


Vote #78914


Confusing statements concerning fixed versions on Security Advisories wiki page

Admin Redmine さんが約2年前に追加. 約2年前に更新.

Needs feedback
Website (redmine.org)_25


ステータス-->[Needs feedback]


The "fixed versions" for two old Rails related vulnerabilities listed on Security Advisories are very confusing.

Here's the relevant part of the table:

|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/1h2DR63ViGo)||All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6|"Fix for 1.4.7":/news/78|
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/c7jT-EeN9eI/L0u4e87zYGMJ)||All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6|version:1.4.7|

I assume the proper 'Fixed Versions' would be:

|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/1h2DR63ViGo)||All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6|version:2.2.1, version:2.1.6, "Fix for 1.4.7":/news/78|
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/c7jT-EeN9eI/L0u4e87zYGMJ)||All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6|version:2.2.1, version:2.1.6, version:1.4.7|

Though I am not absolutely sure, if this change is correct - due to the confusing-ness of the current version.


I've spent about an hour and a half digging on this issue, yet I don't have a clear answer yet either. These were pretty messy times...

This involves:
* three to four CVE's:
** CVE-2013-0155
*** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/t1WFuuQyavI
*** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/c7jT-EeN9eI/L0u4e87zYGMJ (updated to include 2.3.x)
*** +CVE-2013-6417+
**** +https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/niK4drpSHT4 (additional fix, never backported to 2.3.x)+
** CVE-2013-0156
*** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/61bkgvnSGTQ
** CVE-2013-0333
*** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/1h2DR63ViGo
** -CVE-2012-3464-
*** -https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/kKGNeMrnmiY/r2yM7xy-G48J-
* four Redmine releases:
** 2.2.1, 2.1.6 and 1.4.6: news#75
** 1.4.7: news#76
* one Redmine release hot fix
** 1.4.7 with Rails 2.3.16 (for CVE-2013-0333): news#78
* three Rails updates:
** 3.2.11
** 2.3.16
** 2.3.15
* -(possibly)- a manually backported fix for -CVE-2012-3464- +CVE-2013-0155+ in Redmine 1.4.7 [ -possibly- +with+ an error in the code comments +referring to CVE-2012-3464+]:
** r11197 and r11208

_Updated by Mischa The Evil on 2017-11-28 to reflect latest findings._

When it wasn't clear yet: I'm researching this issue. Almost done btw. Some last commit-history checks for both Rails and Redmine and wrapping up are remaining. Though, the issues with the current table values begin to be more clearly visible already... ;)

Results so far (-and sorry upfront for the alignment, I'm copy-pasting from temp. _notepad.exe_ text file in ANSI; will fix it in the end- +fixed+):


ID Severity Details Affected versions Fixed versions Redmine News link

1 Critical RoR vulnerability (announcement[1]) All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6 Fix for 1.4.7 http://www.redmine.org/news/78 (New Rails vulnerability affects Redmine 1.4.7), 29-01-13
2 Critical RoR vulnerability (announcement[2]) All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6 1.4.7 http://www.redmine.org/news/76 (Redmine 1.4.7 security release), 20-01-13
3 Critical RoR vulnerability (announcement[3]) All prior releases 2.2.1, 2.1.6, 1.4.6 http://www.redmine.org/news/75 (Redmine 2.2.1, 2.1.6 and 1.4.6 security releases), 09-01-13

1. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/1h2DR63ViGo
"Vulnerability in JSON Parser in Ruby on Rails 3.0 and 2.3", 28-01-13
CVE-2013-0333, Affected Rails: 2.3.x, 3.0.x; Not Affected: 3.1.x, 3.2.x, applications using the yajl gem; Fixed: 3.0.20, 2.3.16
2. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/c7jT-EeN9eI/L0u4e87zYGMJ
"Updated Advisory: Unsafe Query Generation Risk in Ruby on Rails", 14-01-13
CVE-2013-0155, Affected Rails: 2.x, 3.x; Not-Affected: None; Fixed: 3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19, -2.3.15- [+2.3.16+]
\-> Update of: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/t1WFuuQyavI
"Unsafe Query Generation Risk in Ruby on Rails (CVE-2013-0155)", 08-01-13
CVE-2013-0155, Affected Rails: 3.x; Not-Affected: 2.x; Fixed: 3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19
3. http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2013/1/8/Rails-3-2-11-3-1-10-3-0-19-and-2-3-15-have-been-released/
"[SEC][ANN] Rails 3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19, and 2.3.15 have been released!", 08-01-13
CVE-2013-0155 & CVE-2013-0156[4]
4. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/61bkgvnSGTQ
"Multiple vulnerabilities in parameter parsing in Action Pack (CVE-2013-0156)", 08-01-13
CVE-2013-0156, Affected Rails: All; Not-Affected: None; Fixed: 3.2.11, 3.1.10, 3.0.19, 2.3.15


Will pickup & finish another day...

