676 (New): redmine_rejected_issues
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55675 (New): redmine_recruting_workgroup
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55674 (New): redmine_recreator_issues
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55673 (New): redmine_project_milestones
Plugin allow to create milestones (special issues) in project Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55672 (New): redmine_parent_issue_dates_are_main
Parent issue dates will be main Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55671 (New): redmine_new_issues
Block for my/page and rake-task for mail delivery (IssueStatus.default) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55670 (New): redmine_my_page
Redmine plugin, which makes ”my page” more informative Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55669 (New): redmine_meeting
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55668 (New): redmine_issues_quality
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55667 (New): redmine_issues4role
Add ”role” to issues_visibility Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55666 (New): redmine_hide_sidebar_button
Adds a button that hides the sidebar (for Wiki#show, Issues#show, etc) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55665 (New): redmine_group_members
Show group members in issue assigned to group (in sidebar) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55664 (New): redmine_delays
Redmine plugin to register late for work Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55663 (New): redmine_contacts_helpdesk
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55662 (New): redmine_auto_change_start_status
If I create issue with default status for self then the plugin change the status. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55661 (New): redmine_ckyg
The Redmine plegin import information about workplace time Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55660 (New): redmine_advanced_gantt
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55659 (New): redmine_approval_page
Implementation Approval Page Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55658 (New): redmine_additional_issue_permissions
Redmine plugin to add additional 14 issue permissions Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55657 (New): redmine_ticket_client
moved to howlingmine-client Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55656 (New): Redmine-User-Issues
Redmine Plugin. Shows the assigned issues on the user page. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55655 (New): Redmine-PivotalTracker-migrator
Import your CSV dump from Redmine into Pivotal Tracker Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55654 (New): redmine-customfield-info
A webapp which can be used to serve information on redmine custom fields. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55653 (New): redmine-sidebar-hide
Moved to sidebar_hide Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55652 (New): featureview
Featureview: plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55651 (New): sync_redmines
A script for copy Redmine issues and log times to another Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55650 (New): remine
redmines user export Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55649 (New): rmgl
Footshop project manager communicating to redmine and gitlab Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55648 (New): CodeBtn4Redmine
Greasemonkey script to add a button adding the « code » tag to redmine forms. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55647 (New): redmine_jobtime
Репозиторий плагина учета времени работника в redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55646 (New): dnn-backup-scripts
My backup scripts for websites Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55645 (New): issue_spec_notes
Redmine plugin for adding specification fields to issue description Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55644 (New): Wield
A common command line interface for project managers (like redmine) with repository integrations Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55643 (New): red_trip
Red Trip - Simple business trips plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55642 (New): primary
09:28 github-repo #55641 (New): Redmine-Time-Tracker
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55640 (New): Redmine_Mail_Configuration_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55639 (New): Redmine_time_spent_roadmap_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55638 (New): app_redmine
Chef cookbook to install Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55637 (New): gitlab-redmine-migrator
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55636 (New): zquery
简单的Zabbix和Redmine Query Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55635 (New): redminecli
Redmine CLI Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55634 (New): redmine_qbo
A Quickbooks Online Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55633 (New): mega_calendar_gc_sync
Redmin Plugin to sync events and issues of Redmine Mega Calendar Plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55632 (New): redmine_mail_reminder
Fork of https://github.com/Hopebaytech/redmine_mail_reminder Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55631 (New): capistrano-redmine-deploy
Capistrano recipes for Redmine deployment. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55630 (New): redmine_profile_email_domain_whitelist
redmine_profile_email_domain_whitelist Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55629 (New): redmine_communicator
A tool to send notifications when a time entry on redmine is not assigned to a project Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55628 (New): FAQs
Generates an HTML FAQ doc from issues in a specific Redmine project Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55627 (New): redmine-timelog
A ruby script which automates creating timelog entries in Redmine from a CSV file (I used to use it on what I export ... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55626 (New): Redmine-Gantt-Plus-Chrome-Plugin
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55625 (New): redmine_last_projects
Display the latest projects on the home page Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55624 (New): redmine_ldap_wiki_tags
adding a macro to wiki for performing a ldap query Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55623 (New): RedminePM2
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55622 (New): pmxbot_redmine
Redmine Integration with PMXBOX Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55621 (New): redmine_spent_time_summary
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55620 (New): redmine_default_assign
Default assignment plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55619 (New): redmine-korean-translation
An alternative Korean translation for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55618 (New): themeRedmine
Theme redmine based PurpledMine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55617 (New): docker-centos-redmine
CentOS上にredmineを構築するDockerプロジェクト Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55616 (New): rtrello
Redmine and Trello integration Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55615 (New): SynchronizeRedmineAndJira
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55614 (New): redmine_mojeid_authentication
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55613 (New): myred
My Redmine Compose Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55612 (New): install-redmine-postgres-docker-ubuntu-18.04
installation script for redmine and postgres with docker on ubuntu 18.04 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55611 (New): Redmine_plugin_forGit
to combine the git to the redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55610 (New): redmine-vcards
Redmine Plugin providing vcards export of all users Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55609 (New): redmine_plugin_issue_analyze
This is a Redmine plugin to provide a view to analyze the issue situation. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55608 (New): redmine-TCM
Redmine Plugin for Test Case Manager Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55607 (New): redmine-adapter
Redmine Adapter for QA Site Dashboard Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55606 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55605 (New): RGCM
Redmine subject as Git commit message Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55604 (New): redmine_scm_creator
Imported from http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/scm-creator Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55603 (New): redmine_groups_act_as_watchers
Allow groups to be added as watchers Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55602 (New): RedmineReporter
Burnup chart generation plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55601 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine Docker Container - including Redmine Git Hosting Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55600 (New): redmine_issue_reports
Redmine Issue Reports plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55599 (New): migrate_from_trac_to_redmine
Solving of problems with migration script from trac(sqlite) to redmine 2.0.3 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55598 (New): a-responsive-1
A git port of the A-Responsive-1 Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55597 (New): redmine_projects_tracker
This plugin enables user to see all projects in one place so that they can track the status of the projects Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55596 (New): contact-sync
Sync OX contacts into redmine CRM Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55595 (New): redmine_deda_roadmap
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55594 (New): Patch-redmine
varie patch redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55593 (New): RedmineClient
RedmineClient Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55592 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55591 (New): redmine_plantamedium
Redmine corporate adaptations Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55590 (New): redmine_work_time
Unofficial clone of https://bitbucket.org/tkusukawa/redmine_work_time/ - master is upstream/branches/default mirrored... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55589 (New): redmine_charts
mirror of https://bitbucket.org/yuja/redmine_charts/changesets Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55588 (New): redmine_default_queries
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55587 (New): distributed-shelf-redmine-draft
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55586 (New): redmine_reminderz
Add extra filters for redmine reminders Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55585 (New): redmine_project_copy
tools to merge the two databases of project management system (redmine) in one, comparing the identifiers in database... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55584 (New): custom-redmine
Google Chrome plugin: Custom Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55583 (New): redmine_issues_search_filters
add the issues filters to the search Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55582 (New): redmine_ckeditor_email_images
insert images in html notification Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55581 (New): redmine_default_due_date_email
set a default due date to issue created via email Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55580 (New): redmine_custom_reports_clone
it enables the cloning of ’custom reports’ from a selected project in the current one Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55579 (New): redmine_ds
it is not useful, really Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55578 (New): redmine_journal_center
This plugin adds a view where user can check journal updates like in an inbox Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55577 (New): ds_redmine_theme
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55576 (New): rd-messaging
a redmine IRC like messasing system Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55575 (New): redminer
A simple Emacs interface to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55574 (New): redmine_github
Redmine github integration Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55573 (New): sprintly-import-csv
Node script to import RedMine CSV to Sprint.ly Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55572 (New): Redmine-Quick-Issue
An quick and easy way to add personal todos to redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55571 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55570 (New): redmine_target_client_project
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55569 (New): stickie_flow
Redmine stickie_flow plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55568 (New): timer
Plugin for redmine 3 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55567 (New): RedminePlugin-Autoraisetickets
Autoraisetickets Plugin For Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55566 (New): redmine-tracker
Simple time tracker for Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55565 (New): RedminePlugin
For Redmine Plugin Development Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55564 (New): VagrantShellRedmine
Redmine installation using Vagrant and a simple shell script Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55563 (New): reportmine-backend
Redmine Report Generator Backend Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55562 (New): redgen
Tool to automate redmine workflows Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55561 (New): redmine_autorepo
Redmine plugin to automate repository creation at project creation time Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55560 (New): inventory_management
Redmine plugin for inventory management Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55559 (New): dashboard-redmine
working with Google Sheets API using PHP Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55558 (New): redmine_subtasks
Issues on expandable treeviews on version ta Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55557 (New): x_backlogs_styleadapter
Custom style override support for redmine backlogs Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55556 (New): redmine_prj_treeview
Redmine Plugin to change projects index showing the projects as the tree Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55555 (New): redmine_issue_reaction
This plugin just add a like button on Issue page. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55554 (New): redmine_notice
This plugin allows you to disable the notification of the closed tasks Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55553 (New): redmine_filed_against
A redmine plugin that adds a ”filed against” property to issues Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55552 (New): redmine-cli
A simple redmine client Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55551 (New): redmine_issue_list_detail
Modifies issue lists that use Query helpers. Shows issue status on issue relations. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55550 (New): redmine_zenedit_pandoc_help
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55549 (New): Redmine
Redmineのスケジュール Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55548 (New): redmine_pandoc_formatter
A redmine plugin for supporting Pandoc’s Markdown as a wiki format Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55547 (New): Redmine-Project-Tracking
A Redmine Plugin to Track Project against Estimates Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55546 (New): Redmine-Estimate-Tracking
Redmine Plugin to track estimate changes in a project Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55545 (New): easyredmine
Una app montada en Sinatra para, la idea es crear una capa para hablar con el API Rest de Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55544 (New): Idneo-Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55543 (New): Scorpio
tool for synchronizing data between outlook and redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55542 (New): tocat-redmine-client
TOCAT redmine client Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55541 (New): redmine-to-openproject
Very much not ready-to-use migration script to migrate from Redmine to OpenProject Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55540 (New): redmine-reopen-issues-by-mail
Very simple Redmine plugin which adjusts the state of closed issues after receiving an update by email Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55539 (New): redmine-diary
Redmine plugin to use time requests for reporting daily activity Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55538 (New): openmeetings-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55537 (New): redmine-docker
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55536 (New): website-redminetheme
Redmine theme for redmine.openbuggi.org Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55535 (New): website-redmineplugin
Redmine plugin used for rendering the theme Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55534 (New): issues_app
Issues App with laravel framework Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55533 (New): django-project-admin
Aplicación escrita en django que permite darle un seguimiento a un proyecto, nada que no sea conocido, asignación de ... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55532 (New): easy_job
Asynchronous job for Redmine, EasyRedmine and EasyProject. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55531 (New): redmine-installer
Official repo was moved Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55530 (New): tickets
Our Redmine setup Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55529 (New): ansible-role-redmine
This Ansible role installs and configures redmine (Official website: https://redmine.org/) on Debian based system. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55528 (New): redmine_svn_account_manager
redmain上からsvnのアカウント管理を出来るようにするプラグイン。(開発中) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55527 (New): redmine_full_text_search-benchmark
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55526 (New): redmine_responsive
Redmine Responsive layout plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55525 (New): gitdownload
Enable Redmine to download a GIT repository as ZIP or TAR.GZ and handle creation of Repositories Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55524 (New): redmine_custom_field_aggregator
Redmine の作業時間集計プラグイン Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55523 (New): hs-redmine-automation
An example of driving Redmine through Haskell, used by JHU CS for admissions tracking. Think of it as a hopefully-us... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55522 (New): redmine-plugin-project-priority
Redmine plugin that adds a priority field to projects, similar to issues, that can be used to rank and sort issues as... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55521 (New): redmine_show_total_spent_hours
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55520 (New): redmine_already_read
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55519 (New): Plugin-Tutorial
перевод руководства по созданию плагинов для Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55518 (New): sphinx_to_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55517 (New): redmine_people
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55516 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55515 (New): scripts
Import from JIRA to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55514 (New): redmine_scrap_note
ScrapNote is a Redmine plugin which scraps out references of email at ticket update Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55513 (New): redmine
source for my redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55512 (New): redmine_raker
Redmine Plugin to run rake tasks from browser Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55511 (New): redmine_rest
Gem with some ActiveResource models for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55510 (New): redminePlugin_redmineUpdater
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55509 (New): redminePlugin_projectCustomSettings
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55508 (New): forgemaster
Various work with redmine items, such as importing csv files and turning into redcloth Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55507 (New): redminePlugin_manageUserGroups
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55506 (New): redminePlugin_issuesList
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55505 (New): redminePlugin_issueQueryCopy
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55504 (New): redminePlugin_ganttModify
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55503 (New): redminePlugin_issueNewUiModify
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55502 (New): redminePlugin_bulkEditExtension
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55501 (New): redmine_learnning
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55500 (New): redminePlugin_adminInfoReadonly
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55499 (New): mydocker-redmine
Docker compose for Redmine on puma + mariadb + nginx Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55498 (New): redmine_wikilink_converter
You can create URL easily on redmine wiki. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55497 (New): gitlab-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55496 (New): redmine_follow_up
Follow up plugin for Redmine / ChiliProject Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55495 (New): redmine-keyboard-shortcuts
Simple plugin that adds keyboard shortcuts to Redmine to edit and save issues Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55494 (New): redmine_user_search_theme
redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55493 (New): redmine_code_review
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55492 (New): redmine_no_time_tag
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55491 (New): redmine_plugin_cascade_update_for_custom_fields_issue
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55490 (New): redmine-weekly-timesheet
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55489 (New): redmine_medelexis
A few goodies for the Medelexis MIS Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55488 (New): gmscript-redmine-misc
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55487 (New): redmine_allocation
customize redmine_allocation plugin for my company Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55486 (New): hide_journal_details
Hide the journal details in Redmine Tickets Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55485 (New): RedmineDockercontainer
A container combination of Redmine and Mysql using docker compose. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55484 (New): redmine-settings
Mirror of Redmine Project Settings plugin by Andriy Lesyuk Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55483 (New): redmine_projects_profiles
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55482 (New): redmine_project_account
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55481 (New): redmine_highrise
Gitized sources from http://redminecrm.com/projects/highrisetheme Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55480 (New): redmine_contacts-1
Fork of redmine contacts plugin by Kirill Bezrukov Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55479 (New): redmine_auto_assign_user_plus_mail
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55478 (New): redmine-roadmap_extended_issues
Adds more fields to the issues in Redmine’s roadmap Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55477 (New): redmine_plugin_scaffold_generator
Redmine plugin scaffold generator - port standart scaffold generator from rails into redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55476 (New): redmine-project_overview_page
Uses special wiki pages as the projects start page and it’s sidebar Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55475 (New): redmine_issues_marked
Плагин для Redmine - подсвечивающий не просмотренные (новые) задачи в списке Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55474 (New): redmine-per_user_status
Allows users to set a custom status to be displayed next to their full name Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55473 (New): redmine-cmd_submit
Submit from textareas with cmd-enter (ctrl-enter) for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55472 (New): custom-field-description
Custom Field Description for Redmine 2.3.0 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55471 (New): redshovel
A simple interface to redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55470 (New): redmineinstaller
Very basic Redmine Installer Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55469 (New): redmine-widget
OS X Today Widget for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55468 (New): rmclient
Simple redmine command line client. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55467 (New): redmine_negative_time_log
Allow to Add Negative Time Log Entries Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55466 (New): redmine_toolbar
Redmine toolbar plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55465 (New): redmine_disable_logout_on_login
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55464 (New): redmine-private-note
Redmine plugin that add support to make journal private and ability to add private notes. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55463 (New): redtask
redmine issue command line tool Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55462 (New): redmine_auto_installer
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55461 (New): redmine-customer-plugin
learn ruby on rails on real task Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55460 (New): redmine_scrum
Our modified version of the Scrum plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55459 (New): redmine_hide_sidebar
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55458 (New): redmine_events
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55457 (New): redmine_admin_activity
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55456 (New): redmine-1.4.2
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55455 (New): redmine_quoteit_wikimacro
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55454 (New): docker-redmine
Docker Redmine Application Image Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55453 (New): redmine_travelsystem
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55452 (New): docker-redmine-ssl
This stack provide full redmine production env with let’s encrypt SSL Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55451 (New): redmine_nagger
Redmine plugin to send out reminders for issues requiring attention Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55450 (New): gitlab-redmine-1clk-deleter
Delete Gitlab and Redmine account in one click. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55449 (New): redmine-desktop-client
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-desktop-client Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55448 (New): redmine_line_break_macro
This plugin allows you to insert a line break anywhere Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55447 (New): redmine_parent_issue_done_ratio
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55446 (New): redmine
Redmine for MSSQL (Microsoft SQL-Server) running on Docker Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55445 (New): redminecli
Redmine command line interface written in python using python-redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55444 (New): redmine_patches
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55443 (New): redmine-treefix
Fix a corrupt redmine tree structure Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55442 (New): redmine_framework
Kleine Redmine Anpassungen Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55441 (New): redmine_plugin_practice
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55440 (New): redmine_wiki_todos
Macro that allows you to embed a simple task list to Redmine’s wiki Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55439 (New): redmine_static
Static Content Plugin For Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55438 (New): redmine_blogroll
Redmine Feed Aggregator / Exporter Plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55437 (New): redmine_autoclose_parent_issue
A Redmine plugin that automatically closes a parent issue if all of its subtasks are closed Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55436 (New): Alternate-custom
Redmine標準のテーマ”Alternate”をカスタマイズしました。 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55435 (New): redmine_github_pull_requests_tool
A Redmine Plugin that integrates Pull Requests, their statuses, reviewers and targeted branches into Issues Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55434 (New): redmine-reports
A better report generator for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55433 (New): redmine_crowd
Atlassian Crowd integration for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55432 (New): redmine-compose
docker-compose.yml (redmine + postgres) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55431 (New): redmine_scrumboard
redmine_scrumboard for redmine 2.x Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55430 (New): redmine_mendeley
Plugin for Redmine connecting to Mendeley OAPI Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55429 (New): redmine_wiki_css
css for redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55428 (New): redmine-rest-agile-board
Just a quick idea to implement an agile board for redmine based on REST services, build on node.js. Expressjs is requ... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55427 (New): SambotDoesRedmine
A redmin plugin for Sambot Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55426 (New): version_time_control
Redmine plugin, used to update the progress of the past versions fonction time Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55425 (New): redmine_yesterday_once_more
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55424 (New): docker-redmine
Docker container for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55423 (New): redmine_letter_opener_web
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55422 (New): redmine-reports-generator
Generates reports from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55421 (New): redmine_monitoring_controlling
updated the plugin so it works on redmine 3.2.x Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55420 (New): redmine-candy-theme
A sweet redmine theme builded with SASS and love. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55419 (New): redmine_issue_todo_lists
updated to support redmine 3.2x and allow lists to be private or public Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55418 (New): redmine_all_files
updated to support redmine 3.2x Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55417 (New): due_date_reminder
updated the plugin so it works on redmine 3.2.x Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55416 (New): redmine_estimated_time_summary
Sum of estimated times of the ternary nodes in issues list. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55415 (New): org.eclipse.mylyn.redmine
Crude prototype of a Mylyn connector for Redmine. It’s able to connect to Redmine via REST and load some tickets. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55414 (New): eventracker
redmine plugin for tracking events Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55413 (New): redmine_socio_connect
Redmine plugin that allows users to connect via their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55412 (New): redmine-notifications
A Redmine plugin which provide an easy way for administrators to send notifications to all users. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55411 (New): issue_billing
[Work in Progress] Redmine plugin for creating billing reports on issue time entries. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55410 (New): RedmineProjectTask
redmine plugin *未作成 動きません。 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55409 (New): redmine_assign_to_any_user
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55408 (New): redmine_env
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55407 (New): redmine_rest_api
RESTful Api Plugin for Redmin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55406 (New): redmine-restapi-samples
Redmin Rest API examples Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55405 (New): reviews
Redmine code review plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55404 (New): redmine-telegram-bot
A simple Redmine bot for Telegram Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55403 (New): hourbank
This is an application which reads time entries from redmine/chiliproject systems, and provides an accounting basis f... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55402 (New): redmine_svnkit_adapter
Subversion adapter for JRuby/Redmine using SVNKit Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55401 (New): redmine_xml_import
A plugin for Redmine to import data from an XML file. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55400 (New): a1-plus
Redmine theme based on A1 by Kirill Bezrukov Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55399 (New): anisette
simple trac/redmine like app Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55398 (New): scrumpal
Script to generate daily scrum updates using YAML and data from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55397 (New): redmine-asso-kit-theme
A theme for Redmine that is made for the Asso-Kit set and plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55396 (New): redmine_isp
Redmine plugin, that adds to redmine Service Provider capabilities (plans, services, usage data) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55395 (New): redmine_global_assignees
Redmine plugin allows to assign users to issue from global user list. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55394 (New): redmine_rt_webextension
Browser webextension to be used with redmine_rt plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55393 (New): redmine_testsuites
Allows to run the Redmine test suite along with plugin tests, considering the different behaviors introduced by suppo... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55392 (New): redmine-react-poc
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55391 (New): redmine_grack
Redmine plugin that offers authentication/authorization support for grack Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55390 (New): redmine-php-cli
Create redmine CLI interface in PHP Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55389 (New): redmine_clone_by_version
During test, we use to clone the test issues in order to confirm regresion. This plugin helps to clone from a given ... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55388 (New): git-redmine-utilities
This is a Git-Redmine integration utility scripts. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55387 (New): redmine_backlog_priority
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55386 (New): redmine_to_github
Migrate Redmine issues to GitHub issues. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55385 (New): Redmine-SVN-Authentication-Tool
Apache Authentication Script for managing SVN repositories based on (hard coded, for now) Redmine Roles Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55384 (New): redmine_out_of_band_auth
Redmine plugin that provides Out of Band authentication by email. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55383 (New): redmine-panes
A very simple kanban board plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55382 (New): redmine_svn_info
Try to give the same UI info on subversion repositories than redmine_git_hosting Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55381 (New): Redmine-Task-Timer
Project to insert and manage a timer in redmine, helping to control the worked time Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55380 (New): redmine_revision_diff
A very simple plugin for showing the revision diff alongside the files on Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55379 (New): PlanningPluginRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55378 (New): redmine_ago_theme
Just a simple redmine theme with AGO branded icons Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55377 (New): scheduled_emails
Allows admins to schedule emails using redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55376 (New): redmine-openshift-quickstart
Redmine project management software for openshift express Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55375 (New): RedmineReporter
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55374 (New): jobarranger
Repo for copied versions of sources for job arranger for Zabbix. Official repository is at https://ftf-support.fitech... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55373 (New): TrainingCourseCalendarPlugin
TrainingCourse Calendar Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55372 (New): change_callback_order
Change Callback function order (Redmine plugin) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55371 (New): redmine_notes_rating
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55370 (New): redmine_incoming_emails
Redmine plugin that allows for the configuration of the default project on a per user basis for issues logged by email Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55369 (New): redmine_embedded_video
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55368 (New): salt-redmine
Deploy redmine using saltstack Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55367 (New): redmine_docker
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55366 (New): docker-redmine-plantuml
docker redmine image extended by graphviz and plantuml Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55365 (New): redmine_aws3
Try to run redmine on heroku with s3 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55364 (New): redmine_mod
test mod-source to use our team Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55363 (New): RedmineBugTracker-iOS
Send crash report of your iOS apps to Redmine’s issue using Rest-API Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55362 (New): corpus-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55361 (New): redmine_makotokw_mypage_blocks
makoto_kw’s Mypage blocks for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55360 (New): redserver
Automated system for the installation of the Redmine project management server. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55359 (New): redmine_customise_test01
redmine1.1.2 customise test Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55358 (New): redmine_theme_maik_2
A clean white theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55357 (New): issues_also_available_in
Redmine plugin for issue listing exports Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55356 (New): Azure-Alert-Webhook-to-Redmine
Webhook for Azure alerts to create issue in Redmine automatically. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55355 (New): redmine_slack_advanced
Slack for redmine with more features Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55354 (New): redcase-redmine2x
Redcase for Redmine version 2.x Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55353 (New): thucydides-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55352 (New): BenderButler
Set of scripts for managing automated tasks with developement tools like: redmine, Xcode server, git. It’s main porpo... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55351 (New): cua
Composer Update Analyser Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55350 (New): fedred
Simplistic theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55349 (New): redmine_workflow_viz2
Visualization for the workflow configuration. Adapted from the plugin redmine_workflow_viz (https://github.com/suer/r... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55348 (New): redmine_dokuwiki_plugin
A DokuWiki plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55347 (New): redmine-fluxflex
Redmine for fluxflex Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55346 (New): redmine_better_mail
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55345 (New): redmine_checklists
Redmine Check List Plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55344 (New): redmine_importer
Redmine csv import and export Plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55343 (New): IssueManager
issue manager for redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55342 (New): redmine_private_issues
This plugin set to true the private field of all issues when is enabled Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55341 (New): redmine-reporter-ruby
Some methods in ruby to show issues /hours by roadmap Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55340 (New): TFM_UexApp
Trabajo Fin de Máster para detectar riesgos de seguridad en aplicaciones web generando requisitos de seguridad para i... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55339 (New): translator
An extraordinary tool to extract translations. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55338 (New): redmine-mylyn
Inject mylyn api into redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55337 (New): redmine_contacts
redcrm Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55336 (New): redmine_luceit
Redmine plugin for out agile methodology Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55335 (New): Redmine-Default-Column-Plus
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55334 (New): lmu.vagrant.redmine
Vagrant, Ansible and Buildout based install for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55333 (New): xtask-react
xtask react client Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55332 (New): redmine_admin
redmine admin tools Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55331 (New): worklogs
redmine worklogs Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55330 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55329 (New): redmine_branches
My private working branches of Redmine. If you are looking for the official mirror of Redmine, use http://github.com... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55328 (New): RedminePythonIssues
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55327 (New): bugme
bug追踪工具,redmine使用python重构的项目,目前正在开发,项目会在公司内部开始使用,所有项目代码全部开源。欢迎关注。 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55326 (New): bitnami-redmine-backup
Backup & Restore bitnami redmine stack Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55325 (New): redmine_riscos
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55324 (New): redmine_practice
redmine_practice.git Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55323 (New): redmine-pops
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55322 (New): redmine_twinslash_filestore
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55321 (New): redmine_twinslash_deploy
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55320 (New): redmine_subissues
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55319 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55318 (New): redmine_custom_webservice
Example of creating simple web services (no SOAP etc.) in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55317 (New): worksheet
Worksheet to visualize logged time in different redmine instances Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55316 (New): redmine-to-github-migrator
Utility to migrate existing tickets from Redmine to Github. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55315 (New): redmine_status_buttons
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55314 (New): redmine-client
Small service for logging errors to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55313 (New): redmine_assignee_selector
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55312 (New): redmine-omg
A few extra features for working with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55311 (New): redmine-plugin-blago-gantt
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55310 (New): chouette-redmine
Ce projet contient l’outil de gestion de projet de ”La chouette coop” (Redmine) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55309 (New): redmine_issue_exporter
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55308 (New): project_tagger
Plugin for tagging projects in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55307 (New): redmine-header-footer-hooks
An example of how to use hooks to add content to the header or footer in redmine 3.1.1.stable Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55306 (New): redmine_ssl
SSL integration for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55305 (New): redmine_janitor
The Redmine Janitor plugin provides a utility for cleaning up a Redmine instance. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55304 (New): redmine_http_store
This Redmine plugin stores attached files to a HTTP file store (such as http://github.com/mtah/appengine-filestore) i... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55303 (New): redmine_ticket_admin
Modify ticket by admin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55302 (New): redmine_source_control
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55301 (New): redmine_custom_query_count
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55300 (New): redmine_time_verification
Simple plugin extending time verification method in TimeEntry model. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55299 (New): redmine-view-customize-sample
redmine view customize plugin sample Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55298 (New): jenkins-scm-redmine-on-docker
Dockerfile and shell script for installing jenkins, scm, tomcat, mysql, redmine on docker Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55297 (New): otrs-redmine
Devido a uma necessidade de integrar as ferramentas OTRS e Redmine, foi desenvolvido uma comunicação via REST para isso Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55296 (New): RedmineCLI
Command line tool written in PHP to communicate with your Redmine server. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55295 (New): ical2redmine
A tool to keep your redmine time entries updated directly from an ical exportable calendar. This tool will create, up... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55294 (New): bughunters-redmine-xnet
redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55293 (New): redmine_html_macro
Embed markdown text in wiki pages using the markdown-it to convert HTML content. Collapsible tag for collaps content Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55292 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55291 (New): unicsoft-redmine-helper
Adds some features to unicsoft’s redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55290 (New): redmine_theme_changer
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55289 (New): redmine2confluence
A tool for importing a wiki from Redmine to Confluence Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55288 (New): ansible-playbook-redmine
Ansible playbook for redmine 2.4 installation from source on Ubuntu 13.04 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55287 (New): chrome-redmine-helper
Chrome Redmine Helper extension Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55286 (New): over_due
Sending alert, over due tasks in redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55285 (New): darjeeling
A simple theme for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55284 (New): chef-redmine
Redmine Recipe for Kohana Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55283 (New): overview_wikipage
Redmine plugin to show a wikipage in overview page Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55282 (New): pivotal2redmine
Simple PHP script that tries to import CSV files with Pivotal Tracker issues into a Redmine install. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55281 (New): redmine_hour_summary
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55280 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55279 (New): redmine_improved_searchbox
Use select2 for searching in projects (hint). Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55278 (New): redmine_more_blocks_extension
Redmine plugin for extension number of blocks on my page. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55277 (New): redmine-eye
Watching Redmine activity, execute similar tasks, eval statistics Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55276 (New): slackmine
A bot to access information about Redmine issues from a Slack chat. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55275 (New): redmine_task_closer
Close redmine tasks automaticcaly Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55274 (New): simple_tt
Simplified time tracking for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55273 (New): redmine_roadmap_ticket
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55272 (New): redmine_commit_link_overwrite
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55271 (New): redmine-hide-sidebar
Puts the option in redmine to toggle the visibility of the sidebar Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55270 (New): redmine_fess
Redmine Repository Search Plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55269 (New): vscode-redmine2doc
VSCode Extension to create documents from Redmine data. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55268 (New): redmine_centosadmin_timing
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55267 (New): rmh
Redmine的辅助工具。协助成员执行各种统计和帮助。 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55266 (New): redmine_m17n_tagging
Add multilingual tagging support to Redmine pages Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55265 (New): redmine_self_service_password
Redmine Self Service Password Plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55264 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55263 (New): chrome-redmine-notification
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55262 (New): redmine_redirect_start
Redmine plugin to redirect Start page Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55261 (New): redmine_sneak_polls
Sneak Polls plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55260 (New): RedminePlugin
Redmine Chrome Mozilla Firefox plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55259 (New): react-backlog
React Backlog (like Redmine’s Backlog) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55258 (New): redmine-issues
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55257 (New): redmine-slack-direct
Форк https://github.com/sciyoshi/redmine-slack для отправки сообщений о задачах в ЛС Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55256 (New): redmine_warehouse
demo_plugin Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55255 (New): Redmine_Issue_manager
Interacts/manages Issues with redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55254 (New): redmine_short_mail_subject
[OBSOLETE] Modify mail subject more short. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55253 (New): rmtr
Redmine Timelog Recorder (ruby, cli) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55252 (New): sentry-autogun
Sentry plugin to create redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55251 (New): redmine-cli
Command-line interface for Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55250 (New): redmine-timetracker
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55249 (New): redmine_requirement_exporter
Redmine plugin to export requirement catalog Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55248 (New): redmine_hipay_theme_alternate
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55247 (New): redmine_response_time
Redmine plugin to measure the response time of tickets Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55246 (New): redmine_hipay_theme
theme Redmine Hipay Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55245 (New): redmine_currency
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55244 (New): redmine_doc_generator
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55243 (New): redmine_inline_edit_issues
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55242 (New): redmine_project_xml_sync
import / export files Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55241 (New): redmine_copy_wiki
Redmine plugin to allow copy wiki content to another project Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55240 (New): redmine_improved_searchbox
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55239 (New): Project_Red
Proyecto de redmine Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55238 (New): TrackerIO
Python script for migration of bugs/artifacts/issues between bug trackers (Redmine, Tuleap...) Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55237 (New): redmine-docker
redmine 3.2 for docker Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55236 (New): redmine-simple-theme
A very simple theme for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55235 (New): sf-ticket-tools
Scripts to take exported Redmine issues and import them into a SourceForge API v2.0 project Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55234 (New): redmine_evis
redmine plugin to be able to see and create evis for Eviscape Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55233 (New): redmine_notify
This plugin allows you to disable the notification of the issue changes Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55232 (New): redmine_issue_status_change
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55231 (New): RedminePlugin_Scrum
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55230 (New): redmine_wiki_macros
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55229 (New): redmine-backup-plugin
Redmine Plugin to backup projects in admin GUI Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55228 (New): redmine_issues_sorting
This plugin add client side sorting at issue form for sub tasks and relat Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55227 (New): redmine_summary
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55226 (New): redmine_ultraviolet_syntax_highlighter
