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# 題名 Votes Up gh_stars_count gh_forks_count gh_html_url タグ gh_score gh_updated_year gh_created_year
61343 ffff - 操作
61342 test - 操作


61837 redmine_issue_assign_notice - 5 0 2021 2020 操作

Redmine issue assign notice plugin
It is a plugin of Redmine that notifies Slack, Rocket.Chat, Teams, etc. that the issue assignee changed.

61835 redmine_edit_cf_at_issues_index - 2 2 2021 2021 操作

This plugin enables editing a custom field value at the issues_index page.

61834 redmine_numericfield_chart_macro - 1 1 2021 2021 操作

A wiki macro for Redmine ITS; to display a history chart of numeric custom field.

61836 redmine_gtt - 3 1 2021 2021 操作

Redmine Geo-Task-Tracker (GTT) Plugin

55374 jobarranger - 1 1 2.74 2017 2016 操作

Repo for copied versions of sources for job arranger for Zabbix. Official repository is at https://ftf-support.fitechforce.com/redmine/projects/job-arranger-for-zabbix/repository. Third-party created demo, tutorials and documentation can be found at https://mastering-jaz.github.io

54731 AGILE-GRID-ScienceTools-Setup - 1 1 2.74 2019 2014 操作

The AGILE/GRID Science Tools. The AGILE mission is providing a suite of tools called the AGILE Science Tools for the analysis of GRID data. This suite is developed by the AGILE teams. This is the development version. The tools are publicly distributed by ASI/SSDC. Issue tracking is provided by INAF/OAS Bologna redmine.

58400 bibtex-renderer - 0 0 2.76 2015 2015 操作

Clone of simple redmine plugin to render BibTeX data in Wiki pages. The plugin reads BibTeX files and supports various ways to include citations or any bibliography items in the text. See http://visual.cs.uni-magdeburg.de:3000/projects/bibtex-renderer/wiki/Start

56403 iss_notifylink - 0 0 2.77 2018 2018 操作


55884 deploy-toolscloud - 1 0 3.31 2019 2019 操作

Deploy the full ToolsCloud environment in a machine

54150 kispagi - 2 0 3.58 2018 2017 操作

Kispagi (which means to pay with kisses in Esperanto) is an app that connects to your favourite(s) issue tracker(s) or project manager(s) (gitlab, github, redmine, etc) to read the contributed hours and calculate a payment distribution with different rules.

54487 iCodeEditor - 1 0 3.84 2018 2013 操作

Review code on iPad!

60668 tundle - 0 0 3.86 2014 2014 操作

Tundle is simply another attempt to build a nice issue ticket system. It tends to match with business needs identified with Trac and RedMine users. And it also replies to a strong need and will to code again with Django.

59904 TesterQA-PROEM - 0 0 3.86 2019 2019 操作

Testing manual:documentación. Metodologias agiles.Kanban.Scrum.Ambientes de testing QC/QA. Software para testing de automatización:Registro de bugs:Redmine,Jira.Regresión: Selenium web driver.Katalon recorder.Testing unitario (java):JUnit.Webservice:Postman

58745 goQA - 0 0 3.86 2019 2019 操作


56795 drupalbug - 0 0 3.86 2014 2013 操作

An installation profile for the Drupal CMS that enables people to run an issue tracking system to Drupal.org but with additional features such as those found on Redmine/Chiliproject

55762 account-book - 1 1 3.86 2018 2012 操作

[ja]CakePHPを使って家計簿ライクな何かを作ろうとしている[/ja] -> http://abook.app.bis5.mydns.jp http://redmine.bis5.mydns.jp/projects/account

59534 Osci - 0 0 3.87 2014 2013 操作

Notification system (Linux) It will be used to manage programmers by manger. Manager integrated with redmine to calculate estimates, spend time, %done, programmer status & etc to know is programmer needs some help or attention

57240 dvn-svn-import-test2 - 0 0 3.87 2014 2012 操作

another import test... https://redmine.hmdc.harvard.edu/issues/1188 svn2git file:///Users/pdurbin/github/dvn/dvn-sf-rsync --authors authors.txt --trunk dvn-app/trunk --branches dvn-app/branches

54474 myredpy - 1 0 3.87 2019 2019 操作

Tool for quickly update and view time entries in Redmine using its rest api. Most useful when working in several projects at the same time. Allow several configurations for default descriptions, projects and issues.

