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# トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日
79866 Vote Closed 通常 Project search should select subprojects scope when the project has subprojects 2022/05/10 17:03 操作
79660 Vote Closed 通常 Allow single Chinese character as a search keyword 2022/05/10 17:04 操作
79283 Vote Closed 通常 Cannot find an issue from a closed subproject when search scope is Project and its subprojects 2022/05/10 17:04 操作
78716 Vote Closed 通常 Change the text of the submit button on search page from button_submit to label_search 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78678 Vote Closed 通常 Rails 5: production env: Search engine returns 500 error 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78103 Vote Closed 通常 Search in subprojects 2022/05/10 17:06 操作
77697 Vote Closed 通常 cannot search with keywords? 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77682 Vote Closed 通常 NoMethodError (undefined method `where' for 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77663 Vote Closed 通常 Make default search scope configurable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77582 Vote Closed 通常 search occurred 500 error 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77253 Vote Closed 通常 Make Search default to current project and sub projects 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
76728 Vote Closed 通常 Fix tokenization of phrases with non-ascii chars 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76671 Vote Closed 低め Search and get a 404 page when adding a new project 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76521 Vote Closed 通常 After upgrade to Redmine 3 search doesn't work 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76134 Vote Closed 通常 acts_as_searchable.rb only seems to be case insensitive if postgresql 2022/05/10 17:09 操作
76009 Vote Closed 通常 Make search results per page configurable 2022/05/10 17:09 操作
75914 Vote Closed 通常 Support for accent insensitive search with PostgreSQL 2022/05/10 17:09 操作
75839 Vote Closed 通常 Better search results pagination 2022/05/10 17:09 操作
75807 Vote Closed 通常 Special language characters not treated right in search 2022/05/10 17:09 操作
75223 Vote Closed 通常 Search fails for issues with identical created_on timestamp 2022/05/10 17:11 操作
75001 Vote Closed 通常 Search does not return all the results 2022/05/10 17:11 操作
74868 Vote Closed 通常 Wrong search pagination 2022/05/10 17:11 操作
74744 Vote Closed 通常 Add attachments to search index and list them in a search results 2022/05/10 17:11 操作
74656 Vote Closed 通常 It should be possible to search issues by means of the issue number. 2022/05/10 17:11 操作
74458 Vote Closed 通常 Search results show only the last page when using MSSQL 2022/05/10 17:12 操作
73715 Vote Closed 通常 Possibility to search in time log comments 2022/05/10 17:13 操作
73625 Vote Closed 通常 Add feature to search engine to distinguish between closed and open tickets 2022/05/10 17:13 操作
72868 Vote Closed 通常 Add "Description" in the issues filter 2022/05/10 17:14 操作
72294 Vote Closed 通常 Let user set tracker in seach 2022/05/10 17:15 操作
71690 Vote Closed 通常 Search on Open or Closed Issues 2022/05/10 17:16 操作
71634 Vote Closed 通常 Need an option to omit Closed issues in search results 2022/05/10 17:16 操作
71142 Vote Closed 通常 Search in project and its subprojects by default 2022/05/10 17:17 操作
71049 Vote Closed 通常 Adde link(s) to first(last) page for search reult. 2022/05/10 17:17 操作
70766 Vote Closed 高め Search fails when a role haven't "view wiki" permission 2022/05/10 17:18 操作
70546 Vote Closed 通常 Searchable comments from "Log time" 2022/05/10 17:18 操作
70345 Vote Closed 通常 User search is case sensitive 2022/05/10 17:18 操作
70338 Vote Closed 通常 Invalid search results with paging 2022/05/10 17:18 操作
70334 Vote Closed 通常 Search also in uploaded file(name)s 2022/05/10 17:18 操作
70323 Vote Closed 通常 Cannot search for issue references by issue number 2022/05/10 17:18 操作