_Updated by Mischa The Evil on 2017-11-28 to reflect latest findings._

h2. Final results

Here are the final results of my research. I've already modified/updated the earlier posted bits of info.

h3. Course of events:

The course of events in that January month of 2013 can best be represented within a table:

|_<.Events/state: |_<.Date: |_<.2.2-stable: |_<.2.1-stable: |_<.1.4-stable: |
|Then current releases |< 2013-01-08 |2.2.0 (3.2.9) |2.1.5 (3.2.8) |1.4.5 (2.3.14) |
|CVE-2013-015[5<code>|</code>6] |2013-01-08 |a |a |a |
|New releases |2013-01-09 |2.2.1 (3.2.11) |2.1.6 (3.2.11) |1.4.6 (2.3.15) |
|CVE-2013-0155 rep. |2013-01-14..20 |n/a |n/a |a |
|New releases |2013-01-20 |- |- |1.4.7 (2.3.15 with sec. fix backport [r11197 & r11208]) |
|CVE-2013-0333 |2013-01-28 |n/a |n/a |a |
|Release hot fix |2013-01-29 |- |- |1.4.7-HotFix (2.3.16) |
|CVE-2013-6417 |2013-12-03 |n/a |n/a |a |

Based on that info we can do some observations:
* O1: messy times... ;)
* O2: Jean-Philippe and Toshi responded swiftly with adequate resolutions :thumbsup:
* O3: A misleading (referring to unrelated CVE-2012-3464) code comment crept in along the way
* O4: Rails team left 2.3.x vulnerable to CVE-2013-0155 through CVE-2013-6417 for which the resolution was not backported to 2.3.x (anymore)

h3. Suggestion what table should read:

Based on all the currently available information I'd suggest to modify the _three_ related table rules to look like follows:

|_. Severity|_. Details|_.External references|_. Affected versions|_. Fixed versions|
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/1h2DR63ViGo)||All releases prior to and including 1.4.7|"Fix for 1.4.7":/news/78|
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/c7jT-EeN9eI/L0u4e87zYGMJ)||All releases prior to 2.2.1 and 2.1.6, and 1.4.6|version:1.4.7|
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2013/1/8/Rails-3-2-11-3-1-10-3-0-19-and-2-3-15-have-been-released/)||All prior releases| version:2.2.1, version:2.1.6, version:1.4.6|

What do you think?

Thank you so much for your research. In your proposed update, the third entry convers CVE-2013-0155 and CVE-2013-0156. While the second line covers mainly CVE-2013-0155 for 2.3.x. This follows the time line, but I think it would be more comprehensive to follow the vulnerabilities in this case.

|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/rubyonrails-security/1h2DR63ViGo)| "CVE-2013-0333":https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-0333 |All releases prior to and including 1.4.7 | "Fix for 1.4.7":/news/78 |
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rubyonrails-security/c7jT-EeN9eI/L0u4e87zYGMJ)| "CVE-2013-0155":https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-0155 |All prior releases| version:2.2.1, version:2.1.6, version:1.4.7 |
|{background-color:#f88}. Critical|Ruby on Rails vulnerability ("announcement":https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rubyonrails-security/61bkgvnSGTQ)| "CVE-2013-0156":https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-0156 |All prior releases| version:2.2.1, version:2.1.6, version:1.4.6 |

What do you think, is this still accurate?
Gregor Schmidt wrote:
> Thank you so much for your research. In your proposed update, the third entry convers CVE-2013-0155 and CVE-2013-0156. While the second line covers mainly CVE-2013-0155 for 2.3.x. This follows the time line, but I think it would be more comprehensive to follow the vulnerabilities in this case.

I'd ok with that, but I always interpret these kind of lists as event lines (adding the date to each line automatically). It also follows the separate news items.

> <table snip>
> What do you think, is this still accurate?

It is still accurate enough for me. However, JPL or sec. team may think differently. I'd like to hear their opinion before I'd change the page.

_Edit by Mischa The Evil on 2017-12-05: snip quoted table._

Admin Redmine さんが約2年前に更新

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