59576 CRM_Project - 0 0 3.87 2019 2019 操作

A web application of a CRM type, used for project management. It provides a portion of functionalities, that are offered by other dedicated solutions of this type like Jira or Redmine. Used technologies: SpringMVC, Hibernate, Spring Data, Java, JSP, JSTL

61142 ticketgitview - 0 0 3.87 2015 2015 操作

Make a Ticket appears legit into Redmine or Taiga, while being a file within the SCM Git as to be able to store stories and features, as versionned for quality revision purposes

55352 BenderButler - 1 0 3.87 2018 2014 操作

Set of scripts for managing automated tasks with developement tools like: redmine, Xcode server, git. It’s main porpouse is to perform automated tasks managed by a project manager tool.

59823 linksmart - 0 0 3.88 2014 2014 操作

This is just a private fork of the official linksmart git repository used for personal tests or try out new features. It should not be used for official developments.

59004 mail-attachments-as-binary - 0 0 3.88 2015 2015 操作


55340 TFM_UexApp - 1 0 3.88 2018 2018 操作

Trabajo Fin de Máster para detectar riesgos de seguridad en aplicaciones web generando requisitos de seguridad para integrarlos con herramientas de gestión de tareas como Jira, Redmine, Trello... Tecnologías y frameworks: Node JS, Angular JS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express

59975 ShakeCrash-iOS - 0 0 3.90 2016 2016 操作

ShakeCrash is great way to involve you testers in deep in-app reporting. It’s idea was taken from Google Maps, just shake your iPhone to submit screenshot with description via e-mail or Redmine!

59020 docker-containers - 0 0 4.02 2017 2017 操作

My playground of docker containers & images. Work in progress

55533 django-project-admin - 1 0 4.80 2014 2012 操作

Aplicación escrita en django que permite darle un seguimiento a un proyecto, nada que no sea conocido, asignación de tareas por ticket, wiki, archivos, etc., cualquier parecido con Redmine es porque nos hemos basado en ese y django-todo. ¿Por qué no usamos Redmine?, si lo usamos solo que para algunos proyectos este es ”como matar una mosca con una basuca”.

58249 redmInit - 0 0 4.81 2015 2015 操作

Initialize a redmine installation including database and dump it all to /tmp ready to be used as a skeleton redmine backup just after initialization. I’m using this to initialize an export directory to be used with Docker and Octohost. YMMV

60778 bst-sysadmin - 0 0 4.95 2019 2018 操作

Scripts for maintaining services and setup on the bst.cbio.uct.ac.za server. Also contain some scripts to pull info from the BST Redmine instance.

59542 git2mine - 0 0 4.96 2015 2015 操作

A python application aimed to make easier the tedious task of logging time for Redmine tasks by extracting information from GIT commits comments.

61266 dms - 0 0 4.96 2018 2017 操作

DMS is a Redmine plugin used to add list of links (shared doc, google drive, ...) to the issues show view at the bottom of description.

56436 task_planer - 0 0 4.96 2013 2013 操作

This is redmine plugin for month tasks planing. Usefull for IT departments where you have to to plan month’s tasks and report about their execution.

57006 linksmart-hds-datasource - 0 0 4.96 2017 2017 操作

Clone of the Grafana Data Source for Link Historical Datastore (Original here: https://linksmart.eu/redmine/projects/historical-datastore/repository/grafana-datasource)

59384 Software-design - 0 1 4.96 2018 2018 操作

InfView was a faculty project for subject ’Software design’ initially published at https://student.ftn.uns.ac.rs/redmine/ via SVN.

56774 gist - 0 0 4.97 2016 2016 操作

FORK of: GIST is an open-source application to share code. Issue tracking: https://redmine.deblan.org/client/projects/deblan-gist/issues

57399 Eduman - 0 0 4.97 2017 2017 操作

A nodejs Education manager. Similar to Redmine or Mantis, Eduman is an ”Education tracker or manager” to make it easier to plan and manage your studies.

57138 Installation-Assistant - 0 0 4.98 2014 2013 操作

iPad app that interfaces with Redmine to display customer data and site plans, view overhead maps, and submit daily field reports.

59838 RubyOnRails - 0 0 4.98 2016 2016 操作

Developing Upon learning Ruby to go on to learn Ruby on Rails. Next stage after this is writing a plugin for Redmine.

57988 SAFE - 0 0 4.98 2015 2015 操作

Fork of http://plrg.kaist.ac.kr/redmine/projects/jsf/repository. SAFE is a scalable analysis framework for ECMAScript, developed for the JavaScript research community.

55031 TTRSS_android_ezterry - 1 0 4.98 2014 2013 操作

Tiny Tiny RSS android client, modified for use on my site, original info: http://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss-android/wiki

56889 siac - 0 0 4.98 2019 2016 操作

SIAC is an application based on the popular project called redmine developed in RoR, with some specific adjustments for government institutions located in different geographical areas.

