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# トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日
81934 Vote New 通常 Add regexps to parse more SCM messages 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81933 Vote New 通常 "Unifying" core/custom field logic 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81932 Vote New 通常 button_save_object should not downcase label_query 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81931 Vote New 通常 When someone is member of watcher group, 'watched_by' may be wrong and incomplete 2022/05/09 19:23 操作
81930 Vote New 通常 Code highlight adds trailing space after quotes 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81929 Vote New 通常 Possibility to move custom fields before the built-in fields 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81928 Vote New 通常 query optimization for attachments activity 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81927 Vote Closed 通常 How to redmine user activites in log files 2022/05/09 19:23 操作
81926 Vote Confirmed 通常 Attachments are lost when the status of the ticket is changed 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81925 Vote New 通常 generate redmine_plugin is broken for Redmine 5 2022/05/09 19:23 操作
81924 Vote Closed 通常 How do I make the standard fields to be required 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81923 Vote Closed 通常 System Working Slow 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81922 Vote New 通常 Email notifications error 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81921 Vote New 通常 rdm-mailhandler.rb Requests fail with "Can't verify CSRF token authenticity" 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81920 Vote Closed 通常 Polish translation update for 5.0-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81919 Vote Closed 通常 Galician translation update for 5.0-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81918 Vote New 通常 Custom query 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81917 Vote New 通常 Switching project in "New Issue" shows wrong fields and uses disallowed default tracker 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81916 Vote New 通常 Filter the issue whose status changed to open last week 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81915 Vote Closed 通常 Czech translation update for 5.0-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81914 Vote New 通常 Czech translation update for 4.2-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81913 Vote New 通常 Repositories are not displaying properly at 125% in Safari 15.4 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81912 Vote Closed 通常 Revert lazy loading of i18n files introduced in Redmine 5.0 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81911 Vote Needs feedback 通常 a choice is missing from the list for "notification by email" 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81910 Vote Closed 通常 redmine computed custom field 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81909 Vote New 通常 EmailAddress regex matches invalid email addresses 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81908 Vote New 通常 issue#create difference error patterns between project_id inside and outside with none member condition 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81907 Vote Closed 通常 Admin status messages on every page 2022/05/09 19:23 操作
81906 Vote Confirmed 通常 Chained custom field filter doesn't work for User fields 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81905 Vote New 通常 Update translations of field_principal to User or Group 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81904 Vote Closed 通常 Russian translation update for 5.0-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81903 Vote New 通常 Halt Redmine boot entirely instead of showing a warning in admin/info when there are pending migrations 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81902 Vote Closed 通常 Handle nil return of Redmine::Themes.theme(Setting.ui_theme) in Redmine::Info.environment 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81901 Vote New 通常 Option to search active projects only 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81900 Vote Closed 通常 Bulgarian translation update for 5.0-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81899 Vote Closed 通常 Update RuboCop to 1.28 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81898 Vote Reopend 通常 Update Rails to 5.2.8 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81897 Vote Reopend 通常 Update Rails to 6.1.6 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81896 Vote Closed 通常 Update to Rails 5.2.7/6.1.5 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81895 Vote Closed 通常 Clipboard copy is broken after upgrade to 4.2.5 or 5.0.0 from 4.2.3 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81894 Vote Confirmed 通常 Mentions not working if status is changed 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81893 Vote New 通常 Better password change form 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81892 Vote Closed 通常 German translation update for 5.0-stable 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81891 Vote Confirmed 通常 Jump to project is misaligned in Safari 15.4 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81890 Vote New 通常 Wrong formatting of date in Time Entries 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81889 Vote Closed 通常 Errors on render details via IssuesHelper.details_to_strings 2022/05/09 19:22 操作