Integrates the Ultraviolet Syntax Highlighting Engine into Redmine 2.1 Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55225 (New): view-revision-tree
A plugin for Redmine that provides a link to view the entire source tree of that revision. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55224 (New): Moodle_Redmine
Redmine integration with Moodle Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55223 (New): update-custom-fields-commit
A plugin for Redmine to update custom fields while closing or resolving an issue via commit message. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55222 (New): manage-changeset-issue-relation
A plugin for Redmine that allows direct association of issues with revisions and vice-versa, outside of commit messag... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55221 (New): issue-submit-information
A plugin for Redmine that provides more comprehensive information about a previous created issue when using ”Submit a... Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55220 (New): mail2redmine
Create Redmine issues from emails in Thunderbird Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55219 (New): squeejee
Redmine Squeejee theme revisions Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55218 (New): daily_report-for-redmine
chrome extention Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55217 (New): redmine_wiki_to_issue
this is a redmine plugin. it is a issue template. the template is written in wiki. Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55216 (New): redmine_saturation
Admin Redmine
09:28 github-repo #55215 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55214 (New): redmine_time_record2
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55213 (New): redmine_spent_time_curve
draw current user spent time in my page. one day, one point. draw 7-30days. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55212 (New): wiki_issue_fields
Mirrors http://www.redmine.org/plugins/wiki_issue_fields Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55211 (New): redmine_email_login
Redmine plugin for login by email or username Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55210 (New): Trac-to-Redmine-importer
This is a simple and tested Trac to Redmine importer Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55209 (New): time_report_sender
Redmine plugin for sending report about issues, spent time, etc. to specified emails Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55208 (New): redminer
Redmine command-line client Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55207 (New): redmine
redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55206 (New): redmine-container
A simple starting point for hosting redmine in a container Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55205 (New): chili_migrator
Migrate from Chiliproject back to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55204 (New): pandoc-addons
Pandoc script to convert markdown to other format Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55203 (New): redmine_auto_group_assign
A Redmine plugin to automatically assign issues to different groups Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55202 (New): redmine_redcloth
A Redcloth4 plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55201 (New): jobarg_manager
Copy Repository for Job Arranger for Zabbix https://www.jobarranger.info/redmine/projects/job-arranger-for-zabbix/rep... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55200 (New): rm2hg
Redmine to Mercurial-Server Integration Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55199 (New): redmine_nemomedia_theme
Redmine theme for Nemo Media Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55198 (New): redmine_updater
Update your Redmine instance, easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55197 (New): redmine_danthes
A Redmine plugin which makes sending asynchronous notifications easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55196 (New): redmine_wiki_issue_details
Adds shortcuts for issue details Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55195 (New): acts_as_notifiable_redmine
A gem which makes notifying your Redmine instance easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55194 (New): redmine_syntaxhl_ultraviolet
NOT MAINTAINED - Ultraviolet highlighting for Redmine (see redmine_syntaxhl plugin and http://ultraviolet.rubyforge.o... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55193 (New): redmine_watch_project
Add ability to watch a project, e.g. automatically watch all issues on a given project Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55192 (New): redmine_itil_priority
Replaces redmine’s priority with a urgency/impact choice Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55191 (New): redmine_cartocs
NOT WELL MAINTAINED - Redmine connection to our Cartoque instance at work Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55190 (New): redmine_avatars
WORK IN PROGRESS - Local avatars for redmine ; alternative to ”redmine_local_avatars” plugin (unmaintained) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55189 (New): redmine_auto_private
Automatically set private flag for issues Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55188 (New): go-redmine
A Go library for accessing Redmine servers Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55187 (New): redmine_find_user_contrib
via api REST/GET return (XML/JSON) of issues where a user has contributed (journal entries are scanned for user notes... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55186 (New): redmine_allocation
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55185 (New): redmine_checklist
redmine_checklist Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55184 (New): redmine-marketo-plugin
A plugin to add Marketo tracking code to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55183 (New): easy_tracker
Jira to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55182 (New): simple_billing
Simple billing plugin for redmine. Bill your customers by tasks Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55181 (New): InitialStatusRedminePlugin
Plugin for Feature #5816 in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55180 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55179 (New): redmine_planning_poker
Convert from pivotal planning poker https://github.com/Foodee/planning-poker Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55178 (New): redmine_commet
Redmine plugin for Commet Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55177 (New): leave_redmines
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55176 (New): redmine_select2_custom_field
This is an extremely narrowly focused plugin created to add select2 functionality to custom select list fields. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55175 (New): RedMine_pb
RedMine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55174 (New): redmine-humans
Humans.txt for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55173 (New): redmine_layout_reflow
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55172 (New): test
test redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55171 (New): redmine_cua
Plugin for Redmine for display CUA result Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55170 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55169 (New): redminetimeconsumer
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55168 (New): plan-manager1.1
Yii2 - Task manager. Looks like redmine, but on yii2. Without custom tests. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55167 (New): redmine-time-logger
Automatic time logger for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55166 (New): ldap-adder
Add user to openLDAP/Redmine via GUI tool (Tkinter lib) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55165 (New): redmine_auto_close
Closes tickets automatically if they’ve been resolved for too long Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55164 (New): redmine_parser
Getting all issues for requested redmine project in CSV format Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55163 (New): redmine_external_attachments
adds a new type of file attachment that is just an url and not uploaded Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55162 (New): redmine_pixelcookers
Theme for redmine from pixel-cookers.com Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55161 (New): redmine-watcher
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55160 (New): redminer
Automating RedMine with Perl Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55159 (New): redmine_easy_gantt
This is an unofficial mirror of the plugin https://www.easyredmine.com/redmine-gantt-plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55158 (New): redmine_products
This is an automatically updated unofficial mirror of the RedmineCRM (http://redminecrm.com/) plugins Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55157 (New): redmine-2-openshift-quickstart
Redmine version 2.2.0 project management software for OpenShift Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55156 (New): Redmine
Mobile client for www.redmine.org Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55155 (New): redmine_work_hours
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55154 (New): redmine_wiki_digest
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55153 (New): redmine_tracks
Plugin allowing to synchronize redmine and tracks Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55152 (New): perl-WebService-Redmine
Redmine API for Perl Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55151 (New): redmine-portfolio
Plugin to present a set of projects in a portfolio page Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55150 (New): whiterabbit
A simple time tracking calendar backed by redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55149 (New): nginx-unicorn-redmine-on-freebsd
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55148 (New): redmine_project_from_copy
Quick plugin to allow PMs to create project out of template Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55147 (New): redmineissuedumptool
Dump issue content to files Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55146 (New): Migrate-Jira2Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55145 (New): RedmineControler
Redmine Control Tool via Redmine Rest API Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55144 (New): redmine2
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55143 (New): redmine_shift_issues
Shift Issues plugin for Redmine v2.2.0 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55142 (New): redmine_holidays
Holidays plugin for Redmine 2.2.x Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55141 (New): redmine_issues_summary
Plugin for redmine that show a summary of the listed issues. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55140 (New): redmine
A springboot app to import a csv containing times and tasks to redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55139 (New): garnet
Redmine utility Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55138 (New): redmine_theme_changer
redmine_theme_changer Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55137 (New): adapter.js
adapter.js=wordpress.js+gerrit.js+redmine.js+mediawiki.js... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55136 (New): redmine_hglossary
my glossary plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55135 (New): redmine
redmine - tutu Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55134 (New): Redmine-1.2.2-With-Goodies
Redmine 1.2.2 With Goodies Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55133 (New): RedHone
Redmine and Chilliproject Theme Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55132 (New): nhtml
embed html in redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55131 (New): redmine_backlogs
redmine_backlogs Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55130 (New): www-redmine_wiki
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55129 (New): acts_as_customizable
Add custom fields to any model without altering the database. Rails plugin pulled from Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55128 (New): vagrant-redmine
Let’s Redmine!! Vagrantを使ってRedmineのデモ環境を構築できます Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55127 (New): RedminOsakaNo19
第19回 Redmine大阪の発表資料置き場です Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55126 (New): macaca
Jabber-bot for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55125 (New): redmine_information
cloned from original svn Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55124 (New): rm_chrome_plugin
Redmine API chrome extention for showing the notification about new issues Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55123 (New): cmd-git-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55122 (New): updates_notifier
Redmine plugin which update notifications to a callback URL when changes are made within Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55121 (New): ansible-redmine-example
This project contains an example usage of the ansible-redmine role set. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55120 (New): redmine_task_board
redmine_task_board Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55119 (New): wiki_publisher_maven
O Wiki Publisher Maven é um plugin do Maven 2 que tem como objetivo auxiliar a publicação da documentação na Wiki do ... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55118 (New): Redmine-support
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55117 (New): Pawan-Redmine
Project management web application for Pawan Advertising Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55116 (New): PSRedmine
PowerShell module for Redmine API Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55115 (New): jira2redmine
The accurate data migration from JIRA to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55114 (New): redmine_fetch_email_feedback
Redmine plugin to send feedback when fetch email finished. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55113 (New): redmine
wiki software Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55112 (New): userscripts-redmine
Collection of greasemonkey / userscripts for client-side redmine customization Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55111 (New): redmine-project-sections
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55110 (New): redmine_relationship
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55109 (New): redmine_percent_done_configuration
In This repository will be developed a simple plugin which changes the variation of percent we can choose in redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55108 (New): redmine_greenmine_role
Плагин по разделению прав Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55107 (New): redmine-to-heroku
Source and instruction to delpoly Redmine on heroku.com Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55106 (New): redmine_greenmine_report
Плагин по формированию отчетов в PDF Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55105 (New): redmine-ses-receive-emails
An AWS Lambda function to forward emails from AWS Simple Email Service to Redmine’s mail handler Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55104 (New): redmine_inline_note_attachment_preview_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55103 (New): auto_backup
Redmineのファイルを定期的にバックアップするプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55102 (New): redmine_external_link_tab
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55101 (New): Redmine
Trying to import Redmine 1.1 from SVN Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55100 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55099 (New): redmine_knowledgebase
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55098 (New): forredmine
look for the report plugin of redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55097 (New): redmine_warehouse
Redmine Warehouse plugin for managing issue goods Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55096 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
mirror of http://redminecrm.com/projects/checklist. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55095 (New): redmine_aggregate_workflow_rules_on_status_transition
Redmine plugin to block issue field updates if the issue is closed. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55094 (New): puppet-redmine
Puppet module for managing redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55093 (New): RedmineAPI
Basic CRUD for redmine server Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55092 (New): actionplan_redmine_plugin
Redmine plugin to help manage action plans Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55091 (New): redmine-issue-update-hook
This plugin notifies preconfigured address when issue is edited Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55090 (New): redmine_hudson
Mirror from https://bitbucket.org/nobiinu_and/redmine_hudson/ Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55089 (New): corgi
Cool Organisation Redmine GitHub Integration Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55088 (New): ConvenientRedmine
chrome extension for adding advantages of redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55087 (New): redmine_subissues
Plugin that enables Redmine to support more than one level (trees) of issues. See http://www.redmine.org/issues/443 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55086 (New): redmine_issue_notify
Temporary watchers on a Redmine issue Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55085 (New): redmine_negar
Redmine markdown/rich editor plug-in Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55084 (New): redmineMobile
a simple php client using JqueryMobile for consuming redmine webservices Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55083 (New): redmine_csv_file_importer
Redmin plugin to import multiple issues/time_entries using csv files Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55082 (New): Netskiemine
Redmine-Like Mobile App Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55081 (New): ajudante
Projeto em Vue js para auxili de uso do redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55080 (New): redmine_custom_field_views
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55079 (New): redmine_show_closed_on
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55078 (New): redmine_oneweb
Plugin para controle de ponto de funcionários Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55077 (New): redmine-client
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55076 (New): redmine-es
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55075 (New): robot-framework-demo
Demo of Robot Framework doing tests on Redmine project management application Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55074 (New): redmine
plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55073 (New): redmine-plugin-emails-macros
Use macroses in redmine emails’ header/footer Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55072 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. http://github.com/ed... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55071 (New): redmine_filler
Create, add job-time and close tasks on Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55070 (New): redmine_backlogs
custom redmine_backlogs Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55069 (New): redmine
Make Redmine work with Ruby 1.9.3 & Rails 2.3.14. Managing multiple ruby versions on server is not me. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55068 (New): redmine-import
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55067 (New): redmine_wiki_repos
repository wiki plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55066 (New): voting
Redmine Voting Plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55065 (New): redmics
Plug-in for Redmine (http://www.redmine.org/) to export project issues and versions as ICalendar (ICS) files Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55064 (New): redmine_getconfig
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55063 (New): redmine_rt_integration
Plugin which integrates Request Tracker into redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55062 (New): redmine_repository_control
Adds fine grained permissions for repository access to redmine through Apache. (forked from svn) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55061 (New): red-andy
Fork of Red-Andy Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55060 (New): maven-issuetracking-plugin
Maven plugin - Redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55059 (New): redmine
redmine test Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55058 (New): redmine-client
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55057 (New): redmine_gamification_playlyfe
Plugin for gamification within Redmine using Playlyfe service Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55056 (New): forge.redmine_bulk_issue_closer
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55055 (New): redmine_hginit
This plugin allows Redmine to automatically init a new Mercurial repository when a project is created Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55054 (New): redmine_maintenance
A Redmine plugin for managing housing maintenance issues Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55053 (New): redakcja_redmine
[Obsolete] Redmine plugin for integeration with editor’s tools. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55052 (New): slack_redmine_unfurl
unfurl private redmine link for slack Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55051 (New): redmine_wiki_templates
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55050 (New): redmine_time_entry_hierarchy_cf
Redmine Plugin that automatically inherits customfields from issues/projects to timeentries Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55049 (New): redmine_multi_hosts
Support for running one Redmine Installation under multiple host names by assigning a hostname to every user. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55048 (New): easyredmine_budget_quotas
Redmine plugin to keep track of assigned budgets and quotas for spent time/money on projects. Requires EasyRedmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55047 (New): redmine_roadmap_wiki
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55046 (New): redmine_enhanced_textarea
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55045 (New): redmine_make_a_gif
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55044 (New): docker-redmine-deprecated
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55043 (New): redmine_version_fields
Adds additional version field for affected version Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55042 (New): RedmineUP-Reporter-Templates
A collection of templates for RemindeUPs Reporter plugin. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55041 (New): chef-redmine
Repository of ”redmine” chef cookbook. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55040 (New): redmine_textarea_checkboxes
Handles checkboxes for Redmine issue descriptions Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55039 (New): redmine_conditional_group_versions
Allows restriction of visibility on versions shared from certain projects on a per-group basis Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55038 (New): redmine_theme_kh
Top-menu colored like Keihan-Line Trains theme for Redmine (based on farend fancy theme) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55037 (New): redmine-polisher
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55036 (New): custom_user_fields
redmine plugin custom_user_fields Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55035 (New): greenlight_redmine
A modern blue and green theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55034 (New): redmine_repository_control
Fork svn repository from: http://redminerepositorycontrol.googlecode.com Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55033 (New): redmine_planner
Projeto pessoal (Didático) para que o planner atualize as tarefas do RedMine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55032 (New): redmine_jira_importer
A Redmine plugin to import jira tickets Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55031 (New): TTRSS_android_ezterry
Tiny Tiny RSS android client, modified for use on my site, original info: http://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss-a... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55030 (New): redmine_spent_time-1.4
Redmine Spent time plugin for Redmine 1.4.X Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55029 (New): redmine_wbs
Display a WBS view of a project’s issues. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55028 (New): redmine_search_archived_projects
Redmine plugin to facilitate searching through archived projects. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55027 (New): redmine_wiki2issue
Redmine macro to create issues from within wiki pages. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55026 (New): redmine_recent_wiki_pages
Displays a list of recently updated wiki pages across all projects Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55025 (New): redmine_wiki_hierarchical_export
Redmine plugin. It allows to download wiki pdf with all child pages. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55024 (New): redmine_evolvingweb_extensions
Site-specific customizations to our Redmine install. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55023 (New): redmine_members_dates
A redmine plugin: Adds a `starts_on` and `ends_on` date fields to a `Member` relation. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55022 (New): redmine_player
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55021 (New): redmine_global_user_roles
A redmine plugin: allows you to define ”global” roles on users, regardless of their projects’ membership. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55020 (New): redmine_employees_companies
A redmine plugin: adds simple clients & companies models and its CRUD controllers. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55019 (New): Redmine-csv-import
imports issues to redmine from csv file Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55018 (New): redmine_iteration_history
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55017 (New): redmine_estimate_change_history
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55016 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55015 (New): redmine-light-gray-theme
Light gray theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55014 (New): eforge
(Archived) Django based project management system (think Trac, Redmine...) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55013 (New): redmine_esignature
Plugin for Redmine issue tracking system to apply esignatures to model all 21 CFR 11 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55012 (New): redmine
time tracking and project managment Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55011 (New): redmine-connector
Community redmine connector for Mule Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55010 (New): tiempo_entre_estados
Plugin de Redmine para controlar el tiempo de respuesta a los tickets Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55009 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. http://github.com/ed... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55008 (New): redmine_superuser
Redmine plugin to allow superuser profiles Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55007 (New): redmine_embedded_html
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55006 (New): redmine_emergya_adjustments
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55005 (New): redmine_currency_manager
Redmine plugin for currency conversion Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55004 (New): redmine_agrupacion_campos
Permite realizar agrupaciones de campos personalizados Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55003 (New): redmine_copy_wiki
redmine_copy_wiki Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55002 (New): gestion_garantias
Plugin de Redmine para almacenar los datos de los servicios técnicos en cada expediente adjudicado por la Agencia de ... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55001 (New): redmine_geo_custom_field
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #55000 (New): redmine-google-drive
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54999 (New): redmine-home
Google Chrome extension which replaces ”new tab” screen with assigned Redmine tasks. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54998 (New): DucksBoard_Redmine_Agent
PHP Agent to collect RedMine stats to populate Ducksboard widgets Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54997 (New): redmine_project_member
Plugin for redmine that shows how many issues project member has. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54996 (New): redmine_teams
Redmine plugin for building and managing teams that work across projects. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54995 (New): redmine_update_issue_extended
Plugin which extends description link of update issue page by adding text next to the pencil icon. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54994 (New): redmine-rest-api-enhancer
Add some features to REST API Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54993 (New): redmine-tickets-assistant
tickets-assistant Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54992 (New): redmine_timelog_empty_project
Adds empty option to project select box on new time entry page Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54991 (New): redmine_responsibility_list
responsibility list plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54990 (New): redmine_resources_management
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54989 (New): redmine_issues_sidebar_time_entries_links
Redmine issues sidebar time entries links plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54988 (New): redmine-1.2
Example Redmine 1.2 installation Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54987 (New): redmine_extended_export
Plugin which gives extended issue exporting functionalties Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54986 (New): redmine_default_roles
Redmine plugin that allows you to globally add some people to each new project. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54985 (New): redmine_default_issues
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54984 (New): eea.redmine.theme
EEA Redmine Theme Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54983 (New): eea.docker.taskman
eea.docker.redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54982 (New): redmine_wiki_comment_macro
Adds a wiki macro for HTML comments. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54981 (New): redmine-jumpbox-presentation
Short presentation of Redmine for Jumpbox’s studyhall Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54980 (New): redmine_ldap_user_family
*Coming Soon* Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54979 (New): redmine_security_4216
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54978 (New): redmine_installer
Coming soon... (but you get 2 guesses to get it right) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54977 (New): redmine-hack-journals
Hack issue journals and journal details. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54976 (New): redmine-auto-percent
Set Done % to 100 if issue marked as Resolved or Closed. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54975 (New): redmine_improved_custom_fields
Custom fields improvements for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54974 (New): integrator0800
Redmine plugin for integration with Ellevo 0800net Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54973 (New): redmine.docker
Dockerization of helpdesk.eaudeweb.ro Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54972 (New): Redmine-Test-Case-Management
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54971 (New): redmined
a redmine crawler-based interface Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54970 (New): RedmineCRM
Easy update mirror for RedmineCRM Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54969 (New): RedmineJS
Angular.js playground providing a tiny Redmine GUI Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54968 (New): onboarder
Convenient frontend to Redmine for HR Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54967 (New): redmine-transparency
An external application to create customized reports of redmine contents. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54966 (New): redmine_agile
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54965 (New): redmine_system_info
System Information plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54964 (New): 13fismine
redmine for periodical digest Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54963 (New): redmine_extended_fields
Extended field fork of http://subversion.andriylesyuk.com/extended-fields/ Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54962 (New): retracker
A tiny time tracker integrated with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54961 (New): redmine-status-change-neglect
Redmine plugins which makes the status change easy. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54960 (New): rgdm
Redmine-Git Database Migrator Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54959 (New): registr
Redmine Git Issue Shifter Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54958 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54957 (New): decompose-redmine
decompose environment for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54956 (New): docker-redmine-plugins
Dockerfile to build a container image with plugins for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54955 (New): dmgx_red2
Redmine with timeclock extension Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54954 (New): redmine_private_wiki
Private wiki for Redmine (originaly authored by f0y / redmine_private_wiki) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54953 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54952 (New): redmine_extra_query_operators
Extends queries in Redmine. (Authored by Vitaly Klimov) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54951 (New): template-issues
Redmine Template Issues plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54950 (New): redmine_special_days
A Redmine plugin to handle special days like weekends, holidays etc. - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54949 (New): a_small_things
Redmine plugin for minor patching of common behaviuor Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54948 (New): redmine_efforts
This plugin automatically sets activity type of an time entity by issue status. Also it prevents to spent more time, ... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54947 (New): delta-bughunter
Capture screenshots and video from Chrome and send to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54946 (New): simple_release_notes
A simple plugin to help release notes process with Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54945 (New): redmine_ntlm_authorize
Plugin for redmine to enable NTLM authorization method Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54944 (New): redmineReport
personalReporting Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54943 (New): RedminePP
Redmine++ is chrome extension. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54942 (New): redmine-inline-attach-screenshot
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54941 (New): reports
Redmine Reports plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54940 (New): redmine-java
Using java rewritten redmine project Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54939 (New): intro_to_redmine_presentation
ShowOff presentation : Intro to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54938 (New): redmine_ppms_wrapper
Redmine plugin to cross-charge time via PPMS Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54937 (New): redmine_preview_office
Fixed issue with thumbnail_patch.rb where the temporary directory doesnt have a block and self-deletes immediately Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54936 (New): digitalwand.redmine_time_entry_events_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54935 (New): redmine_ticketbot
This plugin integrates Redmine into Slack and GitHub. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54934 (New): redmine_plugin_gantchart
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54933 (New): redmine_shibboleth
Shibboleth Plugin for Redmine 3.x Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54932 (New): RedmineAPI
Python class for easy redmine access Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54931 (New): redmine-time
The script allows a user to get spent time entries from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54930 (New): redmine-agile-docker
docker image for redmine-agile Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54929 (New): RedmineClient
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54928 (New): redmine-php-sdk
PHP SDK for the Redmine API Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54927 (New): redmine_issue_reports
Redmine Plugin: Send issue report emails Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54926 (New): redmine_bulk_time_entry_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54925 (New): redmine_scrum
Our Redmine Scrum plugin - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54924 (New): REdmine
fff Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54923 (New): redmine_test_report
This is a redmine plugin to confirm QA report. ex Test report, Bug chart. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54922 (New): agile_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54921 (New): redmine-all-in-one
redmine-all-in-one with docker Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54920 (New): RedmineApi
Simple Redmine Python API Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54919 (New): scrum
Redmine Scrum plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54918 (New): redmine_project_state
Redmine plugin for tracking project states, alerting when projects need attention. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54917 (New): bitnami_redmine_manual_chs
Bitnami-Redmine 安装与维护手册 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54916 (New): time_approval
Redmine Time approval plugin. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54915 (New): redmine-quickreports
Just some simple reports queries wrapped up in a straightforward interface Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54914 (New): redmine_import
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54913 (New): redmine_user_mentions
Mention users on all TextWiki elements within Redmine: Issues descriptions, Wiki, News, Documents, Forums Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54912 (New): redmine_email_to_markdown
Redmine: convert html to markdown and import inline images from incoming emails. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54911 (New): jenkins-redmine-realm
Jenkins plugin to authenticate with redmine REST api Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54910 (New): redmine_plugin_watchers
Redmine plugin for issue watchers configuration Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54909 (New): watchlist
WatchList is a standalone news feed for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54908 (New): redmine_issue_merger
Plugin to merge issues for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54907 (New): cmdmine
command line tool for accessing Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54906 (New): redmine_ipam
Redmine plugin for IP address management (IPAM) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54905 (New): redmine_commentary_order_patch
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54904 (New): RedmineListTaskVS
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54903 (New): redmine_redirection
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54902 (New): redmine-ci
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/redmine-ci Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54901 (New): redmine_agile
Broken clone from RedminUp Agile plugin - Please visit website instead Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54900 (New): redmine_issues_report
This Redmine plugin offers a detailed report of multiple issues. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54899 (New): I6
http://redmine.bring.out.ba/projects/i6 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54898 (New): redmine_inherit_issue
Redmine Inherit Issue Attributes Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54897 (New): errbit_redmine_plugin
Redmine integration for Errbit Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54896 (New): redmine
hernad redmine branch Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54895 (New): redmine_calc
Redmine Plugin to calculate totals (sums) of number sequences. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54894 (New): HostedRedmine.com-Exporter
Redmine Export Scripts Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54893 (New): redmine_open_all_extlinks_in_new_window
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54892 (New): redmine_report
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54891 (New): redmine-docker-compose
redmine, posegres, nginx ssl setup by docker-compose Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54890 (New): redmine_repository_url
Display Subversion URL on project overview in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54889 (New): Terraform-AWS-Kubernetes
This Is a complete Automated way to launch Kubernetes cluster Using Terraform, Helm and deploy a sample RoR Redmine a... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54888 (New): redmine_test_collab
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54887 (New): redmine_project_version_overview
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54886 (New): redmine_performance
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54885 (New): redmine_meeting
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54884 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54883 (New): redmine_timesheet
Timesheet plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54882 (New): RedTime
Time visualizier plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54881 (New): redmine_payments
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54880 (New): redmine_textcomplete
Redmine plugin adding jquery-textcomplete support (based on existing words) to issue description, issue notes and wiki. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54879 (New): redmine_send_params
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54878 (New): yii-php-redmine-api
Yii v1 wrapper of Php Redmine Api Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54877 (New): redmine_crowd
Atlassian Crowd single sign-on service authentication support for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54876 (New): redmine_taskboard
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54875 (New): simple-redmine-collapse
Add a collapse button on Redmine projects page Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54874 (New): redmine_wicked_pdf
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54873 (New): redmine-plugin-scrum
This plugin allows to follow Scrum methodology with Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54872 (New): redmine_monthly_attendance_report
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54871 (New): redmine-landing-page
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54870 (New): redmine_project_cf_autocomplete
Autocomplete-combo filter widget for custom fields, with settings to define which fields will be autocomplete ready. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54869 (New): redmine
Mirror of official SVN repo trunk (not auto-updated) with my changes in a branch Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54868 (New): redmine_ex_agile
This plugin draws chars based on Redmine Agile Free edition (https://www.redmineup.com/pages/plugins/agile) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54867 (New): wechat_bot
微信redmine提单查单录工时等功能 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54866 (New): redmine_custom_reports
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54865 (New): redmine_issue_history_extension
This is a Redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54864 (New): redmine-api
A simple Redmine command line API client Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54863 (New): unicorn_test
test for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54862 (New): redmineappFlutter
Redmine Timeentry logging app in flutter Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54861 (New): redmine_project_customisation
Custom look and feel per project Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54860 (New): redmine_leaves_log_time
This is an enhancment to redmine_leaves Plugin When user checks out, and they haven’t logged the minimum required pe... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54859 (New): redmine_plugin_leader-board
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54858 (New): redmine_gripper
plugin for redmine to gripe session Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54857 (New): Firebase-Crashlytics-Redmine
Send issues to Redmine from Crashlytics using the Firebase functions Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54856 (New): redmine_custom_project_name
Redmine plugin to configure a custom name to be displayed for projects by composing fields and custom fields. It also... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54855 (New): redmine_trello_api
API plugin for Trello-For-Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54854 (New): redmine_issue_template
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54853 (New): shift-schedule
A Redmine plugin for scheduling the developer shifts on different projects and versions Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54852 (New): redmine_proteus
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54851 (New): redmine_wiki_index_tree_view
This is a plugin for Redmine which convert wiki index page to tree view Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54850 (New): redmine-client
Redmine client in android Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54849 (New): badrit_redmine_beta
utf Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54848 (New): welcome_picture
Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54847 (New): redmine_payments
Plugin that integrates with Redmine Invoices plugin and allows user to make payment Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54846 (New): redmine-wiki_taskinfo_macros
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54845 (New): redmine-test2
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54844 (New): redmine_scm
A copy of SCM Creator, a plug-in that allows you to create a repository on Redmine. I have made some modifications to... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54843 (New): node-redmine
Redmine module for Node Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54842 (New): redmine-forced
redmine-forced Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54841 (New): redmine_spent_time
github.com/eyp/redmine_spent_time.git Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54840 (New): redmine_issue_due_date
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54839 (New): mzp
see http://redmine.cs.is.saga-u.ac.jp/projects/tdd-process/wiki Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54838 (New): redmine-sitewide-faq-plugin
This redmine sitewide FAQ plugin provides Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) functionality that redmine does not have by... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54837 (New): docker-redmine-git-hosting
dockered redmine with git hosting Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54836 (New): redmine_parametric_pdf_export
Modify PDF export Options Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54835 (New): ganttplus
Plugin for Redmine wich render a project gantt adding a control date in order to visualize the expected ratio Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54834 (New): redmine-pastie
Paste code to your Redmine Pastie plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54833 (New): redmine_wiki_url_preview
Redmine Plugin for previewing specified URL Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54832 (New): issues_since_tag
A Chiliproject / Redmine plugin to display all issues since a scm tag Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54831 (New): cleaner-redmine
Make Redmine digestible. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54830 (New): redmine_collaborate_you_room
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54829 (New): RedmineFiles-gocd-task
Redmine plugin for GoCD Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54828 (New): redmine_demo
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54827 (New): redmine-plugin-copy-project
Redmine plugin for adding project copy functionality into menu of the overview project page for all users. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54826 (New): rebuild-projects
rake task to rebuild project tree in redmine - packaged as a plugin for convenience Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54825 (New): redmine_sencha_app
Redmine mobile application using sencha touch Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54824 (New): redmine_invoice
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54823 (New): redmine_improve
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54822 (New): redmine_bulk_creation
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54821 (New): redmine_app_tracker
Redmine extension for tracking jobs, applicants, and job applications. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54820 (New): csv_import_users
Redmine plugin that allows importing of users via CSV allowing user to map columns of csv to user attributes. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54819 (New): redmine_costs
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54818 (New): twentyci_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54817 (New): Redmine
Redmine docker images Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54816 (New): boostmine
Best Redmine Theme with premium design and support. Compatible with many plugins. Boostmine theme. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54815 (New): redmine_plugin_project-proposals
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54814 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54813 (New): redmine_agile
Redmine prioritize plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54812 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54811 (New): chrome-twrm
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54810 (New): Redmine-LDAP-Extensions
A collection of extensions for Redmine/Chiliproject’s LDAP connectivity Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54809 (New): redmine_quick_button_issue
Redmine Quick Button Issue Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54808 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54807 (New): redmine_copy_user
Plugin for Redmine to copy user with roles Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54806 (New): redmine_plugins_folder_history
redmine plugins folder history Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54805 (New): redmine_iterations
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54804 (New): redmine_mobile_view
Redmine plugin which provides smartphone view. under development. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54803 (New): redmine-ganttchart-grep-bookmarklet
redmine ganttchart grep bookmarklet Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54802 (New): redmine_incentive_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54801 (New): redmine_schedules
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54800 (New): redmine-plugin
one-off fork to enable http of redmin-mylyncon.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/redmin-mylyncon/redmin-mylyncon Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54799 (New): redmine_subproject_collapse
Redmine plugin: provides ability to collapse sub projects Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54798 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Fork of redmine_wiki_extensions plugin (using Hg-Git) Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54797 (New): Redmine-Monitoring-Controlling-qlc
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54796 (New): redmine_task_maker
チケット作成時に、子チケットも一緒に作成します Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54795 (New): redblog
Blog plugin for Redmine 1.2+ Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54794 (New): issue_notifier
A Redmine Plugin to notify assignee and watchers through push notification when an issue has been reported. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54793 (New): redmine_admin_addon
アカウントメニューに、システム管理者の権限を無効・有効化するリンクを追加します。 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54792 (New): redmine_daily_scrum
Allow documenting team members’ answers to the three daily scrum questions Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54791 (New): last_update
Redmine plugin allowing to add Last Update column to the Issues query Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54790 (New): redmine_no_version_autocomplete
Plugin to no longer treats an issue with no open issues as completed. Requires it to be explicitely closed. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54789 (New): redmine_default_query
プロジェクトごとにデフォルトのカスタムクエリを設定できます。 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54788 (New): pdfmine
PDF export plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54787 (New): redmine_market
Market for Redmine - a project marketplace plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54786 (New): redmine_all_users_custom_field
A redmine plugin that allows a custom field to show all users, not just project members. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54785 (New): RedMineProject
Old project. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54784 (New): redmineform
Erlaubt das Anbinden einer Redmine API an Drupal und das Erzeugen von Tickets. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54783 (New): redmine_changelog