69751 Vote Closed 通常 Combine Search and Filter 2022/05/10 17:19 操作
69416 Vote Closed 通常 Possible to search for attachment filename 2022/05/10 17:19 操作
69357 Vote Closed 低め Going back to search results after examining a find goes to the first page 2022/05/10 17:19 操作
69215 Vote Closed 通常 hiding form pages from search engines 2022/05/10 17:19 操作
69143 Vote Closed 通常 Searching in archived projects 2022/05/10 17:20 操作
69135 Vote Closed 低め Search options get lost after clicking on a specific result type 2022/05/10 17:20 操作
68793 Vote Closed 通常 Ability to search archived projects / content 2022/05/10 17:20 操作
68670 Vote Closed 低め Back to search results go to first record 2022/05/10 17:21 操作
68634 Vote Closed 通常 Tag system on issues, wiki entries, everything 2022/05/10 17:21 操作
68541 Vote Closed 通常 Identical creation date/time skew search results 2022/05/10 17:21 操作
67950 Vote Closed 通常 Search feature is broken 2022/05/10 17:21 操作
67858 Vote Closed 通常 search finds attached files by name and content 2022/05/10 17:22 操作
67782 Vote Closed 通常 Option to search archived projects 2022/05/10 17:22 操作
67700 Vote Closed 高め search engine doesn't work 2022/05/10 17:22 操作
67411 Vote Closed 通常 Search for Numeric Value 2022/05/10 17:22 操作
66654 Vote Closed 通常 "Search" should search also for project identifier 2022/05/10 17:23 操作
66619 Vote Closed 通常 Search engine doesn't look inside documents 2022/05/10 17:23 操作
66565 Vote Closed 通常 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid when searching wikis 2022/05/10 17:23 操作
66564 Vote Closed 通常 Ability to add search providers from plugins 2022/05/10 17:23 操作
66557 Vote Closed 通常 incorrect search behaviour 2022/05/10 17:23 操作
66158 Vote Closed 通常 Search Names of Files Attached to Issues 2022/05/10 17:24 操作
66156 Vote Closed 低め Can not search for 2 letters word 2022/05/10 17:24 操作
66110 Vote Closed 通常 Implement OpenSearch 2022/05/10 17:24 操作
66043 Vote Closed 通常 Symbol � in a search results with cyrillic 2022/05/10 17:24 操作
65774 Vote Closed 通常 configurable list of models to include in search 2022/05/10 17:25 操作
65488 Vote Closed 低め Can't search for numbers e.g. error codes 2022/05/10 17:25 操作
65485 Vote Closed 通常 Artefacts in search view (Cyrillic) 2022/05/10 17:25 操作
65151 Vote Closed 低め Smart Search 2022/05/10 17:26 操作
64902 Vote Closed 通常 News summary field content is not searchable 2022/05/10 17:26 操作
64775 Vote Closed 通常 One click filter in search view 2022/05/10 17:26 操作
63958 Vote Closed 通常 Filtering by watcher and any personnel - patch 2022/05/10 17:27 操作
63674 Vote Closed 通常 Weird error in search function 2022/05/10 17:28 操作
63586 Vote Closed 通常 Search results shown for commits in projects that a user doesn't have access to 2022/05/10 17:28 操作
63582 Vote Closed 通常 Case-insensitive search 2022/05/10 17:28 操作
63405 Vote Closed 通常 Search selection checkboxes should reflect enabled modules 2022/05/10 17:28 操作
63399 Vote Closed 通常 Load problem with acts_as_searchable 2022/05/10 17:28 操作
63250 Vote Closed 通常 Add Search scope 2022/05/10 17:28 操作
63122 Vote Closed 通常 Search for target version of "none" fails 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62983 Vote Closed 通常 Option to search open issues only 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62925 Vote Closed 通常 Jump to ticket if ticket # is entered in search 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62897 Vote Closed 通常 Add numbers of results in search 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62891 Vote Closed 通常 Possibility to search through issues of all projects or a list of selected projects 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62812 Vote Closed 通常 Patch for #791 (Search for all projects issues) 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62811 Vote Closed 通常 NoMethodError in SearchController 2022/05/10 17:29 操作
62783 Vote Closed 通常 Search for all projects issues 2022/05/10 17:29 操作

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