81888 Vote Confirmed 通常 Redmine does not start when installed --without markdown 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81887 Vote New 通常 Ask more specific confirmation questions when closing/reopening/archiving projects 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81886 Vote Closed 通常 copyImageFromClipboard function failed to generate a unique file name 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81885 Vote New 通常 Run garbage collection by clicking on the admin site 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81884 Vote Closed 通常 aborted: rake redmine:attachments:prune 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81883 Vote New 通常 Email can't be dragged into Redmine 4.2.3 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81882 Vote Closed 通常 Missing v4.2.5 section in Changelog 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81881 Vote Closed 通常 Duplicate v5.0.0 section in Changelog 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81880 Vote Closed 通常 Attachment file still exists if ticket is not created 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81879 Vote New 通常 Include workflow creation in REST API 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81878 Vote New 通常 Load and use bash/system ENV variables in config YML files 2022/05/09 19:22 操作
81877 Vote New 通常 Description field is automatically cleared on iOS devices 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81876 Vote New 通常 API allow display "watchers" when listing several issues 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81875 Vote New 通常 Cleanup orphaned query and role ids from habtm join table queries_roles 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81874 Vote New 通常 Migrate Wiki needs an update. 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81873 Vote Closed 通常 Redmine::Plugin.assets_directory is not working after r21283 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81872 Vote New 通常 User Department Required in CSV export 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81871 Vote Closed 通常 Increase email address length limit from 60 to 254 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81870 Vote Closed 通常 Allow to filter issues by its version status with shared versions 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81869 Vote Closed 通常 Allow to import time entries for issues in different projects 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81868 Vote Closed 通常 copyImageFromClipboard function targets the first file input of the page and may conflict with other plugins 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81867 Vote Closed 通常 Traditional Chinese translation (to r21486) 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81866 Vote New 通常 Can't login in after upgrading to rev. 21486 2022/05/09 19:22 操作
81865 Vote Closed 通常 Japanese translation update (r21471) 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81864 Vote New 通常 Remove CommonMark experimental flag and mark as deprecated the RedCarpet Markdown 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81863 Vote New 通常 Remove rss_* deprecated methods 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81862 Vote Closed 通常 Update Rails to 7 2022/05/09 19:22 操作
81861 Vote New 通常 Rails Autoload Paths contain plugin libs twice 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81860 Vote Closed 通常 Set the minimum required version of ROTP gem to 5.0.0 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81859 Vote New 通常 Issue copying ignores workflow rules 2022/05/09 19:22 操作
81858 Vote New 通常 Extension rest api 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81857 Vote Needs feedback 通常 Private notes are visible for users when the option isn't activated 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81856 Vote Closed 通常 RSS Feed of all Projects 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81855 Vote Closed 通常 Fix to use a correct exception class ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration in migrations 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81854 Vote Closed 通常 Database migration from Redmine 0.8.7 or earlier fails 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81853 Vote Closed 通常 Connect email office 365 with REDMINE 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81852 Vote Closed 通常 Update Rails to 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81851 Vote Closed 通常 Mysql2::Error: Table 'email_addresses' already exists: CREATE TABLE `email_addresses` when update from 2.6.0 to 4.2.4 2022/05/09 19:21 操作
81850 Vote New 通常 Scroll to top button 2022/05/09 19:21 操作
81849 Vote New 通常 Copy issue without notification on old issue 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81848 Vote New 通常 Realitons error 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81847 Vote Closed 通常 Replace Member.find_or_new with ActiveRecord's find_or_initialize_by 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81846 Vote Closed 通常 Reintroduce lazy loading of i18n files 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81845 Vote Closed 通常 Redmine 4.2.4 installation failure, reason: tar.gz archive broken 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81844 Vote New 通常 Projects page doesn't show project summary correctly if it contains a table 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81843 Vote Closed 低め Menu Manager Test randomly fails 2022/05/09 19:21 操作
81842 Vote Closed 低め IssuesControllerTest randomly fails 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81841 Vote New 通常 Various features for MailHandler 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81840 Vote Closed 通常 4.2.4 and 4.1.6 downloads urls have changed 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81839 Vote New 通常 Inline autocomplete for versions 2022/05/09 19:21 操作
81838 Vote Closed 通常 Update Chart.js to 3.7.1 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81837 Vote New 通常 redmine:email:receive_imap truncate body email 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81836 Vote Closed 通常 Change the text of the user link when converting @user notation to html 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
81835 Vote Closed 通常 Improve performance of adding or removing members of a group 2022/05/10 16:57 操作
(1-100/19933) 1ページに: 100, 500, 1000

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