A wiki macro for generating a redmine changelog Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54782 (New): BitNamiRedmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54781 (New): closers
This is a plugin for Redmine. It is help you close old issues Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54780 (New): redmine_project_favicon
プロジェクトごとにFaviconを変更するRedmineプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54779 (New): redmine_scm_basepath
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54778 (New): redmine_project_alias
Allow for defining an alternative identifier for a project. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54777 (New): mylyn-redmine-connector
Connector integrating redmine flexible project management web application with mylyn Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54776 (New): attachment_fu
copy of attachment_fu used by my redmine media plugin Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54775 (New): redmine_new_user_notification
A Redmine plugin that allows admins to optionally receive a notification email whenever a new user account is created. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54774 (New): redmine_customize_notification
Allow users to customize which issue fields for which to receive an email notification. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54773 (New): redmine_view_head_meta_noreferrer
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54772 (New): FasterRedmine
Chrome extension for the Redmine PMS Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54771 (New): redmine-git
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54770 (New): redminereader
a reader who will read a configured feed, then email recent posts from that feed to a configured address. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54769 (New): redmine_classical_charts_plugin
Redmine plugin to add some classical management charts to each project Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54768 (New): redmine_webodf
Integrate webodf with redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54767 (New): Redmine-for-heroku
Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-plat... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54766 (New): redmine_log_time_project_tab
Add a ”Log Time” tab to any project that supports time logging Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54765 (New): redmine_theme_altshift
Thème Altshift pour redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54764 (New): test
Test for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54763 (New): redmine
Project Management on Heroku for Alfa Jango Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54762 (New): redmine-desktop-notifications
Redmine desktop notifications Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54761 (New): redmine_xls_export
Fork from redmine_xls_export 0.1.3 from Vitaly Klimov Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54760 (New): email_grabber
This is a plugin for Redmine. It is help you get email messages and create issues Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54759 (New): redmine_member_inheritance
Optionally inherit all members from parent when creating a subproject. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54758 (New): redmine_address_preview
チケットの”プレビュー”に作成・更新通知が送信されるユーザを表示します。 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54757 (New): redmine-tps
JSON based RPC client/server system: basically a hack that accesses the database directory. This is only for my organ... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54756 (New): removePluginsRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54755 (New): redmine_scrum
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54754 (New): redmine_properties_propagate
A redmine plugin to propogate properties to subtask Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54753 (New): Redmine
RedminePlugins Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54752 (New): ek-commit-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54751 (New): redmine_plugins_sso
基于redmine的单点登录插件 Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54750 (New): redmine_side_menu
サイドバーにカテゴリとバージョンのチケット数とリンクを表示する Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54749 (New): redmine_railsgun_theme
Redmine theme for ALMinium Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54748 (New): redmine_cas_autoreg
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54747 (New): asana_import
redmine plugin for importing asana project scv Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54746 (New): redmine_redirect_help
Redmine plugin to redirect the global help link to a project wiki page. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54745 (New): redmine_process_workflow
Introduce a process driven workflow to Redmine. Automatically change status and reassign issues based on user input. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54744 (New): ansible-system-watch
Ansible system-watch role for monitoring debian and ubuntu system with Git, Redmine and Drupal Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54743 (New): imyredmine
iOS app for Redmine client Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54742 (New): redminetimetracker
redmine_time_tracker Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54741 (New): vagrant-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54740 (New): redmine_empty_plugin
Sample plugin for beginner developers Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54739 (New): redmine_demo
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54738 (New): redmine_budget
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54737 (New): redreport
CLI application to create time reports from the Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54736 (New): github-redmine
A web server which syncs/creates/updates issues between GitHub and Redmine in both directions. Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54735 (New): redmine_timesheet_accept
A plugin that lets the supervisor accept logged time entries Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54734 (New): ChromeExtension_RedmineAutoComplete
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54733 (New): redmine-report
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54732 (New): redmine_log_time_control
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54731 (New): AGILE-GRID-ScienceTools-Setup
The AGILE/GRID Science Tools. The AGILE mission is providing a suite of tools called the AGILE Science Tools for the ... Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54730 (New): redmine_cookbook
A Chef cookbook for redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54729 (New): redmine-meeting-report-ihm
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54728 (New): redmine-tableau-wdc
A Tableau Web Data Connector for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54727 (New): vagrant_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:27 github-repo #54726 (New): redmine-maven-plugin
Maven plugin for redmine REST API, using https://github.com/taskadapter/redmine-java-api Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54725 (New): redmine_session_ping
Session pinging plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54724 (New): redmine_support
A plugin for Redmine that allows users to create support tickets. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54723 (New): redmine-copy
local redmine copy. tmps. will be deleted Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54722 (New): xlsx2redmine
Import a task list in XLSX format into redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54721 (New): redmine.chosen.js
Enable chosen.js on redmine’s select boxes Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54720 (New): redmine_zendesk
Zendesk plugin for the Remind project management system Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54719 (New): redmine_blocked_reason
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54718 (New): redmine-projects-tree-view-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54717 (New): redmine_lock_email_notification_options
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54716 (New): redmine_timetracking
a plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54715 (New): RedmineTimesheet
Redmine timesheet plugin. Timesheet filling and reports generation. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54714 (New): redmine-timesheet
Redmine Timesheet plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54713 (New): redmine_my_projects
a plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54712 (New): redmine-meeting-report-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54711 (New): Redmine-Wiki-Documentator
Mark wiki pages as user documentation and allow explicit access to users that are not allowed to view the wiki. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54710 (New): astminer
Automatically open/change Tickets in Redmine for calls to Asterisk Queues Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54709 (New): redmine_scm_path_view
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54708 (New): rhodecode-centos
A setup for rhodecode and redmine on centos Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54707 (New): kanbanboard
dashboard for redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54706 (New): redmine_mail_dispatch_ext
This is a plugin for Redmine Mail Dispatch Extention Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54705 (New): redmine_tutorial
Plugin which runs interactive hopscotch tutorial on default Redmine 3.4 instance Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54704 (New): redmine_home_activities
A Redmine plugin that displays latest activities on home page, just like Github. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54703 (New): redmine_backlinks
Redmine plugin providing backlinks macro for wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54702 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54701 (New): Redmine-hide-fields
Plugin to hide fields in the web application for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54700 (New): redmine-wiki-live-edit
Chrome extension to add live editing features in Redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54699 (New): redmine
our redmine installation Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54698 (New): redmine-handlebars
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54697 (New): PhoneRedmine
项目管理软件Redmine的手机版,大部分功能是基于官网提供的接口对接的,有些接口没有的功能是自己从网页爬出来的。 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54696 (New): redmine-migrage-from-trac
Fixed/enhanced version of the migrate_from_task of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54695 (New): a2o-redmine-cli
Fast Redmine CLI command line interface Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54694 (New): Redmine2Trello
Redmine data move to Trello Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54693 (New): redmine_subtask_list_enhanced
Redmine plugin for subtasks lists Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54692 (New): redmine_issue_control_panel
Based on http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/PluginSidebarIssueControl Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54691 (New): redmine-client
This project is an example to be able to dynamically create tasks and enter timesheets using profiles. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54690 (New): synch-redmine-trello
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54689 (New): redmine_custom_mail_decoration
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54688 (New): redmine_extra_js
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54687 (New): redmine_send_schedules
Redmine Send Schedules plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54686 (New): redmine_subprojects_macro
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54685 (New): redfocus
Utility for pulling Redmine data into OmniFocus Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54684 (New): redmine_spam_lock
A plugin to allow lock unregistered users w/o the need to activate them first Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54683 (New): redmine_workedtime_report
time report Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54682 (New): RedmineR
R package that communicates with Redmine, a project management tool, via the RESTful API Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54681 (New): redmine_assign_addon
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54680 (New): redmine-alfresco-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54679 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54678 (New): redmine_comment_only
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54677 (New): migrate-trac-to-redmine
There are lots of works to do after migration from trac to redmine. Those scripts would help to address those hassles. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54676 (New): redmine-me
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54675 (New): redmine_gompertan
chocoapricot’s Gompertan plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54674 (New): redmine_issue_fields_inheritance
Redmine plugin - used for copying some fields from previous issue to next. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54673 (New): slack-redmine-url
quick way to link to redmine issues in slack Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54672 (New): electron-redmine
A redmine desktop client made with electron Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54671 (New): redmine-project-tree-plugin
This Redmine-Plugin allows you to display your projects and subprojects in a tree structure. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54670 (New): monitoring-to-redmine-notify
Allow Icinga/Nagios notify server problem as new issue in redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54669 (New): redmine_sidekiq
Background jobs for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54668 (New): redmine_contacts
Redmine Contacts Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54667 (New): ingeekvacation
redmine 休假管理 插件 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54666 (New): chrome-extension-redmine2omnifocus
a chrome extension sync redmine issue to omnifocus Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54665 (New): redmine-reports-ansible
Ansible deployment scripts for Redmine Reports application Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54664 (New): redmine4ruby-lang
A little fork of redMine the issue tracking system, for hosting ruby-lang.org projects. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54663 (New): redmine-appmenuadds
Plugins for Redmine for tabs in main menubar for wiki pages, externals URLs or wiki project pages Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54662 (New): redmine_google_links
Redmine Wiki macros to reference your Google Mails and Docs Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54661 (New): typhon
Ansible playbook for Arch Linux (installs Redmine, Gollum, psdash, and potentially more) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54660 (New): redmine-heroku
”Deploy to Heroku” for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54659 (New): redmine_staydown
A killer Markdown formatter for Redmine - hopefully. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54658 (New): typecode-redmine-theme
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54657 (New): react-redux-redmine
Test project on React & Redux Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54656 (New): redmine-themes
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54655 (New): qRedmine
Desktop Redmine client written in C++ with Qt 5. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54654 (New): redmine4
Redmine4 deploy with docker-compose.yml Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54653 (New): redmine_git_server
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54652 (New): redmine_kanban_table
Simple Kanban table plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54651 (New): redmine_issue_confirmation
show confirmation dialog when create/update/delete a issue. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54650 (New): issues-to-redmine
Github bot to insert issues into Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54649 (New): redmine-timelog-normalizer-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54648 (New): redmine_undev_watchers
This plugin makes watchers forms more usable Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54647 (New): RedmineLoginData
Wrapper on some Redmine controller methods, in order to log more details about authentication process Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54646 (New): time-uploader
Uploads exported time from Pomodoro to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54645 (New): RedmineMobile
Redmine Mobile Version (iPhone, Android) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54644 (New): redmine_open_version_filter
This plugin adds new filters to see issues belong to versions which are ”opened” and have date Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54643 (New): redmine-gamification
Reporting and gamification tool for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54642 (New): redmine-reports-ui
Web client for redmine-reports-api Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54641 (New): redmine_select_search
对redmine系统的select控件实现search选择功能 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54640 (New): projects_tree_view
fork from projects_tree_view for redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54639 (New): redmine_dtime
This is a plugin for entering dayly timesheet Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54638 (New): redmine_users_xls_impex
A redmine plugin which is called Users XLS import/export originally written by Vitaly Klimov. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54637 (New): .redmine_importer
CSV importer を更に調整したもの Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54636 (New): redmine_manager
Adds a simple manager/report relationship among Redmine users. Intended as a dependency for other Redmine plugins. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54635 (New): redmine_cozy_wiki_macros
Redmine plugin for misc wiki macros Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54634 (New): redmine3
Redmine docker-compose Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54633 (New): gae-redmine-mailhandler
The proxy program for mail_handler of redmine. This program works in GAE. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54632 (New): custom-workwlows
Some examples for redmine_custom_workflows plugin (read more https://github.com/anteo/redmine_custom_workflows ) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54631 (New): redmine_code_review
Fork and git mirror of redmine_code_review plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54630 (New): redmine_theme_temaheras
temaheras用に “farend fancy” をカスタマイズ Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54629 (New): gerritmine
Google Chrome extension that adds Redmine integration to Gerrit. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54628 (New): redmine_notes
Redmine plugin to list annotations (TODO, FIXME, ...) found in a project repository Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54627 (New): redmine_query_with_version
Redmine plugin to search issues by a custom query and any version. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54626 (New): redmine_importer
既存のredmine_importer に様々な人の修正を組み込み、調整を加えたもの Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54625 (New): Pushit
The pushit command is a shortcut for the git commands and redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54624 (New): redmine_start_workflow_status
Redmine plugin that allows setting start workflow statuses for trackers Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54623 (New): redmine_hands_on
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54622 (New): redmine_gantt_with_date
ガントチャートの表示画面で、週の表示をcweek(1月1日から何週目か)から週頭の日付に変更します Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54621 (New): redmine_sitemap
sitemap.xml generator Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54620 (New): redmine-app
redmine chrome app Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54619 (New): redmine_teams
Add teams to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54618 (New): upgradeya-redmine
UpgradeYa’s Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54617 (New): redmine_hidden_user_profile
Add permission to view user profile, hide members box in projects, Link to user is a string. Member profile page is n... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54616 (New): Toggl2Redmine
A script for synchronizing toggl with redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54615 (New): redmine_inline_auto_complete
Auto complete issue numbers in descriptions and journal entries Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54614 (New): redmine_traceability_matrix
A plugin that add wiki macro for creation of traceability matrix Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54613 (New): redmine_post_script
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54612 (New): ChotaMine
ChotaMine is a lightweight, PHP based frontend for Redmine. Features include the faclity to add multiple issues from ... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54611 (New): redmine_follow_up
FollowUp plugin for ChiliProject/Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54610 (New): redmine_attachments_size
Disk Usage Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54609 (New): redmine_issue_sidebar_extensions
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54608 (New): redmine_clone_ticket_with_inheritance
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54607 (New): RedmineTicketMaker
簡易的Redmineチケット作成ツール Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54606 (New): redmine_ecmasoft_stats
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54605 (New): redmine-ta-macros
Some useful macros for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54604 (New): redmine_import_issues
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54603 (New): redmine_sub_project_stats
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54602 (New): redmine_github_issue
Redmine plugin which makes a github issue automatically on creating a new redmine ticket Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54601 (New): redmine_html_diff
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54600 (New): time_entries_query
Redmine plugin which add filters by time_entries Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54599 (New): redmine-subtask-overview-enhanced
Show time spent and estimated time of each tasks into the subtasks overview of a task page. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54598 (New): require_patch
The gem adds a command ”require_patch” that includes plugin patches. It used by our team to develop Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54597 (New): redmine_issue_control_panel
Branch for porting issue control to redmine 3.x Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54596 (New): redmine_odts
Upload ODT document to fill in as a new page in Redmine Wiki Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54595 (New): fast_user_lock
Fast User Lock plugin for Redmine/Chiliproject Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54594 (New): redmine-box
A virtual machine for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54593 (New): redmine_callout_macro
This is Redmine plug-in. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54592 (New): redmine_text_format_selector
Add text format selector to projects Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54591 (New): chiliproject_doodles
*WARNING*: This is currently a work in progress and not fit for production yet! (Ongoing) port of the redmine_doodles... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54590 (New): chili_pdf
ChiliProject (/Redmine) plugin which implements/enhances PDF-export functionality using the Webkit rendering engine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54589 (New): redmine_tracker
Toggle clone directly connected to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54588 (New): Setting-Up-A-CI-Environment-With-Docker-Containers
Setting Up Gitlab, Redmine, MySQL , Sonarqube , Phabricator & Gerrit Containers Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54587 (New): qangaroo_plugin
Qangarooと連携するためのRedmineプラグインです。A Redmine plugin designed to integrate with Qangaroo. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54586 (New): Redminer
Cocoa Client for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54585 (New): Chalk
Flutter Redmine Time-tracker Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54584 (New): send-to-redmine
Send to Redmine Chrome (Firefox Coming Soon) Plugins Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54583 (New): redmine_wiki_preview_ext
Make the preview area draggable and auto previewing. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54582 (New): redmine_print_issue
Redmine plugin to print issue Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54581 (New): redmine_debeso_wiki_macro
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54580 (New): diffluens
A calendar app built with Django to extend the Redmine time sheet. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54579 (New): redmine_issuepoke
Redmine IssuePoke plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54578 (New): redmine-folding-sidebar-queries-plugin
Show the Redmine custom queries list in a folding subnav structure (1 deep) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54577 (New): redmine
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54576 (New): redmine_youtube
Redmine Plugin to add Youtube Macro Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54575 (New): redmine_auto_lock
This plugin locks the user on selected date. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54574 (New): redmine_issue_priority_alert
Redmine Issue Priority Alert plugin prevents users from choosing danger priority Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54573 (New): redmine-burndown-chart
Redmine standalone tool to visualize queries results as burndown chart. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54572 (New): redmine_smile_togglesidebar
Redmine plugin that adds a button to hide / show the right sidebar Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54571 (New): wiking
Fork of wiking plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54570 (New): redmine_irc_gateway
Redmine IRC Gateway - This project provides an access to Redmine API via IRC Gateway. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54569 (New): redmine_default_columns
「Default queries per project」Remineプラグインの追っかけ+バグ修正 http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_default_columns Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54568 (New): additional_hooks
Auxiliary plugin for hgp_cmis and redmine_progress_reports. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54567 (New): redmine_bt
Redmine plugins with bootstrap 4. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54566 (New): redmine_notifo
Redmine plugin which integrates Notifo push notifications with Redmine. When an issue is created or updated you will ... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54565 (New): Install-Redmine-ubnutu
Bash script to install a Redmine Project Management Tool in ubuntu Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54564 (New): redmine_user_story
redmine user story plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54563 (New): redmine_scm
Simple Subversion and Git repository creation plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54562 (New): redmine-tag
A Redmine tag that allows tagging Redmine issues/tasks. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54561 (New): redmine_japanese_user_format
ユーザー用のフォームと一覧を、苗字、名前の順番にします. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54560 (New): redmine_leaves_holidays
A Redmine Plugin regarding Leave, Holidays, Work Capacity Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54559 (New): clj-redmine
A Clojure library to access the REST-API of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54558 (New): redmine_hire
Redmine plugin for hiring Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54557 (New): featured_projects
redmine/chilliproject plugin that allows marking projects as ”featured” Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54556 (New): redmine_auditlog
Provides full auditlog for user actions in Redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54555 (New): linked_time_entries
Redmine plugin which add links in time entries report Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54554 (New): chef-rvm-redmine
chef cookbook for rvm aware redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54553 (New): redmine_mail_integration
Correlate emails to the Redmine issues when recieved. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54552 (New): redmine-ldap-chpasswd
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54551 (New): redmine_bpm_integration
This is a plugin for integrating Redmine with Activiti BPM. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54550 (New): Redmine-Contacts
Contacts plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54549 (New): exception_notification-redmine
This gem add a Redmine notifier to Exception Notification. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54548 (New): redmine_watchers_groups
Allow groups to be added as watchers Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54547 (New): redmine_cc
This plugin allows to send extemporary notifications Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54546 (New): portfolio_timeline
Redmine plugin for portfolio management Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54545 (New): Redmine_on_GCP
Readmine (http://www.redmine.org/) Installation on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54544 (New): itamae_jenkins_redmine_gitbucket
ItamaeでCentOS7にGitbucket + Jenkins + Redmineの環境構築 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54543 (New): redmine_mail_shaper
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54542 (New): redmine_last_activities
Redmine plugin displaying last activities on the home page Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54541 (New): redmine_crm
Redmine plugin for managing external companies and contacts Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54540 (New): operating_ratio
This is a Operating Ratio Plugin for Redmine. 稼働率をゲージで表示するためのRedmine用のプラグインです。(人別に予定工数と作業時間をグラフ表示します) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54539 (New): x-customizations
Redmine winmail.dat attachments support. Anonymous avatar. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54538 (New): redmine-terminal
Terminal based client for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54537 (New): redmine_filters
This plugin adds new filters to search through history (issue participants, issue visits) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54536 (New): redmine_seed
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54535 (New): rto
Open Redmine ticket of myself to browser. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54534 (New): php-rss2email
Simple php script to send your Redmine News atom/RSS over e-mail when you or other people can not read it in other way. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54533 (New): rqa
Redmine Quick Add Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54532 (New): redmine_leave_manager
redmine plugin for easy leave menagment Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54531 (New): redmine-openhost-theme
An OpenHost branded Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54530 (New): running-redmine
Redmine keyboard shortcut Chrome extension Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54529 (New): redmine_secretary
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54528 (New): redmine_email_fiddler
A Redmine plugin to enable fliddling with the notification emails subjects Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54527 (New): Ruben-plugin-Redmine
Plugin voor CSV-bestand met projecten en gebruikers te importeren in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54526 (New): Redmine-PHP-MultiPass
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54525 (New): redmine_required_field
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54524 (New): redmine_infdot_upload
A Redmine plugin to automate release file management. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54523 (New): redpaymo
Syncing redmine with paymo account Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54522 (New): redmine_projects_jumper
Easily jump between projects Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54521 (New): Redmine_Pertt
Pertt Chart Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54520 (New): redmine_kayako_integration
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54519 (New): redmine_last_reviews
Display a home-page box of the your 10 last reviewed changesets (cross project). Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54518 (New): redmine_last_news
Display the latest news on the home page Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54517 (New): custom-projects-tree-view
Customization of project tree view, redmine plugin created by Chris Peterson Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54516 (New): redmine_issue_extensions
github clone of the Redmine Issue Extensions plugin hg repository (http://code.google.com/p/redmineissueext/source/ch... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54515 (New): redmine_autotask
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54514 (New): default_project_members
[Work in progress] Redmine plugin to set one or more default members/groups of a project on creation. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54513 (New): untouched_issues_alerter
[Work in Progress] Redmine plugin that adds a rake task which will send emails to users with a list of issues that ha... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54512 (New): rmplus_devtools
Collection of useful tools/patches for Redmine developers Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54511 (New): redmine_note_di_rilascio
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54510 (New): question_plugin
Questions plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54509 (New): redmine_repos
manage bazaar,git,svn repos in redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54508 (New): dpi-cmi
CMI is a Redmine plugin to have a summary of projects’ management metrics. It calculates and shows with graphs differ... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54507 (New): redmine_version_require_due_date
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54506 (New): redmine-role-members-batch-copy
Copy or move in batch the members of a role to another role in all projects. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54505 (New): redmine_unc_autolink
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54504 (New): redmine_vacation
Makes it impossible issue assignment the employee is on vacation Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54503 (New): redmine-formula
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54502 (New): Redmine_uxta
UI enhancements for Redmine that are needed to be done programmatically (javascript etc.) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54501 (New): redmine_cas
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54500 (New): RedMine-HGP
RedMine plugins. Project Management Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54499 (New): redmine-theme-coffee
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54498 (New): snipish
A redmine snippet manager Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54497 (New): redmine-lemonldap
Allow users to login through LemonLDAP::NG Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54496 (New): redmine_status_history
This plugin allows to search between two dates on the issue status changes over the history of the issue. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54495 (New): redmine_objectstorage
Redmine plugin to use object storage for attachments Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54494 (New): redmine_issue_tabs
Redmine plugin that enhances issue interface by adding several useful tabs: timelog, time spent, code commits, history Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54493 (New): bug
Just a Redmine wrapper Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54492 (New): redmine_external_link
This is to customize external link plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54491 (New): redmine_timelog_projects_breadcrumb
Redmine plugin used to add project breadcrumb in timelog report (html & csv). Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54490 (New): redmine-list-of-roles-members
Redmine Plugin : Easily get a list of all members of a Role grouped by projects. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54489 (New): owe_gobot
Revenge-seeking, Webhook-listening, Redmine ticket-creating IRC bot Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54488 (New): proj-assistant
Integration tool for Microsoft Project and Redmine via rest-API Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54487 (New): iCodeEditor
Review code on iPad! Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54486 (New): redmine_anonymous_authors
Clone of Anton Argirov’s http://www.redmine.org/plugins/anonymous-authors Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54485 (New): time_entries_report
This is a plugin for Redmine. It adds custom(or more redmine-like) reports to issue time entries. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54484 (New): trello-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54483 (New): pr-redmine-validator
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54482 (New): redmine-theme-manager
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54481 (New): rails_redmine_issues
A simple Rails 3 engine gem that adds the issues engine (Redmine) to any Rails 3 application. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54480 (New): redmine-youRoom-plugin
Create Redmine plugin for youRoom Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54479 (New): redmine_integrate_with_chiara_pear_server_plugin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54478 (New): redmine_issue_external_item
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54477 (New): Redmine-Support-Form
A simple, step based support form for redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54476 (New): snapshots
Show development snapshots from a post-commit hook in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54475 (New): redmine_rtd_templates
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54474 (New): myredpy
Tool for quickly update and view time entries in Redmine using its rest api. Most useful when working in several proj... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54473 (New): create-redmine-issues
Quick create each issues on Redmine via python. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54472 (New): redmine_pmo
PMO support tools for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54471 (New): omnibus-redmine
Omnibus for Redmine project Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54470 (New): rp-testlinklink
Testlink plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54469 (New): Redmine-API
Redmine API, tools and api communication Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54468 (New): redmine_mentions_fullname
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54467 (New): silverstripe-redmine
SilverStripe Redmine connector - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54466 (New): redmine_deployment
Deployment Plugin For Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54465 (New): redmine_hipchat
Plugin for Redmine to deliver room notifications. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54464 (New): redmine-mariadb-solution
The server with Redmine and MariaDB database Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54463 (New): Redmine-Time-Tracker
A simple and fast desktop application for tracking time in flexible project management. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54462 (New): debuntu_redmine_theme
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54461 (New): redmine_less_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54460 (New): mikutter-redmine-link
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54459 (New): redmineToGource
Exports redmine activity to custom gource format Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54458 (New): redmine_git_links
Redmine plugin to change where the git commit links go to Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54457 (New): redmine_showhide_actions
Show/Hide button for actions on redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54456 (New): redmine_google_authenticator
Add dual-factor auth to Redmine using Google Authenticator app on phone or tablet Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54455 (New): redmine_time_assistant
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54454 (New): redmine_tidy_emails
Redmine 3.x plugin that allows to customize what to include in issue create/update email notifications Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54453 (New): redmine_notifications_email_matching
Redmine Notifications Email Matching plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54452 (New): rte
Tiny helper to register your work on Redmine using a CSV file. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54451 (New): redmine_last_messages
Shows the latest forum messages on Home (forums from all projects the current user participates in) and on project’s ... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54450 (New): redmine_issues_to_mqtt
Redmine issues to MQTT Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54449 (New): redcmdhs
Command line tool for using Redmine written in Haskell Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54448 (New): redmine_issue_tabs
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54447 (New): redmine_priorities_duedate_js
A Redmine plugin that changes the due date automatically when user changes priority of an issue on issue edit dialog Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54446 (New): redmine-brody
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54445 (New): redmine_timelord
Timelord Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54444 (New): redmine-wakanda
Redmine 2.0 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54443 (New): redmine_change_more
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54442 (New): redmine_issue_list_private_column
adds a private column to issue lists in order to view which issues are set as private Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54441 (New): redmine-yolo
Ugly but practical redmine issues tracking tools Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54440 (New): redmine_communication_plan
Communication plan plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54439 (New): redminejun08
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54438 (New): pinkmine
A redmine-inspired project management web app Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54437 (New): redmine_issues_pdf
Export selected issues to pdf with one click Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54436 (New): redmine-bootstrap
A Redmine Theme based to Twitter Bootstrap Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54435 (New): redmine_default_assignee_is_me
Redmine plugin to set the assignee to oneself if not otherwise set Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54434 (New): redmine_auth_shib
Shibboleth authentication plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54433 (New): redmine_stand_up
Adds a page to make daily stand-ups more informative. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54432 (New): honeyd-ipv6
Git repo for honeyd ipv6. Official folder: https://redmine.cs.uni-potsdam.de/projects/honeydv6/files Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54431 (New): redmine_project_email
Show the project email on the project overview page. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54430 (New): redmine_pureftpd_user
This Redmine plugin maintains a table with pureftpd compatible users. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54429 (New): redmine_legacy_link
Redmine Legacy Link Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54428 (New): view_commits_on_github
This plugin let’s you redirect to GitHub when viewing commits (instead of using Redmine’s builtin repository browser). Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54427 (New): todotxt-redmine-addon
A todo.txt addon for syncing redmine tasks Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54426 (New): redmine_quick_links
A plugin for Redmine which adds quick links to the welcome page. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54425 (New): Redmine-Client
Client for Rebmine project management web application. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54424 (New): redmine-embed
Embed Redmine issues inside WordPress posts. Requires access to the Redmine REST API. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54423 (New): redmine
Java Program with Redmine REST API Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54422 (New): redmine_lmu_modifications
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54421 (New): issuemapper
A tool to collect issues from multiple sources (e.g. Redmine or Github) and export them in formats to have a quick ov... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54420 (New): redmine_vipmail
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54419 (New): redmine-games
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54418 (New): redmine_custom
Redmine customizations for internal use. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54417 (New): redmine_journal_footer
Add journal footer and admin journals Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54416 (New): redmine_meta
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54415 (New): red_list
Basic Flask app to display a simple list of tasks by epic from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54414 (New): redmine_like
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54413 (New): time-to-ticket
redmine time log client for os x Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54412 (New): redmine_assets
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54411 (New): redmine_announcements
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54410 (New): Redmine-migrate-from-Trac
Here updated version migrate_from_trac.rake with changes not taken in the main branch. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54409 (New): Ubuntu-redmine-indicator
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54408 (New): redmine_twinslash
Redmine Twinslash Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54407 (New): redmine-exporter
Redmine exporting tool Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54406 (New): redmine-openshift
Template for Redmine deployment on OpenShift Container Platform Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54405 (New): issues_tree_view
Plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54404 (New): redmine_remaining_time
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54403 (New): redmine-time-tracker
Awesome command line utility to track time to redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54402 (New): toggl-redmine
Syncronize toggle timer with redmine time tracking Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54401 (New): greenours
A project management web application build with node.js, inspired by Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54400 (New): redmine-github-integration
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54399 (New): Redmine-Issue-Timer
A Redmine issue timer. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54398 (New): redmine_wiki_table_of_contents
Overwrites the wiki-sidebar with a dynamically generated table of contents. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54397 (New): redmine_time_limit
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54396 (New): redmine_twinslash_subversion
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54395 (New): rdm_all_revisions
This is a plugin for Redmine which form united revision for the issue Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54394 (New): redmine-outlook-addin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54393 (New): redmine_seo
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54392 (New): redmine_sms
VERY Simple redmine sms plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54391 (New): RedmineHs
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54390 (New): django-redmine-auth
Django app for redmine authentication Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54389 (New): weeklyreport
这个项目是我在本科实习期间做的一款redmine插件,用于周报管理。插件是用ruby写的,本身并不复杂,功能也很简单。不过需要集成到redmine中,相关的还有一些权限配置需要做。 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54388 (New): redminetk
GUI application for log time to Redmine Tracker Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54387 (New): redmine_mail_list
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54386 (New): wierszopis
Serwis zawierajacy wiersze | System do zarządzania pracą - Redmine - http://sigma.ug.edu.pl:8075 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54385 (New): nginx-redmine-access
Redmine-based auth for nginx Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54384 (New): RHEL7_docker_redmine
install docker and redmine on RHEL7 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54383 (New): redmine_trac_formatter_plugin
Plugin for Redmin that allows you to use Trac wiki formatting Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54382 (New): RedmineTimer
App django to manage time on redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54381 (New): redminator
aggregate your redmine(s) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54380 (New): redmine_query_share
Share your custom queries with specific people in your project Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54379 (New): redmine_autoclose
Autocloses parent task when all subtasks are closed. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54378 (New): redmine_dynamic_file_link
This is a plugin for Redmine. Redmine support file tab and URL of each file for the project. Multiple files can be up... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54377 (New): redmine-d3js-sprint-reports
An interface to manage and visualize your sprints in redmine projects Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54376 (New): one-click-redmine-Windows
Redmine 在WINDOWS 上 一鍵安裝相關資訊 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54375 (New): redmine_version_status_filter
This plugin adds a new filter called ”Target version status” that allows to filter issues by the status of its target... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54374 (New): redmine_migration_serialize
Migration tool for Redmine, ActiveRecord serialize column between ruby1.8 and ruby1.9 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54373 (New): gitbucket-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54372 (New): redmine_cancel_button
Add cancel button to edit view issue Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54371 (New): redmine_manage_summary
KANBAN display Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54370 (New): redmine_digest_mailer
Send digest mails for redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54369 (New): docker-subversion-redmine-auth
Subversion Authentication from Redmine database Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54368 (New): redmine-timetrack
redmine-timetrack Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54367 (New): redmine_advanced_my_calendar
Add some additional filtering to calendar on My Page Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54366 (New): redmine_print_style_black
A super-simple plugin to change the css style to print in B&W printers Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54365 (New): redmine_base_select2
Adds the Select2 ( http://ivaynberg.github.com/select2/ ) component to your Redmine instance. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54364 (New): redmine_clients
Redmine Clients Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54363 (New): redmine_velocity
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54362 (New): puppet-redmine-nginx
Puppet module to install redmine with a complimentary nginx vhost. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54361 (New): rm2lighthouse
Ticket migration from Redmine to Lighthouse Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54360 (New): redmine-theme-kohana
Kohana’s Redmine Theme Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54359 (New): redmine_account_manager
This is a Redmine plugin for account management, for example, other password policy. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54358 (New): overview-view-page-forward
A plugin for Redmine the automatically directs you to the project Issues page as opposed the Overview when clicking o... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54357 (New): redmine_access_logger
This is a Redmine plugin for access logging with user name. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54356 (New): redmine_stuidomobile_theme
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54355 (New): redminelocalavatars
Forked git version of Redmine Local Avatars (orginaly availble on bzr repository) Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54354 (New): redmine_polls
Sample git repository for sample Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54353 (New): prRedmineTheme
P&R custom Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54352 (New): jozu_gantt
Gantt Plugin for Redmine 3.2 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54351 (New): heroku-redmine-openid-selector
Redmine demo for Heroku with the OpenID Selector plugin installed Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54350 (New): redmine_default_watcher
