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# トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日
79044 Vote Closed 通常 Empty email attachments are imported to Redmine, creating broken DB records 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
79041 Vote Closed 通常 No validation errors when entering an invalid "Estimate hours" value 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
79026 Vote Closed 通常 Brazilian translation for 3.3-stable 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78999 Vote Closed 通常 Czech translation for 3.3-stable 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78998 Vote Closed 通常 Lithuanian translation for 3.3-stable 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78988 Vote Closed 通常 Fix ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique errors when trying to add certain issue relations 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78974 Vote Closed 通常 Same relates relation can be created twice 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78971 Vote Closed 通常 Spanish/Panama translation update (jstoolbar-es-pa.js) 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78969 Vote Closed 通常 Spanish translation update (jstoolbar-es.js) 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78957 Vote Closed 通常 "Uncheck all" icon at the upper left corner in workflow status transitions page is not working 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78944 Vote Closed 通常 Cannot change the priority of the parent issue in issue query context menu when parent priority is independent of children 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78907 Vote Closed 通常 Switching SCM fails after validation error in "New repository" page 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78873 Vote Closed 通常 Cannot install public_suffix if ruby < 2.1 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78857 Vote Closed 通常 Fix for project link background in calendar tooltips 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78846 Vote Closed 通常 Changing the tracker to a tracker with the tracker field set to read-only won't work 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78755 Vote Closed 通常 Anonymous user should have their icon 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
78630 Vote Closed 通常 Gravatar icon is misaligned in gantt 2022/05/10 17:05 操作
76274 Vote Closed 通常 Issues reports table header overlaping 2022/05/10 17:09 操作

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