55119 wiki_publisher_maven - 1 0 4.99 2013 2012 操作

O Wiki Publisher Maven é um plugin do Maven 2 que tem como objetivo auxiliar a publicação da documentação na Wiki do Redmine de um determinado projeto.

59221 BugHunter - 0 0 5.00 2014 2013 操作


58490 AutomaticMail - 0 0 5.00 2015 2015 操作

A small wpf application that retrieves the features of redmine ( filtered by the version ) and insert them into the body of an Outlook email

60009 total - 0 0 5.00 2016 2016 操作


59510 CRM - 0 0 5.00 2018 2018 操作

This is a project which include a part of functionality what offered dedicated solutions of this type like Jira or Redmine.

59572 CRM-Project_old - 0 0 5.00 2019 2019 操作

Aplikacja typu CRM służąca do zarządzania projektami. Udostępnia wycinek funkcjonalności, jakie oferują dedykowane rozwiązania tego typu, np. : Jira, Redmine.Wykorzystane technologie: SpringMVC, Hibernate, Spring Data, JSP, JSTL

59321 ExternalFileMount - 0 1 5.01 2017 2017 操作

Takes a list of SeqIDs from a Redmine request and moves the coresponding files onto an external drive in the format needed for the Irida Uploader.

54889 Terraform-AWS-Kubernetes - 1 0 5.01 2019 2018 操作

This Is a complete Automated way to launch Kubernetes cluster Using Terraform, Helm and deploy a sample RoR Redmine application on AWS.

54591 chiliproject_doodles - 2 1 5.02 2013 2012 操作

WARNING: This is currently a work in progress and not fit for production yet! (Ongoing) port of the redmine_doodles plugin to ChiliProject, get branch chili2 for the most recent changes, current known bugs: visual bugs in ChiliProject 3.

54508 dpi-cmi - 2 0 5.03 2014 2013 操作

CMI is a Redmine plugin to have a summary of projects’ management metrics. It calculates and shows with graphs different metrics, such as actual effort, cost, progress or deviation from the goals of the projects.

54513 untouched_issues_alerter - 2 0 5.04 2019 2012 操作

[Work in Progress] Redmine plugin that adds a rake task which will send emails to users with a list of issues that have not been touched in x days.

54421 issuemapper - 2 1 5.04 2017 2015 操作

A tool to collect issues from multiple sources (e.g. Redmine or Github) and export them in formats to have a quick overview of all issues (e.g. iCal).

54389 weeklyreport - 2 0 5.15 2016 2016 操作


55534 issues_app - 1 0 5.27 2019 2017 操作

Issues App with laravel framework

55204 pandoc-addons - 1 0 5.31 2020 2019 操作

Pandoc script to convert markdown to other format

55646 dnn-backup-scripts - 1 0 5.34 2017 2017 操作

My backup scripts for websites

57181 UniTrackerMobile - 0 1 5.34 2019 2019 操作

Android-App to connect to multiple Bugtracking-Systems!

57514 devops - 0 1 5.37 2018 2018 操作
59161 qrm - 0 0 5.98 2016 2016 操作

A Pico (http://picocms.org/) theme for building test suites in Markdown and connecting them to Redmine for issue logging

55267 rmh - 1 0 5.98 2014 2013 操作


55048 easyredmine_budget_quotas - 1 1 5.98 2019 2017 操作

Redmine plugin to keep track of assigned budgets and quotas for spent time/money on projects. Requires EasyRedmine.

60240 redmin-mylyncon - 0 0 5.98 2013 2011 操作

This project is an Eclipse Mylyn Repository plug-in for the Redmine bug tracking / project management application.

60658 mine_shaft - 0 0 5.98 2014 2010 操作

Scrape & transform content from areas of a Redmine project which do not yet provide a REST API (ex: the wiki)

59835 changelog_notes - 0 0 5.98 2015 2015 操作

Redmine plugin for generating a Changelog PDF with your personal notes on issues from a particular product version.

58880 phastaIO-converter - 0 1 5.98 2013 2013 操作

Build Scripts and Test code for PHASTA-IO Converter. See http://redmine.scorec.rpi.edu/projects/phasta

55403 hourbank - 1 0 5.98 2014 2012 操作

This is an application which reads time entries from redmine/chiliproject systems, and provides an accounting basis for payroll.

55223 update-custom-fields-commit - 1 0 5.98 2014 2011 操作

A plugin for Redmine to update custom fields while closing or resolving an issue via commit message.