add a default watcher option to redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54349 (New): redmine_viafirma
Redmine Viafirma Authentication Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54348 (New): PicUps
Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54347 (New): redmine_ldap_synchronizer
Plugin for synchronize Redmine account from LDAP AuthSource. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54346 (New): redmine-sunspot
Redmine plugin to add fulltext search in attachments using Sunspot/Solr and Apache Tika Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54345 (New): redmine_wiki_embedded
redmine plugin. embed on wiki page to another wiki page. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54344 (New): redmine-gnome-shell
redmine extension for gnome-shell Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54343 (New): phpci-redmine-plugin
PHPCI plugin for Redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54342 (New): heroku-redmine-scrumbler
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54341 (New): redmine-nginx-puma
Configuration files for running Redmine using Nginx and Puma on Ubuntu. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54340 (New): redmine_doorkeeper
Redmine_Doorkeeper is plugin that add OAuth 2 provider functionality to your Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54339 (New): redmine_dingding
Dingding notification for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54338 (New): round_trip
Bidirectional sychronisation between Redmine and Trello Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54337 (New): redmine-metrics-report-plugin
A Jenkins plugin which generates Redmine reports Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54336 (New): development-server
Install redmine, jenkins, gerrit using dodai-deploy. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54335 (New): redmine_import_issues
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54334 (New): redmine_user_default_group
Redmine plugin for assigning a default group when a user is created. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54333 (New): redmine_contacter
Redmine plugin to add multiple contacts to an issue. A contact has name, direction and telephones. You manage the con... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54332 (New): redmine-bundle
RedmineBundle for Symfony 3 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54331 (New): redmine_issue_flag
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54330 (New): hamster-redmine
Synchronize your Project Hamster time entries with Redmine server Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54329 (New): redmine-user-indicator
Redmine plugin for indicate online/offline users Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54328 (New): redmine_project_templates
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54327 (New): redmine-gantt
Redmine Gantt Chart Application for Desktop Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54326 (New): redmine2time
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54325 (New): redmine_send_mails
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54324 (New): redmine_project_email
NOT MAINTAINED - Allows sending emails to other project members in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54323 (New): redmine_more_context
Redmine Plugin to use issue context menu on issues show page Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54322 (New): redmine-wiking
Fork of Redmine WikiNG plugin by Andriy Lesyuk Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54321 (New): redmine_attachments_database_storage
This is a plugin for Redmine which allows to store attachments in database. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54320 (New): redmine-dash
A Dashboard for redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54319 (New): redmine_issue_filter_by_description
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54318 (New): redmine_time_entry_custom_field_aggregator
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54317 (New): trackmine
cli tool for time entries in redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54316 (New): redminer
app for mobile Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54315 (New): redmine_get_badges
A redmine plugin for managing getbadg.es functionality Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54314 (New): redmine-ruby
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54313 (New): redmine_mermaid
Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54312 (New): redmine-code-audit
[DEPRECATED] Code Audit is a Redmine plugin that allows users to post audits on commits in repositories linked to pro... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54311 (New): redmine_issue_view
Allows to write journal of issue view so users can see if assigned user saw their comments Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54310 (New): Redmine-Fast-Issues-Edit
Redmine plugin to quickly Create/Edit issues in JS popup Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54309 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Redmineをセットアップするロールです Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54308 (New): redmine-lighthouse-importer
Import lighthouseapp.com tickets to redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54307 (New): mrmt
MediaWiki to Redmine Migration Tool Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54306 (New): redmine2pivotal
Redmine to PivotalTracker adapter Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54305 (New): redmine_yarsp
Yes Another Redmine Scrum Plugin Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54304 (New): redmine_cluster
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54303 (New): redmine_auto_deputy
Automatically assign a deputy user to an issue if the inital user is not available Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54302 (New): GravityMine
Gravity Forms Redmine Add-On, allowing users to report new issues on Redmine through a support form powered by Gravit... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54301 (New): dokku-redmine
Run Redmine as a Dokku app Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54300 (New): redmine-time-tracker
Allows time tracking through accessing the Redmine API. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54299 (New): bitnami-redmine-ext
BitNami Redmine の拡張です。 Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54298 (New): wiki_publisher_redmine
This is a plugin for Redmine that publishes project documentation into wiki Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54297 (New): Redmine-Uploadify-Documents
Add uploadify for document uploads in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54296 (New): redmine_attachment_categories
Redmine plugin to add a freely configurable category tag to attachments. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54295 (New): redmine_notify_news_every_member
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54294 (New): redmjne
JRuby Redmine deployment (Tomcat) WAR with minimal customization via plugins and themes, including HAProxy and Apache... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54293 (New): redmine-compose
Docker compose setup for Redmine hosting Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54292 (New): redmine_my_users
View users you are responsible for. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54291 (New): redmine_approval_plugin
Plugin to approve subversion revisions in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54290 (New): VBA-Redmine
Redmine REST API library for VBA Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54289 (New): redmine_kup
Redmine KUP add into the standard Redmine some conditions for traces Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54288 (New): hourglass-webapp
WebApp for redmines hourglass extension Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54287 (New): redmine_custom_fields_i18n
Redmine CustomFields Internalization Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54286 (New): supybot-redmine
Redmine plugin for Supybot Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54285 (New): sciencemine
redmine+latex Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54284 (New): ruby-redmine-github
Migration tool Redmine -> GitHub Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54283 (New): redmine_customer_matrix
redmine plugin for managers Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54282 (New): redmine_quick_replies
Save time by creating quick replies that could be reused in any WYSIWYG editors. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54281 (New): redmine_dnd_upload
plugin for redmine to upload file by drag and drop Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54280 (New): address_books
This is a address book plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54279 (New): redmine_mudai
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54278 (New): gitlab2redmine
Gitlab webhooks update redmine issue notes Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54277 (New): redmine_git_list
List git repos in redmine. Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54276 (New): Redmine-Private-Note-Enforcment
Role based private note enforcement Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54275 (New): redmine-plugin-autorespond
Redmine Autoresponder Plugin for anonymously created tickets Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54274 (New): redmine-scala-client
Redmine REST API Client for Scala Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54273 (New): docker-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54272 (New): scrum-task-board
Redmine Task Board / Burn down Chart Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54271 (New): redmine_wiki_nav_sidebar
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54270 (New): redmine_requirements_plugin
Redmine plugin for requirement management Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54269 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54268 (New): redmine-scripts
MIRROR: miscellaneous scripts for administering Redmine Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54267 (New): redmine-scrumdashboard-plugin
Scrumdashboard is a plugin for Redmine. It enables Redmine to better support the Scrum process by giving the users ac... Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54266 (New): redmine_issue_priorities_per_tracker
Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54265 (New): Redmine-YouTube-iframe-Plugin
A RedMine plugin that introduces a new wiki macro to allow users to embed a YouTube video via an iframe Admin Redmine
09:26 github-repo #54264 (New): external_services
Gem helps syncronize objects to different external services like Gitlab, Redmine and any other. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54263 (New): redmine_project_themes
Redmine plugin for provides project specific themes Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54262 (New): Redmine-CustomScript-Hook
This plugin allows you to execute custom scripts when you POST a Redmine’s URL Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54261 (New): redmine_xmi_import
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54260 (New): redmine_hr
redmine_hr Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54259 (New): redmine_overwriting_roles
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54258 (New): redmine_landing_page
Plugin which adds the functionality of selecting landing page by users Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54257 (New): redmine_hamster_android
Android implementation for redmine_hamster api. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54256 (New): redmine_backlogs_selectable_storypoints
Backlogs add-on, which helps to keep consistent story points data. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54255 (New): redmine_coursework
A redmine plugin to manage and grade course exercises, projects, etc Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54254 (New): Redminer
Simple redmine client to see your tickets Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54253 (New): smine-client
Simple application designed to help redmine users to check your activity Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54252 (New): redmine-to-git
A command line script to get data from redmine and convert it to a git repo (step 1: wiki) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54251 (New): redmine_simple_kanban
Prototype of a simple Kanban board. See http://github.com/edavis10/redmine_kanban for a more detailed implementation. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54250 (New): redmine_auto_watchers
This Redmine plugin will add everybody as watcher who gets in touch with an issue. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54249 (New): redmine_hackpad
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54248 (New): redmine-analysis
A nodejs tool to get some statistics on project issues from redmine rest API Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54247 (New): Redmine-tasks-parse
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54246 (New): report_generator
Redmine plugin for report generation Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54245 (New): redmine_journalized_versions
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54244 (New): redmine_timesheet_log_user
Allows logging time on behalf of other Redmine users Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54243 (New): AndriodRedmineApp
Andriod’s application for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54242 (New): sncd_itpo
some custom redmine plugin to follow project advancement Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54241 (New): docker-passenger-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54240 (New): redmineblog
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54239 (New): rys
New plugin system/platform for Redmine, EasyRedmine and EasyProject. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54238 (New): redmine-custom
Redmine customization Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54237 (New): redmine-field-permissions
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54236 (New): redmine_pulls
Allows users to create pull requests for repositories linked to projects. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54235 (New): kanbandashboard
A dashboard to display kanban statistics out of a redmine projet Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54234 (New): redmine_tasks
Collection of random thor tasks I use to automate general Redmine development. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54233 (New): user-time-logger
Redmine’s User Time Logger plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54232 (New): redmine-rest-api
Redmine Rest API Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54231 (New): redmine-toolbar-mods
Toolbar shortcuts for writing code in a redmine wiki. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54230 (New): redmine_issue_status_changer
A series of Redmine rake tasks to change the status of issues depending on the status of subtasks Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54229 (New): redmine_issue_dashboard
[BETA - NOT FOR PRODUCTION] Adds a dashboard with users and issues they’re working on Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54228 (New): redmine_top_bar_links
redmine plugin, that allows to add top bar links with config file Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54227 (New): Obelisk
A native companion for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54226 (New): redmine_hide_versions
This Redmine plugin allows you to hide specific ”versions” from reports and menus. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54225 (New): redmine_ie
redmine_ie Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54224 (New): redmine_application_title
Simple Redmine plugin to add your Application Title and Subtitle to the top right of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54223 (New): redmine_plugin_tasks
Collection of thor tasks I use to automate Redmine plugin development. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54222 (New): rednums
Webapp to search issues numbers on redmines Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54221 (New): Ruby-Redmine-Client
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54220 (New): redmine_contributor_licensing
Allows Redmine users to sign Contributor Licensing Agreements in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54219 (New): redmine_lock_users
Adds a Rake task to lock all Redmine users. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54218 (New): redmine_bsc
redmine_bsc Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54217 (New): redmine-gource
Redmine activity visualization Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54216 (New): redmine_ticket_dashboard
Redmine plugin to arrange issues by date/people in one big table Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54215 (New): redmine-backlogs
Redmine Backlogs Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54214 (New): redmine-treeview
Redmine Subtasking TreeView plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54213 (New): redmine_related_issues
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54212 (New): redmine_theadmin
Redmine plugin used to provide examples on http://theadmin.org Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54211 (New): redmine_show_assigned_to_activity
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54210 (New): whiteboard
Redmine Whiteboard Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54209 (New): redmine_issue_tags
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54208 (New): redmine_paranoid_mode
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54207 (New): toggl2redmine
A command line script for syncing toggl time entries to redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54206 (New): redmine_queries_count
This plugin allow user to add queries item count in the sidebar. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54205 (New): terraform-cicd
Terraform project for deployment CI/CD tools Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54204 (New): wiki-trac2redmine
Converts trac wiki to redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54203 (New): redmine-theme-squeejee-neo
Based in http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/ThemeSqueejee Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54202 (New): quick_issue
Redmine plugin that allows to add new issue quickly Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54201 (New): redmine_theme_minimal
A minimal theme for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54200 (New): redmine-cli
Interactive redmine command line interface Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54199 (New): openshift-redmine-3.0.1-quickstart
Redmine 3.0.1 Project Management Software for OpenShift Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54198 (New): astah-redmine-plugin
Associating Redmine tickets to a diagram Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54197 (New): Redmine-Timelogger
A PHP command line script for entering time against redmine issues. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54196 (New): copy_info_from_parent_issue
A Redmine plugin that makes it easier to create child tickets Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54195 (New): redminefilter
Filter field for redmine @ wtelecom intranet Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54194 (New): Review-tool
This project is to fix the existing Redmine code review plugin and add new fatures Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54193 (New): gantt_on_issue_tree
This Redmine-Plugin adds a ”Show Gantt of Issue(s)” offers a tree view for browsing projects. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54192 (New): redmine2github
Port (Fabric’s) Redmine tickets to (Fabric’s) Github Issues v2 / API v3 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54191 (New): teamestimate
Independent team time estimation for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54190 (New): redmine_issue_clipboard
Redmine plugin which allows you to copy commit message to clipboard with just one click. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54189 (New): redmine
Own hosting of project management web application Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54188 (New): redmine-mylyn-connector
Sven Krzyzak’s Mylyn Connector for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54187 (New): git_repository
Test git repository for redmine development Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54186 (New): redcfc
Ruby script to create a cumulative flow chart on Google Drive from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54185 (New): redmine_user_last_ip
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54184 (New): chiliproject_encrypted_email_notifications
A plugin for Redmine/Chiliproject to encrypt outgoing emails with GnuPG Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54183 (New): redmine_easy_tracker_assignation
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54182 (New): redmine_enhanced_projects_list
A simple plugin to change the default projects list index to mimic the issues listing view. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54181 (New): redmine_disqus_ci
Disqus CI for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54180 (New): redfire
Redmine Plugin for Campfire Notifications Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54179 (New): redmine_rt_import
My modified version of http://www.redmine.org/plugins/rt_import Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54178 (New): delayed_job
a copy of the delayed_job plugin used in my redmine_media plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54177 (New): redmine_analytics
This sends analytics information to Segment, which can then be sent to other sources, just as Google Analytics, MixPa... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54176 (New): auto_gollum_wikis
A Redmine plugin for automatic gollum wikis from project’s Git repositories. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54175 (New): redmine_weekly_timesheets
A simple plugin to make bulk enteriing of timesheets easier Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54174 (New): Redmine-Documentation-Plugin
Redmine plugin for serving/displaying generated documentation in a project tab. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54173 (New): redmine-viz
A D3.js based visualisation tool for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54172 (New): redmine_autolinker
Redmine plugin to link patterns in issue descriptions, journal values and formatted custom fields Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54171 (New): redmine-api
Use Redmine API with Javascript Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54170 (New): redmine_per_project_sender
Per Project Sender plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54169 (New): workflow_graph
interactive visualization of Redmine workflow definition Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54168 (New): Redmine-CLI
Redmine command line tool written in Java Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54167 (New): redminePro
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54166 (New): redmine_group_macro
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54165 (New): redmine_estimates
Redmine Estimates Plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54164 (New): redmine_view_hook_for_dev
show view hook for development Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54163 (New): redmine_backup
Simple redmine backup scripts Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54162 (New): redmine_gemavatar
Redmine Gemavatar Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54161 (New): redmine_hide_username
Hide username by default in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54160 (New): redmine_version_email
This is a plugin for Redmine that sends version email on update. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54159 (New): redmine_contacts_helpdesk_gpg
redmine plugin - GPG signing/encryption in RedmineCRM’s helpdesk Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54158 (New): redmine-issue-hot-buttons
Plugin for Redmine that add some often used actions to issue page. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54157 (New): redmine_csv_file_importer
A Redmine CSV file importer plugin. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54156 (New): hardcore-google-analytics-for-redmine
Another Google Analytics plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54155 (New): redmine_annotate_emails
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54154 (New): redbrew
A missing plugin manager for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54153 (New): redmine_code_review
Redmine Code Review Plugin の開発を行うプロジェクト。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54152 (New): redmine_issue_lockdown
Prevents closed Redmine issues from being edited, deleted or moved Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54151 (New): zenmine
Best Redmine Theme with premium design and support. Compatible with many plugins. Zenmine theme. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54150 (New): kispagi
Kispagi (which means to pay with kisses in Esperanto) is an app that connects to your favourite(s) issue tracker(s) o... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54149 (New): instantOnlineApplications
Automatically deploy opensource rails applications ex. radiantCMS, fatfreeCRM, redmine, spree, eldorado Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54148 (New): issue_reminder
redmine plugin to remind you when issues are due Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54147 (New): redmine_commit_issue_links
Redmine plugin that links up ”#1234” from your commit messages against the issue with that id Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54146 (New): tree_buster
Fix issues with redmine upgrade tree migration Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54145 (New): django-redmine-auth-backend
A Django authentication backend for use with the Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54144 (New): redmine_wiki_index_collapsable
small plugin for redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54143 (New): redmine-client
Redmine client application for desktop computers Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54142 (New): projects_treeview
This is a tree view for Redmine projects, compatible with the recent Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54141 (New): admin_tools
Collection of Redmine Tools Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54140 (New): redmine.cubetechTheme
cubetech Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54139 (New): redmine2github
[OBSOLETE] [ABANDONED] Redmine to github converter script Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54138 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54137 (New): redmine_hcard
This is a plugin for Redmine that adds a {{hcard(username)}} macro to show user contact details in hcard format. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54136 (New): redmine-postgresql-solution
The server with Redmine and PostgreSQL database Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54135 (New): tray-timer
Timer app for supporting issue tracking system (JIRA, REDMINE etc) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54134 (New): hudson-redminecodenavigator-plugin
links commit changes to redmine’s code navigator Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54133 (New): redmine-xlsx
Redmine issue to Excel File Format (.xlsx) Conversion Tool. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54132 (New): redproject
Plugin for Dokuwiki will display roadmap and other information of a redmine’s project Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54131 (New): Trello2Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54130 (New): redmine_requirements
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54129 (New): redmine_moving_van
export/import csv redmine projects, issues, other datas Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54128 (New): redmine_testlink
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54127 (New): redmine-contacts
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54126 (New): redmine-weather
This is a Redmine plugin to show weather forecast. (service for Japan area) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54125 (New): redmine_disable_mail_create_issue
A Redmine plugin to disable the creation of new issues via mail Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54124 (New): redmine_format_selector
Select wiki format part of pages. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54123 (New): ansible-redmine-task
Ansible role to run Redmine rake tasks Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54122 (New): redmine_koneta
小ネタを集めるプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54121 (New): redmine_issue_history_filter
This plugin adds simple filtering capability to the history section of the ”issue” view of the Redmine project manage... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54120 (New): redmine_monitoring
redmine monitoring Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54119 (New): redmine_issuer
Drupal Module to create and send structured emails for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54118 (New): redmine-docbase-convertor
Redmine WikiをDocbaseに変換するツール Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54117 (New): redmine_advanced_roadmap
Advanced Roadmap plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54116 (New): bugshot
团队内部使用,一款可以提交Bug附带截图功能到Redmine的Chrome插件。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54115 (New): redmine_parent_status_auto_update
Redmine demo plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54114 (New): redmine-e-kanban
This is a plugin for Redmine. This plugin make a Kanban Dashboard and Shows the Workflow Tickets Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54113 (New): redmine_admin_access
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54112 (New): redmine-google-iap-authentication
Stateless Authentication for Redmine when behind Google’s IAP Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54111 (New): redmine_issue_mailer
Allow sending a redmine issue via e-mail. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54110 (New): redmine_issue_history_tabs
This plugin provides history of issue in tabs representation (Original by Konstantin Zaitsev) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54109 (New): redmine_pgcommunityauth
Redmine Pgcommunityauth plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54108 (New): redmine_register_to_project
Redmine Plugin that allows administrator to select a set of projects that users can registers to without administrati... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54107 (New): redmine_airbrake_backend
Plugin that adds Airbrake support to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54106 (New): RedmineForSpigot
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54105 (New): vagrant-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54104 (New): reporter
reporting-tools plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54103 (New): redmine_custom_emails
A plugin for emails text customization for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54102 (New): ejprado-redmine
Redmine modif for EJPRado Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54101 (New): redmine-cashboard-tasks
Sync tasks between Redmine Issues and Cashboard Project Lists Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54100 (New): redmine-fixed-header
Redmine plugin for displaying fixed headers on the issue page when scrolling down. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54099 (New): redmine_setting_holiday
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54098 (New): redmine-custom
Customizações de plugins e themas para o redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54097 (New): redmine_excel_wiki_table_helper
This is a JavaScript base tool, can convert excel/open_offic_calc selection to Redmine wiki format table. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54096 (New): redmine-install
Automated Redmine installation on Ubuntu with MySQL, Nginx, SSL, Unicorn, ImageMagick Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54095 (New): redmine_mail_import_plugin
Allows mapping of non-redmine users to projects and redmine users for incoming emails. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54094 (New): redmine_utils
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54093 (New): redlog
Track time on Redmine via command line Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54092 (New): redmine_auto_watchers_from_groups
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54091 (New): redmine_query_ranking
Ranking from query Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54090 (New): redmine_query_pulldown
メニューの「チケット」にマウスを重ねると、プルダウンでカスタムクエリを表示します。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54089 (New): redmine_call_out
チケットの説明やコメントに@loginのように書くとそのユーザにも通知が飛ぶ Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54088 (New): redmine_media
Redmine plugin for youtube-like interface Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54087 (New): redmine-slack-notifier
Send live notification to Slack chat based on redmine working hours. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54086 (New): redmine-theme-starter
Starter kit for theme of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54085 (New): redmine-freshbooks
Tools for importing data from the Redmine issue tracker system to FreshBooks for invoicing Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54084 (New): redmine_create_issue_watchers_from_email
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54083 (New): redmine_projects_sorter
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54082 (New): redmine_iruinai
プロジェクトメンバーの出席率を表示します。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54081 (New): clingy
Redmine plugin to provide media navigation for issue attachments. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54080 (New): redmine_auto_identifier
This is a fork of the redmine_auto_assign plugin by Wade Womersley which has apparently vanished from github. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54079 (New): redmine_attachment_viewer
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54078 (New): vim-redmine-wiki
A vim plugin to browse redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54077 (New): redmine_letter_eater
メールの送信先についてDenyとAllowを設定できる Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54076 (New): youtrack2redmine
Transfer issues from YouTrack to Redmine issue tracker Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54075 (New): RedmineClient
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54074 (New): redmine_user_icon
Set user icon plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54073 (New): redmine_project_copy
プロジェクトのコピーを通常ユーザに開放します。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54072 (New): redmine_wiki_astah
Wiki macro plugin for redmine. The macro embed image of the diagram which is described by astah*. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54071 (New): ingesup-avatar-redmine
Utilise le trombinoscope Ingésup en fonction du login Redmine (login = ingé-id) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54070 (New): testit
TestIt - Redmine Test Management plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54069 (New): Redmine-Linker
A Chrome Extension to add a link near Github commit message with #issue_id to a Redmine story link. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54068 (New): prprocessor
Handles GitHub PRs and syncing to Redmine and Jenkins Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54067 (New): redmine_tpa
A Redmine Plugin for Performance Appraisals support Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54066 (New): redmine_workload_capacity
A Redmine Plugin for managing people allocation to projects Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54065 (New): redmine_close_button
Redmine Close Issue button plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54064 (New): redmine-tweaks-chrome-extension
Redmine Tweaks Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54063 (New): fluent-plugin-redmine
Fluentd output plugin to create ticket in redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54062 (New): forge.typo3.org
redmine version of forge.typo3.org Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54061 (New): redmine-perproject_themes
Redmine per-project theming Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54060 (New): redmine_wiki_fix_toc
Plugin for redmine wiki, Keep the position of {{>toc}} in the viewport. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54059 (New): redmine_blogs
Redmine Blogs Module Plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54058 (New): redmine_datetime_custom_field
A plugin that enables Custom Field of type DateTime (native one have only Date, not Time) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54057 (New): redmine-client
php library and command line interface for interacting with redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54056 (New): redmine_my_customize
redmine_my_customize Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54055 (New): redmine_ecmasoft_calendar
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54054 (New): redelix
Redmine Rest API client Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54053 (New): Redmine-Plugin
Plugin of redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54052 (New): redmine_single_column_custom_fields
Github version of plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54051 (New): redmine_wktime
timelogging plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54050 (New): Redmine-Template
The theme and plugins used for our base Redmine instances. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54049 (New): redmine_redirect_to_after_login
This plugin redirects the user, just after he has logged, to the URL defined in settings. If the redirect url is not ... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54048 (New): LingrRedmineBot
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54047 (New): redmine-theme-greenmine
Green variation of the default Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54046 (New): RedmineEasySubmit
Easy submit tickets to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54045 (New): redmine_queries_for_time_report
Plugin that adds Queries to Time Report like Time Entry Queries Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54044 (New): pomodoromine
A qt redmine pomodoro client Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54043 (New): redmine_jstoolbar_ext_coderay
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54042 (New): SublimeRedmine
Sublime Text 3 - Redmine Plugin for common actions. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54041 (New): redmine_localizable
Forked from https://redmine.ociotec.com/projects/localizable/repository Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54040 (New): redmine_spent_time
Time Tracking plugin for redmine and open source. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54039 (New): wikiaware
Series of plugins for redmine’s wiki Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54038 (New): redmine
Chef cookbook for Redmine (using thin as application server) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54037 (New): redmine-issuepost
Node-webkit app to quickly submit issues into redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54036 (New): redmine_layim
这是一个利用LayIM的前端网页聊天js的Redmine插件。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54035 (New): RedmineMailService
Prototype - Check mails on exchange server and put them into redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54034 (New): redmine_sympa
Adds interaction between redmine & sympa mailing list Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54033 (New): redmine-priority-theme
Redmine theme forked from the Redmine default theme Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54032 (New): redmine_show_issue_assignee_avatar
Redmine plugin to show issue assignee avatar on issue page. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54031 (New): redmine_statis
对redmine数据进行多维度的统计 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54030 (New): redmine_extra_query_operators
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54029 (New): redmine_remote_login
Redmine Remote plugin allows to login from the other site Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54028 (New): redmine_auto_assignment_changer
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54027 (New): redmine_agile_dashboard
Plugin para o Redmine com a finalidade de exibir um Dashboard de Burndows Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54026 (New): redmine-buildout
A zc.buildout configuration to deploy redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54025 (New): redmine-assign_current_date-plugin
Assign current date to specified custom field on new Issue ticket. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54024 (New): redmine-financial-monitoring
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54023 (New): Net--Redmine--API--REST
NRAR Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54022 (New): redmine_scrum
Hacked together plugin to make redmine kinda-work for scrum Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54021 (New): redmine-war
Redmine packaged to ready to deploy war-file Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54020 (New): redmine_doc_pu
Redmine Wikipage to (eye catching) PDF plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54019 (New): redmine_css
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54018 (New): redmine_paste_as_markdown_tables
Paste as Markdown-style tables from Excel format text Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54017 (New): redmine-theme
Redmine theme by Synbioz Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54016 (New): highrise-redmine
Highrise->Redmine export Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54015 (New): redmine-workflow-visualization-plugin
This Redmine plugin adjusts the visualization of the workflow administration to make workflow tables scrollable, the ... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54014 (New): Redmine
Redmine rails 3 work Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54013 (New): redmine_show_more
This plugin for redmine shows all properties on issue update view from the first. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54012 (New): redmine_due_date_by_default
Automatically sets due date of the issue based on the date of the target version Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54011 (New): redmine-java-api
fork of https://github.com/taskadapter/redmine-java-api Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54010 (New): git-redmine-hook
A scala program that acts as a GIT commit-msg/post-receive hook and integrates with a Redmine issue tracking system Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54009 (New): redmine_extended_reminder
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54008 (New): RedSchedule
The scheduling plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54007 (New): redmine-asso-kit
A Redmine plugin for a better UI Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54006 (New): redmine-user_wiki_macro
Adds a {{user(login_name)}} macro to Redmine’s wiki engine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54004 (New): redmine_jaconda_notifications
A plugin to display Redmine activity in Jaconda Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54003 (New): redmine-custom_startpage
Allows the user to select almost any Redmine page as the initial start page after login Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54005 (New): redmine_all_thumbnails
Plugin for Redmine. Show every issue attachment as either thumnailable image or as a file icon Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54002 (New): redmine_greenmine
Greenmine plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54001 (New): redmine_anonymous_watchers
Update of Redmine Anonymous Watchers plugin to work with redmine v3+. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #54000 (New): redmine_docson
Macro plugin to integrate docson widget into Redmine wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53999 (New): redmine_teaching_extension
Trabajo Fin de Grado para extender Redmine mediante un plugin para su uso en docencia. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53998 (New): gitmine
transfer issues from redmine to github through a csv file Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53997 (New): docker_redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53996 (New): redmineUtils
Some handy utils to associate a git working copy with respective redmine tracker Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53994 (New): redmine_prevent_multiple_submission
This redmine plugin prevents multiple submission. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53995 (New): redmine_relations_graph
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53993 (New): redmine_my_custom_queries
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53992 (New): redmine_additional_filters
This plugin for Redmine provides some additional filters Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53991 (New): gitsummary
A tool for creating pleasing changelog summaries from Git commits and Redmine tickets Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53990 (New): redmine_pivot_table
updating it so it doesn’t crash and saves reports and works on 3.2.x Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53989 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. This is a git mirror... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53988 (New): redmine_my_custom_page
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53987 (New): matsukei_redmine
社内で使用しているRedmineの部分的な改修をまとめたプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53986 (New): redmine2things
Syncs projects and tasks between Redmine and Things (by CulturedCode) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53985 (New): redmine_evm_custom
現在メンテナンスしていません。こちらをお使いください。https://github.com/momibun926/redmine_issue_evm imaginary-cloudさんのredmine_evmをカスタマイズしています。... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53984 (New): redmine_bitbucket_hook
Update your local Git repositories in Redmine when changes have been pushed to BitBucket. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53983 (New): docker-redmine-auth
Authentication server for Docker Registry 2 using redmine and/or gitlab service as backend Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53982 (New): redmine_message_issues
This plugin for Redmine allows to link Issues to a Forum Message. Convenient if the forum is used for support. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53981 (New): redmine-db-obfuscator
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53980 (New): redmine-nyancat
Enhance your Redmine experience with ... Nyan Cat ... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53979 (New): redmine_during_sum
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53978 (New): redmine_estimated_summary
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53977 (New): redmine_anonymous_authors
Clone of http://www.redmine.org/plugins/anonymous-authors Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53976 (New): redmine_better_overview
Provides a better redmine project overview with details about subprojects Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53975 (New): redmine_resource_monitor
Resource monitoring (Memory / CPU utilization / Load average) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53974 (New): track
A simple command line interface to track time with a Redmine backend. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53973 (New): X-Projects
Tools for CCPM (Critical Chain Project Management) using Redmine and Excel Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53972 (New): Redmine-Xero-Plugin
Minimise your invoicing drag-factor with our Xero plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53971 (New): redmine-time-tracker-shell-extension
Redmine time tracker extension for gnome shell Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53970 (New): redmine-neolao-theme
Redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53969 (New): redmine-project_custom_style
Allows additional CSS / JS styling via a special wiki page Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53968 (New): redmine_auto_watch_filters
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53967 (New): redmine
Development of an Automated Mechanism for Army SW Development Visualization based on Open Source Software Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53966 (New): redmine_periodic_jobs
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53965 (New): redmine_custom_help_url
Redmine Custom Help URL plugin is a Redmine plugin which will replace the help top-menu item with one for which an ad... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53964 (New): extended_fields
Forked from http://www.redmine.org/plugins/extended_fields and removed most functionality except Hints Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53963 (New): cuckoos
This is a reminder plugin like cuckoos in the wall clock for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53962 (New): redmine_plugin_display_role
This plugin display current Role on Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53961 (New): vim-metarw-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53960 (New): redmine_redcaser
A fork of redcase. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53959 (New): redmine_wordpress_update
Redmine plugin that generates the required meta information and package to facilitate automatic Wordpress theme and p... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53958 (New): Redmine_Migrate_from_mantis
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53957 (New): redmine_timetables
Redmine plugin for displaying users schedules. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53956 (New): patchmine
Redmine Patch Tacking Plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53955 (New): redmine_tree_issues
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53954 (New): redmine_group_manager
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53953 (New): Mabbit
Lightweight RedMine alternative written in Laravel 5 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53952 (New): birdseye
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53951 (New): redmine_plugins
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53950 (New): redmine_auto_assigned
Automates issue assignment during state change Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53949 (New): RedmineTracker
Track your Redmine time entries Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53948 (New): redmine_show_private_for_watcher
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53947 (New): robotice-sensu-handler
Sensu handler for integration with Foreman, Redmine and XMPP/Jabber Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53946 (New): vuemine
Redmine Backlog Viewer Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53945 (New): redmine_issue_control_panel
i am not the author of this app, im simply maintaining a repo on git to keep track of changes and fixx i do http://ww... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53944 (New): redmine_translation_terms
Applies configured translations to general terms (e.g. issue -> work item, project -> workspace) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53943 (New): redmine_telegram_global
Global messaging to Telegram Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53942 (New): redmine_attach_screenshot
redmine_attach_screenshot Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53941 (New): redmine_category_watchers
Redmine - plugin to automatically add watchers by project category Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53940 (New): redmine_check
This adds a simple check action for testing the live app Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53939 (New): redsync
Sync redmine wiki to local filesystem. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53938 (New): redmine_wiki_css
Mirror of https://dev.holgerjust.de/svn/redmine-wiki-css Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53937 (New): RedmineBrowser
Android app that makes use of the redmine rest API Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53936 (New): redmine_hr
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53935 (New): redmine_idobata
Idobata.io chat plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53934 (New): RootTreeToR
WARNING - THIS REPOSITORY IS NO LONGER UPDATED - SEE https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/roottreetor INSTEAD!!! Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53933 (New): redmine_hudson
Hudson plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53932 (New): redmine_issues_on_google_calendar
Plug-in to register to Google Calendar event from Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53931 (New): redmine
Git clone of the Redmine project management web application Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53930 (New): redmine_im_link
Redmine Plugin to add IM and other configurable links after each watcher on an issue Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53929 (New): redmine_git_work_in_progress
This is a plugin that provides Reduine’s Issue like ”Work In Progress Pull Request” and makes it easy to share knowle... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53928 (New): redmine_active_issues
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53927 (New): redmine_information
I’m not the author of this plugin, I just had to make some modifications on it! All credit to Mitsuyoshi Yoshida. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53926 (New): heroku-redmine-base
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53925 (New): redmine_work_day
Plugin for redmine. It is a work employment scheduler Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53924 (New): redmine_expenses
