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# トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日
77263 Vote Closed 通常 Japanese wiki syntax (Markdown) translation for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77257 Vote Closed 通常 German translations for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77146 Vote Closed 通常 Moving a page with a child raises an error if target wiki contains a page with the same name as the child 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77145 Vote Closed 通常 Catalan wiki translation for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77142 Vote Closed 通常 Russian wiki translation for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77086 Vote Closed 通常 Turkish translation for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77085 Vote Closed 通常 German translations for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77084 Vote Closed 通常 Russian translation for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:07 操作
77027 Vote Closed 通常 Private note flag disappears in issue update conflict 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
77005 Vote Closed 通常 IssuePriority.position_name not recalculated every time it should 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76997 Vote Closed 通常 Don't use past start date as default due date in the date picker 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76991 Vote Closed 通常 Assign to "Anonymous" doesn't make much sense 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76982 Vote Closed 通常 Simplified Chinese translation of wiki formating for 3.1-stable 2022/05/10 17:08 操作
76909 Vote Closed 通常 Date pickers images for start/due date fields are not shown for issues with subtasks 2022/05/10 17:08 操作

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