58740 task_update_watcher - 0 0 5.98 2016 2016 操作

This is a plugin for Redmine, which send POST-request then some field of any issue is updated.

57749 greencom-public - 0 0 5.98 2016 2016 操作

GitHub Fork of the GreenCom open source project. See https://linksmart.eu/redmine/projects/greencom/wiki for more information.

56748 scm-creator - 0 0 5.98 2017 2016 操作

GitHub import of a simple ”Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Github repository creation plugin for Redmine” by Andriy Lesyuk.

55201 jobarg_manager - 1 0 5.98 2018 2018 操作
56700 tickle - 0 0 6.00 2013 2013 操作

Tickle is a bridge that can import time tracking data from Freckle and upload it to Redmine

56496 extra_queries - 0 0 6.00 2017 2017 操作

This is an manually updated unofficial mirror of the Extra Queries plugin (http://rmplus.pro/en/redmine/plugins/extra_queries)

61087 GNBEssentials - 0 0 6.00 2019 2019 操作

Chrome extension, automating and enhancing some of the tools like redmine, bitbucket used in my daily job

59074 lock_out - 0 0 6.00 2014 2013 操作

Redmine plugin that controls when users can set time entries by locking them out of previous months.

54820 csv_import_users - 1 1 6.00 2015 2014 操作

Redmine plugin that allows importing of users via CSV allowing user to map columns of csv to user attributes.

60773 oppdrag-faktura - 0 0 6.00 2016 2015 操作

A standalone Elasticsearch application for harvesting invoices from Redmine CRM through HTTP and index them into Elasticsearch

54835 ganttplus - 1 1 6.00 2017 2017 操作

Plugin for Redmine wich render a project gantt adding a control date in order to visualize the expected ratio

56669 wcp-ssi-build - 0 0 6.00 2019 2019 操作

A ”build shim” for the FNAL SSI build framework https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/build-framework

55818 bm-importer - 1 0 6.01 2013 2011 操作


56983 timetracker - 0 0 6.01 2014 2014 操作

experimental project for a time tracker that allows to choose current task from redmine-issues, trello-cards, ...

56430 tic_tac_toe - 0 0 6.01 2015 2015 操作

I am learning c++ and I am integrating this project into redmine, also as a learning/test

54428 view_commits_on_github - 1 0 6.01 2018 2013 操作

This plugin let’s you redirect to GitHub when viewing commits (instead of using Redmine’s builtin repository browser).

57789 redmini - 0 0 6.01 2019 2019 操作

The minimalistic clone of Redmine, the flexible web-based project management application written using Ruby on Rails framework.

55221 issue-submit-information - 1 0 6.01 2013 2011 操作

A plugin for Redmine that provides more comprehensive information about a previous created issue when using ”Submit and Continue”.

55222 manage-changeset-issue-relation - 1 0 6.01 2012 2011 操作

A plugin for Redmine that allows direct association of issues with revisions and vice-versa, outside of commit message keywords.

59979 productforredmine - 0 0 6.01 2016 2016 操作


59852 nginx-alpine-wp-and-proxy - 0 0 6.01 2016 2016 操作

Nginx Docker on Alpine for WordPress PHP-FPM and a proxy server for other services like Redmine.

55545 easyredmine - 1 0 6.01 2016 2015 操作

Una app montada en Sinatra para, la idea es crear una capa para hablar con el API Rest de Redmine

58442 sonar-list-new-issue-plugin-github - 0 0 6.01 2019 2019 操作

Kết hợp jenkins với sonarqube => Lấy ra danh sách các lỗi mới nhất được scan và add subtask lên redmine

56481 csPlasticSCMExtension - 0 0 6.01 2019 2019 操作

Extension to be used in Plastic SCM . It is allow to connect Plastic SCM with Redmine Issue Tracker.

57381 plantuml_renderer - 0 0 6.03 2013 2013 操作

This is a plugin for Redmine 2.2.0.stable used for rendering uml diagrams written in plantuml text format.

55225 view-revision-tree - 1 0 6.03 2013 2011 操作

A plugin for Redmine that provides a link to view the entire source tree of that revision.

60566 techtools2 - 0 1 6.03 2016 2016 操作

A frontend for redmine that provides a simple interface for small it shops along with additional features

58823 gestion_garantias - 0 0 6.03 2015 2015 操作

Plugin de Redmine para almacenar los datos de los servicios técnicos en cada expediente adjudicado por la Agencia de Educación.

61017 timelog-utils - 0 0 6.03 2017 2017 操作

Simple Python scripts to import time logs from csv to Redmine. Allows making some spent-time analytics

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