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53923 (New): redmine_hr_spent_time
A refactoring of the WorkTime plugin by Tomohisa Kusukawa Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53922 (New): redmine_mapping_board
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53921 (New): redmine_portfolio_management
Plugin criado para permitir a visualização de Projeto em Agrupamentos de Portfolio Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53920 (New): redmine-plugin
Jenkins redmine plugin (cloned) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53919 (New): redmine_alerts
Alerts/reminders plugin for Remine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53918 (New): redmine_gamification_plugin
redmine gamification plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53917 (New): redmine-net-api
Redmine .net api. Mirroring http://redmine-net-api.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Api + own contributions Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53916 (New): simple_ci
Redmine simple_ci plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53915 (New): scrum-cards-generator
Generate printable scrum cards from Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53914 (New): Redmine-Time-Log
Redmine time log application allows you to track your team members working hours on a specific issue or specific proj... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53913 (New): redmine-desktop-client
A mirror of the redmine-desktop-client hosted in svn in google code. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53912 (New): redmine_ldapserver
Authentication for external applications (such as zabbix, jenkins) with redmine credentials Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53911 (New): redmine_collapse
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53910 (New): redmine_backtime
Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53909 (New): redmine_show_parent_at_subtask
Redmine plugin to show parent task at subtask Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53908 (New): redmine_open_search
This is a plugin for Redmine to add support for OpenSearch. This project developed under git-flow. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53907 (New): redmine_scm_hookhelpers
Helpers for commit hooks when using the Redmine SCM plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53906 (New): redmine_new_issue_view
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53905 (New): Projector
Projector is opensorse Redmine app for iOS Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53904 (New): file_servers
Redmine configure ftp file servers for the attachements upload. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53903 (New): redmine-posttask-plugin
Jenkins post build plugin which can post issue to redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53902 (New): redmine-slackbot
Slackbot for Redmine to add issues and assign them to yourself or others Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53901 (New): logstash-output-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53900 (New): quarter
Project of plugin for redmine for analisys workflow projects Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53899 (New): redmine-reminder
Node + Zenity reminder to encourage logging hours into Redmine projects Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53898 (New): redmine_boards
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53897 (New): difoil
基于Redmine二次开发的项目管理系统,研发代号 二向箔(difoil) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53896 (New): redmine_wiki_page_tree
Redmine plugin to show the page tree view at the sidebar Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53895 (New): redmine_uhoh
Exception tracking in your redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53894 (New): redmine_auto_assigned_status
Sample plugin for http://www.redmine.org/issues/6203 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53893 (New): redmine_custom_field_extender
Plugin for Redmine BTS, that extends list of custom field types and their behavoir Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53892 (New): redmine_preview_docx
Plugin for Redmine. Show docx attachments in preview pane. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53891 (New): chrome-redmine
redmine issues notifier Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53890 (New): redmine_fetch_email_attachments
Plugin for redmine to attach email attachments to issues Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53889 (New): redmine_work_time
Original code is http://code.google.com/p/kusu/wiki/WorkTime. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53888 (New): redmine-quotes-plugin
A simple quotations system which links to the existing invoices plugin Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53887 (New): redmine_issue_id
Adds support for issue ids in format: CODE-number. This is the fork of Andriy Lesyuk’s issue-id Redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53886 (New): redmine_project_burndown_callbacks
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53885 (New): ViewCustomizeRecipe
Redmine「View customize plugin」のレシピ Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53884 (New): Redmine-RepositoriesUpdateIssuewithSVNcommit
Redmine repositories update Resolved By and Resolution Type custom fields when svn commit resolves an issue and Autom... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53883 (New): redmine_more_filters
Redmine plugin adds necessary filters to queries Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53882 (New): redmine_issue_icons
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53881 (New): Redmine-All-Issues
This plugin extends the top menu to display the link ”View all issues” next to ”Projects” Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53880 (New): wiki-redmine-gen
A PHP generator for redmine wiki (with our school constraints) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53879 (New): redmine_home_page_redirector
When a user is signed-in. The Home link sends to My Page Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53878 (New): redmine_outage_report
Outage Report Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53877 (New): acrachilisync
A tool to sync Acra GoogleDoc report with Redmine bug tracker. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53876 (New): issue-id
this is a fork of Andriy Lesyuk’s issue-id Redmine plugin. Added Redmine 3.x compatibility Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53875 (New): redmine-alfredworkflow
Workflow to quickly open redmine project page from Alfred Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53874 (New): redmine_checkout
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53873 (New): redmine_mailstatus
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53872 (New): redmine_default_members
A Redmine plugin to add default members on project creation, easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53871 (New): redmine_issue_changesets_view_link_github
Link GitHub from tickets instead of Redmine’s built-in repository browser. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53870 (New): redmine_account_policy
Password Expiry and other enhancements Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53869 (New): redmine_notified
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53868 (New): Coalmine
A dark theme for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53867 (New): redmine_changeset_statuses
Allows external services to set a state on revisions to consult it directly in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53866 (New): pyredmine-cli
Simple CLI to redmine using pyredminews wrapper around it’s XML Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53865 (New): redmine_pull_requests
Variant of https://github.com/edavis10/redmine_simple_support Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53864 (New): redmine_import_reqpro
Plugin for Redmine to import RequisitePro baseline files Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53863 (New): redmine_wiki_syntax_ja
Redmineのwikiヘルプ(public/help/wiki_syntax*.html)の日本語版です。 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53862 (New): redmine_js_base_path
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53861 (New): redmine_report
redmine插件,功能自动生成个人日报周报,方便人员管理使用 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53860 (New): redmine-clients-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53859 (New): boardie
A status board that front-ends Redmine with Kanban-esque views - it’s pretty much only useful to PL staff Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53858 (New): redmine_preview_inline
Plugin for Redmine. Preview attachments inline. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53857 (New): redminefs
Redmine filesystem written in Go Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53856 (New): redmine_attribute_quickies
Plugin for Redmine. With only one click set arbitrary combinations of issue attributes, custom fields and time entrie... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53855 (New): redmine_calendar_subscription
a Redmine plugin for calendar subscriptions of planned issues Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53854 (New): asterisk_redmine_integration
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53853 (New): redmine-nginx-letsencrypt
Docker Compose for Redmine with NGINX Reverse Proxy and Let’s Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificate Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53852 (New): redmine-issue-hot-buttons-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53851 (New): redminer
Get stuff from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53850 (New): vagrant-fabric-redmine
Fabric script to install Redmine in Vagrant Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53849 (New): redmine-sync
Perl script to sync individual projects to another Redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53848 (New): redmine_github_links
Redmine plugin for easy adding links to GitHub commits Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53847 (New): estamation
This is a plugin for Redmine 3.3. This plugin allows to create estimation for projects and convert estimation to project Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53846 (New): redmine-centos7-mariadb-ansible
CentOSにRedmineを自動インストールするためのAnsibleプレイブック Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53845 (New): redmine-time-map
Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53844 (New): redmine_notification_center
WORK IN PROGRESS - Adds various fine-grained options for redmine notifications Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53843 (New): redmine_page_break_macro
Redmine plugin for adding page break macro that specify a page break position in wiki page Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53842 (New): redmine_cmdb
UNMAINTAINED - A redmine plugin to connect with any CMDB Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53841 (New): redmine_touch_context_menu
Replacement for Redmine Context Menu Javascript Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53840 (New): redmine_base_jquery
OBSOLETE !!!! - A redmine plugin to provide jquery support until redmine core switches to jquery Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53839 (New): redmine_embedded_flash
This plugin lets you embed Flash content in Redmine wiki, issues, etc. thanks to a new macro. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53838 (New): redmine-alpine
Simple Docker images to run Redmine tracker on Alpine linux distro Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53837 (New): redmine_notify_news_every_member
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53836 (New): ansible-redmine
A set of roles that help to deploy the Redmine web application. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53835 (New): redtrack
time tracking app for redmine using javafx Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53834 (New): redmine_thumbnail_embed
Macro for embedding images into redmine issues and wiki pages more easily than with the default markup. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53833 (New): redmine_prefix_issue_with_author
Redmine plugin that will prefix the Issue subject with the author’s name. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53832 (New): redmine-earth-theme
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53831 (New): redmine-plugin-journal-change-notifier
A Redmine plugin to notify journal change by e-mail Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53830 (New): redmine_another_page
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53829 (New): chiliproject_knowledgebase
An easy way to capture knowledge you are already creating in ChiliProject/Redmine and make it easier to discover and ... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53828 (New): Phusion-Redmine
The redmine rails app deployed on heroku Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53827 (New): toggl-redmine
Non-destructive Toggl API to Redmine API sync tool with update capability and error reporting Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53826 (New): redmine
created by Livetek Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53825 (New): redmine_extended_project_roles
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53824 (New): redmine_additional_project_settings
A redmine plugin: adds a couple of additional settings-columns to your project’s settings, which you can edit in proj... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53823 (New): CoffeeMine
A Redmine-inspired project management system based on Java technologies Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53822 (New): extended_profile
Extend redmine to store additional information in a user’s profile Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53821 (New): redmine-slack-bot
Slack bot that replies information about a Redmine issue when a message contains a hash with a Redmine id (e.g. #1234) Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53820 (New): redorg
redmine to org-mode adaptor Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53819 (New): redmine_knowledge_manager
Redmine plugin to store and manage users’ knowledge Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53818 (New): Redmine-Api-Client
A Redmine-API Client Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53817 (New): redmine_cpm
Capacity Planning Manager for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53816 (New): redmine_for_clients
Semi-private fork of Redmine.org for my clients. No support provided, all code released under the GPLv2 Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53815 (New): redmine_restricted_members_managament
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53814 (New): redmine_ms_import_export
Basic Import/Export from MS Project to Redmine and vice versa. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53813 (New): redmine-additional-history-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53812 (New): redmine_issues_hub
The plugin collects the modules (issues, gantt and calendar) under a single tab. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53811 (New): redmine-plugin-wiki-change-notifier
A Redmine plugin to add changed Wiki content to notification mails Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53810 (New): redmine-issues-plugin
A new take on Jenkins-Redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53809 (New): global_roles
Plugin for Redmine which provides standart Roles privelegies usage without of projects Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53808 (New): galvanium
A Redmine issue tracker clone built using Grails, ZK and Redis. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53807 (New): redmine_recent_issues
Redmine plugin to show the recent issues reported to help prevent duplicate bug reports. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53806 (New): redmine_gitbranchdisplay
Basic plugin to see branches an issues revision lies on. Also closest tags. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53805 (New): redmine_require_issue_assigned_to
Require Issue Assigned To is a plugin to require setting the assigned to on issues. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53804 (New): redmine-ldap-kerberos
Redmine plugin to authenticate LDAP users with kerberos password Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53803 (New): redmine_hudson
Hudson integration within redmine, port from SVN http://r-labs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/redmine_hudson/ Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53802 (New): Redmine-Issue-Checklist-Plugin
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53801 (New): redmine_import_from_csv
Redmine plugin to import a list of issues from csv file into redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53800 (New): Dev-Env-Toolkit
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53799 (New): redmine_code_view_configuration
Configures whether to display History, View or Annotate page by default when user clicks on a file in a Redmine repos... Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53798 (New): redmine_snipt
This is a Redmine plugin to be able to embed snippets from http://snipt.net at the Redmine’s wiki. Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53797 (New): latch-plugin-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53796 (New): redmine_queries_management
Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53795 (New): redmine-foundation-theme
Foundation theme for redmine Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53794 (New): redmine-nosy
Make your redmine boring tasks automatically! Admin Redmine
09:25 github-repo #53793 (New): redmine_operations
運用作業のチケット管理を楽にしたい Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53792 (New): redmine-time-registration
Application to automatically register on Redmine your time entries based on a excel sheet. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53791 (New): redmine-login
Login to Symfony using Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53790 (New): redmine_issue_statistics
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53789 (New): redmine_news_macros
Redmine plugin that adds a few News macros Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53788 (New): redmine_restricted_status
Redmine plugin to restrict status changes in specific projects. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53787 (New): redmine_issuelimits
Redmine New Issue limits plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53786 (New): redmine_backdate_blocker
A Redmine plugin that prevents users from clocking time to past dates. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53785 (New): redmine-flat-theme
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53784 (New): Redmine-Importer-Fixes
Patches for Redmine Importer Plugin. This work is based on http://www.martinliu.info/2009/04/redmine_importer-redmine... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53783 (New): auto_fields
Redmine plugin for auto-changing fields values dependig on issue state Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53782 (New): redmine_require_issue_deliverable
Require Issue Deliverable is a plugin to require setting the deliverable on issues. (From http://github.com/edavis10/... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53781 (New): SelfSpentTime
view only self-spent time in redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53780 (New): redmine_external_signup
Coming soon... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53779 (New): redmine_event_notification_override
A Redmine plugin to override the ”I don’t want to be notified of changes that I make myself” email option systemwide. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53778 (New): redmine_email_only_owner
This plugin adds a Project module that will make issue events only send emails to the issue owner. Useful in high-tr... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53777 (New): redmine_backtrace
Redmine plugin to include backtraces as a part of an issue Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53776 (New): redmine-iframe-plugin
A plugin that adds a tab with configurable caption to show an URL into and iframe Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53775 (New): redmine-telebot
Telegram Bot for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53774 (New): timelogger
Time billing webapp with optional Redmine sync Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53773 (New): RedmineHourglassNet
.NET client for redmine_hourglass REST API Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53772 (New): MonthChart
A nice Redmine plugin showing month worktime in a calendar Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53771 (New): redmine_osx_ids
A Redmine plugin for authenticating with Mac OS X Identity Services Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53770 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Mirror of https://bitbucket.org/akiko_pusu/redmine_issue_templates — on Git for submodules support. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53769 (New): freifunk-red-andy
responsive redmine theme with logo and favicon Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53768 (New): redmine_role_replacements
Redmine plugin for per-project role replacements. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53767 (New): redmine_ideas
Ideas board plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53766 (New): redmine_linked_custom_fields
plugin redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53765 (New): pyredmine
Python library for Redmine REST API access. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53764 (New): Redmine-doc
Инструкция redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53763 (New): puppet-l2mesh
[Note: This is a fork from http://redmine.the.re/projects/l2mesh] - l2mesh is a tinc based virtual switch, implemente... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53762 (New): redmine-cclist-plugin
Checks the CC field of emails sent to redmine for non-members and loops them into discussions on that ticket Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53761 (New): redmine_autocomplete_subject
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53760 (New): ems-flasher-gui
[UNMAINTAINED] A GUI application for ems flasher http://lacklustre.net/redmine/projects/ems-flash Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53759 (New): redmine_redcarpet_viewer
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53758 (New): archivebot
IRC bot for collecting information from an infobot and posting it en masse to a Redmine wiki page. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53757 (New): redmine_rate
Redmine plugin for managing billable rates and costs based on logged time. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53756 (New): libernix-redmine-ecogreen
A professional looking, green-styled theme for Redmine Project Management System. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53755 (New): issue_query
Redmine plugin for issue list query Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53754 (New): vagrant-bp-redmine
beproud redmine environment by using vagrant+chef Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53753 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
git clone of the Redmine Wiki Extensions Plugin (https://bitbucket.org/haru_iida/redmine_wiki_extensions/) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53752 (New): libernix-redmine-ecopurple
A professional looking, purple-styled theme for Redmine Project Management System. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53751 (New): redmine_hr
Redmine plugin for HR-managers Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53750 (New): redmine_assign_narrowdown
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53749 (New): redmine_wiki_toc
forked from git://git.academ.org/redmine_wiki_toc.git Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53748 (New): redmine_info_api
adding the missing admin::info api to redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53747 (New): projects_table
Redmine plugin that provides projects table using ajax datatables. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53746 (New): vagrant_redmine
Vagrant project for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53745 (New): redmine_status_notifications
Quick and dirty solution to send a notification to users when the issue enters a specific state Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53744 (New): ttm
Is a plugin for project management Redmine. Allows you to create a subscription for the various activities and keep r... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53743 (New): redmine_project_custom_tabs
Redmine Projects Custom tabs Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53742 (New): redmine-on-mysql-encrypted-backup-to-S3
Encrypted backup and restore redmine+mysql instance to AWS S3. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53741 (New): node-red-contrib-redmine
Node-RED nodes for Redmine via REST API Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53740 (New): redmine_stats
Redmine/Chiliproject ticket statistics Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53739 (New): EasyRedmine
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53738 (New): redmine-miss-api
Successor of the redmine-customfield-info project Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53737 (New): mantis-to-redmine
Mantis to Redmine Import functionality Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53736 (New): nxs-go-redmine
Go package for access to Redmine API Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53735 (New): rore
A command line tool for working with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53734 (New): redmine_twitter_bootstrap
Twitter Bootstrap plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53733 (New): redmine_backlogs
This project has moved. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53732 (New): redmine_advanced_issue_history
Redmine Advanced Issue History plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53731 (New): libernix-redmine-ecored
A professional looking, red-styled theme for Redmine Project Management System. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53730 (New): redmine_unregistered_watchers
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53729 (New): redmine_jsequation_macros
Javascript equation macros for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53728 (New): vim-syntax-redminewiki
Redmine wiki syntax highlighting for Vim Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53727 (New): import-users-to-redmine
Импорт пользователей в Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53726 (New): redmine_kanbanery
Redmine Plugin to integrate it with Kanbanery Tracker Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53725 (New): round_robin
Redmine plugin to auto assign to members on group assignment via round robin. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53724 (New): redmine-http_basic_authentication
Use HTTP Basic Authentication for login and IMPLICIT registration! Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53723 (New): redmine-zip-attachments
A redmine plugin to enable downloading of issue attachments as a single zip. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53722 (New): vuls-to-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53721 (New): ruboty-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53720 (New): redmine_scm_plugin
Redmine SCM Creator plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53719 (New): redmine_local_avatars
git clone from https://launchpad.net/redminelocalavatars Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53718 (New): RemoteTicketSupport
simple plugin that show how to add issues to redmine remotely Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53717 (New): redmine_auto_time_entries
Automatically converts time entries, so that they are simpler to enter Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53716 (New): VagrantSaltstackRedmine
Install Redmine on a VirtualBox with Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS using Vagrant and SaltStack Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53715 (New): redmine_tracker_status_trigger
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53714 (New): github-redmine-migration
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53713 (New): RedLog
A simple time-tracking application for Redmine. I was not happy with web-based time tracking plugins so decided to ma... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53712 (New): oggetto_redmine_improvements
Oggetto Web Redmine Improvement Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey User Script Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53711 (New): redmine_scm_creator
Redmine SCM Creator Plugin’s mirror for GitHub Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53710 (New): whitewall
Whitewall is a plugin for Redmine giving the users an overview what others do by showing their issues per week Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53709 (New): redmine_karma_police
(Pretty old) Karma (rating) for redmine users (plugin). You can set permissions to vote and to view in user’s setting... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53708 (New): redmine_websocket_notifier
Redmine websocket notifer plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53707 (New): redmine-neopoly_style
Custom style overrides for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53706 (New): redmine_advanced_attachment_links
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53705 (New): QGIS-Redmine-Hub
Redmine plugin for hub.qgis.org customization Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53704 (New): redmine_default_assignee
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53703 (New): redmine-personal_wiki_page
Adds a link to a personal wiki page to Redmine’s header Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53702 (New): redmine_skype_link
Add skype links to redmine wiki formatting Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53701 (New): issue_update_hook
Redmine Issue Update Hook Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53700 (New): redmine_workflow_api
Redmine API to access workflow status transitions and field permissions. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53699 (New): redmine_email_attach
Redmine plugin to attach incoming emails to tickets on rake Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53698 (New): redmine-timebank
Show a table with summation total of spent and estimated hours, story points, remaining and projected in version pages. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53697 (New): basecamp2redmine
Simple script to import Basecamp XML data into Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53696 (New): redgit
Redmine command line interface and various Redmine-git related scripts Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53695 (New): grtk
Set of convenience scripts that allows developers to interact with redmine from CLI Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53694 (New): redmine_zxcvbn
Redmine zxcvbn plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53693 (New): autotask
Git hook to automatically manage Redmine tasks based on TODO/FIXME comments Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53692 (New): redmine_wiki_issue_fields
This plugin adds a wiki macro to make it easier to list the details of issues on a wiki page. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53691 (New): redmine_japanese_help
replace redmine help link to japanese guide (Redmine.jp) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53690 (New): redmine_hide_emails_by_default
Simple redmine plugin that hides the user’s emails by default. Requires migration. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53689 (New): that_email_log
Enables logging of all outgoing email messages that are sent by Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53688 (New): confluence-redmine-macro
Confluence macro that allows you to integrate with Redmine via REST API. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53687 (New): docker-redmine-config
my-config for `sameersbn/docker-redmine` Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53686 (New): redmine_irccat_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53685 (New): graylog-redmine-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53684 (New): RedNodeKit
simple redmine client Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53683 (New): redmine-supybot-plugin
Redmine plugin to comunicate with supybot via ExternalControl Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53682 (New): redmine-buildbot
A JSONRPC-based Redmine Buildbot Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53681 (New): gnu_radio_tutorials_ko
[GNU Radio tutorials](http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Tutorials)를 개인적인 목적으로 번역합니다. 번역 솜씨가 형편없습니다. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53680 (New): restmine-scrum-board
SCRUM board based on the REST API of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53679 (New): redmine_permits
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53678 (New): redmine_ruby_lang_mailing_list_customization
A redmine plugin that customizes redmine for Ruby’s issue tracker Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53677 (New): redmine_support
Let Redmine fetch your support@mycompany.com mail and automatically create issues from each email, giving the custome... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53676 (New): redshape
Time tracker for Redmine. React, Redux, Electron Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53675 (New): libernix-redmine-ecoyellow
A professional looking, yellow-styled theme for Redmine Project Management System. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53674 (New): redmine_synchrony
Redmine Synchrony plugin makes copies of last updated issues from another redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53673 (New): redmine_smile_project_enumerations_custom_field_format
Adds a new Custom Field Format that stores its values in project enumerations Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53672 (New): redmine-reverse-scaffold
Rerverse scaffold demo from Redmine database schema Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53671 (New): redmine_ical
RedmineでチケットをiCalで出力するpluginです Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53670 (New): redmine_js_syntax_highlighter
the Redmine’s Javascript Syntax highlighter plugin which render source on the browser through javscript Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53669 (New): RedmineREST
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53668 (New): redmine_planning
Redmine plugin for personal time management Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53667 (New): redmine-charts
Redmine Charts is a web application which extends ProgForce Redmine with charts Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53666 (New): redmine_access_filters
Redmine plugin for denying web or REST API access from specific IP addresses for specific users and groups Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53665 (New): redmine_github_sync
Redmine + Github Pull Requests Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53664 (New): redmine_zendesk_issue_bridge
Redmine to ZenDesk Issue Bridge Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53663 (New): redmine-scrum2b-theme
The Scrum2B Theme for RedMine, based on Twitter Bootstrap and other themes Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53662 (New): redmine_embed_html5_video
Embed local and remote videos as html5 tags into redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53661 (New): somatics_filter
Rewrite of redmine_filter Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53660 (New): redmine_markups
This is a redmine plugin for supporting Markdown, mediawiki,rdoc and etc as wiki format. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53659 (New): RedmineKit
Redmine interface for Objective-C Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53658 (New): redmine_estimated_time_sidebar
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53657 (New): KPI-Redmine
Key performance indicator plugin for redmine using google-chart Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53656 (New): issue_votes
A redmine plugin to bring a visioned voting system to Redmine 3.x.x Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53655 (New): redmine-omniauth-oauth-cas
CAS OAuth2 plugin/client for Redmine. It allows authentication and creation of users in Redmine using Apereo CAS 5+ a... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53654 (New): redmine_windowsauth
This is a plugin for Redmine that allows SSO with Windows Authentication Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53653 (New): redmine-console
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53652 (New): redmine-testmgt
Test case management plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53651 (New): redmine_scheduler
A lab coach/tutor scheduling plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53650 (New): redmine_pluggable_themes
Allows Redmine plugins to export themes in assets Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53649 (New): redmine_contacts_ext
Provide additional resources to CRM Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53648 (New): logback-redmine-appender
Integrate Logback and Redmine issue tracking system Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53647 (New): bugzilla_to_redmine
Utility to copy bugs from Bugzilla to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53646 (New): redmine_send_issue_reply_email
It is a plugin that provides the email sending feature to non Redmine users when registering notes. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53645 (New): apijs
Beautiful javascript popup and slideshow. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53644 (New): redmine_group_assignee
screenshot link http://www.redmine.org/plugins/groupsassignee Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53643 (New): GitRedmineResolver
Auto-resolves Redmine issues based on Git commit messages Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53642 (New): RedmineToBitrix24
Impoirt tasks from Redmine to Bitrix24 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53641 (New): circle
Redmine Circle Theme Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53640 (New): redmine_centosadmin_rating
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53639 (New): redmine-smartmine-theme
Redmine mobile theme customized for smartphones Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53638 (New): Redmine-Recent-Issue-List
Provides a list of recently viewed issues in redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53637 (New): redmine_draw_erd
Generate Entity Relationship Diagrams Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53636 (New): redmine_custom_fields_deps
Redmine plugin that allows you to make two custom fields with list format and issue related to depend as category and... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53635 (New): bestest_sidebar_annihilator
This is an awesome plugin to hide/show the side-bar in Redmine. It’s great. It’s the bestest. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53634 (New): Redmine-Orphan-Revisions
View not linked revisions in Redmine roadmap Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53633 (New): RedmineBoost
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53632 (New): redmine_opensearch
Mirror of https://dev.holgerjust.de/svn/redmine-opensearch Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53631 (New): dev-server-playbook
An Ansible playbook to provision a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server as development server for programmers. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53630 (New): redmine-plugin-wiki-external
Redmine plugin to use an external wiki system instead of Redmine’s built-in wiki Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53629 (New): redmine-swagger
redmine web api specification in swagger(OpenAPI) specification Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53628 (New): pivotal_miner
Redmine Plugin to Sync Pivotal Tracker with Redmine and vise versa Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53627 (New): redmine-more_view_hooks
Allows adding more view hooks into Redmine’s templates Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53626 (New): redmine_cloudmailin_handler
Redmine plugin that patches the default incoming mail handler to work with Cloudmailin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53625 (New): redmine-issue-date-shift
Play with issue dates to shitft some issues and respect weekends Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53624 (New): redmine_rt
Redmine plugin for Real-Time notification of events Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53623 (New): Redmine_cacheable_pages
Redmine plugin for caching pages requested from anonymous users. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53622 (New): Redmine-to-Pivotal-Tracker-Importer
Converter of Redmine CSV export file into Pivotal Trackers for importing with smooth auto-mapping of fields Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53621 (New): redmine_prometheus
Prometheus monitoring capability for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53620 (New): redmine_scrum_cards
Redmine scrum cards plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53619 (New): redmine-gantt-menu-link
This plugin adds the gantt view for all the projects to the top menu Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53618 (New): redmine_version_calendar
A Redmine plugin that adds a monthly calendar with all version due dates. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53617 (New): Redmine-GCO
A Redmine plugin for Configuration Management Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53616 (New): redmine-deploy
Capistrano recipes for Redmine deployment Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53615 (New): redmine_group_owners
This plugin let admins select one or more users as group owner to manage group. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53614 (New): redmine_dmsf
Unofficial Git Mirror of Redmine/Chiliproject Plugin redmine_dmsf -- readme: https://github.com/MarFarMa/redmine_dmsf... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53613 (New): redmine_reveal
Plugin that transforms Redmine wiki pages in a slideshow Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53612 (New): Redmine
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53611 (New): gitmine
Redmine + Gitosis Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53610 (New): redmine_autohier
A Redmine plugin that provides a more convenient wiki page hierarchy Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53609 (New): redmine_bioproj
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53608 (New): RedMineIssueCreator
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53607 (New): RedmineBot
A Redmine CLI tool write with Swift. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53606 (New): redmine_customer_plus
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53605 (New): redmine-drupal
A Drupal module for redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53604 (New): redmine_enforce_time_entry
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53603 (New): redmine-git-repo-hook
Scripts for updating redmine repo info on git post-receive hook Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53602 (New): slack-redmine-bot
Redmine issue expander for Slack Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53601 (New): redmine_browserid
Mozilla Persona/BrowserID authentication support for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53600 (New): redmineReport
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53599 (New): hkredmine
A Redmine CLI Client and API Library Written in Haskell. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53598 (New): Facets
A Redmine client for iPhone and iPad. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53597 (New): ezfaq_plugin
Personalized the Ezfaq plugin for redmine. The original developer is zouchaoqun Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53596 (New): redmine_anonymous_watchers
Redmine Anonymous Watchers plug-in Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53595 (New): Redmine-Related-Buster
Redmine plugin to show and mass update related issues with their children if state of parent is not same as on related. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53594 (New): redmine_tour
This is the RedmineTour plugin, extracted from Planio (plan.io), a Redmine hosting service. This is experimental, you... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53593 (New): ansible-redmine
ansible playbook to install git, subversion and redmine via passenger Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53592 (New): redmine-authsource-clientlogin
An AuthSource subclass for Redmine to allow logging in via Gmail and/or Hosted Google Apps accounts Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53591 (New): redmine_doc_pu
Redmine doc pu plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53590 (New): Request-Tracker-to-Redmine-Migration
Script to assist in migrating existing Request Tracker (tm) systems to Redmine (tm) systems Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53589 (New): lita-redmine
Redmine/Chiliproject handler for Lita bot Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53588 (New): redmine-to-yona
migration tool from redmine to yona Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53587 (New): redmine_issue_closer
Redmine - Automatic closing of resolved issues Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53586 (New): redmine_version_priorities
A Redmine plugin that allows Versions to be prioritized. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53585 (New): RedNotify
Mac app to post a notification by monitoring the tickets of redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53584 (New): redmine_post_action_hooks
Sends a HTTP POST request with information about some action to a URL of your choice Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53583 (New): redmine_issue_readability_theme
Redmine Issue Readability Theme. This theme supports high readability of the result list. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53582 (New): redmine_remove_menus
Redmine plugin to remove menus from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53581 (New): redmine-plugin-kanbantool
A Redmine plugin connecting kanbantool.com with Redmine by letting users choose to automatically add an entry into Ka... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53580 (New): chiliproject-to-redmine_vagrant-vm
A Vagrant Ubuntu 12.04 Precise VM to migrate Chiliproject to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53579 (New): access_tickets
Access Rights Manager based on Redmine - учет прав доступа к ресурсам Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53578 (New): redmine_conv_htmltotextile
HTML to Textile conversion plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53577 (New): chiliproject_add_ldap_users
ChiliProject/Redmine plugin: Import users from LDAP using their username Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53576 (New): redmine_issue_cloner
plugin to redmine for clone issue Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53575 (New): redmine_messenger
Plugin to allow users to communicate with Redmine via Instant Messenger. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53574 (New): bug_board
A dashboard that hooks into the Redmine issue tracker Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53573 (New): redmine-issues
Redmine Issues Rest API Client for node.js Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53572 (New): redmine
redmine fork from svn redmine reposotpry Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53571 (New): redmine_atjs
Integration of redmine with at.js Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53570 (New): redmine_issue_to_email
Plugin for Redmine to export issues as an email with attachments almost like a webarchive file Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53569 (New): redmine-attachable-items
This is a redmine plugin that utilize custom items and attach them to issues. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53568 (New): redmine_url_tabs
A Redmine plugin to add multiple per-project tabs associated to custom URLs Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53567 (New): redmine-burndown
Redmine Burndown Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53566 (New): redmine_pushover
Get push notifications from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53565 (New): redmine-assistant
Google Chrome extension for manage redmine tasks Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53564 (New): redmine_ads
Redmine plugin to show advertising. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53563 (New): acts_as_journalized
Provide journals to any Redmine model Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53562 (New): EZAssigneeFounder
This is a small JQuery script providing assignee searching for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53561 (New): redmine_dashboard
Redmine Dynamic Dashboard plugin created during Ruby Rampage 2016 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53560 (New): modal_windows
Redmine plugin for modal windows Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53559 (New): redmine_extra_recipients
Adds additional recipients to email notifications Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53558 (New): redmine_time_logging_app
this redmine plugin adds a new menu entry and separate section to log and edit ones own spent time in one place, in a... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53557 (New): single-project-forward
A Redmine plugin to redirect from main page to project home if only one project is available Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53556 (New): redmine_budget
A redmine plugin: plan the budget of your project - plan its’ roles, manhours, costs and incomes, and see it all in a... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53555 (New): redmine_board_tagging
redmine plugin board tagging Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53554 (New): redmine_issue_reminder
An automatic reminder to all issue assigned personal base on query results Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53553 (New): mod_auth_mysql
Add redmine 1.x/2.x auth with salt Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53552 (New): moonshine_redmine
Moonshine plugin to setup Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53551 (New): redmine_default_assign
Redmine ticket #482:Default assignment setting -- converted to a plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53550 (New): redmine_bots_filter
Prevent common bots and web spiders from accessing parts of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53549 (New): redmine-ami-playbook
This repository is Ansible playbook for Redmine machine image on Amazon Web services. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53548 (New): redmine-forum-email-integration
Redmine with email integration functionality added in Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53547 (New): redmine.wdgt
A MacOSX dashboard widget for Redmine tracker Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53546 (New): redmine
redmine android app Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53545 (New): redmine_thumbnail_pdf
Plugin for Redmine. Show pdf attachments as thumnailable image Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53544 (New): redmine-wiki-exporter
A simple script to export all wiki pages and their attachments of a Redmine server. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53543 (New): dramatis-redmine
The Dramatis Redmine support site git repository Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53542 (New): enhanced_queries
Some queries improvmets for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53541 (New): redmine_theme_ministere
A theme inspired by the basecamp theme Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53540 (New): redmine-my-page-queries
Misc my page custom queries. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53539 (New): redmine_josso
Redmine JOSSO Authentication Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53538 (New): pm-dashboard
Redmine PM Dashboard plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53537 (New): BitrixRedmine
Laravel, синхронизация пользователей из Битрикс24 в redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53536 (New): plugin-installer
Plugin into Redmine to easily handle installing and upgrading Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53535 (New): redmine_auto_resubmission
Redmine plugin to resubmit / follow up (German: ”Wiedervorlage”) an issue after it has been put away. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53534 (New): redmine-cli
CLI for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53533 (New): Redmine-Global-Milestones
provides a view for all milestones (versions) for every project Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53532 (New): redmine_hamster
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53531 (New): redmine_logs
Redmine logs plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53530 (New): redsun
Red Sun - Apache Solr Search Integration for Redmine based on Sunspot Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53529 (New): redmine_diff_popup
This plugin provide on pop-up show feature of diff. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53528 (New): ansible-redmine
Correct redmine installation via ansible on debian 9 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53527 (New): pidgin-redmine
This is a plugin for the Redmine project management tool. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53526 (New): redmine_apf
project plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53525 (New): redmine-attach-screenshot-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53524 (New): rbot_plugin_redmine
Redminux is a redmine plugin for rbot Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53523 (New): redmine_wiki_exporter
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53522 (New): ezftpsearch
redmine plugin to perform ftp site search, a ftp spider is included Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53521 (New): Redmine-User-Management-script
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53520 (New): macro-redmine
Displays issues from a Redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53519 (New): redmine_time_limit
Redmine Time Limit Plugin is used to monitor spent time by employees at the working place. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53518 (New): rdm
Redmine Command Line Client. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53517 (New): install_redmine
Install Redmine Script Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53516 (New): redmine_my_page_queries
Add Saved Queries to ”my page” in redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53515 (New): Devbot
An IRC bot that tracks development (Git, Trello, Redmine) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53514 (New): emails_footer
Redmine plugin, changes standard emails footer to current user signature Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53513 (New): redmine_sudo
A Redmine plugin to make admin users become super user before they can actually employ admin powers. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53512 (New): kanboard-redmine
Import Redmine issues in Kanboard Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53511 (New): weekly
redmine周报插件 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53510 (New): redmine_estimate_reflection
A plugin for redmine to review estimated and spent time for a project Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53509 (New): redmine_project_stats
quick and dirty hack to get some stats from redmine. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53508 (New): redmine_time_tracker
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53507 (New): redmine-news-notifier-plugin
News Notifier is a Redmine plugin that will allow the news writer to select the members of the project which will rec... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53506 (New): compel_plugin
redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53505 (New): redmine-1.2.1-for-heroku
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53504 (New): redmine_arrangeable_graph_maker
グラフメーカー(Redmineプラグイン) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53503 (New): redmine-news-via-email-plugin
plugin for redmine, enables adding comments and news via email. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53502 (New): redmine_ldap_passwd
Redmine plugin to integrate LDAP reset and change password features. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53501 (New): redmine-web-client
A web client for Redmine. Currently aimed for time tracking across tasks and projects Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53500 (New): auto-timesheet
Add redmine timesheet automatically and periodically. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53499 (New): redmine-plugin-send_notification
Plugin for Redmine to send notification to recipient Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53498 (New): redmine_multiproject_issue_adder
Redmin plugin which lets you add same issue to multiple projects at once Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53497 (New): project-sync-plugin
Allows GLPI to sync with Redmine Projects Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53496 (New): RedmineMobile
A responsive design theme for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53495 (New): redmine_gherkinviewer
Redmine Plugin: Display feature files from project repository directly in a ”Features” tab in the project. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53494 (New): redmine-client
Redmine Client from http://redmineclient.sourceforge.net Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53493 (New): redmine_planner
Import and export planner files in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53492 (New): testia-tarantula-redmine-integration
Testia Tarantual Redmine Integration Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53491 (New): project2redmine
Console Script for MS Project to Redmine bi-directional synchronization Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53490 (New): redmine_issues_macros
Redmine plugin which provide 3 macros Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53489 (New): redmine2jira
Export Redmine issues to file formats compatible with the JIRA Importers plugin (JIM) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53488 (New): redmine_plugin_updates
[DISCONTINUED] A simple update checker for the plugins installed in a Redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53487 (New): tickey
Create work for other people via the command line in RedMine/Chili Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53486 (New): redmine_yojitsu
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53485 (New): redmine_parallel_issue
複数の担当者を指定すると、人数分チケットを発行します。 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53484 (New): redmine_move_comments
Plugin for redmine allows the comment movement between issues Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53483 (New): redmine_watcher_groups
Select issue watchers by groups. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53482 (New): redmine_alerts
Reporting plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53481 (New): Dart-Redmine-Spent-Time-Visualizer
Visualizes the spend time of each team member of a Redmine Project in a spiderchart/radarchart. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53480 (New): redmine_4_0_2_plugins
All of them works fine,back them up Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53479 (New): redmine-generators
Helpful generators for Redmine plugin authors. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53478 (New): redmine_member_location_board
This redmine plugin provides a member location board. プロジェクトメンバーの行先掲示板です。 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53477 (New): redmine-powerkit
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53476 (New): Redmine-Login-Attempt-Limiter-plugin
Allows the administrator to limit the number of allowed login attempts. Is this number exceeded the account gets lock... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53475 (New): redmine_users_performance
A redmine plugin that graphically shows the time entries of users. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53474 (New): redmine_gitlab
Redmine Gitlab Plugin is used to connect Redmine and Gitlab (http://gitlab.org/) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53473 (New): redmine_status_report
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53472 (New): redmine_auto_assign_group
Redmine Auto Assign Group Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53471 (New): redmine_site_feedback
Plugin to provide site-wide feedback tab for users to ease the process of accessing feedback forums, issue tracker & ... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53470 (New): redmine_wiki_pre_util
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53469 (New): redcase
Redcase is a test case management plug-in for the Redmine issues tracker Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53468 (New): redmine_scm
Fork of http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/scm-creator Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53467 (New): redmine_project_specific_custom_field
A redmine plugin that allows managing custom fields on an individual project basis Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53466 (New): redmine_rt_import
This plugin will import XML files exported from Microsoft Project and create users, parent project, subprojects and i... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53465 (New): redmine_mediawiki_formatter
Mediawiki formatter plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53464 (New): redmine2github
Import Redmine issues and roadmaps into GitHub issues Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53463 (New): redmine_smart_ganttchart
This repository is deprecated. See forked repository: https://github.com/sunagimo/redmine_smart_ganttchart Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53462 (New): redmine_issue_open_date
This plugin is designed to open frozen issues on the scheduled day Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53461 (New): wiking
The Wiki: Next Generation plugin (WikiNG) adds some new and useful extentions to Redmine Wiki syntax. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53460 (New): redmine_audit
Redmine plugin for checking Redmine’s own vulnerabilities Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53459 (New): redmine_cli
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53458 (New): redmine-dingding
redmine通过webhook发送消息至钉钉 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53457 (New): redmine_will_deploy
Redmine Plugin to have Quorum of TWO on deploy descisions Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53456 (New): redmine_repository_maintenance
Maintain (hg|git|dvcs) repository in redmine (fork, create, admin, etc) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53455 (New): redmine-issue-status-auto-open
Redmine Plugin : When someone spent time on a task, automatically switch it’s status to open if the current status or... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53454 (New): redmine_include_macro_extension
Make it possible to include a section of wiki Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53453 (New): libredmine
A library and command line client for interfacing with the Redmine project management web application Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53452 (New): redmine_documents_short
This is a Redmine plugin to simplify the documents page. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53451 (New): nycga-drupal-theme
Drupal 7 theme based on html5_boilerplate and design elements from NYCGA.net. Also supports Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53450 (New): wiking
Redmine 3.x compatible version of the WikiNG Redmine plugin by Andriy Lesyuk Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53449 (New): kanbanter
A kanban viewer that queries redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53448 (New): redmine_zquery
Redmine plugin that allows using simple OR between query filters Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53447 (New): redmine_new_user_actions
A plugin to do actions at user creation Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53446 (New): plugin_manager
Allow easy select which plugins will be used in redmine for each environment. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53445 (New): simple_author_change
A redmine plugin to change author Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53444 (New): puppet-redmine
puppet manifests for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53443 (New): redmine_theme_sparse
redmine theme for a projector/flatscreen for dashboard style view. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53442 (New): redmine-api
php api to redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53441 (New): redmine_webhook
A Redmine plugin posts webhook on creating and updating tickets, originally forked from @sue Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53440 (New): redmine_link_to_root
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53439 (New): redmine-favorite-locations
Add quick links to your most-accessed pages on the home page and save valuable time! Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53438 (New): redmine_password_tool
Redmine Password Management Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53437 (New): RedmineBundle
A Symfony2 bundle for the Redmine class from http://tspycher.com/using-the-redmine-api-with-php/ Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53436 (New): redmine_favicon
Mirror of https://dev.holgerjust.de/svn/redmine-favicon Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53435 (New): redmine_will_ship
Redmine Plugin to check tickets shipping status against harbors Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53434 (New): redmine_jstoolbar_ext_images
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53433 (New): redmine_alex_skin
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53432 (New): redmine_json_rpc
JSON RPC for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53431 (New): redmine_code_review
This is a plugin for Redmine which lets you annotate source code within the repository browser. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53430 (New): chrome-redmine-work-tracker
Chrome Extension to track work time Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53429 (New): redmine_per_tracker_categories
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53428 (New): redmine_filter
Handly Filter extracted from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53427 (New): redmine_templates
Redmine Issue Templates Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53426 (New): redmine_meeting
create meetings, send a notice and view schedule on calendar for redmine v3.2x Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53425 (New): redmine_issue_history
This plugin provide history of issue in tabs representation Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53424 (New): redmine-a1-theme
Fork of https://www.redmineup.com/pages/themes/a1 Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53423 (New): MetricsTools_for_Redmine
Perl and gnuplot scripts for calculating Metrics for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53422 (New): irc_notifications
IRC notifications for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53420 (New): Redmine-Plugin--Spent-Time-Required
A basic redmine plugin to block issue update without ”spent time” information Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53421 (New): redmine_hearts
a redmine plugin which provides intra-Redmine Like/Fav reactions Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53419 (New): redmine_videojs_plugin
Redmine Plugin to embed Video.js Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53418 (New): TKLPatch-Redmine
TKLPatch for the Turnkey Linux Redmine appliance Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53417 (New): redmine_boards_watchers
http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_boards_watchers Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53416 (New): redmine_private_wiki
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53415 (New): puppet-module-redmine
Installs redmine and all dependencies on remote node Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53414 (New): rello
Redmine => Trello Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53413 (New): Project-Rescue
Script in Python3 to individually migrate your Redmine projects from an instance to another in real-time. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53412 (New): redmine
A Chef cookbook for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53411 (New): redcukes
Redmine-cucumber integration gem Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53410 (New): redmine_more_code
Plugin for Redmine. Will enable code previewing of cfc, cfm, clj, cpp, cu, cxx, c++, C, dpr, gemspec, go, groovy, gvy... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53409 (New): redmine_reminders
Reminders for important things in /my/page Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53408 (New): redmine_todo_list
todo list for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53407 (New): redmine-tcm
a Test Case Management plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53406 (New): redmine_process_frameworks
To put Process Framework into practice as a plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53405 (New): redline
Reline is Command Line Tool for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53404 (New): redmine_risks
Manage the results of the qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, and risk response planning. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53403 (New): redmine_kramdown_formatter
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53402 (New): redmine_surveys
A survey plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53401 (New): redmine_sso_server
A Single Sign On server for Redmine. Coming soon... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53400 (New): squeejee_theme
This is a fork of the Redmine Squeejee theme. A theme for Redmine which is based on a dark but ”shiny” color-scheme a... Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53399 (New): Redmine-T2MC
redmine textile to markdown converter Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53398 (New): redmine-reconcile
Google Refine reconciliation service Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53397 (New): timelog_on_issue_page
Redmine plugin for logging time Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53396 (New): redmine_searchable_selectbox
This plugin changes Redmine’s selectbox searchable. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53395 (New): redmine_encrypted_document_plugin
Redmine plugin for keeping encrypted documents in Redmine (www.redmine.org). Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53394 (New): redmine_author_notification_emails
Redmine Author Notification E-mails Plugin Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53393 (New): jira-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53392 (New): redmine-presentation
Presentation plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53391 (New): redmine_asset_tracker
Redmine extension for tracking physical and non-physical IT resources. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53390 (New): redmine_require_issue_due_date
Require Issue Due Date is a plugin to require setting due dates on issues. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53389 (New): redmine_common_mark
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53388 (New): redmine_require_time_entry_comments
Require Time Entry Comments is a plugin to require adding comments to Time Entries. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53387 (New): redmine_workload_calendar
Add a wiki macro to display a calendar of your workload based on versions you define Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53386 (New): redmine_documents
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53385 (New): redmine_glossary
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53384 (New): redmine_filter_assignable
Plugin to filter assignable users based on workflow Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53383 (New): RedmineBot
IRC bot for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53382 (New): redmine-workload-statistic-notificator
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53381 (New): Kohana-Redmine
Kohana’s Redmine changes Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53380 (New): redmine_hudson
Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53379 (New): redmine_comments
Adds private comments to redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53378 (New): redmine_static_link
Redmine plugin to add a link to the top menu (Home, My Page, Help) Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53377 (New): redmine_warbler
Redmine plugin that adds functionality to ease the deployment in a Servlet Container. Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53376 (New): redmine_download_counter
Displays the total number of downloads in the sidebars of the project Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53375 (New): redmine_clone2ch
A Redmine plugin for 2ch clone Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53374 (New): redmine_ticket_merger
Redmine ticket merger Admin Redmine
09:24 github-repo #53373 (New): redmine_asset_pipeline
Asset pipeline for Redmine (Proof of concept / Don’t use in production !) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53372 (New): redmine-improved-revisions
Redmine Plugin: Improved revisions in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53371 (New): redmine_custom_email
Collection of custom email patches for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53370 (New): forward-to-diffs
Redmine plugin: Forward revisions to diffs Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53369 (New): Redmine-Mobile
A backbone.js mobile application that streamlines access to Redmine’s essential features that can be installed by dro... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53368 (New): net-redmine
interact with remote redmine instance Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53367 (New): redmine-aurora-theme
Redmine theme with enhanced fonts and buttons. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53366 (New): redmine_nicta
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53365 (New): redmine_issue_attachments
Plugin for Redmine. Browse all issue attachments in arbitrary queries. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53364 (New): pdf_export_redmine
Redmine plugin that exports all issues to a pdf Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53363 (New): kanban
Kanban plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53362 (New): redmine-reactive
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53361 (New): newmine
Alternative Redmine (http://redmine.org/) theme with some additional features. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53360 (New): redmine_limited_visibility
ALPHA - Give limited visibility on issues inside a project Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53359 (New): redmine_airbrake
Turns Redmine into an Airbrake (http://airbrake.io/) (formerly known as Hoptoad) compatible server Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53358 (New): under_construction
Plugin for Redmine which disables all pages except login/logout for non-administrators while thechnical operations runs. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53357 (New): redmine_url_custom_field
Pre-alpha software, will not work on a stock Redmine... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53356 (New): ghostred
GitHub Pull Requests automatically create Redmine tickets Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53355 (New): redexporter
Export Redmine metrics to Prometheus Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53354 (New): Redmine-mod-perl-auth
An enhanced version of the mod_perl module used to provide Redmine authentication and authorization for Apache (mainl... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53353 (New): a1-redmine-theme
Redmine A1 theme. Fork from http://redminecrm.com/pages/a1-theme by Kirill Bezrukov @ RedmineCRM Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53352 (New): Effort-Estimate-Redmine
Plugin that autopopulates estimate fields from effort values in Redmine. Work for this plugin was sponsored by www.fi... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53351 (New): systango_hrm
Redmine plugin that allows for leave management of users. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53350 (New): redmine_wiki_template
Very simple yet useful template plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53349 (New): redmine_checkbox_wiki
Redmine plugin adding a simple macro for creating a wiki checklist Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53348 (New): redmine_shady
Redmine plugin allowing to temporarily disable sending e-mail notifications triggered by user Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53347 (New): redissue
Dokuwiki plugin to display Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53346 (New): redmine_custom_field_hints
Adds hints to custom fields for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53345 (New): redmine_auto_user_group
Redmine plugin which automatically assigns LDAP authenticated users to a group upon initial login account creation Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53344 (New): redmine_custom_js_and_css
Customizing Redmine: execute custom JavaScript and apply custom CSS Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53343 (New): GreenshotRedmineUploader
Helper for Greenshot Snapshot Tool in order publis pictures in a Redmine Issue. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53342 (New): docker-alminium
dockerized ALMinium : Docker版ALMinium Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53341 (New): supybot-redmine
Display informations about a Redmine issue Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53340 (New): Redmine_Twitter_Auth
Twitter OAuth for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53339 (New): redmine_archive_issue_categories
This Redmine plugin allows to archive issue categories, to deactivate them and hide them from the user without deleti... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53338 (New): redmine_w3h
Who, What, When and How Much? Time and budget tracking plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53337 (New): redmine_agreement
Redmine Agreement plugin adds the user agreement to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53336 (New): redmine_asset_management
Simple Asset Management for Redmine / ChiliProject Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53335 (New): user_redmine_ex
Adds an user backend to Owncloud for using Redmine users and groups. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53334 (New): redmine_code_review
NOT MAINTAINED. Automated mirror + my patches; see wiki for details Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53333 (New): docker-redmine-all-in-one
dockernize redmine include some plugins Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53332 (New): redmine_timetable
timetable using fullcalendar. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53331 (New): redmine_jstoolbar_ext_buttons
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53330 (New): redmine-spectator-plugin
Redmine plugin to change user after login Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53329 (New): redmine_wice_grid
Redmine plugin to use wice grid inside redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53328 (New): redmine2github
Redmine issue and comment importer to github Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53327 (New): redmine_maintenance
メンテナンスモードを提供するプラグインです Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53326 (New): redmine_mail_intergration
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53325 (New): redmine_management_reports
Management Reports for Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53324 (New): redmine_canned_responses
Store and use prepared (canned) responses, per-project or globally. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53323 (New): redmine_remote_revision_url
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53322 (New): advantager
Advantager: project management app based on redmine that integrates EVM, ES and PMBOK good practices. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53321 (New): redmine2weekly
获取Redmine一周的issue并生成周报发送至指定邮箱 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53320 (New): redmine_closed_column
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53319 (New): redmine_amazon_s3
This Redmine plugin stores file attachments on Amazon S3 instead of the local filesystem. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53318 (New): simple_kanban
Redmine plugin that adds a tab with kanban overview into your project Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53317 (New): redminetime
A Redmine time entries logger for Windows Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53316 (New): redmine_wiki_template
This plugin allows the use of templates for wiki formatting Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53315 (New): redmine_mailing_list_integration_imap_supplement
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53314 (New): redmine_attach_by_url
Redmine plugin for attaching files to issue by url Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53313 (New): redmine-single-user-plugin
Optionally change Redmine’s behavior to not expose the existence of other projects to users with only one project Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53312 (New): redmine-project-custom-lists
Adds project-specific list-format custom fields to Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53311 (New): issue_id
GitHub mirror of the ISSUE-id plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53310 (New): redmine_markdown_extra_viewer
Redmine Markdown Extra Viewer Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53309 (New): redmine_vote
A plugin for redmine 2.x that allows users to vote on issues. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53308 (New): redmine_mailclean_regexp
A Redmine plugin to allow regular expression body trimming on incoming emails Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53307 (New): redmine-persian
Persian Redmine with Persian font Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53306 (New): redmine_kanbanery
Simple redmine plugin that allows one to push issues over to kanbanery.com Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53305 (New): libernix-redmine-ecoorange
A professional looking, orange-styled theme for Redmine Project Management System. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53304 (New): redmine_issues_from_excel
This plugin for Redmine allows to import issues from excel file. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53303 (New): redmine-ossxp-hacks
Redmine hacks maintained by ossxp.com Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53302 (New): redmine_archive
Mail Archive plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53301 (New): redmine_polls
This is repository for Redmine Basic Polls plugin - I am not the author of the plugin, so if you post issues here it ... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53300 (New): redmine-ansible
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53299 (New): redmine_sortable_table
Make sortable tables in redmine wiki Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53298 (New): redmine_customized_report
a report plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53297 (New): redmine-add-ldap-user-to-group
Automatically add newly logged-in LDAP user to a specific group. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53296 (New): redmine_mailing_list_integration
This is a redmine plugin that integrates mailng lists with redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53295 (New): redmine_fulmo_helper
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53294 (New): redmine_default_due_date
This is a plugin for Redmine to set default due date Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53293 (New): redmine_comment_only
This is a plugin for redmine. Only comments are displayed at issue’s history. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53292 (New): scheduler
scheduler plugin for Redmine. Needs for scheduler daily duty among staff. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53291 (New): Report
Django project report generation for the hours spent and the estimated Zendesk + Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53290 (New): redmine_another_my_projects
Allow users to view only his/her projects in the projects list Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53289 (New): redmine_pygments
a simple hack to use Pygments as Redmine’s syntax highlighting tool Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53288 (New): zentao-rest-api
禅道rest api接口 兼容redmine的rest接口 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53287 (New): redmine_mail_sender
Add ”Sender:” field to mails sent by Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53286 (New): redmine_rt_custom_field
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53285 (New): redmine_openid_provider
This plugin enables redmine to behave as an OpenID provider. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53284 (New): redmine-version-slip
Plugin to notify about modifications in due dates by posting news. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53283 (New): redmine-watchers-textinput
Redmine Watchers Autocomplete Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53282 (New): tokyo.redmine-logo
redmine.tokyo (shinagawa.redmine) 用ロゴ置き場 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53281 (New): redmine-due-date-offset
Provides a calculated due date for new issues created in redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53280 (New): suntoucher-redmine.heroku
Suntoucher’s Custom Redmin for Heroku Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53279 (New): redmine_wiki_amazon
Plugin for Redmine to create links to Amazon’s product pages Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53278 (New): redmine_importer
Redmine Importer plugin for Rails 3.x Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53277 (New): redmine_labels
Brings labels to RedMine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53276 (New): anonymous_watchers
WIP: try to upgrade this plugin for Redmine 3.x Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53275 (New): redmine_nikoca_re
Niko-niko Calender plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53274 (New): redmineair
redmine client soch as a desktop stickey application. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53273 (New): redmine-home-to-projects
Forward a Redmine user to a the project listing when visiting the Home page. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53272 (New): redmine_iterations
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53271 (New): gantt_extension
Redmine-Plugin which adds an additional marker to issue for a custom defined date. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53270 (New): redmine_selected_issues_summary
Shows total estimated time of selected issues in a popup Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53269 (New): redmine_custom_view_assigned
This plugin for Redmine adds a custom view of the field assigned Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53268 (New): redmine_issues_tree_view
Redmine plugin which can group issues by parent issue Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53267 (New): redmine_impersonate
allows people with permission to impersonate user’s in their project and allows administrator to impersonate anyone. ... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53266 (New): redmine_hudson
Automated mirror + my patches; see wiki for details Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53265 (New): redmine_silencer
A redmine plugin to suppress email notifications (at will) when updating issues Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53264 (New): redmine_issue_favicon
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53263 (New): redmine_incoming_mail_log
A plugin to record incoming mails and statuses of handling them. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53262 (New): zulip-redmine-plugin
Redmine plugin for Zulip notifications on issue tracker changes Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53261 (New): westaco_versions
Redmine plugin that implements version list with filters, configurable columns etc Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53260 (New): heybot
It’s designed to help developers on their day-to-day development activities. It eases some chore development activiti... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53259 (New): redmine-oauth-provider
OAuth provider plugin for Redmine with implementation of oauth-plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53258 (New): redmine-php-console-tools
PHP console tools to manage redmine project. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53257 (New): redmine-escalations-plugin
A plugin for managing the escalating of issues Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53256 (New): docker-redmine
Docker compose with new official redmine containers Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53255 (New): redmine_custom_reminder
Simple redmine plugin for scheduled email sending; Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53254 (New): redmine-pam-auth
Adds PAM authorization to Redmine. Requires `rpam` gem and group `shadow` to by added to redmine user. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53253 (New): redmine_copy_on_new
Redmine plugin to allow the administrator to specify a template project from which items are copied when a new projec... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53252 (New): redmine_hudson
This is a plugin collaborates with Hudson for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53251 (New): redmine-build-notifier-plugin
Jenkins plugin to add link to target Redmine issue for each build, and post build summary to target issue. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53250 (New): akonadi_redmine_resource
An akonadi resource for Redmine (readonly / alpha) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53249 (New): trello-for-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53248 (New): redmine_no_referer
外部サイトへのリンクを、中間ページへのリンクに差し替えます。 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53247 (New): redmine_charts
A chart view for redmine bug infomation Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53246 (New): pyred
A python lib for talking with Redmine server in a simple manner Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53245 (New): WikiEx
Extended Wiki solution(Plugin) for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53244 (New): redmine_xmpp_muc_notifications
XMPP bot which notify on chat room modifications from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53243 (New): Butterfly
Progetto di Ingegneria del Software A.A. 2018 - 2019 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53242 (New): redmine_issue_templates_notes
Redmine Issue Templates Notes Plugin and a plugin for creating and managing notes on tasks. Very useful when creating... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53241 (New): ms_office_web_apps
Redmine plugin for viewing Word, Excel and PowerPoint files in browser through Microsoft Office Web Apps Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53240 (New): redmine_involvement_filter
A plugin to filter out issues in which the current user is involved. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53239 (New): redmine_migrator
Migrate Redmine data from SQLite to Postgres with consistent type conversion. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53238 (New): rmine.vim
vim plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53237 (New): redmine_file_custom_field
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53236 (New): Redmine-Planning
Abandoned: Merge of Project Plan loader and Schedules Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53235 (New): redmine_ldap_ou_to_group
This is a redmine plug to help with sync ldap OU to redmine group. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53234 (New): redmine_scrum
Redmine Scrum plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53233 (New): redmine_favicon
redmine_favicon is a Redmine plugin that adds favicon to Redmine’s base layout only for Redmine 0.9.x, and 1.0.0 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53232 (New): redmine_ldap_adv_auth
Redmine LDAP Advanced Authentication with AD group support and more. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53231 (New): Redmine-Admin-Monitor-Plugin
Redmine Admine Errors and Exceptions Monitor plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53230 (New): redmine_group_manager
Plugin for managing group in project tab by project admins, not redmine admins Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53229 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Redmine Issue Template with Checklist Functionality Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53228 (New): MyMine
MyMine is a Redmine client for Android Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53227 (New): redmine_issue_control_panel
Redmine Plugin to switch issue statuses and assignees from sidebar - without opening the update screen. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53226 (New): redmine_omniauth_github
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53225 (New): redmine_default_columns
A clone of Redmine Default Columns plugin, compatible with other plugins Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53224 (New): redspot-redmine-plugin
Redmine on steroid with redspot Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53223 (New): redmine_wiki_gchart_formula
LaTeX-style formula plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53222 (New): redmine-mylyn-connector
Mirror of actively maintained Redmine side Mylyn integration connector - https://github.com/yukoff/redmine_mylyn_conn... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53221 (New): redmine_render_markdown_in_repository
Redmine Render Markdown in Repository Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53220 (New): redmine_project_alias_2
This is a git clone of this redmine plugin: http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/projects/project-alias Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53219 (New): RedmineConnector
QtCreator Redmine Integration Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53218 (New): redmine-issue-loader
A tool to load Redmine issue from CSV file. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53217 (New): redmine_bugherd
Redmine plugin for BugHerd.com integration Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53216 (New): redmine_once_assigned_ever_watcher
This redmine plugins adds the assignee of an issue to it’s watcher list if the assignee is changed Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53215 (New): libernix-redmine-ecoblue
A professional looking, blue-styled theme for Redmine Project Management System. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53214 (New): plus_gantt
Plugin for Redmine wich render a project gantt adding a control date in order to visualize the expected ratio. Also c... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53213 (New): Redmine-Bulk-User-Assignments
Redmine Bulk User Assignments Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53212 (New): global_filter_redmine_plugin
This plugin is built to display a list of ”global” filters on your Redmine homepage, for easy access to issues that s... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53211 (New): redmine_jstoolbar_ext
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53210 (New): redmine_qa_contact
A plugin to add QA Contact functionality (like in Bugzilla) to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53209 (New): ansible-redmine
Playbook to install redmine on ubuntu 14.04 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53208 (New): redmine_user_pain
Implement User Pain bug triage method Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53207 (New): redmine_issue_to_trello
Redmine plugin for posting new Trello cards on Redmine issue creations Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53206 (New): redmine_custom_js
Allows to input custom JavaScript in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53205 (New): redmine_autoclose
Redmine autoclose plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53204 (New): redmine_advanced_issues
Advanced issues for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53203 (New): redmine_wiki_encryptor
This plugin encrypts wiki in database Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53202 (New): redmine-php
RedminePHP is a project management tool, inspired from Redmine, but wrote in PHP instead of Ruby, using the framework... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53201 (New): redmine_timewatch
Redmine Timewatch Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53200 (New): Vermis
Lightweight issue tracker and project management tool for software developers and project managers. Designed as a web... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53199 (New): redmine_ezsummary
redmine plugin for summaries Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53198 (New): railsgun
Redmine/ChiliProjectの直ぐに使える環境を簡単に構築します。 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53197 (New): connector-redmine
Connector Redmine (http://redmine.org) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53196 (New): rougemine
Rougemine Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53195 (New): redmine-lite
A lightweight, easy-to-install fork of Redmine 1.0.3-stable Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53194 (New): redminer
Redmine with an r Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53193 (New): redmine_codimd
Redmine plugin for CodiMD integration Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53192 (New): redmine_non_member_watcher
Redmine plugin for adding new role to ”Non member watcher” Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53191 (New): redmine_jenkins
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53190 (New): chrome-extension-redmine2gitlab
Synchronize Gitlab issue with Redmine issue Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53189 (New): redmine_open_links_in_new_window
Redmine plugin that follow all links of content to be opened in new window instead of current one. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53188 (New): redmine_app__space
Enhance Redmine application menu with dynamic configurability options. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53187 (New): redmine_plugins_travis-ci
Bootstrap a Redmine Plugin into Travis CI Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53186 (New): redmine_msg_preview
A plugin for Redmine that allows for inline previewing of Outlook MSG attachments Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53185 (New): redmine_rouge
redmine rouge syntax highlighter Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53184 (New): redmine_assign_grouping
Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53183 (New): redmine_github
Redmine plugin for connecting a local Redmine installation to a remote Github repository Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53182 (New): redmine_collapse_quotes
Redmine plugin to collapse quotes in issue history Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53181 (New): Chalk
Redmine time tracker Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53180 (New): redmine-netcore-api
.Net Core API for Redmine bug/task management systems. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53179 (New): redmine-workload
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53178 (New): redmine-cmd
A Remote console for Redmine based on the REST/API (time tracking) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53177 (New): curamine
Redmine with more awesomeness Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53176 (New): redmine_cut_tag
This redmine plugin adds the ability to use a CUT macros in the issue description Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53175 (New): redmine-progressive-theme
Progressive theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53174 (New): redmine-color-tasks
Make your favorite redmine theme with colors tasks Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53173 (New): redmine-migrator
Migrate a project from redmine instance to redmine instance using the API Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53172 (New): gitlab_tracking
Redmine: Tracking gitlab activity repo Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53171 (New): redmine_issue_wiki_journal
Redmine plugin for referencing and fixing issues in comment of wiki updates Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53170 (New): Redmine-Skills
Plugin for Redmine that adds skills and skill levels to issues and users Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53169 (New): redmine_add_user
Add User is a Redmine plugin that will allow project Members to create new users without having Administrator rights. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53168 (New): redmine-selectbox-autocompleter
Selectbox autocompleter plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53167 (New): redmine_time_display
A simple plugin that display total spent time of assigned worker, and their helper Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53166 (New): redmine_stronger
Additional security features for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53165 (New): redmine_mention_plugin
Add user to the watchers list of an issue/wiki after mentioning him/her in the note. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53164 (New): redmine_glanceyear
A Redmine plugin to show activities by glanceyear Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53163 (New): redmine-stuff-to-do-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53162 (New): redmine-daily-workload-management
Plugin provides functionality for managing daily workload Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53161 (New): redmine-issue-template
Issue Templates Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53160 (New): redmine_email_notification_content_filter
Redmine Email Notification Content Filter Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53159 (New): trello2redmine
Tiny tool to migrate Trello boards to Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53158 (New): redmine_hotkeys_js
Redmine: some hotkeys for common actions Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53157 (New): tnt
An alternative (better) client for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53156 (New): redmine_readme
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53155 (New): redmine_changelogs
Show the changelogs for a project in Redmine. Was removed in the Redmine core. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53154 (New): multi_time_tracker
Adds a time tracker to redmine which eases time management Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53153 (New): tracker_hider
A plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53152 (New): redmine_jabber
Plugin for redmine that will enable sending jabber notifications as well Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53151 (New): remaim
Redmine to Maniphest migration utility Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53150 (New): redmine_sidebar_toc
Provides navigation by the header of the anchor links in the wiki sidebar, on each wiki page. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53149 (New): redmine_projects_accordion
Projects accordion view for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53148 (New): red_jenkins
A Jenkis plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53147 (New): redmine_undev_git
Plugin adds to Redmine ability to work with remote repositories and hooks support Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53146 (New): redmine-workload-view
Redmine project allowing display users workload Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53145 (New): redmine_coderwall
A plugin for Redmine that displays your Coderwall achievements on My Page and user profile. Now supports Redmine 2.x! Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53144 (New): redmine_workload
Workload plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53143 (New): redmine_my_search
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53142 (New): redmine_extensions
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53141 (New): redmine_harvest_timelog
Plugin which integrates Redmine Timelog with Harvest app (http://harvestapp.com). Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53140 (New): redmine_multipass
MultiPass SSO Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53139 (New): Redmine-PDM
A document-revision plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53138 (New): redmine_jenkins_build_status
A simple indicator for Redmine showing whether a project’s build is currently passing or failing in Jenkins Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53137 (New): holidays
This is a holidays plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53136 (New): redmine_remove_membership
Adds a Rake task to remove all memberships for a specific user Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53135 (New): redmine_score_plugin
This is a Redmine plugin to show and add scores for projects. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53134 (New): redmine_closes_resolved_issues
Redmine Closes Resolved Issues plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53133 (New): redmine_js_syntax_highlighter
Javascript based syntax highlighter for Redmine. Uses Alex Gorbatchev’s SyntaxHighlighter. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53132 (New): redmine_shared_api
Redmine Shared API Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53131 (New): redmine_pusher_notifications
A Redmine plugin which makes notifying your Redmine instance easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53130 (New): redmine_sso_client
A Redmine plugin to act as the client to the Redmine SSO Server (http://github.com/edavis10/redmine_sso_server) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53129 (New): redmine_rubycas
A Plugin for Redmine 2 that utilizes the RubyCAS Client for CAS authentication. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53128 (New): apilapse
Issue tracking kanban-like angularjs based frontend for API-backends like redmine, github etc Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53127 (New): redmine_chuck_norris
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53126 (New): redmine_jquery_file_upload
(deprecated by default Redmine functional) Redmine Plugin for Redmine to more comfortable file upload. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53125 (New): alfred-redmine
An Alfred workflow for interacting with a Redmine server Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53124 (New): redmine_code_review_
Deprecated, use https://github.com/planio-gmbh/redmine_code_review instead. This is the old Planio mirror of the Redm... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53123 (New): redmine_document_folders
Organize your redmine project documents in a folder hierarchy Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53122 (New): redmine_traceability
Traceability is a Redmine plugin to show the traceability matrix between two trackers view of the projects. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53121 (New): its-redmine
Gerrit plugin to integrate with redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53120 (New): redmine_http_basic_authentication
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53119 (New): redmine_omniauth_azure
Redmine Omniauth Azure AD plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53118 (New): ansible-playbook-redmine
An Ansible playbook for installing redmine + gitolite + redmine_git_hosting on nginx and PostgreSQL Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53117 (New): redmine2-cookbook
Installs Redmine v2, a Ruby on Rails ticket tracking and wiki tool Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53116 (New): mariposa
A theme for the Redmine bugtracker Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53115 (New): redmine-basecamp-theme
Basecamp theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53114 (New): redmine_project_support_hours
Coming soon... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53113 (New): redmine-now
A desktop app to know what’s happening now on your Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53112 (New): redmine_on_debian
Setup Redmine On Debian with PG, Unicorn, and Nginx in a flash. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53111 (New): redmine-api
a simple REST-like redmine API. I can’t wait until it gets released into the redmine trunk. I need it now. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53110 (New): github_commits
Redmine plugin to push github updates on Redmine issues directly via Github webhook Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53109 (New): redmine_wiki_backlinks
Redmine plugin that adds reports about backlinks, orphan pages and wanted pages to wikis Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53108 (New): redmine_aloha_wiki
Aloha-editor based WYSIWYG editor plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53107 (New): RedMine-My-Projects-Plugin
RedMine My Projects Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53106 (New): redmine_shane_and_peter_design
**CODE PREVIEW ONLY** Custom Redmine theme (plugin) from Shane and Peter Inc. Requires a customized Redmine install. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53105 (New): redmine_tweetbook
Authentication in redmine through Facebook, Twitter, Github. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53104 (New): wiki-to-overview
Redmine Plugin: Forward overview to Wiki Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53103 (New): redmine_blogs
オリジナルのBlogsプラグインを、プロジェクト単位でBlogを設置できるようにカスタマイズしました。 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53102 (New): redmine_announcements
Site Wide Announcements in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53101 (New): ansible-Redmine
Redmine by ansible Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53100 (New): redmine_pukiwiki_formatter
a Redmine plugin for formatting wiki pages as PukiWiki Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53099 (New): redmine_webservice
A webservice plugin for redmine - Internethic - www.internethic.com Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53098 (New): redmine_default_version
With this plugin its possible to add a default version to a project. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53097 (New): redmine-maven-plugin
Maven plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53096 (New): redmine-issue-statistics
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53095 (New): redmine_saml_auth
Simple SAML authentication for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53094 (New): redmine_ouen
いわゆる「いいね!」機能を追加します。 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53093 (New): redmine_remote_user_auth
Auth by Remote-User-Email HTTP header (with apache conf can allow auth ssl certificates) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53092 (New): redmine_theme_kodomo
Trial repository for theme making. (Redmineテーマ作成の練習用になります) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53091 (New): Redmine-Android-Client
Android: Redmine plugin (to support custom activities feed) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53090 (New): docker-redmine-orchestration
:whale: An easy docker-compose for Redmine (Nginx + Unicorn + MariaDB) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53089 (New): a_common_libs
Plugin for Redmine which enable of inclusion common libraries (bootstrap, select2, highcharts, etc.) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53088 (New): redmine_chatwork
A Redmine plugin to notify updates to ChatWork rooms Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53087 (New): redmine_emoji
This plugin adds :emoji: syntax to all Wiki formatting of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53086 (New): issue_recurring
Redmine plugin: schedule Redmine issue recurrence based on multiple conditions. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53085 (New): ezsidebar
A redmine plugin to make it easy to add content to redmine’s sidebar Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53084 (New): redmine_custom_auto_complete
Add auto-complete to the custom fields Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53083 (New): redmine_hipchat_per_project
HipChat Per Project Notifications from Redmine - ** Looking for maintainer ** Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53082 (New): redmine_easy_edit
Redmine plugin add mediawiki-style double-click-to-edit workflow to Redmine wiki pages and issue pages. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53081 (New): vagrant-redmine
Redmine installation Guide (Tested with Redmine 3.4.2 on Centos 7) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53080 (New): redmine-auto-percent
Redmine Auto Percent cloned from @wadewomersley which appears to be gone now. Modified to work in Redmine 2.3 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53079 (New): vagrant_redmine
Tutorial on how to use Vagrant+Chef to automatically deploy a redmine development VM Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53078 (New): redmine_status_notifier
Redmine Status Notifier Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53077 (New): redmine_context_menu_relations
This plugin will add a context menu option to Redmine’s issue list that will allow setting Issue Relations. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53076 (New): redmine_mixin
Redmine mixin gem - provides access to Redmine Objects from another RAILS app Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53075 (New): redmine_angular_ui
This plugin for Redmine provides a new user interface based on AngularJS and the Redmine API. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53074 (New): redminerb
Redmine REST API CLI Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53073 (New): redmine_stats_2
Updated version of Luis Fontes’ redmine_stats plugin. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53072 (New): Sublime-Text-Redmine-Plugin
Pull up assigned Redmine issues in the sublime text quick panel Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53071 (New): redmine_telegram
Plugin for Redmine 3.x - Telegram Bot Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53070 (New): redmine_issue_sla
Redmine’s plugin to allow to assign an SLA by issue priority and project Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53069 (New): redmine_issue_dependency_graph
A Redmine plugin to display a graph of relationships between issues Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53068 (New): redmine_telegram_email
Messages to the Telegram, like email, from Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53067 (New): redmine-basecamp-theme-responsive
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53066 (New): redmine_gantt_with_date
replace cweek with day on the gannt chart. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53065 (New): redmine_datacenter
NOT MAINTAINED - This plugin helps you manage your (small) datacenter Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53064 (New): redmine_create_git
Create and initialize a new Git repository from Redmine within seconds! Woot! Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53063 (New): redmine_sudo
Sudo-like powers for Redmine administrators ; you should not be root all the time ! Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53062 (New): metro_redmine
Metro theme for redmine by Excedalogic Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53061 (New): redmine_gantt_by_user
A Redmine plugin to display a Gantt chart sorted by user Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53060 (New): capistrano-redmine
This gem contains a Capistrano :task, which allows to update the Redmine issues statuses when you do deploy with Capi... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53059 (New): redmine_wikicipher
Redmine Wikicipher plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53058 (New): redmine_overhead
Coming soon! Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53057 (New): redmine_cli
A Collection of Command Line Tools for Redmine Project Management Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53056 (New): Reepo
Abstraction of repository providers (github, gitlab, redmine, ...) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53055 (New): redcase_branch
Redmine test managment Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53054 (New): redmine_mail_checker
A Redmine plugin to check your mails, easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53053 (New): redmine_add_to_calendar
Redmine plugin for adding issue to Calendar as event Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53052 (New): redmine-collapsed-journals
Redmine plugin collapses issue history items without an assosiated note Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53051 (New): redmine_oauth2_provider
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53050 (New): redmine_acts_as_taggable_on
A gem which allows multiple Redmine plugins to use acts_as_taggable_on without stepping on each others’ toes. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53049 (New): atom-redmine
View and open your Redmine issues in Atom. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53048 (New): redmine_attach_screenshot
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53047 (New): redmine-ansible
Ansible playbook for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53046 (New): redmine_markdown_task_list
This plugin add task list to Markdown wiki formatting. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53045 (New): redmine_importer
Redmine importer that works with trunk. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53044 (New): redmine_ganttproject_sync
DISCONTINUED - Redmine plugin to synchronize issue tracker with a GanttProject file Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53043 (New): redmine_themes
Brings a selection of Redmine themes Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53042 (New): redmine_summed_fields
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53041 (New): dokuwiki-redmine-plugin
DokuWiki Redmine integration plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53040 (New): recaptcha
Redmine 2.x plugin that adds a recaptcha to the account registration page Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53039 (New): redmine-silent-statuses
Redmine plugin that disables/mutes email notifications if issue obtains specific status Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53038 (New): team-backoffice
The recipe of easy installing GitLab + GitLab Registry + Redmine + TeamPass + Let’s Encrypt using Docker and Docker C... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53037 (New): redmine_sticky_messages
Plugin to show site-wide message from sticky messages on forum. This plugin shows the latest messages of forum. It is... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53036 (New): redmine_notification_manager_plugin
Allows you to control which fields generate a notification when they get changed Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53035 (New): redmine_flowdock
UNMAINTAINED Redmine - Flowdock integration Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53034 (New): redmine-scripts
A collection of PERSONAL scripts I use on my redmine dev environments - not useful for anyone else Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53033 (New): redmine_preview_pdf
Plugin for Redmine. Show pdf attachments in preview pane. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53032 (New): act
act - Activity Continuous Tracking Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53031 (New): redmine_file_image_custom_field
A redmine plugin: adds ImageField and FileField to CustomField types. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53030 (New): redmine_dashboard
Dashboard Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53029 (New): RiskMNGT-Redmine
My version of Isotrol’s RiskMGNT Redmine plugin for risks management Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53028 (New): redmine_dhtmlx_gantt
Redmine dhtmlxGantt plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53027 (New): redmine-flow-theme
Flow theme for Redmine - Work in progress Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53026 (New): redmine_burndown
Generates a simple Burndown chart for using Redmine in Scrum environments Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53025 (New): redmine-project-state
Plugin provides functionality to track project state with ability to set issue status coloring options. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53024 (New): redmine_custom_values_projects
A plugin for redmine to customize values of custom fields (lists and checkbox) per project. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53023 (New): redmine_scmacros
Adds Wiki macros related to SCM Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53022 (New): redmine_hours
Redmine plugin for editing timesheets - NOT MAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53021 (New): redmine_projects_approval
This plugin adds a mandatory approval step after all projects creation. Admins will have to approve each and every si... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53020 (New): redmine_issues_kanban
Provide a kanban view for the issues page Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53019 (New): redmine_git_branch_hook
Redmine Git branch related to the issue Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53018 (New): ponymine
Redmine for Django-based sites Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53017 (New): redmine_privacy_terms
Redmine plugin to add privacy cookie information and terms for users to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53016 (New): redmine_base_rspec
Simplify the use of rspec instead of test::unit in redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53015 (New): redmine-clf2
Government of Canada Common Look and Feel plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53014 (New): redmine_issue_view_columns
Redmine plugin to customize shown columns in subtasks and related issues on issue page Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53013 (New): redmine_hangouts_chat_integration
the redmine plugin for the integration of google hangouts chat and redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53012 (New): redmine-assets
Asset Management plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53011 (New): redmine-view-customize-examples
Redmineのプラグイン「View customize」を利用したRedmineカスタマイズ集 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53010 (New): tension
Extensions Manager for software like Spree, RedMine, ... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53009 (New): redmine_email_inline_images
Handle inline images on incoming emails, so that they are included inline in the issue description Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53008 (New): redmine_user_homepage
User Homepage is a plugin to set the Redmine homepage to be the Project Overview for specific Roles. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53007 (New): DevhubHook
Connect {GitHub, GitLab, GitBucket, Redmine} to Devhub Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53006 (New): redmine_news_balloon
新しいニュースがあれば、吹き出しでページ右下に表示するプラグインです。 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53005 (New): docker
redmine,gitlab,jenkins,showdoc,nginx,docker-compose集成 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53004 (New): mr-issue
Mr. Issue - Gitlab Merge Request to Redmine Issue Updates Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53003 (New): redmine_show_descriptions
Allows choosing whether to render the issues list without descriptions (original Redmine behavior) - or with complete... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53002 (New): redmine_cas
Redmine plugin to support for JA-SIG’s Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol. This plugin give you a solid an... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53001 (New): redmine_task_board
A simple task board for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #53000 (New): redmine_microblog
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52999 (New): gollum_redmine
Gollum for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52998 (New): redmine-idonethis
Plugin that sends redmine activity notification to iDoneThis Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52997 (New): git-redmine-suite
Git Redmine Suite is a complete tools that allow you to link your git repositories and your redmine installation. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52996 (New): redmine-file-uploader
Python script to upload files to the ’Files’ section in a Redmine project. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52995 (New): nxs-chat-redmine
Plugin for integration with nxs-chat-srv (Telegram bot by Nixys) Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52994 (New): redmine_datetime_custom_field
This plugin for Redmine adds time to date custom fields Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52993 (New): redmine_issue_status_colors
Adds extra css classes for the issue status Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52992 (New): redmine_wiki_books
A Redmine plugins to provide book readability to wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52991 (New): redmine_scrum_cards
Redmine plugin for generating printable scrum cards. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52990 (New): redmine_react_client
A redmine client based on React and SemanticUI Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52989 (New): Redmine.simple-graph-plugin
[ Deprecated ] Simple graph plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52988 (New): phpunit-ticketlistener-redmine
Closing and reopening Redmine issues via PHPUnit tests Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52987 (New): redmine_tags
Adds tagging support to Redmine, starting with issues. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52986 (New): redmine_all_files
Plugin for Redmine to view all project files. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52985 (New): redmine_edit_custom_fields
Redmine plugin to allow users editing custom fields for their project Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52984 (New): redmine-issue_mail_with_attachments-plugin
Send issue notification mail with file attachments Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52983 (New): redmine_already_read
Manage issue already read or unread. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52982 (New): mantis2redmine
Script to migrate mantis database to redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52981 (New): redmine-migrator
Redmine to taiga migrator. Groovy Desktop app to migrate Redmine projects to Taiga. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52980 (New): redmine_simple
Simplify redmine interface Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52979 (New): redmine_estimates
This is Redmine plugin for multiple estimate entries in a single task Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52978 (New): redmine-report-dashboard
Report Dashboard for Redmine application by nodejs Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52977 (New): redmine_subtask_list_accordion
This plugin provide accordion tree to subtask-list on issue. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52976 (New): redmine_join_project
A Redmine plugin to allow non-members to join a project in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52975 (New): django-redmine
An open source Python implementation of the Redmine client API intended for use in Django. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52974 (New): chili_videos
ChiliProject/Redmine plugin which integrates with Transload.it to offer a private ”YouTube-like” setup to your projec... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52973 (New): redmine_favourites
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52972 (New): redmine-oauth-plugin
A Jenkins Plugin that support authentication via Redmine OAuth Provider Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52971 (New): redmine_doodles
A doodle module for redmine, a doodle in this case being a collection of simple yes-no questions. This is only a mirr... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52970 (New): redmine-gitolite-ansible
Ansible scripts for quickly deploying a new redmine instance with postgresql and gitolite. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52969 (New): redmine_risk_management
Risk Management Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52968 (New): support_helpdesk
Redmine plugin that polls selected inbox for emails, and generates a new issues from them. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52967 (New): redmine_irc_gateway
!! Moved !! Redmine IRC Gateway - This project provides an access to Redmine API via IRC Gateway. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52966 (New): redmine_pipeline_plugin
Redmine Pipeline Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52965 (New): Redmine-PyReminder
A Redmine email reminder written in Python. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52964 (New): redmine-progressive-gantt-mods
Redmine plugin which adds assignee column and some other preferences for Gantt chart Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52963 (New): redmine_holidays_plugin
This is a redmine plugin that displays holiday in the calendar. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52962 (New): redmine-time-tracker
Time Tracking for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52961 (New): redmine_activerecord_session_store
This plugin makes Redmine use ActiveRecord as session store. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52960 (New): otrs-redmine
Samples for the Ajax Communication between OTRS (3.2.8) and Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52959 (New): redmine_refresh
Adds an automatic refresh option to Redmine’s issues list Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52958 (New): emacs-redmine
Interactive connection to redmine from emacs Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52957 (New): select_to_select2
This is a repository of select to select 2 which is a redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52956 (New): redshares
Redmine Plugin to share issues with other users Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52955 (New): redmine_better_crossprojects
Temporary plugin to handle usability problems discussed on redmine.org #5920 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52954 (New): redmine_toggl
Redmine Toggl Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52953 (New): redmine_issue_history
Add history to issue description Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52952 (New): redmine_multi_column_custom_fields
allows a custom field to span both columns of the issue Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52951 (New): redmine_smart_issues_sort
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52950 (New): redmine_nikoniko_calendar2
Niko-niko Calendar plugin for Redmine 2.X Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52949 (New): redmine_departments
Departments Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52948 (New): quick-ticket-to-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52947 (New): scrum_redmine
Redmine repository with scrum functionalities fully functional with redmine official release 0.8.4 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52946 (New): redmine_daily_todos
Plugin for Redmine to write daily reports/notes Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52945 (New): redmine_document_library_gdrive
Redmine plugin that add option to Redmine to store any files in issues in Gdrive. You can restrict access per tracker... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52944 (New): redmine_irc_notifications
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52943 (New): RMine
redmine iphone app + redmine plugin for redmine 0.9x Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52942 (New): redmine_add_subversion_links
Add links to open TortoiseSVN automatically. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52941 (New): quantum
A theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52940 (New): redmine_extend_permissions
A plugin to hide fields by extending permissions in the roles area. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52939 (New): redmine-parent-issue-filter
Parent issue filter plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52938 (New): bestest_markdown_editor
This is an awesome Markdown editor for Redmine. It’s great. It’s the bestest. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52937 (New): Redmine-Task-Manager
Kanban based task manager for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52936 (New): iRedmine
iRedmine is an App designed for iPhone and iPod touch that provides easy access to Redmine projects on the go. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52935 (New): redmine-leads-plugin
This plugin helps to manage leads(prospective clients) in a project. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52934 (New): redmine-msteams
Redmine plugin to post updates on issues and wiki pages to Microsoft Teams Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52933 (New): taskmapper-redmine
Ticketmaster provider for Redmine API Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52932 (New): redmine-guide-ja
Redmine Guide 日本語訳 webサイトのソースコードです。 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52931 (New): redmine_reminder
Issue reminder plugin for redmine. Sends email notifications for open issues to the assigned user, project manager or... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52930 (New): redmine_incr_code_search
Redmine plugin to search files in repository incrementally Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52929 (New): redmine_harvest_smc
A Redmine plugin for syncing time with the Harvest time tracking API Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52928 (New): redmine_resque
Add ”resque” gem and mount Resque front-end on a subpath ”/resque”. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52927 (New): redmine_reports
Do you have any issues that are outside your SLA windows? What is the average wait time for a ticket for each user? Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52926 (New): redmine-to-gitlab
Scripts to import data from an existing redmine setup to gitlab Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52925 (New): redmine_googledocs
Redmine plugin that adds the ability to list, edit, create, and delete google docs through the ruby gdata api. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52924 (New): redmine_wiki_sidebar_toc
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52923 (New): swv
Development of an Automated Mechanism for Army SW Development Visualization based on Open Source Software Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52922 (New): redmine_save_spent_time_queries
Redmine plugin that allows to save spent time query Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52921 (New): redmine_data_generator
The Redmine Data Generator plugin is used to quickly generate a bunch of data for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52920 (New): omniauth-redmine
Strategy to authenticate with Redmine via OAuth in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52919 (New): redmine-schedular
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52918 (New): redmine-dmsf
Document Management System for Redmine. Fork of Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52917 (New): redmine_simple_support
Allows linking Redmine issues to external resources like a third party bug tracker or support system. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52916 (New): redmine_login_attempts_limit
Login attempts limit plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52915 (New): redmine_gemoji
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52914 (New): redmine-mention-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52913 (New): redmine_custom_workflows
mirror of https://github.com/anteo/redmine_custom_workflows/ Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52912 (New): redmine_wysiwyg
Redmine plugin that allows changing textile/default editor to wysiwyg. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52911 (New): redmine_work_days
Redmine Work Days Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52910 (New): NewZDRedmine
An app that pushes tickets in Zendesk to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52909 (New): redmine_create_wiki_page
Redmine plugin that adds a ”New” button to each wiki page Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52908 (New): redmineR
R client for redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52907 (New): my_projects
Redmine / ChiliProject plugin for showing projects on the landing page Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52906 (New): RedmineSphinxPlugin
You can show your sphinx document on redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52905 (New): n8mellis-redmine-theme
A theme for Redmine based on the Basecamp inspired theme by Peter Theill Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52904 (New): custom_tables
Redmine plugin `Custom tables` Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52903 (New): redmine_work_wechat
redmine plugin for wechat & dingtalk Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52902 (New): redmine_issue_status_colors
Redmine plugin that adds the ability to view issue lists where the issues are color coded based on it’s current status. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52901 (New): msproject_import
Redmine-Plugin: XML-Task-Importer for MS Project Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52900 (New): Redmine-plugin-issueColorLabel
Customize the Issues table display for Status, Tracker and Priority columns. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52899 (New): redmine_auto_watchers
Automatic Watchers is a Redmine plugin that automatically adds people that touch an issue as watchers. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52898 (New): redmine_sql_reports
Allows the creation of reports using arbitrary SQL Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52897 (New): redmine_worktime_log
Redmine Worktime Log Plugin Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52896 (New): SubRed
Redmine Client for SublimeText Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52895 (New): redmine_card
Redmine Plugin to show tickets Card ready to print like post-it Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52894 (New): glowworm
Angular5 components for Redmine style https://lishichao1002.github.io/glowworm/ Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52893 (New): RedTouch
Sencha Touch based web interface for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52892 (New): redmine-reminder-emails
This plugin provides a ui for redmine:send_reminders rake tasks that send reminder emails about assigned and active i... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52891 (New): redmine-themes
Persian RTL themes for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52890 (New): redmine-import-tasks
Import tasks plugin for Redmine 2.2.3 Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52889 (New): redmine_watchers_by_role
Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52888 (New): redmine_time_invoices
Generates time invoice for each project where the Redmine Invoice Generator plugin module is installed. The user can ... Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52887 (New): csv_import_issues
Redmine plugin that allows importing of issues via CSV allowing user to map columns of csv to issue attributes. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52886 (New): redmine_spent_time_required
Plugin to require adding spent time Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52885 (New): export_docx
Export Redmine issues to docx files Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52884 (New): redmine-qt
Library to access to a Redmine instance using its REST API, developped in C++ with Qt. Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52883 (New): redmine_cors
Redmine plugin to allow external application to use Redmine REST API with cross-origin resource sharing Admin Redmine
09:23 github-repo #52882 (New): redmine__select2
This plugin add Select2 component to redmine for using by other plugins Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52881 (New): johanek-redmine
Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52880 (New): redmine_language_change
This plugin allows overriding the default language strings in Redmine, without hacking the Redmine core. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52879 (New): Redlime
Redlime: Sublime text 3 Redmine manager Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52878 (New): redmine_social_sign_in
Social sign in into Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52877 (New): redmine_weekly_time_sheet
Provides a convenient way to log time in redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52876 (New): chiliproject-to-redmine
Chiliproject to Redmine migration howto and resources Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52875 (New): redmine_campfire_notifications
A plugin to display Redmine activity on Campfire Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52874 (New): redmine_working_hours
Working hours plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52873 (New): Redmine-Freshbooks
Redmine plugin which uploads time entered into redmine time logging directly up to freshbooks, for easy time entry Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52872 (New): git-redmine-commit
git commit with redmine issue id. With this tool, you can do a git commit with a redmine issue id. The message of th... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52871 (New): redmine_issue_field_visibility
Hide core issue fields per role Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52870 (New): redmine_last_updated_by_column
A Redmine plugin to display name of the user who made last Issue update. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52869 (New): django-redmine
A Django application to connect to an existing Redmine database Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52868 (New): redmine_scrummer
Redmine Scrummer is a redmine plugin to let it supports scrum agile process Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52867 (New): redmine_codemirror
CodeMirror integration plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52866 (New): redmine_boards_watchers
Redmine Boards Watchers (fork) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52865 (New): www
Website for Redmine Backlogs Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52864 (New): redmine-theme-minimalflat
Minimal and flat design Redmine theme. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52863 (New): redmine-auth
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52862 (New): bestest_timer
This is an awesome punch clock/timer plugin for Redmine. It’s great. It’s the bestest. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52861 (New): redmine_extra_ldap
Extra actions and scripts for Redmine LDAP integration Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52860 (New): redmine_homepage
Configure the Redmine homepage to be a specific page Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52859 (New): redmine_reminder
This plugin sends email notifications about due dates of issues you are involved in (as Assignee, Author, Watcher, or... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52858 (New): redmine_shortcuts
Simple Redmine plugin that provides keyboard shortcuts Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52857 (New): redmine_gist
Redmine plugin adding a {{gist}} macro that embeds Github Gists into Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52856 (New): redmine_tracker_accessible
This plugin limits available trackers for the role and gives access to the issues, as well as gives special access to... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52855 (New): redmine_importer
[OBSOLETE] / Martin Liu’s Redmine CSV Import Plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52854 (New): redmine_asciidoc_formatter
Redmine Wiki Formater using Asciidoc Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52853 (New): redmine_inline_note_images_plugin
Redmine plugin for inline note images display Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52852 (New): elmine
Access redmine Rest API via elisp in your favorite editor. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52851 (New): redmine_sms_auth
Deprecated SMS 2FA-authentication for Redmine. Please use https://github.com/southbridgeio/redmine_2fa Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52850 (New): pms
:cloud::monkey:DXC 新一代、轻量级项目生命周期质量管理平台。:computer::iphone:DEMO: Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52849 (New): redmine_email_watchers
Redmine plugin that will add email addresses as watchers to issues (and other objects). Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52848 (New): redmine_require_closing_note
Plugin for the Redmine project management Rails app. Requires a note to be entered when closing an issue Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52847 (New): redmine_customize_core_fields
Redmine plugin - Let’s customize core fields Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52846 (New): redmine_rouge_highlighter
A syntax highlighter for Redmine that uses the Rouge library Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52845 (New): redmine_tkgmap
Redmine plugin(ver 2.3.x,2.2.x..) . Adding a custom field that can choose latlng by google map. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52844 (New): cmis_4_redmine_2
Redmine 2.x Cmis Plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52843 (New): redmine_scheduling_poll
a plugin to provide the simple way to schedule appointments on Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52842 (New): redmine_blogs
Fork of the Redmine Blogs plugin, updated. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52841 (New): gnome-shell-extension-redmine-issues
Monitoring Redmine issues by REST API. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52840 (New): redmine-projects-table
Projects table for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52839 (New): line_numbers
Redmine plugin that enables line numbering in code blocks and adds a toggle button to turn it on/off Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52838 (New): redmine_update_reminder
Redmine ticket update reminder plugin that sends a email reminder to the assignee and a globally defined cc’d user wh... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52837 (New): redmine_omniauth_gitlab
This plugin is used to authenticate Redmine users using gitlab’s OAuth2 provider. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52836 (New): kanbanise-redmine
Display Redmine issues in a Kanban-style format. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52835 (New): redpenny
Redpenny - Redmine Theme Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52834 (New): RedArmory
Backup and Restore tool for Bitnami Redmine Stack Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52833 (New): redmine_mail_from
Redmine plugin for adding user name and/or mail address to the ”From:” header field of the notification mail. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52832 (New): things-redmine
An appscript to sync Redmine and Things Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52831 (New): redmine_milkode
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52830 (New): redmine_gitlab_integration
Redmine plugin for making connection between Redmine Project and Gitlab Repository Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52829 (New): redmine_enter_cancel
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52828 (New): redmine_maintenance_mode
Plugin to prevent users from using Redmine while system operations are being done. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52827 (New): redmine_2chat
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52826 (New): redmine-github-plugin
Plugin to integrate Github’s repositories with Redmine, based on patch #2525 Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52825 (New): custom_users_as_assignees
Redmine plugin for adding assignee functionality includes default query and reminder to custom users Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52824 (New): redmine_theme_pack
A collection of (other people’s) redmine themes, bundled together Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52823 (New): redmine_simple_api
This plugin provides a simple REST API for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52822 (New): redmine_allocation
Allocation is a Redmine plugin to record and keep track of people’s allocation to projects. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52821 (New): redmine_gc_sync
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52820 (New): redmine_watcher_groups
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52819 (New): redmine_mailwrapper
Plugin for Redmine to rewrite mail according to rules for each projects. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52818 (New): bz2redmine
Bugzilla to Redmine migration script Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52817 (New): redmine_watcher_filter
This is a Redmine plugin. This plugin filters issue watchers and checks/unchecks them, by groups, roles and custom fi... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52816 (New): qbmeetingroomplugin
Qburst’s meeting room plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52815 (New): redmine-vote_on_issues-plugin
Redmine Plugin Which Allows Users to Up- or Down-vote Issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52814 (New): redmine_wiki_navigation
NOT MAINTAINED - A plugin to add a tree-based navigation in wiki sidebar Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52813 (New): migrate_from_bugzilla
bugzilla to redmine migration rake task Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52812 (New): a1
A theme for an old version Redmine. Based on the original A1, but adds a media query based mobile layout. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52811 (New): vscode-redmine
Redmine extension for Visual Studio Code. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52810 (New): redmine_change_issue_author
This plugin provides the ability to change the issue author Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52809 (New): vagrant-coreos-docker-demo
Vagrant and Docker profiles for small web application server, inclluding Redmine, ResourceSpace, Gitbucket, Etherpad,... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52808 (New): redmine_spent_time_column
Redmine Spent Time Column Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52807 (New): sentry-redmine
Sentry integration for creating Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52806 (New): redmine_tracker
Multi platform application to track time and synchronize it into Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52805 (New): fedmine
A simplistic theme for Redmine from Froiden Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52804 (New): redmine_plugin_support
Gem to help build Redmine plugins Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52803 (New): redmine_cmis
Redmine plugin to upload documents to a Cmis server Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52802 (New): toggl2redmine
Redmine plugin with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to pull time entries from Toggl into Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52801 (New): org-redmine
Redmine tools using Emacs OrgMode Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52800 (New): integration-1c-redmine
Внешняя обработка для 1С:Предприятия 8 - ”клиент” для работы с системой управления проектами ”Redmine” Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52799 (New): redmine-wiki_latex_plugin
This small plugin for redmine provides a wiki-macro to render images from latex source. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52798 (New): RedmineReports
Reporting support for the popular Redmine ticketing system. Fully fledged report designer and comprehensive sample re... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52797 (New): redmine-heroku
One-button Heroku deploy for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52796 (New): notify_custom_users
Email Notifications for Custom field with User type Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52795 (New): redmine_leaves
A simple plugin for user leaves management. It allows user to check-in and check-out for attendance marking. Leave is... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52794 (New): python-redmine
python library to connect to Redmine (http://www.redmine.org) API via JSON Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52793 (New): deployer
Redmine plugin to group issues into deploys and send notifications when needed Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52792 (New): redrisk
Risk plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52791 (New): redmine_revision_branches
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52790 (New): redmine_charts
Add to Redmine several useful charts which show project statistics. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52789 (New): gitmine
Last git commits with associated redmine ticket status. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52788 (New): sonar-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52787 (New): redmine_x_closed
redmine_x_closed closing issues a week after their ”Resolving” (need a maintainer) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52786 (New): ansible-role-redmine
Ansible Role To Install Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52785 (New): phabmine
Phabricator + Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52784 (New): project_overview
Adds a new project overview page to redmine 2+. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52783 (New): latest-issues-redmine-plugin
Redmine plugin that displays latest redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52782 (New): curso-redmine
Curso de Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52781 (New): omnifocus-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52780 (New): redmine.js
Redmine client for Android written in AngularJS 1.4 Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52779 (New): redmine_merge_request_links
Display links to associated Gitlab merge requests and GitHub pull requests on Redmine’s issue page. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52778 (New): redmine_subtask_list_columns
Redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52777 (New): redmine_extended_spent_time
Redmine plugin used to extend spent time visualisation options located in ”my page”. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52776 (New): refresh_repository_api_plugin
Really simple Redmine plugin, that exposes repository refresh calls. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52775 (New): redcase
Redmine Redcase Plugin for managing test cases. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52774 (New): rtx_notify
redmine plugin rtx_notify Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52773 (New): running-redmine-on-puma
running redmine on puma installation tutorial (Ubuntu/MySQL) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52772 (New): redmine_introductions
A redmine plugin to introduce features and create step-by-step users guide. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52771 (New): redmine_menu_links
A plugin which adds links to the top menu of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52770 (New): howlingmine-server
(NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Redmine plugin providing an HTTP interface to the Redmine issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52769 (New): redmine_wiki_sql
Redmine plugin that allows you to run SQL queries and have them shown on your wiki in table format Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52768 (New): redmine-desktop
Native desktop Redmine client written in Angular.js with Electron Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52767 (New): redmine_discord
Redmine plugin that sends webhook notifications to Discord channels in a rich embed format. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52766 (New): redmine-gitcamp-theme
Basecamp theme for Remine +GitHub Wiki Styles Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52765 (New): redmine_postgresql_search
PostgreSQL full text search plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52764 (New): redmine-kanboard
coordinate Kanboard with Redmine tickets Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52763 (New): redmine_contacts
This plugin a free clone of Highrise CRM which you can manage customers and contacts, track tasks and store files. Ba... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52762 (New): redmine_issue_notification
This plugin is send notification email (to watchers) about comming due date Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52761 (New): redmine_email_images
Send images inline in redmine email notifications. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52760 (New): C--REST-client-library-for-Redmine
C# library for accessing the REST APIs exposed by Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52759 (New): redmine_chatwork_notifications
A plugin to display activity notifications on chatwork. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52758 (New): redmine_workflow_viz
visualization of workflow definition on redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52757 (New): redmine2mite
Redmine2mite connects your Redmine account with your mite.account. Track your time easily on issues within Redmine an... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52756 (New): redmine_icalendar_export
Redmine ICS Export Plug-in (aka redmics) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52755 (New): menu_link
A plugin which adds a link to the top menu of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52754 (New): redmine_project_specific_email_sender
This is a plugin for Redmine which allows each project to have it’s own sender email address for project related, out... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52753 (New): redmine_rd_formatter
A redmine plugin for supporting RD as a wiki format Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52752 (New): redmine_mermaid_macro
Mermaid.js for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52751 (New): redmine_cc_addresses
CC Address Plugin for Redmine... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52750 (New): redmine_loader
Project plan loader plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52749 (New): redmine_user_status
redmine plugin for keeping track of users Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52748 (New): redmine_category_tree
Module for Redmine to allow categories to be a tree instead of a single-list Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52747 (New): redmine_codebutton
Displays a button in editor to surround selected text with snippets for convenient codehighlight in the wiki Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52746 (New): redmine_organizations
Replaces Redmine Groups in favor of a more complex organization structure Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52745 (New): reddrop
Reddrop is a plugin for Redmine that allows users of that service to sync their documents and files using Dropbox. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52744 (New): redmine-improved-theme
Redmine theme forked from the vanilla Redmine theme and converted to SASS Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52743 (New): redmine_preview_office
Plugin for Redmine. Preview Microsoft Office Documents in Redmine’s preview pane Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52742 (New): redmine_carousel
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52741 (New): redmine_base_deface
Integrate with the deface gem to manage view modifications in plugins Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52740 (New): redmine_sidekiq
Sidekiq plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52739 (New): redmine_reports
Graphs and (soon) reports for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52738 (New): redmine-inherit-fields-plugin
A redmine plugin to translade some fields from parent to subtask Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52737 (New): redmine-fantasy
Redmineで始める異世界人心掌握術 [異世界ファンタジー/長編/完結済] Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52736 (New): redmine_logo
Official Redmine logo Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52735 (New): redmine_heroku
Redmine plugin to help automate the setup and management of running Redmine on Heroku.com Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52734 (New): ezlibrarian
book shelf and device room management plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52733 (New): redmine_wiki_issue_details
This plugin adds a wiki macro to make it easier to list the details of issues on a wiki page. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52732 (New): redmine_omniauth_cas
CAS authentication plugin for Redmine through OmniAuth Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52731 (New): redmine_laconi.ca
A test plugin for redmine to send status updates to identi.ca/twitter etc. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52730 (New): redmica
The future Redmine you can get today — another distribution of a flexible project management software named Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52729 (New): nxs-chat-srv
Nixys chat bot that integrates Telegram and Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52728 (New): lightmine.js
AngularJS based Redmine REST API Client with a Responsive Interface Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52727 (New): redmine_merge_redmine
Plugin to merge two Redmine databases. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52726 (New): redmine_issue_todo_lists
Organize Redmine issues in to-do lists by manually ordering their priority Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52725 (New): redmine-google_apps_scripts
A script for Google Apps Scripts that allow to connect to your Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52724 (New): redcuine
CUI frontend for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52723 (New): redmine_diff_email
A plugin for redmine to send diff emails to project members upon checkin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52722 (New): redcase
Test case management plug-in for the Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52721 (New): redmine_closed_issue
A plugin that records the date when the issue is closed and shows it on the issue detail view Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52720 (New): modula-mojito
Mojito is a Redmine / ChiliProject theme by Modula Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52719 (New): redmine_etherpad
Plugin for embedding etherpads in redmine wikis. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52718 (New): redmine_spent_time_in_issue_description
Redmine Plugin that drops Time Entry data into the Issue Description Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52717 (New): issuefy
Redmine plugin for creating issues from a spreadsheet file, and save a lot of time. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52716 (New): redmine_email_fetcher
Redmine plugin that extends the Redmine Receiving emails functionality by allowing the configuration of email account... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52715 (New): redmine_reposearch
Full-text search of a repository plugin. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52714 (New): rbot-redmine-plugin
A plugin that allows you to query Redmine using rbot Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52713 (New): accept-plugin
Accept plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52712 (New): redmine_user_import
redmine plugin for user bulk import from csv file Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52711 (New): redmine_roadmaps
This is a plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52710 (New): redmine_graph_activities
The plugin to generate a graph to visualize members’ activities Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52709 (New): Redmine-Changeauthor-Plugin
That Redmine plugin provides functionality, to change the authoring information of an issue. In many cases, e.g. gett... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52708 (New): redmine_recaptcha
Adds a recaptcha to Redmine’s user self registration screen to combat spam Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52707 (New): redmine-chat-plugin
A Personal Chat Room for Redmine Installs Using The Juggernaut Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52706 (New): redmine_theme_farend_bleuclair
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52705 (New): redmine_editor_preview_tab
DEPRECATED Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52704 (New): ansible-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52703 (New): redmine_issue_history_tabs
Clone of kosz’ Redmine history plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52702 (New): redmine_keyboard_shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52701 (New): redmine_ssl_auth
Enable authentication in Redmine using SSL client certificates Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52700 (New): redmine_project_filtering
Redmine plugin that adds filters to the Project/Index view Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52699 (New): redmine_percent_done
Redmine plugin implementing automatic issue done ratios for selected issue statuses while keeping the field editable ... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52698 (New): redmine_telegram_common
Redmine Telegram Common plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52697 (New): redmine_embedded
Plugin for Redmine to embed Doxygen/Javadoc files Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52696 (New): lazymine
Simple redmine portal for time entry. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52695 (New): easyredmine
Easy Redmine is a plugin into Redmine project management web application. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52694 (New): redmine_serial_number_field
採番カスタムフィールドのRedmineプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52693 (New): redmine_bots
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52692 (New): redmine_better_files
Redmine plugin which improves file and attachments management functionality Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52691 (New): redmine_message_customize
This is a plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52690 (New): redmine_editauthor
Redmine plugin that allows to edit issue author. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52689 (New): Redmine-Chan
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52688 (New): redmine_app_notifications
App notifications plugin provides simple in application notifications for Redmine. It can replace default e-mail noti... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52687 (New): issue_charts
Allows Redmine users to create simple charts and graphs for issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52686 (New): redmine-ubuntu-ansible
RedmineをUbuntu Serverに自動インストールためのAnsibleプレイブック Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52685 (New): redmine_latex_mathjax
A plugin to enable mathjax on redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52684 (New): redmine_harvest
Redmine plugin to import timesheet data from Harvest Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52683 (New): redmine_newissuealerts
A redmine plugin to send email when a new issue is created Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52682 (New): AWS-ALMinium
GitHubで公開されているRedmineを一発展開できるOSS「ALMinium」を、Amazon Web Serviceプラットフォームに展開しやすくするようにしたものです。Amazon Linuxインスタンス専用です。 Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52681 (New): redmine-desktop-client
A port of the original RedmineClient to use the REST API of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52680 (New): redmine_gitlab_merge_request
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52679 (New): redmine_ms_projects
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52678 (New): redmine_auto_assigned_user
If an user forget to assign the issue, this plugin will auto-assign to the project manager. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52677 (New): redmine_git_mirror
Adds ability to clone and fetch remote git repositories to redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52676 (New): RedMine-plantillas-plugin
This plugin allow you choose a wiki template when you add a new page. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52675 (New): redmine-exception-handler-plugin
Exception Handler is a Redmine plugin that can be configured to send Exception notification emails when an error occu... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52674 (New): empty-redmine-plugin
This is an empty plugin based on the sample plugin for Redmine. Use it to help create your own custom plugin. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52673 (New): redmine
Redmine - Integrated SCM & Project Management Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52672 (New): redmine_niko_cale
Niko-niko Calendar (Niko-cale) plugin is a Redmine plugin that shows the mood of project members and the overall proj... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52671 (New): issue-sync-redmine-github
Sync Redmine issues with Github issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52670 (New): Redmine-Issues-Checker
Chrome extension that helps you to keep track of your Redmine issues. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52669 (New): Redmine-Periodic-Task
A redmine plugin that lets you schedule an issue to fire every x days/weeks/months Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52668 (New): redmine-openid-selector
Redmine plugin. Provides an OpenID selector at login. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52667 (New): redmine_highlightjs
A redmine plugin to highlight code blocks much better than coderay! Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52666 (New): redminetimesync
Script to push time entries from Gnome Time Tracker applet to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52665 (New): redmine_drop_box
Redmine plugin to upload your documents to dropbox Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52664 (New): redmine_workflow_hidden_fields
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52663 (New): redmine_dropbox_attachments
Use Dropbox as the storage backend for your Redmine installation Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52662 (New): redmine_activity_report
The plugin is designed to send daily, weekly and monthly reports on the elapsed time on the project. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52661 (New): event_notifications
Redmine event notifications : Add event notification options to the each event at the redmine project. For EX: notifi... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52660 (New): redmine-theme-basecamp-with-icon
A fork of ’Basecamp theme’ comes from redmine’s alternative theme. (sigh) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52659 (New): redmine-chrome
Redmine notification tools for chrome extension. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52658 (New): martini
A slick clean theme for Redmine with good whitespace by Modula Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52657 (New): redmine2confluence-wiki
Set of scripts to import data from redmine wiki to Confluence Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52656 (New): redmine_wiki_notes
Adds some macros to the wiki to display a note/info/warning/tip block Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52655 (New): cookbook-redmine
Chef’s Cookbook for installing Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52654 (New): redmine_vote
Redmine Issues Vote Plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52653 (New): redmine-google-analytics-plugin
Redmine plugin to insert the Google Analytics tracking code into Redmine based on user roles. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52652 (New): redmine_gitrevision_download
Adds a download link to redmine’s git repository browser Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52651 (New): redmine_work_time
Redmine plugin to edit spent time by each user. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52650 (New): redmine-assets-plugin
Provides a central location to view all your project’s assets Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52649 (New): redmine_issue_due_date
Redmine plugin that will automatically set an Issue’s due_date based on the Version and / or Deliverable due date. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52648 (New): redmine-plugin
Jenkins redmine plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52647 (New): redmine_pdf_wiki
Add export to pdf in wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52646 (New): redmine_taskjuggler
Redmine and Task Juggler Integration Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52645 (New): redmine_multi_calendar
This plugin allows creating holiday calendars and assigning them to the users. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52644 (New): redmine_issue_template
Allows to manage templates of issues, and adding them to issue body Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52643 (New): redmine_bbb
Integrate BigBlueButton server with redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52642 (New): admin_interface
A Rails admin interface generator. Theme stolen from Redmine. Similar to web-app-theme. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52641 (New): redmine_arch_decisions
A plugin to manage architecture (and other) decisions for projects in Redmine. Provides a way to collaborate on decis... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52640 (New): redmine_recurring_tasks
Plugin for creating scheduled tasks from templates Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52639 (New): worklogs
This is a worklogs plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52638 (New): redmine-libsvn
Redmine plugin to use libsvn bindings to access Subversion repositories. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52637 (New): readme_at_repositories
Redmine plugin that displays contents of file named ”README.md” at repository tab Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52636 (New): redminenb
Netbeans adapter for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52635 (New): redmine_screenshot_paste
Allow pasting a screenshot from the clipboard on the issue form. This a rework of the Jean-Philippe Lang’s Redmine S... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52634 (New): redmine_persist_wfmt
redmine_persist_wfmt is a plugin for Redmine that persists wiki format. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52633 (New): redmine_issue_reminder
Redmine plugin for sending out reminders of due and inactive issues. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52632 (New): redmine-timesheet-plugin
A plugin to show and filter timelogs across all projects in Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52631 (New): redmine_openpgp
Redmine plugin for email encryption with the OpenPGP standard Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52630 (New): BacklogMigration-Redmine
Migrate your projects from Redmine to Backlog. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52629 (New): redmine_entity_generator
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52628 (New): redmine_bugcloud
This is a plugin for Redmine. The view that displays the ticket like the tag cloud is added. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52627 (New): redmine_theme_changer
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52626 (New): redmine_estimate_timelog
Plugin of redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52625 (New): redmine_task_board
Creates a drag ’n’ drop task board of the items in the current version and their status Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52624 (New): unite-yarm
yet another redmine source for unite.vim Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52623 (New): redmine_issues_summary_graph
redmine_issues_summary_graph Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52622 (New): redmine_workflow_enhancements
Redmine workflow enhancements. UNMAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52621 (New): redmine_omniauth_saml
Plugins that adds SAML authentication support for ”Redmine” Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52620 (New): redmine_embedded_video
Embedd Flash and Youtube videos into redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52619 (New): redmine_auto_watch
Autowatch plugin fro Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52618 (New): redmine_export_with_journals
Export CSV with history Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52617 (New): redmine_hide_estimated_hours
Hide estimated hours from Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52616 (New): redmine_my_page_queries
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52615 (New): unread_issues
Redmine unread_issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52614 (New): redmine_track_control
Redmine Plugin to control issue creation with specific tracker Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52613 (New): redmine_ical
Redmine Ical aims to provide an ical/ics feed or export of issues and versions to be imported into/subscribed to from... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52612 (New): redmine_mobile
Redmine plugin to provide simpler views for mobile users Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52611 (New): redmine_openid_connect
Redmine OpenId Connect Plugin - based on redmine_cas Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52610 (New): redmine-to-omnifocus
Python script to export Redmine (http://redmine.org) issues into OmniFocus (http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omn... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52609 (New): Redmine-Touch
Redmine plugin to add missing function of ”Last updated by” Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52608 (New): redmine_checkout
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52607 (New): redmine_workload
Redmine Workload Plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52606 (New): redmine_thumbnails
Redmine Thumbnails Plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52605 (New): redmine_watchers_by_group
Allows issue creator to select multiple watchers by group Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52604 (New): redmine_blocks_layout
Pavel Vinokurov and Sergei Vasiliev’s redmine blocks layout plugin, copied up to github Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52603 (New): redmine_wiki_lists
wiki macros of redmine to display lists of issues. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52602 (New): redmine_digest
Send daily/weekly/monthly digest Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52601 (New): redmine-themes
Custom Themes for Redmine; Install by following the instructions on http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Themes Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52600 (New): rencon
Rencon is a commandline interface of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52599 (New): ansible-redmine
Ansible playbook for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52598 (New): notifications
Xmpp Notifications for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52597 (New): redmine_extended_watchers
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52596 (New): redmine_issue_reminder
Plugin for Redmine to create different role based reminders for a project Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52595 (New): redmine_issues_poll
A redmine plugin to elect issues. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52594 (New): RedmineCLI
[DEPRECATED] A Redmine client in NodeJS. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52593 (New): redmine_reminder
Plugin for Redmine project that sends notification to assignee if due date is coming. Work with issue and issues cate... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52592 (New): redmine-command
Redmine-Slack integration to manage issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52591 (New): redmine_my_effort
Allows to start/stop timers for time spent on an issue from a separate tab Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52590 (New): redmine_ticket_emailer
Redmine plugin to allow users to email tickets to the Redmine issue tracking system Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52589 (New): Redmine-Fields-permissions
A redmine plugin wich add some permissions Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52588 (New): turtlemine
Tortoise Redmine Plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52587 (New): redmine-export-project-data
Exports the data from a Redmine project. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52586 (New): redmine_restructuredtext_formatter
reStructuredText formatting for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52585 (New): redmine_scm_extensions
Extensions of repositories management in REDMINE Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52584 (New): redmine-like-a-boss
[sh] Simple redmine installation with plugins and themes Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52583 (New): redmine_wiki_unc
Plugin for Redmine to create a link tag links to files on Windows network share. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52582 (New): redmine_private_wiki
Private Wiki plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52581 (New): orgmine
Emacs minor mode for org-mode with redmine integration Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52580 (New): redmine_impersonate
Redmine plugin allowing administrators to login as any user with a single click. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52579 (New): redmine2github
Scripts to migrate redmine tickets to github issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52578 (New): redmine_story_decomposition
Creates a UI for decomposing stories into tasks. Also makes sure tasks move with their stories when a Version is assi... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52577 (New): redmine-system-notification-plugin
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52576 (New): redmine-cli
Redmine command line client Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52575 (New): redmine_wysiwyg_textile
Redmine Wysiwyg Textile Editor using tinymce Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52574 (New): RedmineIssueImporter
Configurable PHP CLI tool to import sheets (CSV or others) to Redmine through Redmine´s API. With Custom Fields, and ... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52573 (New): redmine_iphone_plugin
An iPhone interface plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52572 (New): redmine_bootstrap
Plugin to override some Redmine views using the Bootstrap CSS scheme Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52571 (New): vagrant-redmine
Vagrant configuration to have a ready to use Redmine site Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52570 (New): status_button
redmine plugin status_button Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52569 (New): redmine-2.0-openshift-quickstart
Redmine version 2.0.3 project management software for OpenShift Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52568 (New): redmine-cas-plugin
Redmine CAS authentication plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52567 (New): redmine_airbrake_server
A Redmine plugin which enables it to receive application error notifications Airbrake-style Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52566 (New): redmine_wiki_html_util
Redmine Wiki Extension that allows placement of raw HTML, CSS or JS into your wiki. Useful for Web UI Demos. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52565 (New): jira2redmine
Script for import from JIRA to redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52564 (New): redmine_digest
A plugin for the Redmine issue tracking system which emails a digest of the project’s activity to its members. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52563 (New): redmine_timelog_timer
A simple javascript timer for timelog form Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52562 (New): redmine_per_project_formatting
Redmine plugin for per-project text formatting Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52561 (New): redmine-gerrit-scripts
Some scripts that connect Gerrit with Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52560 (New): redmine_stats
Redmine plugin to get some global statistics Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52559 (New): redmine-gollum
A plugin to use gollum wiki in redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52558 (New): redmine_vote
This is redmine vote plugin. Its style is similar to stackoverflow. You can vote for each message with a positive or ... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52557 (New): redmine_timesheet_extensions
Redmine plugin furnishing some extensions about time informations Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52556 (New): redmine-el
See Redmine on Emacs Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52555 (New): redmine_user_specific_theme
Redmine user specific theme plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52554 (New): redmine_billing
Coming Soon! Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52553 (New): node-redmine
Redmine REST API Client for node.js Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52552 (New): redmine_stealth
Sometimes sneaky is good. This plugin works like a mute button for Redmine notification emails. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52551 (New): redmine_contracts
Super seckret, don’t look! Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52550 (New): redmine_equipment_status_viewer
Redmine plugin: Allows admins to make a list of equipment and track if they are inservice or not Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52549 (New): TeamCityRedmine
Redmine issue tracker plugin for TeamCity Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52548 (New): hubot-redmine
Redmine API scripts for Hubot Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52547 (New): redmine_milestones
Milestones plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52546 (New): redmine_wiki_permissions
This redmine plugin adding permissions for every wiki page (need a maintainer) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52545 (New): redmine_bootstrap_kit
A Redmine plugin which makes developing your own Redmine plugin easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52544 (New): redmine_local_avatars
Redmine Local Avatars Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52543 (New): redmine_xlsx_format_issue_exporter
This is Redmine plugin which exports issue list to XLSX format file. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52542 (New): redmine_wiki_extensions
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52541 (New): redmine_my_page
Add options to list custom queries, Activities in the My Page of Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52540 (New): Redmine-Wordkload-Dnoise
Plugin para redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52539 (New): vault
Is a plugin for project management system Redmine. Allows you to store various passwords/keys in one place for the pr... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52538 (New): redmine_customize
Plugin for some Redmine customizations. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52537 (New): redmine_http_auth
HTTP Authentication plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52536 (New): redcmd
Command line control over Redmine issue tracking system Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52535 (New): redpomo
Redmine, Pomodoro.app and Todo-txt. Together. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52534 (New): node-promised-redmine
node module to work with redmine api rewrited to be promises/A+ compliant Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52533 (New): redmine_google_calendar
A way to add a Google Calendar iframe as a tab in a Redmine project Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52532 (New): redmine-theme-innerboard
Innerboard theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52531 (New): release_logs
Redmine plugin for managing project releases :tada: Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52530 (New): redmine_vividtone_my_page_blocks
Add some useful my page blocks to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52529 (New): redmine_inventory_manager
Take your warehouse or office inventory on the same platform of your projects. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52528 (New): redmine_cas
Plugin to CASify your Redmine installation. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52527 (New): docker-redmine
Redmine Docker image Control Scripts Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52526 (New): redmine_issue_evm
This plugin provides the function of calculating evm of projects . EVM can help you to track your project progress an... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52525 (New): redmine_2fa
Two-factor (sms/telegram) authentication for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52524 (New): redmine_landing_page
Landing Page plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52523 (New): redmine-notifier
Updated issues checker for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52522 (New): redmine_google_docs
Google Spreadsheets plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52521 (New): redminetoolbar
Firefox add-on to improve handling of Redmine projects Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52520 (New): due_date_reminder
Redmine plugin that sends notifications Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52519 (New): redmine_app_timesheets
A true timesheet plugin using orders, not bound to timelogs over issues Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52518 (New): redmine_custom_css
Redmine plugin to easily input CSS to customize Redmine appearance. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52517 (New): redmine_startpage
A Redmine plugins to allow user to select almost any redmine sub page as start page for a Redmine website Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52516 (New): redmine_pretend
Redmine plugin for quick change of the user Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52515 (New): redmine
Dockerized Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52514 (New): projects_tree_view
Proposed new home for the Redmine Projects Tree View plugin. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52513 (New): redmine_login_audit
Redmine plugin to log successful login attempts in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52512 (New): redmine_parking_lot_chart
Redmine Parking Lot Chart plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52511 (New): redmine_xapian
This plugin allows searches across attachments with xapian search engine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52510 (New): redmine_custom_reports
Redmine plugin for reports and charts Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52509 (New): redmine_tweaks
deprecated Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52508 (New): redmine_markdown_extra_formatter
[OBSOLETE] Markdown Extra formatter plugin for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52507 (New): redmine_my_roadmaps
Redmine plugin that expose global roadmaps for the user’s projects. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52506 (New): vim-redmine
Redmine operation from vim Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52505 (New): redmine-heroku
This is a fork of the official Redmine mirror. It is specifically designed for use on Heroku Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52504 (New): pyredminews
Python Redmine Web Services Library Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52503 (New): redmine-theme-yh
Redmine theme used in YeniHayat Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52502 (New): redmine-my-widgets-plugin
This plugin provides instances of Redmine with additional widgets for My page. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52501 (New): redmine_convert_textile_to_markown
Redmine rake task to convert content from textile to markdown Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52500 (New): redmine_local_avatars
Local Avatars for redmine - initially imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/redminelocalavatars Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52499 (New): redmine_issue_checklist
Checklist Plugin creates simple checklists for Redmine issues. Downloaded from http://www.redminecrm.com/projects/che... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52498 (New): redmine_drafts
This plugin tries to answer issue #2910 : warning on leaving edited issue page without saving or save issue as draft Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52497 (New): redmine-bulk_time_entry_plugin
This plugin will let you enter multiple timelogs at once Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52496 (New): redmine-trello-card-sync
Sync Redmine ticket to Trello card Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52495 (New): redmine-tools
Migrate Redmine project from one instance of Redmine to another one Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52494 (New): redmine_whining
Implements an email alert system when issues have not been updated in the last X days Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52493 (New): redmine_jchat
Chat Plugin for Redmine 1.0.x,1.1.x,1.2.x - Driven on MySQL no need to install any extra gems. Use at own risk. I wil... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52492 (New): redmine_plugin_computed_custom_field
Computed Custom Field for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52491 (New): redmine_cmi
CMI is a Redmine plugin to have a summarized view of the projects. It calculates and shows with graphics different me... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52490 (New): axiom
A dark theme for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52489 (New): redmine-mobile
a mobile client for redmine, including IOS and Android Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52488 (New): redmine_issues_group
Redmine Issues grouping plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52487 (New): redmine_re
The Redmine RE plugin is a requirements engineering and requirements management plugin for the Redmine project manage... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52486 (New): redmine_pull_requests
Github like pull requests for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52485 (New): Redmine-Periodic-Task
A redmine plugin that lets you schedule an issue to fire every x days/weeks/months Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52484 (New): ezfaq
FAQ management plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52483 (New): redmine_s3
Uses Amazon S3 for storing attachments Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52482 (New): redmine-nginx
A opinionated config for running Redmine with Nginx and thin. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52481 (New): redmine_client
Redmine API client Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52480 (New): redmine_pastebin
A real pastebin plugin for Redmine. At last! Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52479 (New): redtimer
Redmine Time Tracker Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52478 (New): Redmine-Todo-lists
Basecamp-like todo lists for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52477 (New): ticketutil
Python ticketing utility for working with tickets in popular tools Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52476 (New): redmine_google_apps
Redmine plugin to use Google Apps users Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52475 (New): redmine_theme_farend_basic
日本語環境でRedmineの画面を見やすくすることを目的としたRedmine用テーマ。デフォルトテーマに似ているので、利用者を混乱させずに差し替えることができます。 Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52474 (New): redmine_all_time_team
This is Redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52473 (New): redmine_theme_farend_fancy
Redmine用テーマ。farend basicにアイコン追加・色の微調整などを行い、デフォルトテーマの雰囲気を大きく変えずに親しみやすさを高めたテーマ。 Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52472 (New): redmine_planning
Redmine plugin that makes it easier to create a project planning Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52471 (New): Redmine-Feedbacks
Get Feedbacks from your iOS App directly to the bug tracker in Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52470 (New): redmine_absolute_dates
Redmineの作成日、更新日などの相対表現表示を絶対表現になおすプラグイン Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52469 (New): RedminePlannerPlugin
Resource planning plugin for Redmine 2.x/3.x - UNMAINTAINED Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52468 (New): additionals
Redmine plugin for customizing, providing wiki macros and act as library for other plugins. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52467 (New): redmine_evm
Earned Value Management plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52466 (New): redmine_issue_badge
Plugin to show the number of assigned issues with badge on top menu. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52465 (New): redmine_reports
Reporting plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52464 (New): redmine_image_clipboard_paste
Redmine plugin to allow pasting an image from the clipboard into the comment box on the form Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52463 (New): redmine_pivot_table
This Redmine plugin allows you to generate pivot table for issue analysis. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52462 (New): redmine_webdav
WebDav plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52461 (New): plantuml
PlantUML Plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52460 (New): redmine_full_text_search
Full text search for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52459 (New): redmine_google_docs_plugin
Redmine google docs plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52458 (New): redmine-view-customize-scripts
Script list for ”Redmine View Customize Plugin” Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52457 (New): redmine-contracts-with-time-tracking-plugin
A Redmine plugin that allows you to manage contracts and associate time-entries with those contracts. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52456 (New): codebook
A minimalistic code sharing plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52455 (New): mega_calendar
Plugin for redmine: Brings a better calendar and more opportunities to display issues and holidays Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52454 (New): redmine_wysiwyg_editor
Redmine WYSIWYG Editor plugin Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52453 (New): wiki_external_filter
Redmine plugin which allows defining macros that process macro argument using external filter program and render its ... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52452 (New): redmine_multiprojects_issue
A Redmine plugin which allows you to specify several projects per issue Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52451 (New): redmine_meetings
manage meetings from redmine... Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52450 (New): redmine_code_review
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52449 (New): redmine_release_notes
A plugin to add release notes to Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52448 (New): redmine_omniauth_google
This plugin is used to authenticate in redmine through Google. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52447 (New): redmine_didyoumean
A Redmine plugin to search for possible duplicates when users are about to open new issues. Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52446 (New): redmine_wktime
ERPmine is an open source free ERP for Service Industries. It runs within Redmine Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52445 (New): redmine_webhook
Admin Redmine
09:22 github-repo #52444 (New): redmine-progressive-projects-list
Redmine plugin provides projects list with progress bars for every project and version Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52443 (New): redmine_hoptoad_server
This plugin turns Redmine (http://redmine.org) into an Airbrake (formerly known as Hoptoad) server, i.e. an API provi... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52442 (New): OpenRedmine
Open Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52441 (New): redmine_jenkins
A Redmine plugin which makes building your Jenkins projects easy ;) Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52440 (New): org-redmine
Redmine tools using Emacs OrgMode Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52439 (New): redmine_hipchat
Plugin for Redmine to deliver room notifications. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52438 (New): redmine_mentions
Allows users to mention team members in their notes/comments. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52437 (New): yiimine
Redmine analog on yii framework Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52436 (New): ekanban
a kanban plugin for redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52435 (New): Redmine-Scrumbler
Easy to use plugin for Redmine. It allows users to use the Scrum/Agile process in projects. Scrumbler have interactiv... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52434 (New): redmine_tagging
Add simple tagging support to Redmine Issues/Wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52433 (New): redmine-gitolite
ABANDONNED Gitolite Redmine Integration Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52432 (New): redmine-theme-flat
Flat theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52431 (New): redmine-net-api
.Net API for Redmine bug/task management systems. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52430 (New): scrum2b
Scrum2B Tool, a plugin of Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52429 (New): redmine_task_board
A Redmine plugin which creates Kanban-style drag and drop taskboards per project. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52428 (New): redmine_impasse
The redmine plugin for test management. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52427 (New): redmine_banner
Plugin for redmine to show site-wide banner message. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52426 (New): redmine-budget-plugin
Budget is a plugin to manage the set of deliverables for each project, automatically calculating key performance indi... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52425 (New): redmine-schedules-plugin
Schedules is a plugin to manage users and assigned projects over time. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52424 (New): redmine_custom_workflows
Allows to create custom workflows for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52423 (New): redmine_helpdesk
Lightweight helpdesk plugin for redmine. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52422 (New): redmine-gitosis
A Redmine plugin which manages your gitosis configuration based on your projects and memberships in Redmine. Includes... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52421 (New): redmine_gitlab_hook
This plugin allows you to update your local Git repositories in Redmine when changes have been pushed to GitLab. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52420 (New): redmine_kanban
The Redmine Kanban plugin is used to manage issues according to the Kanban system of project management. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52419 (New): redmine_time_tracker
A time tracker plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52418 (New): redmine_tags
Redmine plugin, that adds issues tagging support Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52417 (New): redmine_ckeditor
Redmine plugin for integration CKEditor Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52416 (New): clipboard_image_paste
Redmine plugin for pasting cropped image from clipboard as an attachment. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52415 (New): redmine-theme-gitmike
This is github-like theme for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52414 (New): flatly_light_redmine
Flatly light redmine theme Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52413 (New): redmine_dashboard
This redmine plugin adds an issue dashboard that supports drag and drop for issues and support various filters and gr... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52412 (New): redmine_dmsf
Fork of svn repository for redmine_dmsf Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52411 (New): redmine-java-api
Redmine Java API Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52410 (New): redmine_better_gantt_chart
Better Gantt Chart for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52409 (New): python-redmine
Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52408 (New): Netbeans-Redmine-Integration
Basic integration between Netbeans IDE and Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52407 (New): redmine_github_hook
Allow your Redmine installation to be notified when changes have been pushed to a Github repository. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52406 (New): redmine-old
[DEAD] Old mirror, no more synchronized. See discussions at http://www.redmine.org/issues/11918 ; if any question, co... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52405 (New): redmine_knowledgebase
A knowledgebase plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52404 (New): redmine-slack
Slack notification plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52403 (New): PurpleMine2
A free Redmine theme for modern browsers Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52402 (New): php-redmine-api
A simple PHP Redmine API client, Object Oriented Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52401 (New): redmine-view-customize
View customize plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52400 (New): redmine-graphs-plugin
This plugin provides instances of Redmine a method with additional graphs. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52399 (New): redmine-stuff-to-do-plugin
The Stuff To Do plugin allows a user to order and prioritize the issues they are doing into a specific order. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52398 (New): bitnami-docker-redmine
Bitnami Docker Image for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52397 (New): redmine-pepper-theme
Sleek, clean, and high tech theme for Redmine (and Chili project) Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52396 (New): redmine-theme-minimalflat2
Minimal and flat theme for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52395 (New): Dwarf
Dwarf is HD Redmine theme with many outstanding features. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52394 (New): minelab
GitLab inspired Sass theme for Redmine 2.5.x using Font Awesome, with support for Redmine CRM plugins. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52393 (New): Git-Hooks
Redmine等のITS/BTSとGitとCIツールを使った開発を支援するためのフックスクリプト集・・・になる予定 Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52392 (New): Redmine-Monitoring-Controlling
Redmine Plugin that works with Highcharts to show tasks on project throught Charts. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52391 (New): redmine
Docker Official Image packaging for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52390 (New): scrum-pm
Scrum PM is a plugin for Redmine ticket management system. It adds Scrum items like backlog, dashboard and others. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52389 (New): AgileDwarf
Agile plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52388 (New): redmine_lightbox
Lightbox for image attachments Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52387 (New): redmine-theme
A nice, dark and blue theme for Redmine. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52386 (New): go-redmine
Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52385 (New): redmine_redcarpet_formatter
Another Markdown Wiki Formatter for Redmine based on Redcarpet markdown processor. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52384 (New): redmine-todos-scrum-plugin
A scrum-like todos plugin for Redmine. Allows easy creation and management of infinitely nestable todo lists on a per... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52383 (New): redmine_ldap_sync
[UNMAINTAINED] A redmine plugin to synchronize both users and groups with an ldap server Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52382 (New): redmine_issue_templates
Redmine Issue Template. Pull requests, reporting issues, stars and sponsoring are always welcome! Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52381 (New): redmine-centos-ansible
RedmineをCentOSに自動インストールためのAnsibleプレイブック Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52380 (New): redmine-timesheet-plugin
This is a Redmine plugin to generate timesheets from timelogs. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52379 (New): redmine_issue_dynamic_edit
Allows users to dynamically update (AJAX) issue’s attributes from issue details page without any refresh (JIRA like) Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52378 (New): node-redmine
node-redmine is a nodejs library which supports 100% features of Redmine’s REST API. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52377 (New): redmine_favourite_projects
A plugin for Redmine to provide a list of favourite projects on My Page, Top Menu or Project Jumplist. Supports vers... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52376 (New): redmine_drawio
Macro plugin to embed draw.io diagrams into Redmine wiki pages Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52375 (New): chiliproject_invoice
Redmine plugin to create and manage invoices Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52374 (New): redmine_hourglass
New Redmine plugin to enhance the time tracking abilities, reports and REST-API. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52373 (New): redmine-status-updates
A plugin for Redmine that allows users to create little status updates on a per-project basis ala Twitter. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52372 (New): question_plugin
Redmine plugin that allows users to ask questions to each other. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52371 (New): redmine_spent_time
Redmine plugin that improves the spent time functionality. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52370 (New): haltr
Redmine plugin to manage clients, providers, invoices and payments. Imports and exports invoices in PDF, UBL or factu... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52369 (New): redmine-cli
Redmine Command Line Interface Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52368 (New): redmine_markdown_formatter
This is a Markdown plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52367 (New): redmine-customer-plugin
This is a Rails plugin for Redmine that can be used to track basic customer information Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52366 (New): redmine-gitlab-migrator
LOOKING FOR MAINTAINER Migrate code projects from Redmine to Gitlab, keeping issues/milestones/metadata Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52365 (New): redmine_chat_telegram
Control Redmine issues via Telegram bot and chats Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52364 (New): redmine_ultraviolet
Advanced syntax highlighting for Redmine source code repositories (using Ultraviolet, which is based on Textmate synt... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52363 (New): redmine_xls_export
Redmine XLS Export plugin from http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_xls_export Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52362 (New): redmine_advanced_roadmap_v2
Fork of Redmine Plugin: advanced roadmap Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52361 (New): redmine_trackmine
Redmine Plugin to integrate it with Pivotal Tracker Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52360 (New): redmine
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. http://github.com/ed... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52359 (New): redmine-plugin-recurring-tasks
Plugin for Redmine project management software to configure recurring tasks Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52358 (New): redmine_elasticsearch
Full text searching plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52357 (New): redmine_tab
Add a named tab to Redmine that links to an iframe (unmaintained as I don’t manage Redmine anymore) Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52356 (New): redmine_git_remote
Redmine plugin to automatically clone and fetch referenced repositories Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52355 (New): redmine_issues_tree
Provides a tree view of the Redmine issues list Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52354 (New): redmine-basecamp-theme
Basecamp theme for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52353 (New): redmine_default_custom_query
Redmine plugin for setting default custom query of Issues for each project Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52352 (New): redmine_version_burndown_charts
Version Burndown Charts is redmine plugin. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52351 (New): time_logger
Redmine Time logger plugin. More than likely there is only going to be one more public release. New version has ne... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52350 (New): redmine_rate
The Rate plugin provides an API that can be used to find the rate for a Member of a Project at a specific date. It a... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52349 (New): redmine_close_button
Redmine Close Issue button plugin Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52348 (New): redmine_reminder
Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52347 (New): redmine_subtasks
This is plugin for Redmine for adding subtasks functionality. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52346 (New): redmine_my_page_queries
Redmine My Page Queries Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52345 (New): redmine_mattermost
Mattermost notification plugin for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52344 (New): git-redmine
Git Redmine integration tool, written in Python Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52343 (New): redmine-wiki_graphviz_plugin
Wiki macro for redmine. The macro render graph-image from wiki contents as dot. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52342 (New): redmine-mylyn-plugin
Eclipse Mylyn integration for Redmine ( Eclipse Connector Plugin ) Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52341 (New): redmine
Mirror of redmine code source - Official SVN repository is at https://svn.redmine.org/redmine - contact: @jbbarth or ... Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52340 (New): RedmineTimeTracker
Chrome/Electron app for tracking work time. Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52339 (New): redmine_backlogs
A Redmine plugin for agile teams Admin Redmine
09:21 github-repo #52338 (New): docker-redmine
Docker Image for Redmine Admin Redmine
09:20 github-repo #52337 (New): toggl
Redmine Toggl Integration Plugin Admin Redmine

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